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Long Intermissions

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Tberc ia a well knowu anecdo'e of a sileut man who, riding over a bridge turned about and asked his servant il' he liked eggs, to which the servant nntwered, '-Yea !" wliereupon nothmg more passcd till uext year, when, riding over tho sume bridge, he turned about to Lis servant onco more, and said, "How?" To which the instant reply was, "Ponehed, sir." Even thia sinks, as an exaraple of long interniissiou of discourse, beside an anécdota oí' a minister of Campsio, near Glasgow, It is síated tbat a wortby pastor, wboso name was Archibald Dennison, was put out of bis cbarge in 1G55, ar.d uot replaoed till after the restoratiou. be liad, before leaving bis obargo, begun a disuoursa and finiehcd tho first bead. At his return in 1GG1, bo took up tbo seoond, ealmly iatroduciug it with the reinark tLat "thu timeB were altorcd, but tbo doctrines of tbo gospel ero always thu sanie." In tbs -nowspapers of July, 1852, there appcared a paragraph wliich throwa even tlio mioisterof Campsie's interrupted rermou into tbo ebade. It was as follows : "At tho moment of tho destruotion of Pompeii by nn eruption ot Mount Vesuvius, A. 1). 79, a thcatrical represcnt,atori was being giveu ü the Aiupitheatre. A spoculalornamed Langiñi, taking advantago of that bistorical reiuinisceucc, has just coustructed theatro on tho ruiiis of Pompeii, and tlic opening of whioh now tbeatre lie r.nnounces in lbo fo'lowing tcrms : 'Alter a lapao of oigbtcon liundied years, tbo thoatto of tiic city will be reoponcd irith La-Fgl i del ltegginitnto. I solicit from tiio nobility and geutry n continuaoeo of tlie favor coustantly bestowed on my predecessor, Marcus Quintus Martius, and beg to assure that í shuil maleo every offort to equal tho qualities be displaycd duriog Lis mauagomeut.' " Engnga not hastily, as a parly, n a differenua betwecu others, but reserve thyself impartía] and unengaged, that tínm may.-t, moderatu botween ibem. A Kansas farmer sowcl fcix aerea of ■wiiííat ou the llth of Jauuary,


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Michigan Argus