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Chancery Notice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN. The FOurth JudicUï s Circuit, Lu Chancery. BONAfiD A. WILLIAMS, ) V. OANNA AVIJLUAM23. ) üdlng in tho Circuit Court for the Connty ot ■ 'tv, as Ajui Arbor, on the 2d, ny of Jfebnrary, A.B, 1870, J)u f proofby nffld. It liavlng been made thal the Joanna .- [tbln the jurlsdlctfoQ oC r.and that the Sheriff of thlsCoanty is un-. ble to get service oí' proceda on the B&ld delendant )ii motton of ]. Cramer, Sollctcor fr the eonipUin-. nt, it ordered by tl , one of the Cir-. i.H Court Commtesloners for toe Connty of Wnph-. enaw, tbJktff&ld defendant appear and answer theíill of Complaint flled In tula canse wiihtn two oonthtf from [■ of Febrnary, A. D. 1870,, ■ ■ : ed Ihat a copy of thta order be" mblishcd tn the Michigan Argus, a public i::wpjiperirinted and pnbllshed In sald Cooaty ol Washoniav,, vithiu twenty útH after the date or thia order, nmf pabHcatiOB be contiued once in each treek vrix sitccesslve wo-k.. or that a copy of thSs order ie served on said defendant, personal)?, nt leatv twenty days before thfl time abovo presenbed for th& Lppsavaaee of saiddefcudant. Dat4ïdtFöbfuary2d.l8Tit. SIBLEY G.TAYLOB. Ono of the Circuit. Court Commissioncre for Wa-ihU'iinw County, Mioh: P. CRAMniï.RolIcitorfor Uompi't. ' V-Twfl Eatato of Joseph Marriott. STATEOP MICHIGAN, Connty of WAnhtcnaw, , At a Besyioü of the Probati Court for the L'ouuty ol Washlenaw, holdun at the Probate Office Í th City of Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, tlt secomS d-iv of March, in ike year one thousaud eight hundred and seventy. Present, Hirani .1. Beakes, 'ndge of Probate. in the matter of the estáte of Jostph MarriottK ■od. l.' vria S. Amlcrson, AdministFator of said estnteK comea iuto Court and representa that he is now pre-, pared to rentier hia ñnal account, as euch Adminis-. trator. :;pn it i-q ordered, that Monda v. the tweiity. eighth ihiy ol March, next, at teu o'clock In theforenoon, bc assfgned for examlnlng and allowinsnch account, and that ibe heira at taw uf -niddct . and all otherpersons Interepted in unid catate. are requíred to Appear at a sesslon f sald Co&rt, tben to be bolden ai the Probate Office, In the City o(f Aun Arbor, Ib sald Coimty, and show eaoso, lf anytherc lm, why the aaid aocoant sbonld uotln allo wed.-; And it la íurther ordered that eald Adminlstistot tice to the persons Interested in eaid estáte, ol the pendenoy of atd account, and the hearing .y causlng a copy of thle order to be publlshed in 'u-i Michigan Argut , a newspapor iriuteí( and clrcnï atlng in Síliíl Oonnty, three ucccsbív. weeka prevloaa to aaid day of hearing. (A truecopy.J IIIKAM j: BBAKB8, 1-Ö0 Jndpí ol Probate. Estáte of Nathan Grecnc. OTATB OF MICIIKíAN. County of ffatfttséaftr, Pa. lO At a pescion of tho Probate Court for the (jiinty of Waabtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, ín the Ctty it" Aun Arbor, on SCunday, the twenty-flret day t Peornary, ia theyear ose thuoaaitd cight inindrcd and Bei enty. Present, Tliram J. Bealcés.Jüdge of Probate. In tke óatter of the eatate ol Nuthan Grueue, deceaded. Daniel B. Greene nnd IJbbefts Drew, BxcGDtora of the Laat will and testament of tmid deceaeed, conté into Coart and represent that they are dow preparen u thcSr ïiiiïil account as Bnch Sixeeotore. apon it is ordered, that Tucaday, ihe tweutyseco mi day of March next, al ten oclock in tlic loreuoon, be aeslened for examlnJng and allowlng t-uch account, and that the legatees, devlseef nncb helra at law of said deceaaed. aud all other penooai Istorested lu Bald estáte, are reqalred to appear nt . of cíñd Court. then to bu holden at th e, in Ihe Uity of Aun Arbor, lu sald Connty, and show canse, it' any there be, ïiy