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Grasses For Dairy Cows

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At the reccüt meeting of the American Dniryiaen's Assoeintion, Kichard Goodman, of Lenox, Massachnsctts, read an essay oa this subject. Ho boieves that carly out gnua is tho best xr miloh cows und calves, trut that oxen md horses nced it a little more ripened, ind ifc 3 far moro proGtable for tho farmers to have tho grassft.s cut before they ;o to seed and firnw too inuch nourishaent from the land. It is cmiuently desirable that we should ascei tain by theory or experiment the goological formation of our aoil, and when every fnrraer is made icquninlc-d with tho constituent aropcrliea of bis land, vo shivll be able [o havo some rules# te regúlate praotice, aad a more homogaueous syelem of fnrming tliroughout the country. Mr. Goodman belieyeB thnt a variety of grasses are botter than one or two kiuds, though generslly timoihy and clovor are scwvu together in the spring wittj oats, and no otlier except red top, which flervea to improvo the quality of the hajj Blue grasa has not proved benefieial, and orchsrd giass is uot much iu Sivor ,on acoount of its bunchy growth do trncting from the siuooihuess of the eod Massnchusetts ftvrmera oocssionally seed down tirnothy with rye in the full throwi-ng tho elovor on in Fpnnr, and fiud tbe practico convenient and successful. ïho bost furmers cut their grass early-cominencing in June. They. niauure tor gr6S genovally with oarsa manura drawn out during tho wiuter. Fine bone dust ie tbe best subsubaitute for barnyard mamiro ia layiüg down grass, It eofts fiity dtllart per ton. - Apply four liundred pounds to tbe acre, and its effects aro visible tor rearo. If muck s to be us;d, it shr-ald be g-t out the preceding wiutcr. All top dres-ings, as do all manures, act tho best on flnüncd hmds. i'las'er may be put on in tho spring, and saltpetro is beut'ticial. Nitrogen, potash and lime are nccefsary tü tlie best dcvelopment of the gMMPfl. The liqniq portiou of baniyard iuaau:e cdu'-hiis these ingredients. The greot raou wliy our meadow.s run out so soon i thit the manure is tlinnvn out doors, where it lies unlil all tlie f-altd are wahe'i owtj and it then baoomea o im.)ira.tiviily useless.


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Michigan Argus