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j Villagre Vrjoperty fop ale. rjMiL Siil,,-,,„r oflVr iortnle lus proprrty JL in the Vill.i?c o Scu. ituated on the Huron rivr. two mileS bdow Dtxter Villano, con aisting of A Store and DwEÍit.iía Hots:, in onc buildiJi !:i fcct in length by 19 feut vvide; Kiour :r.' c: Lot, 'boiijg rtne entire : Nine Acre., ,', iri:p. nv-J Lvvad joini i" me weal sirle ol tin; Vilt ,;;,.. The property wilt wild toeiher, or separate!? ) snit piirchnscrs. TBEODORC FOSTr.k. A.'in 4rbor. Ju!y 9, 1845 -Ji-tf I N CHANCKIlY. SKCOND CIRCUIT: befween Phil'p C. Jihnsn and othfrn, Cnmplain ana. and Stephen K. Jones :md óth rs De'cnd■pts. IN pu!S!i?.ncf nnd hv ' cre e of this Courr, mnde ir'thie cnu-r. l s'i.j 11 sol at pnblf auction nt :!il' Conrt Hóftee, m the villaje f Ann Arbor on the '28tb day of Atiguitt r.ext at' nc chek in iho-ufuTiwon oí thot day the lóJIoWmg described premise, lo wit. al! that certairi' picce or parce! of Innrt sitúate in the coiinty of Wnshienaw. nnd Si.ite of Miclii(;nn, knownl bounded nnd drscribed as folio ws. to v.-it: leing the East ha.'fofthc öourh Wcgi quartcr nf'éeclion niniLer ten in town tó Rqtiih of Roue aix East, coniditiing Kighty acres, te tlié camö more or leps. JAS. H. PLATT, Maprer in Chajicpij. Mii.ks &. Wnox. So!i tors for Coinptainanf. Pated, Ann Arbor. July 3d, 1Ö45, 6w220 C. BR1JNCKEUHOFFS Tlic practical U9e of the Health Rè3tftrati7Ef being tu relieve and cure ihose most bazardous and agoningol'all dtseases, Cónt.un.p'iori, Lv-, er Complninf, sovere Cougha nnd CóJStf, and I'ains in tho Side nnd Chest, it is considerad both righl and proper thai u statement be made more particx-larly relatiiig lo its propcriie6. In the iirst place, it tortuuately is compounded o nmive planta ht-rbsand roots, and bos not sought, (berefote, the advcntitions aid of danyerons minera! preparación, w'jith only palliate at the hestj in8tead of curing djsease. The foct of the IXéé(urative being purcly vegetable, is corrobornted by the tuetimony of the eminent Dr. CbihoH' óf cv York, who after a careful and minute e.riinination ut it, dcd;'e3 the iruih of it. and eo cffectuolly stops cavil un jbat i ñnu Further, thé promptnoBs of the aètion oï ihis medicine' ter without iluibt unparulled: it shüws such eneYsetic action in eradícatíog disea'té nnd then henling the p.irt. that the tran3iti3n írom irnpaireí and enltebled healih to convalesrencc is asiorishing nnd concluaive. The huppiness of b'cíiíg the instrument of such unbounded#beefivw 8O great to permit this Resiorativa lo circilaté' aS rcretofore within narrow circnmscribfd HrniMT, and the Propriutor bas made such arrangem'cn'ts with his General Agent thnt the retnedy (Tarï'bS renched by all. The continual accessiúñV'of certific:-ifs stating tïie most toucliing cases cfdlsease hepiiy cured, pievents the pussiblifiy of iheir being pblLs!ied to any cxieni, but yet the ;irc left at the office oftbé General Agent for exiimination. The fbpwipg certificaio is fton Dr'. Chillón, the ijl known New York chcniiat. "] have analyzed a botíle of medicine calícd 'C. Brinherhoff's Health Restorativt-,' and iïnd tb al ü does nol contain iMercury, or any o'her metallic prepara '.ion: nor opium in ony of rto forrns. It is coniposed of vegetable matter ontircly." Jamks R Ciiiitov, M: D. C. BU 1NCK KR 11 OFF, , Propriotor, N. Y ttött&tt Evküktt, General AgiT!. OlilceSH? Hudson stieet. N. Y. s Foreste y V. tí. & J. V. Maynard, Agente "TO THE VICTORS 5ZL0NG THE SPOILS."''" ALTHOLJGH manv prep.irations in the orm oí -POPULAR Á1EDICINKS" nave been beforft the public, claiining to give reüef, and' even cure the most invetérate riiceaees, yet'norïö have eo well onswercd the purpose as Dr. Shérr;r.n's Medii ited Li-zenges Tbcy are agréeabla to the