the eald account ihouid not be aflowed t Anck tt ia fbxther ordered that eaid Kxecutor rfve notice to the persons lnterested In sald eatate, of the pon deucy of litl account, and thu hearing thcreof, by a copy of thifl ortler to be puhliiíhcd in th ' Argut% a newspaper prlnteaauddrcniatlBg in said County, three succeaanye weeJu previous tur Bftid drty of hearing, (A tnte oopy,j UIIÏAM J. BEAKES, L2L8td Jude of Probate. Estáte of Jeruslia L. Jadkins. QTATB )K BflOHTGAN, Connty of W'ashtennw. O At aseaslon of the Probate CunrtfortheCouiftj ofWaehteuaw. lioldcn at tho Probate OüLcc in the city oí' Aun Arbor, on Wbnday, tho twenty ftrt. ii.-ty f l' i-'.jijniary, in.thx yeur one tüousund uihthundred and sevcuty, Preeont.Hlram J.Üeakes, Jnde of Probate. In tlie matter of the estáte oí JvruahaL. Judkini, deeeased Onreadingand ÖUngthe pntUion.rluly veriflcd,o$ ■ ; Vanderco k, prayingthat Vannesa Teacbont or some other suitablo pertoii, may be appointcd Administratur of the estáte of sald deoeased Therenpon It Ia Ordered, that Monday, the twenty-Srst ilny ot' March, m..t, at ten o'clock in the förcnoon, be asslgned for the hearing of Bald pt-ntioi], and Lhat tfie hetrsatlawof aaioTde . and all other pergonslnterested in eaid estáte üred to appear at aseasion or Bald Court, thea tobo holden al the Probate Office, In the City of Ana Arbor t and show caose, Ifany tberebe, vrhythe praye ofthe ]etitioncr ehouU! not be gran tea: And iti furiher ordered, thñtsaid petltioner give not iet ■ to Uil . Bald estáte, of the pendency ol eaidpétltlon, and the hearing thereof,by cansnigs copy of thia Order to be pabfohed in the Mü-Mgan ad circula'ingin salo) Connty, three succesalTe weeks previonato sftidday of hearing. fAtrnecorcrO IIIRAM ,T. BEAKBfl, 1258 JiuJireof Probate. Estáte of Abipail 17. C arpeo ter CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntj ofWaehtenaw.s, At i seaelon oí the Probate Court i'or the Couul jhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in théAiiii Arbor, oa Satvrd&y, ïlie nloeteenth day . of Pebruary, In thu year one tbooaaiid sight hundreS i.ty. l'i . r. Beakea, tJndge of Probate. In the matter ol the Éstate oí Ablgail L'. CarpeaeaaeU On readiqg and ftlïnethe petltlon, flnly verificd, o? RafneCarpcater.prayTng that a certa! n lus tramen! now on rtlu lu thia Oourt . purportlng to be the last will and testament of sald deceased, may be sdmitted to probate, and thftt adminlstratlon of Baid catate n].i begTADtedtQ Lra L.Cai-puntur, or some othc snttable per bod. Thereu'.xm il is ordorctï, that Moiuïav, the twentyi ot March nest. at ten oVlock in the fore iioon, bc iiwiiinod for the hcariuu; ol' said pctitiuii, and that the legfttees, devisees and heira at law oC aaid deceased, and ;ül other iersons Interested in said ('i-iuo, are required to apyenr at a eession of gftid Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ot Aim Arbor, and ehow rause if any there be why the praycr of th petttfouer ehould not bö grauted : And it isfnrther ordered, that Bfiid petlBbner gire notíce to the persons interested in taiA i, of the pendency of said petition. and thfr hearlne thereor, by Cflosing a copy of this order to bepablisfaed In the Mick$#an Argu& iiowspapefB printed and ctrcnlatlsfi! in sald Connty, three tuc ceestve wëeka preylooa to s.iid day of hearfng. CAtrnecopy.j 1I1KAM .1. ItKAKKS, 1258 Judge of Probato l'stutc of George Sutton. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WflAhtenaw, At B Bession of the Proba t Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ami Arbor, on Thnrsday, the fteveuteenth day ol Febrnapy, in the year one thouand elght hundred and sen nty. Present, Hraju J. Beakes, Jndjre of Probate. Tn the matter ofthe Estáte of Georjfe Sutton, 2dv iuconii On readlng and flling the petition, duiy vcrtfledfof Lek Dean, Onarditíii, praying that he may be Heensedto Belleertaln real estáte belongiog to'saiti Incompetent. