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l'rne Nórtherner - who recentlv disohargJ such a lienp of Mlo at poor Srouuiion, thus eotnments en the cadot nlliog evelopments : "Show na a man of them that liaa nol olil ;i!l the oili'.cs ju bis eift, eltiier direct' y or indlrectly, and we will show yon a iaii with t lic wtngs of au angel Bpringlng ut of lüs ba:k ptepftiatory for liis upward Ight." Wo can't show tbc inau; but it is nough to ttiink what a beantiful nngcl Jkx. BüTr.ER or John Logan er Dick Yates or Zack Cbakslbb nr nny onu f tbe nondesoript Radical carpt-t-bager&, or evon tho new Senator Rbtbls, who t ig said takes bo naturally to Cougrossional ways, wouid makc. What a ubject for tho ponoil of 60me uiodcrn IociARTir. If our TYOrthy fcüow cilizeu and"Court Painter," Bi.Pömsr, wosn't o thoroughiy lladical as to bo aisiüclined to make gaine of tbesa wortbies, we'd rj and coax him to turn his fauey in that directioiL He could mako gome joau.iful angels Bnl no mi&take. m- i i mm - Alexantler Reno, sentencert to twctity ;earlnthe State Prlsoa for outnilng a duld two years oUl, luis reeelred a pardon front Governor Hoit'Linu, througb tho exertions of the Hussjaii Ministur, on the condition of leavlogthe country at once, lüs 1'a.tiier is ai offlnr in tlie Russlan army and a memberoí the personal stalt' of the Czar. - TiUgrmpk. Ib whieh act Gov. Hoifmas must have done violence to bis own jadgrncnt, and outroged bis own better füüliügs. - Had the inhuman lleno been the sou of tho Czar or tbe Czar himself, Governor IIofiman eliould have steeled himself' agaui8t the pproaches of tho Kussian Minister, turnod a deaf car to all his solicitatioos, aud scorned to appcnd bis uamo to tho desired pardon. What, pardon a wretcb charged trith sucli a namelcBS crime, and turn liim looe up ou tho wor!d! Ab soou lliink of nor raling a wüd buil ia an infaut school room. Tlii.s less thaa man aud more thnn brute eliould have eervcd out his full twenlj ycrs- f his life was unfnttuualcly pi oloüged that timo, and whcn seut out iuto coinmuiiitj it should have beeo with tho brand of Cain ujion his forelicaJ, iind not baring the pardon of the txecutive of tbe groai State of New li'rk In the House, on Tucs.iay, the Ijixoham amondraent to the Butues bil recui)ftrucii::g reoonstruutud Georgia, v.8 ndoptvd by a vote of 114 to 71 after wbiuh tlio bill wns passod by u s'.rict party vote. Tbe Demccrats noted in a body for the Binoiiam amendment, - whioh jirohibits tha bolding over and contiimance in offioc, indefinitely, of eeituin offioers, and aulhorizea electioiiB, - aud then voted agaiust the bil'. Faiinswouth, Radical colleague of Butler on the lïeconstructioQ Comniittce, withhold his vote - vrashing his hands of the whole uuneossary and infanious procc"dtng, but 15utle,r, though its faus had boen partially drav"n against his moat TigoroQS protest, swore he wouldn't vote on a politioal question with the Doruocrats, aud TOled for t. - ïhe House takes ïexas ia hand next, after which cornos Tenticssee, and then New York and the other uon-ratifying States. Congress is au all-powerful body. Tuk Sonate, oa Tuesday, rcjected Enos IIopkins, Dominated for PostmaB ter at Nushville, Tenn., for the sole reason that be was personlly objectioDable to Senator F o WUB. Senator Buownlow favored tbe confirra.ition of Hopkins, but Fowlkk insisted ihat tho long e&tsblished rule of tbe Senate gavo "a Senator the rigbt to demand that no odo ehould be confirmed as postmanter of bis own city or immediato neighbor nood, who is personally objectionable to him," and the Senate so held. Does the Coüstitution recognize any such individual Senatorial privilege ? That's the quesüon. A Wasiiinoton dispateh says that Gov. Stevenson, of Kentucky, has rcfused to accept the resignation of itepresentative Golladay, charged with selling a cadetship. Gov. S. remin ds Mr. Golladay that "bis duly to his Slatc and bis oonstituents, nnd big oirn honor, deroand a full investigation by the only tribunal to which he is amenable." Noble words, and all honor to Gov. Stevenson for ut'.ering them. Now letGoiLAday fuco the muaic. - It a a great pity that tho Radical oarpet-bagging Gorernora of the two Carolinas liad nofc a lithe of Gov. Stevenson's sense of honor. But it would be too much to look for in such quartcrs. A Mus. Dr. Hallock, of tho New York Womao'e Suffrage Association, holding woninn to be "tho conservativo element in politics," as in society,(?) proposes that the United States Senate be constituted ontirely of women. Which induces us to oongratulato the Radicáis of Michigan en the prospect of bcing able to retire Zack Ciíandler when bis present espirea. Wo know that they have wanted to do it badly on two occasions already, but have sadly lacked the pluck Mrs. Haí.lock is certainly entitled to their thanks for pointing the way out of tho difficulty. -ü- ■ - In tuk Housa, on Baturday last - general Celd-day - Judgo Lawrknce, of Ohio, said "Congress would incronse the tax on whisky and thus niako the Demooratic party contribute itssharo toward paying the war debt." Patriotio, certainly, but then what will bis Radical brethren at the other end of the capítol, Dick Yatks, Zack Ciiandlkr, Jakjs Howard, el al say to tho proposition Í "No tidings" yet from tho missing 8teamers. The City of Boston, of tho Inmaa line, sailed from New York for Liverpool, via Halifax, leaving tbo for. iner port January 25th, and the latfer, Januaiy 2Sth, sinco which date sho bas not boen bcard from. She bas now been out 42 days. The Smidt, of tho Brem line, sailed IVorn liremen for New York, Jaiiuaiy 21 it, and has beou out 4!) days.


Old News
Michigan Argus