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A COÏÏGH, COLD, OR SOKE THEOAT fftfy Huquin; immediate .attent ion, as neXJabW glect of ten rcsults in aa incurable m5áfeyBr0WI1's Sronchial Trochtfs KWwfflr willmo.stiuvrtriably givei as tant relief For Bronchitis, Abth.tia, Catakbh, Cox nirMprrvE andTHBOAT Dihkaseh, they have asootbing effect. SINGER6 and !%BLIC BPBAKBBS use them to clearaud strengthon the voice. Owing to the good reputatiou and popularity of the Trochee, maoy worthlese and cheap imitaiions art of feredfichick are good for notking. Bu sure lu oiitaix the truc BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. 124-imö Sul evk&ywhkke. YyANTED 6 ABLïJ BODIED MEN AT THE CITY ARCADE, TO BWT.T. COFFEE STJGAR AT 14 l-2c. THATS WHATS THE MATTER. IM9 CLAUK & CROrSKY. iu.öifl .o fAl'&Nl Mr.i'líiNi, ilLMiíL'Gjgütten up to dupe the ïguurant and credulous, nor is it rep resented as böing " composed of rare aml precioue snbstaucesbroughifrom the iour coruer of the earih carried even timee aeróse the Great fiesert of a liar:th on the backs of Íuurteencainel8,and brouht across the Atlantic Ocean on tvro Bhips.' Jt is a simple. müdt iooihing liemedy, a pertect Sptcijic for Cátakrh and Coli i.v thk Head,' also fttr oirensive Hreath, Loss or Iiiipairment of the tíease of Sraell, T;ste or Heanntr, Watering or Weak Eyes, l'ain or essucein the Head, when caused, as thoy all not unfre-iufiitly ai'e, by the yiolence ofCatarrh. Ve oiTer in good faith a standing rewari of $500 for a oase of Catar rhtbat we can not cure. FOR SALEBY Most DRTTGGISTS EVERYWHERE PRICB ONLY 50 Ck.Tü, Sent by mail. poet paid.on receipt of Sixty Cents, Four pack a [íes for $2.00. or 1 Dozen for $5.0t. Senl a two ceut stamp tor Dr. Sage'B pamphlet on Catarrh. Addreas tu Proprietor, R. V.PIEIÏCE.M.D-, 1251m8 Büffalo.N. Y TO TUK WURK.INO CLASS - tt'e are now prepured to furnish all classes with couötant employmentat home, the whole of the time or for the spare moment?. Business new, light, and profitable. Persons of eitlier eex easily earn f rom 50c. to $5 por evoning, ana a proportional ttum by devoting their whole time to tbe busluefis. Boys and girls oarn nearly as rauch as men. Tbat alt ffho Boe this notice maysend tbeir address, and tent tbe business, we make this uoparalleled offer : Tosuchas are not well satisñed, wo will send $1 to pay for the trouble ofwritinff. Full particulars, a Taluable samplo. whicb will do to commence work on, and a copyof The Peoplti't LUerary Companion - ono of the largeftt and best family newspïperspublished - all sent free bymail. Reader, ifyou want permanent, profttable work, address E. C. ALLEN & CO., Augusta, Maine LORILIiARD'S ' " excellent artiÉÍ7- nel J%35 5lt_.oi KrnuIat' tUll tlí Virginia; wherever "■Bm-" ■ introduced it ie uniBmoking Tobacco rersallyadmired. It is put up ín han'lsome muslin oags, in which orders for Meerachaum Pipes are daily packe'l. LORILLARD'S classed by nll who ■ nTTrr -MT ttt consume it as the Y ACHT CLUB """:' - V ■ , madoof thechoicest Smoking Tobacco i9af grown; it is anti nervouR in its efl'ects, as the .Nicotine bas been extracted ; it leareK no disagreeable taste after smoking ; it iB vitv mild, light in color and weight, henee oneponnd will last as long as three of ordinary to bacco. In ttiis brand we alio pack orderfl evöry day for firflt quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it and coavinceyoursolf it is all it claims to be, " T1IEFI.NEST OF ALL." IiORILLARD'S This brand of Fine ■ITIUTI f%%j CutChewing Tobacco "U Mt% TT has no t-iiual or Kupel1" ■ " ■ i rlor anywhere. It la Chewing Tobacco. without doubt the beat chewing tobáceo in the country. LORILLARD'S naTe now boon 'D OMTTTlTin general use in tbe J1" f 1 1 U 110 yeatu, and still acknowledged " the bost " wherever ued. If your storekeoper doe not have thoae artlclei for aale, aak him toget tham ; they aro sold by reapcotable jobbers almost every where. Circular or prices forwarded on application P. LOKILLAUD & CO., New York. 12S3m3 A NEW INVOIOE OF FINE DOUBLÉ AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STU1PED SHAWLS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. TfOÏT. 