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New Yoiik, March ö. This has lcen one of the most xciting weeks In financia! clrcles since last September. Tlie status of gold seems to haug on the qncstlon whether or not there is to bc .111 extra issue of curreiicy. Ou the rumor tliat part of tlia customs were to be received ingreenbacks, the price of gold feil from 112,'i to 11 [SJ ; a further report that all the coiu in theTreasury was to be sokl brought the. price to 110J; another report that 50,000,000 of greenbacks were to be lssued sent the price back to 111%. The bulls were so scarce that at one time a premium was offered for a man who tbought gold clieap. The effect on business clrcles has beeu Wcakenlng and prices of all kinds of merchaudise are unscttled. The department of dry gooiis is partlcularly aflbeted, jobbers ofierlng bargaius to induce buyers to take hold. The trade In produce was demoralized. An advance ou wheat in Liverpool was not able to sostaln priees. Flour decllned and closcd lieavy. Mess pork iell off 50c and lard jije In open markei. Cottou also declined, the fallón middlirig nplanda belag ;„c. Government securities are heavy and lower, Sterling Exchange dull, and the moncy market easy at 4@5 per cent. on cali. Prime business paper is discountcd at 78 per cent. Michigan wool is steady at about 45c. The grocery market is quiet in almost every line, buyers continuingto liold back. Prices have sympathlzcd with gold. Rice is cl n 1 1 at u @Tc. and coflee about }@lc lower for the week. S'.igars are very slow, particnlarly the coarser ra w grades. Hoj.s are more stoady since the rise in ftvights; the best new, American, are held ut 27. In isiich au unsettlcd condition of affaire, tiie prices of goods one day afford little criterion of whatthcy may be the next. Detkoit, March 9. Business continuos very quiet. At no time within a year have there beeu fewer buyers from the interior in the city. An improvfiineut in trade is cxpcctcd very soon, as navigation is close at hand, and merchandisc can decline but little farther, whilc the Unie is already arrived when dealers usually oavc their Spring selections on hand. Money is gradually easing up. N. Y. Exchange is aellinar at % premium There is very little aniination in flour except for the home trade, and dealers are disposed to mako slight concessions. The receipts of wheat, both by team and by rail, are quite heavy. There was a decline of }.c yeslerday on some crades, but Beller exhibited no anxiety to get rid of their stock3. Ilolders of barley canbarely realizo 1.G0 for Nol. New corn is in light demand ; old quiet. Bnckwbeat flour is in goocl dc-mand at relatlvely high figures, viz ; $C per bbl. in sound lots. Peas begin to nrrive frcely, but the demand is light. Oats are steady at 47@48. Hops dull at 14@20. Butter is very flrm at the advance, Iiggs are ab sorbed about as fast as they arrive, andaré steady in price. The demand is entirely local, and not of a speculaüve character. There are good stocks of cheese to choose from, at 10@20. There is a fair demand for green apples at au improvement of about 25c per bbl. for the week. Clover seed is flrm at $8.25@8.:9,' ; Timothy at 4.60@4.70, from store. Potatocs unmarketable in large quantity. Tallow more jteady and Indemand. DETROIT PJIOPUCE MARKET.- The rollowine quotulMMis rt-present thu currcnt ut't priccijrealizca by coininision dt:alurH,ainl are carefully revised every w'eck.for tht Akiiitk, by our Detroit oorrospoudent. Deilacti'-nt iroio ihose prices for cmmisBiniis and charges , will show the net rfttes to first hands : Apples,- Drlod.OíiílOr; Green por bbl. $2.T3@3.25 Barle;- perewt., Jl o forNo 1 üeeBwax- per Ib. 3SÍ}3S. Beaus- white, il.65@1.60. Butter- crock SS@S4c. flrkin, 3(q,82c porlb., Ohesse- Michigan Faotory, 19M20. Uairy, H16. (Jhkkeu8- drosecd. por 1b. , löialT. Cider-1'er bbl. $i.l (Jorn- perbn.. 71(q:73c. Uranberrlae- Per bbl te.0CG14.00 for wild. Kggfr- perdox., 2K'i2-cllldes- dry . per Ib. ,18($20e-: green, "@8c. Calf Skins- Grcui), 1418c; dry, 26@80. Shecp Skins - UXn'i ; lamb skina40öü0. Hops- New, pcrlb.. Ui2üc. Lard- peil b.. l'-ilTc. Jar - perbu. ■" Onlon-perbbl..S0@2.TS. Potatoes- BestvarieticsptrbbI.,$H0(3.J.fi0. Tnllow-8%'ac. Tnrkey- dreno (1, per Ib., 1O 20c. Wheat- Xtra white, 1,!8! Nu, l.$l,12@1.12 Ambar, 1.04, AS AIIBOR PUOlEE MARKETS. Ancius OtmOB, March 10, 1870. We qnotc tliiü afternoon as follows : WHBAT- Whlto. 100W8c : Red.SOc CORN- 3c.í OATd- 4DC. BEANS- Í1.S0. BUTTBB '■■■ ROOS- lc. LAKD- lTc. 11 Y -18ai5. WOOi) i' .iT.00. APPLKS- l'ried- perlb.T@c.iKren.4C8tMc p'i rT ATOES- new, 3tto35c. CHICKENS - 14o. TDRKEÏS- Wc. l'OKK- lo'JOocr cwt. I5E1IP- ÏSS$10percirt,


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