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QRENVILLE, DEUGÖIST! N". 5 Main. Street. Sut Side, KKKrs C0N8TAXTLY OX HAND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD, GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLOR8, Oils, Varnlshes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BRXJSHES, BUUTO.V'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATB'S SOAFSJ I1AIR OILS Sf HAÍR RESTORERS DEUGGISTS' SUNDBIES, HAIR DYIES, FCAVOBIJÍG AND Handkez'oliiei Extracte GLASS RUBBER, AND METAL1STR I XÑT'O-.E S , TBU8S ALL OF BEST MAKEE8, PURE NATIVE WINES AND LIGiXJ OES 1 AGENT FOB TttB GREAT U. S. 1EA COMPN'Y. Prescriptlona put up wltb Care at all Houi8. Ptoreoprnon th 8bbth from T to 10 H A Ui. 12 ioL'.nncl ü tuS V. M. ' OR VILLK & FULLER'S ACCOC.VTS, 'ÏT XOT SETTLED BY A PUIL lst, WILL BE LEFT WITH TUE rBOI'ER OFFICERa FOR COLLECTION GEO. GRENVILLE. MarchStb, 1869, 3WEETEIMINC ! SWEETENING ! FOR YOURJ - SUGAR and SYRUP GO TOB ton. IIULL, ROBINSON & CO. DRY GOODS ! GROCERIES, CAEPETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE. XfLOUR AND FEED STORE IKT IÑTE-W JBR.IO3E ELOGIE NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AND ALL KIND3 OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN OnsUntly on hand, and delivered to customer "in any part o( tho cüj. JOIIN (;.L.VVUKV(}.HU. Ann Aíbor, Not. 1869. 1245mO NN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOTJR $3.25 per ICO lbs. OR AS LOW AS TUE LOWEST. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE PO8T OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SEPT. 2Ut, 1869. 1236tf TUMBER YARD! C. KRAPP ïlas a largeaml wll ntocked Lumber Yard, on JfU ferBon Streft, in tlie south part of the City, and will keepcunntADtly on hand au excellent yarlety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, &C. whicïi wijl be sold ñs low ae can be alTordod inthls marktt, Qualitr anj pricesEiich that do ono necil to go to Detroit. CONIIAD KRAPF, Ann Arbor.Oet.lst.186. 986if "POR SALE ! T! siibeeribers offer forpnlpihp linnto, and nll or a portion of tbs friinds on Anu Street, bctwiin Foarth and Fiftli 8tri!i;t8, bcing the raaldonca of the Iat6 VolntíyChftpín. For tt;rrnB applv to C. Cha pin. AlM abuntüiuTeson Mlllcr Avenue. CA. CHAPÍN, l V. CHAPÍN, .tr. }■ Adininlstrators. S. 8. WALKEU, i Aun Arbor,Aril9th, 180. J215 Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's i for choice Winos and Liquors 1 for Medical Purpoees. ' .... _ __ -'.:r- ' " ■ ' ■ ■" ' ■ !■ i'i' i rpilE BEARS ARE AHEAD! JOHNSON, THE HATTER, lite just oponed a Larg Stock of WINTER COODS! Incliuttng ïiwMt iStyltfl or HAÏS & FÜRS ! VrUicU will be so!d XjO"VTïï. T3E3:-A.isr EVETVl ALBO A LA2GESTQCK 0-7 GLOVES, COLLARS, NECK TIES, IIAXDKERCHIEVS, BATCHULS, CANES Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. Pleas cullandoxamino mj goodsbeforepurchaf Ing eUewhero. NO. 7 MAIN 8T„ - ANN iRBOR MICH. NoTOmbcr, 160í. 12l6tf JJALT! WALK IN!! S. SONDHEIM, UCCK83OK TO M. Guiterman & Co. AI TUI OLD CLOTHiNQ HEADQUARTEKS IUS JÜ8T OPEKED A -Oï- FALL GrOODS ixclcdixq CL O Til 8, CASS1MESES, k VJ2STJNGS, $C, All of the Uegt and ratest Stylei, Tog.the wltb. LAEGB AND WELL SSLECTED STOCK OF READÏ"-MADE CLOÏHING, AMD GENTS' FURNISHING (G00D8, WITH TIIB LAKGEST STOCK Oï Bovs' and Youths' Glothing EVEK OFFERKD l.V TUIS MAEKET. Wlilch hejoffers atj Greatly Rednced Prices BAlso a large lot f TltTJKTKS I CLOTHING MAPETO ORDERIN THE BES-T S T Y L E Cali and examine tor yoursehes I No. O. Soutl Inin Btret, AKN ARBOK.SEPT.,1869. 1022t f JAZARUS & MORRIS, Practical Opticians and Oculists, LONDON, GkeatBkitain, and HARTFORD, COKN., TT. 8. Have appoinled JACOB HAM, Kit, WnUlimaker & Je - elcr, Aun Albor, MIeh., Sole Agent for f he Sale of ibeir CELEBRATEU PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Whtch hTPbefn In Great üiitain andTuitod States, the pngteight yenra . a ml fnrivlücli hey claim the QsatnaeiitiODftd ai]vanta(K oTcrlhoB rl ortlinary Ke,the proof of hlch uifly be poí-u in thcir cunstautly iücrca&ing butiiüefes (iuritg llie vast oight ycars. lpt. TnAT frnmtiio perfect rnnstrnetios oftie enans, thoy asslM and rrepcrve Iho nht, rtnit-iing 'requcatchangea uaneecssarj. Sttd. TnAT thoy confer abrillionry and digtlnct nfiss of TU(on,witli nn nmount of ease and cumfort not hitheitoeDjoj td by wi'ectacie wearers. 