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- - - - - -mr - - -r _ , -r - w , ' ' Nkw Yoiïk, BarcU lf. There is a hitch in the downw.ird movcmeut of gold, and ome flwtuiuions iu the markct, and the spccnlators raakc nse of the uncertainties of Congressioaal actiou to manipúlate the markct to their o wn proflt. The ftmdlng Uil, the $.i5,00O,000 dollar bill, desined to equalize the natlonal bank note circulation , Cíe Domingo trenty, and Cuban aSalra, are eacli in their turn oscd as elevatiDg and depreasÍH5 levere by the bulls and bo.irs. Tiie lowèst polst rcached old premium, was HOXi on Thursday, bnt the price reucted the nezt day to 114, aml lias since balanceé ítselfbetwceu thoee two points. The money markct is easy but more acitve. The cotton mar. ket was the scène of considerable exciteinentto-day and prlces advanced Jc, pr dicated on an advance ir. Liverpool. The cotton goods market is in a fcver ish state, with reductioua iu many styles. Wool i firm at the late advance, which shows most favorably In view of thè decline in nearly all other values. Wheat and flonr are lower, but the decline is lessened by a fair foreign demand. The advance in I.iv. crpool within the iast ten days has been Sd&Cd per qr , on the best grados oí wheat. The receipts o wheat in Liverpool for the three days onding with to-day,were 13,500 quartere, of which 12,500 were American. Tuis is a much bctter showiug than was anticlpated. Detroit, Jlarcli ICtli. The gtorm and the cold wcather have given every. thing the congestivc chil'.s. üvon the brokers decline to discount nny smiles wlth tho 1 ;: per ceut. a month which thcir rescue rcadüy cominand: Flour shows some Ilttle activity, tho sales yesterday aggregating 110 ponnds. Wheat opened quito Btrong with the week, but is sincc weaker. All coaree grains re maiu nominal. Apjiles are in some domnnd for shipment, with an advance. Quotationi below are for store lots. Buttcr etcady. Dried pcaches dull at I7grl8. Eggs lc advance on the week. Hops are weaker. Poultry acaree at the advance. C'lover aud tiuiuthy seed art; ürm aud a little advanced. DETROIT PRODUCE MA.RKET.- The followlng quotmions represent the curreut net priccsrealized by commision dealers , and are carufiilly revised every the Aeocs, by our Detroitcorrespondeut. Ded.ictioas frora those prices for commissious and cbargM , will ihow ihe net rates to flrut bande : Applcs,- Dried,9@10c ; Green per bbl. 83.00@3 60 Jiarley- per cwu, fl CO forNo 1 lieeswax- por Ib. S5@3S. Iioans- white, $1.65(5,1.60. Butter- crock 84#Sc; flrkin, 288?c perlb., Cheest- Michigan Factory, I9@ao. Uuiry, HfJlC. Chickons - dressed, perlb. , J7&I18. Cider- Per bbl. $4.00 (Jorn- perbu., 71 Cranbcrries- Per bbl ï(i.OO@14.0O for wild. Eggs- perdoz., 82 Uiden- dry.]). rl!j..lsi. ,.-20c-: green, 7ffl8c. Calf .Skinu- Qroun, 14(vlt;c; dry, ':, ■■■■ 80, Sheo)) . Skins- V'iïü; lamli skins 40fe60. Uops- New, perlb.. 14(iilSc. Lard - pcrlb.. liï'ClTc. Ont - perbu. -17r 18c. Oniuns- perbbl. 2.50(:2.75. Potntoes- 15ei3tTarietiesprbbl.,$14Ol.riO. Tallow- s:; Turkeys- dreesed, perlb., 50(i 21c. Wheat- extra white, 1.23@li4; No, 1.S1 121 13 Amber, 1.03@1.04. ASS ARBOR PRODUCE JIARRET8. Arqüs Office, March 17, 1870. We qnote this afternoou as follows: WIIEAT- White. 100&105C ; Red,95c BUCK WHBAT-T6. CORN- 70c.a OATS- 40c. BEANS- $1.50. BÜTTKK- 28@30c. EOOS- lRc. LARD- 17c. HVY -:'::■' '.:.. WOOD- JBa 7.00. AI'PIES- Mrlert- pcrlb. 7@!c. : creen 50076c. POTATOES-new, 30@35c. ' CHIOKKNS- 14c. TÜHKBT8- lee. HONBY- Sc POKK-lu.eOpercwt. BEEF- $frS810 per cwti


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