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As Several Of The Michigan

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tions ia Congrcfs havo tuken to lieart the commeuts of the press on tbc franking ÍY&uds, and havo proclaimed their own innoocuce vvo wish to tako tliostaud as wituesse3 in iheir behalf. ü afore tho last general eloction that immaculatc saint whoso patriotism covers a multitudü of 6ÍB9 - Z.ICK ChANDLER - dïd prostituto bis frank just a little,. by mailing BalDWIN's slips to aliaost every voIer in the State - we got a packagf, but no moro of his "documents" have since reacheii uur tablo. This present scanion, Stouohton ha8 sent us thu "Congrcssional Directory," - proba&ly becauso of our"oorapliraeutary" notica of Waru's "Open Letter ;" ''Our Blaih" bas not been beurd Trom 'r Co-nger bas deigned ua nary a remcuibrancer; and the rest of the delogation raay be ranked ia tbc ssine category. Outsido of tho, Michigan taeuibers, Ben Butleïi bas voucbsafed us one of bis spceühes, and Kellï of Pa., ditto, and " Quoth tlio raven, nary more." Thus eight cents bas the Department been dofrauded out offorour beoeñt, for tbo refundiug of which tbo l'ostnwaterGeneral can draw ou us "at cight," anc then put tbe House bilV tbrough the Sen ato as tjulck as lio p!c9(. Mr. Fahsswohtu has taken to tvritting ou iacts, aud "ought to be aebamed of hisaelf." Hero is tho very unpretty way he talkcd onSaturJay Wt: "Tbo gentleman from .VLiseachuotts (Mr. Butler,) had yes'.erday raised (lie cry of murder iu tha IIouso. Wbcuever he wantod to paes ono of li is reconstruction bilis he got up i the IIouso oud cried 'murder, murder,1 apa by a bue and cry of tliat lort got a bilí passed. Whenever ono of these bilis waa t be paseed tbo Washington Chronich published an account of souie great outra ges, and forthwith the llouonstructiou Committee 'vas caüed togelher nud a bilí roj?or!ed to the House." The old oíd gíir.e, Mr. Faiixsyioutii, resorte d to not ouly to get bil's passed, - what o disgraceful confessiuu to come froin a Radical leader, - buk to acare "lojal" votors and carry elcotions. It was re Boited to in 1866, iu 1SG7, and was the trump card in tho Presideuíial electiou of 1868. The gríat bug baars oí the oampaign were tho Ku Klux and the new robellion Just now, or whsu BotLEu'sthroat was split by Üie new 'murder' s'uouts Fauxswoutii i-ffers to, an olection tcat penciing in New Ilampghire and is pending iu Connecticut. Farxsworxh sbould have tu'd the whcle tiulh wbilo about ifc. Mr. Farnswobth tüIJ iho House on Saturday last, that hobeiieved the pending bilí reconstruetiog Goorgia, "was iu " the interest oí pcople who desi.ed to " perpetúate their reiga eo that they " miglit put money in their purse." T-hc very rcason why Bütlbb would naturally chanipion it, and bis oarpet-bag allies vote for it. Mr. Farxsworth also declarcd that " the only excuso for tho bilí was,' that " if it was not passed, the Republican " party would loso tho next elect.on in Georgiu." Then, not satiefied with this ungrateful remaik, addcd : "lie was " afraid thcy would also lcsc tho next " election in the State of New York," and a Radical brother askiug "how would you ave t ?" he íraokly replied : " Why, of ooursc, pass a law installing " Repubüean officcrs thcro aud proyiding " tht their tenure of offico shall be for " life. There is an casier way of maiu" taining our asoendeney in the nation " than by holding elections. That way " is by act of CongrcBS. ïhat's the way " to do it.:l Mr. Farnswurtii, be it re inembered is a Kadical of the flrst water, hailing írom a thoroughly Radical State, and is backed by a majority of over 14,000. He must bo orthodox if he does talk rery much like a ooppcr houd. Sevskal State papera are laboiiog zealously to oréate an opiuion tliat VanDKRrooL did nat have a fair trial, tbat Juatioo has boen outraged in his persOD, and. that he is an innoooat and wronged man. A part of the machinery employed is tho recording of offers of money to procure a new trial or cnrry his causo to the Supreme Court. The wisdom of the couree in to cay tho least quostionable. Judge Hamsdell has the roputation of being unprejudioed against Vanderpooi, and it will not be a very oostly matter to get a inotion for a new trial argüed before him. Perhaps all thoss big offers and denunoiations are with a viewof making tho motion a buccees. But whatever their object, thoy exposé loo muoh sympatby for a convicted murderer. - We don't imagine that VandbrpopL holped his oauso any by the course ha purBued whila en route for prigoD. A littlo lees of his talk vrould have been in better taste. In another column the readar will Snd a rather gingular letter from, perhaps pronunciamento by would bo the better phrase, oarpet bagger Whittemoke. Tho ex-member of Congress eoems to thiuk that his late associatesregrot their indiscreet aüd haty deaüngs with him, and will welcomo him back, prodigal son like, with open arms, kill tho fatted calf or havo a grand drunk. Porhaps they will. We shall see what we shall soe. Tuk Rev. Dr. Joiiif McClintock, President of Drew Theological.Sciuinary, at Madison, New Jersey, died at his house in that placo on the 4th iust, aged 56 years. Dr. McClintock was conbidered tho ablest seholar of the M. EChurch,


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Michigan Argus