8rd. Tiut the ra&torial from irkteti tl r J.en?r aregrounil is niaiiufititiirt 1 .".jn-ciiillr for optie m ■ uirc, hard and brit'laut, nd uot Hable o becouio scratcbed, 4th. THATtliífmmesinwhií-Iiíbe.'paresct.wlietli if gold. ilver )rUt), ais of the fin'est tiualltyand fi"iib,aud giurantocd'i'orlcc' In 6TJ refjieci. TheyaTCtlie enly Spectaclos t):t rKUMMV! WELL as jísist tuk sight. Ai i are e$40pttt hcenupe lu'tu,alivariilattiiig many yiars Itliout htngM beitig necesiary. "Onenf the firm wil] vidt Ann Arber nt the Store of tbfir Aïcnt everr (ivr ncnthh, fur the purlose of attinp t hiif ? baTlBgdlrVcnlt lifl t . when nny pectiwl'aKOld lj tin itrthpi ntriTnlwill beexcliaüj'ed freeul cliarjre ii not propeily Btted. CrWE ICMPLOY NO PEDDLERS.„ai YSICIÁÍS'IÍSpÍSI ACCCBATELY AND CAREFULLY PEEPAEED BT j ii. W. SMJB : CO., DRUOGI82& I DOTY'S WASHINQ-MACHlNa LATELT MITH IMPROVKD- AXD THK NEW Universal Clolhes Wriiger. Improrcd with Roiteií's PiïsmDoriiCo WSIUS uii'! t!i: rA'i'.:x'r'Tur, ftrinow,anf icikicBitl fn perlor to ony apparttus for witlg tltlhM rr la ventol, and wlll ave laetr igt lwita , bj tIng labor aud clothss. TkoJcwbolmTeusedtheroglretestitnon a il)o "We lilte ouj machino imicb ; oould not b paf "uadedto ilo without ir, and with the aid of Doty w fflc) thatuoaro maften) of Ihe positiun."- Rn L. ScuU.lHshjp M.E. Churek. "Itisworüi ons dollar tmk m nny famlly."- ' lu the laumlry of mj hnosethere Is a perpftual thanksgiring on ilondaj-s for the iarenUoa."- Jte Thtoiorc L. Cuylcr. " Kïcry wctlt has piren it a atrna?r Sn-H npa 16 ft" of he -niualis of t!io Uundrr."- N. Y. ObttTTcr. " I heartily commend it to eeonomlita of tima, moníy,andcontentinent."- Un. Dr. Bilioxi. ' Fricn.I Doty- Toar last improTemtnt of jonr tvashing Mjwhine sa complete sucedes. I asmre yoi 'our Muchins,' aftcr a year's asi, is tliougtitmor of to-aayih!neer,.-iTi.! ironldnot ho parted witfc urir ny jicunatuoM,"- A'oíon Rabilen. ' l'our Vi's!)in?5rachine hai been in iily ost in onr htinlry, nil tli housekecper -prrBfS hirsell ashighlj' olmetlwitli it. It oattalaly acaomplinhcs a }freater amöunt of work, with lesfi labor, and" doa not w(ar the clotiios so much au the oiil faiibionedül. B7 usingit, onelaundrfsn is ditpea'ori with." - tf'm.F. yovntf, S.-tptrinltvritttt 0 nsrD#partment 0 St. Catkerinc's Jianmy, V. Y. City. "Aftera constant uïiti of iïie Umtjupal CLOTHKff Wbiwoer lor more than four teaia in our family, I ara autliorizHfl liy tliO poweri that ij;'tv ?ÏTe it th molt Qnquslifitd p!a!üe,anrlto prononneit an indispensable part of the macliint-ry of hoïï3eiieep!ng. Our servant-; hav-nnvüv" been willipgf to t it, a lul alwajH harelilted it.1' - Mínry Ward BtcsheY PR1CES- A Fair Offer. Send theretailprice.Wagber $14, Extra Wringer $9, and we will forwarï eíther or both machi non, freo of fr&iglit,top]ftce where no tA aelling; andaoiare aro we tlir will be llked, tliat we agree to refund the money if anj ono wtsh to return the machines freeof freight, aftera month's trial, accoröing todí rections. No haiuipi!, father or brother should prr mü th drudgery cf wnahicgTcith the hands, fiftj-two dy ia the jf ar, trlien t can bo Ïoqo better, tuur eipedl tiously, with loss Iftbor, anl no injurj tothegarraenu.bya Doty Clothes WHher, and & UnfTtieaï Wxingtf .? Canvsgscrs with exelustrerfght of aale makt montj faflteelling them. 80M bj dealers generalij, to whonr ritrM duooanW are ma Je. E. a BROWNING, Gen. Agent 1235tf 3S CortlandtBtreet, New York. Lu M ■ , te o 5 B .8 s . 3 L 3 Sa h n 1 fiuTSh X 1 r i □ Bh a 1 Jt Si i o I ü. L 3i ü o x 'g s m ifi W j S 03 f ? 1 1 w CO 11 r 8 o n ■ ! I H Q 5 ! O A O H Í -IOR A FÜLL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLAIDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED GOODS, TICKINGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS GO ÏO THE FARMERS' STORE PSYSICIANS' Proecrip j tions Accurately and Care fully Preparedby R. W.ELLIS&CO.


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