tapte, casiiy ndministered, Dnd fio'm tho unp;rcedeuted siuo-ess which they have met Wxth, and the remarkable curtí" which they porformefl, may juailj' Ity clahn to the ;i tic of Conquernr over ihe disi-ic: tor wbich they havebeen rfcoinmcmicd. Dr. Shcman's "eobsH Lozejvges" Cure the rroet obstinate cres of Cough irf a'fewr hours. They have cnred a large number ofpersons who have been givrn tip hy ;hcir plryaidan nnd frienJs. and runny who have been rethïccd to the vergre of the grava by spitiinir blood, ConRumption ;hkI Hectic Ferer, by their use have !;ad the ro-e of hcalth n&torad io the Ifat'ard cheek and gm live to sp.?:ik fori.'i ther praisesot' his invalnaliie medicine. Dr. Sherman's "WORM LOZCXGKS" Have been preved in more thnn 4C.0D0' cases to be infall.'lile. in iact th on!y cpiiiifn.' Worm Dcsiroying Medicine ever disco vred. CWIdrert will eat them when ihev cannot bc foreed totaka any other medicine, nnd the benefit dérivcil from (he administrntion of medicine fo.'theni itfthia l'orin is preat beynd conception. Wlién tho brsath of the child bscomes otlensivèj' and there s licking of the no;e, grinding of the tectb durinsr sleep, pnleness èbovt ihe Ups with fiushed cheeks, headyche, drtwsincsa, siorting o'uring íli:ep. disittrbod dreanis. ftwaktng with fright and screamiilg. trouiilepomc congii.feverishnees.thirsr, voracious nppefite, ?ickncss at the stornuch and bloated stoiiinch - these aro atnong the inaiiy prominent symptoms of wprnia, and can be reüeved by these incomparable Lozenges. They have never bem known to fail. Dr. Shennan' "CASIPHOR LOZLWGKS ' Relieve Eíeadácbe, Nervous Sick Headache. Palpitation of Uic heart. nnd Sickii3sin a very few minntea. They cure Lovrcss of Spirits, Dckpordency, Faintness, Colic, Spaprn; Crnrnps of the Stcmach. Sirrumcr or l)orel Comainta; they keep up tht spirits, dispel all ihc distressing symptorns oi a night of dissipalion. an'l'ennble a (icrson to undergo great mental or bojüy toil.- ' ür. Shcnnpü's 'POOK MAN'S PLASTEÜIs nckcowjcdgt'd by all vl:o hve over nscd it to be liic best ptrengthcninir Piaster in the world, -ïnd a sovereign remciy for pains nnd 'veaknesa' in the back, loin?. fícJ?, brwst, neck, limbs, joints, rhrumaustn, lu.nbapo, ie. OnO million a yeir will nof supply the demnnd. Cnution is necosaar' , os iheré are mtiny uuprincipled persons who would torce a spurious artiele uuon the cimmunÏTy. Bo corefiif to gei Sherinnn'e Poor Man's Plnsfor. wiih n itfac siviite' of Hiswrit'en n-rre on tiie bnek - ntno otfiers-are genuine, nnd wiij do niorehurt rban gond'. Wlicn sucli men 03 '-hf Kcv. Dri:i:is AflMinny, of the Onciila Coftférfcncé H'ev. Sebastian Sttcct t, of Bosion. Re-. Mr. Dunbar. Mr. Hunrock, .'lev. Mr. Do totúh '-'on. Aaron Clark, J. Hoiiè. K.-q iion. B. B. Beardslcy, Daniol Funsh.-ikv. L'sq. nnd a host of naines of the like rep- utdiion can bc Uroügbj forward t prove iho ciTiencv 'fj)r. Shcrinari's prrparmions - w]wn tlHy iic 50 wamly rccoinniendod by the medical pro.'(ssion. and proscribid in the practice, nnd wlicn iDCÏ unlverenl nppra6afkh foÑbws thoir use iinoiij a!l clasees, we mny j'lily sny tfiot fhü Dr. ra not only cmhíetí lo tho nppcilation of "'.'JCTOK.'1 buf can fniily lay claim to tho patrnngé ofjiTie pu' lic. and w i 1 1 ncrive ii. Au H9 for Afn Arbor. H. M. Thoinpson &■ ;',i. 'V. S. A J. U'. Mnynard; E. Smiipson, Vppüan'i: !). C. Whirw.Kiil. Drricr: Pickford St, Craiir. S.iiino; Smnli Tyml. Clinton, ÏI. Bowcr. .Müncliofur: P. Knrlul. Co.. Plvm nh: D. ÖregorjMnd A. Grant, Northvi'ip. - x . S16-6tn Q KEGS of Whito Ijad in Oil, 500 lb. Ou DiUQj dry, fur ta!e chcap fnr ensh. P.IAYNARDS. May 15. . CI3-SW Iflaplc Ss:ïJ 1{Lfi ponods fnr snit-. ■ good aiticlo, Br:cKu:v: foster, & co un Arbor, it i4i. 7


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