8ALE ! A honsc and lot adjoininc Unlverslty groundfj The house is two storics. and lias niue ruóme. Collar, Cmtern and W'ood Uouse. Terras, reasouable. Enqulre at No. 30 South Ingalls strsct. u;iS"J' S. DILI.S. ! Finest Assortment of Toilet i Goods in the City, by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lucg3, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopiug Cough, Bronchitis, Ast lima, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole lustory of medicine,nas anythïng wou bo widcly and sodecply upon Üte contldence of uiaukind, as tlus excellent rrii"''ly lor mihnorary rmuplainis. Thréugli a long series ofyears, and among most of the races of ïnun t rigen higher aiul higher m their estima bon, as it has becuinu better knowii. lts uniform cnaractei and power to ture the rarious affcctions of tUu Luugfi and throat, have made it known as a relialile protector against them. VVhile adaptcd lo milder farms of dlsease and to young ehildren, it is at the samo time the most euccuial remedy that can be given tbr incipieut eonsumpUon, and' tiie dangerous afl'ectioiis f tiie throat and liings. As a provisión agaiust sttddcn attacks of Vroup, it should bc kept on hand in cvery ianiilv, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds aud couglis, all should be provideil wlth tliis antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought incurable, still great numbers ol cases vtiiere the disease ?cemed settled, have been completely cbretl, and the patiënt restored to sound health bv the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its maatery over the disorders of the Lunjjs nud Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing elsc could reaeh them, under the Cherry lectoml they subside and disappear. Sinyi'rs and l'ublic Speakers flud great protection from it. isthmtt is always relievcd and oftcn wholly cured by it. lironehitis 3 penerally cured by taking the Cherrij l'rrtornl 'm Bmall and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certiflentes of them here, or do inore tlian assure the public that its quahties are fully iiiaiutaiued. Ayer's Agüe Cure, For Fever and Agae, Intermittent Pever, Chili Fever, Kemittont Fever, Dumb Akuo, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &o., and indeed all the affections which arise irom malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. Ab its name implies, it does Cure, and does not rail. Containmsrneither ArsenicQuinine, Bismutli, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poiaonous eubstance whatever, it in nowisc injures any patiënt. The nmnber and importance of lts cures in the ague districts, are literallv beyond account, and we believe witliout a parallel in the history of Ajruo medicine. Our pride is gratifled by the ai'knowlcdgnients we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or travel linKthrough miasmatio, loealitios will be protecteil by taking the AGUJS CURE daily. For Liver Vomptaint., nrising from tórpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remcdv, stimulating the Liver into healUiy activitv-. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producinc: manv trulv remarkable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepareil by Dr. .1. C. Ayer Co., Practical and Analytical Cheraists, Lowcll, Mass., aud sold all round the world. PXICE, $1.00 FEU BOTTJLJS. Sold at Wholesale by FARRAND, SHELEV & COI Detroit. siuerpl CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT ÜÜLL, ROBIASON & CO'S. JOlt THE NEXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell G-oods Oheaper than any other Store in the City. JIVERY AND SALE STABLE. AXTKLL Sc BAMAGS, Corner Main aud Cnth8ririeHtrcïtH. Horsesboardcd on reaaouahlc torma. Sücoüíí haud buu'i-'k-H, cut jernaud harness for sale. 1252yl PeOPLE'S DRUG STOjSíSí R. W, ELLIS & CO1 A3STU A.HBO H I


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