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Monday, the twentyfirat day of Harcik next, at ten oc1ock tn theforenoor. be aasigned for the hearing of paid petition, finí that the Dezt of kin of sald Incompetent, and all other Interested i said estáte, are required to appear i i;it, then t lc holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show canse if any there bc, wby the prayerof the petltioner ehotfld not be granted ; And it '$ furiher order il, that said . r :ivi' notice to the next of kin of said incompetent aan all other persons Interested in said estáte ofthe pendency of sald petition, andthch'srinj; canaingacopy of this Order to bepnbKsbeo ■ ■■. anewspapet printed and cLrcnlating In said County, three Buccessive woefcs pre vlOttl i da ■ of hearing. (A truecopy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKÏSL 1 ■_;,;. t,i Jodge of Probate. Estftte of Lfiwis A. lluckman. cjTATKOPMICinÏAN,0onnty of Washtenaw,iB Ö AtaaessloBiOf the Probate Court fortheCounty of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city oí' Ann Arbor, on Tm-sday, the eighth day of February, in the year one thuusand elght liundrtd . entr. Present, ÖlramJ, Beakes, Jndge of Fröbatft. In the inatter ofthe Estáte oí LewIsA. Iíuckman, !. . On readlng and filing the petition. cmiy venfied.or WlUtam H. Gregory, Execntor of tne lust will and .- Mt of mi:-! (k-i-i-a.M'd, pmyin that he nny be licensed to sel! certain real estáte whereof eaid deceased died Thereupon it is Ordered, that Wcdnesdoy, tne twenty-thind day of March next, at ten o'cIock in the forenoon, bc asniffned for tho hearing t sald petltlon, nnd that the legaleee, derriaees, and heira at law of eaid deceased and all other persons Intereated In Bftid estáte, u-e rrquircdto nppcar nt i Bession of said Court. Unn to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor ow cause, if any there be, why iheprayej oftha petitionerahonldnotbograntea: And if fnrtheror. lered,that aaid petitloner glvenotice tothe pcrsoni interested in sala estáte, of thependencv of said pel- ! théliearlñe thereof, by" cansíng a copy tf Ier to bepoblished in the Michigan. Argutt Lper prlntedand drctilatlng In salaConntyi four soaceaslve wocks previous to sauUluy oí heai lllf'A trnéoopyO ÏÏIIiAM J.BEAHBÖ, : Judgeof Probate, Estafo of Daniel Ilixson. S" TATSovMIOHÏGAtf, Coohtt ov Washtiínw, . ofthe Probate Coart fortheCoont} .. bolden at the ProbateQfficeln the City ►f Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tour te en th dny of Pebrnary, in the year onethouBand elght hundrod md Bovent f. Present, Iliram J. Beakes, Jndge of p roba te. In the mattóf ofthe Estáte f Daniel Hixson, . IIdp and flling Ihcpetttion, dniy verifled.ot rieldejp S. Bnow, prajinií tbat a certftln Infftra ftle in thia Court, pnrportfng to be thfl ■, nl of ■-:"'! '!■■ nitted to probate, aml that he may be appointed wu Sxpcntor thereóí , . , pon U la Orflerod, that Fridfty, the elerentft March, aext, at ten oclock In the foro toon, be aaslgned for the hearing 'of said petition, nnd hatthc risees and heira at law of sald eindali other persona Intereated In saU estáte, red to BPpeaT at n session ofsaid Conrt, theo o bc holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Aim : e, if any tbere be, why the prarir ofthe ■ "■'' : Andit t urtherordered tntaald pëi aotice to tne ■ -i the pendency ol Sdpetition, and hearina thereof, by cav ed and circnlatlog ld saii tountVi three succeaslve weeks prerious tosaïtl dny Ol Itrmcopf ) HIBAMJ. BBAB is. iSnd Juil(-C ofProbaU. UYSIC1AÏÏ8 JPré8cripti(&8 curaidy and CanfuUy Preparcd hj & ir. JCLLIS 6 6w.


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Michigan Argus