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(RENVILLE, DRUGGIST! No. 5 Maiii Straat. Sast Bide KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND PAHNESTOCK'S LEAD,GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLORS, Oils, Varnishes, Piitty, PATENT MEDICINES! ;BunTO.s .tobacco antidote, COLGATE'S SOAPSJ 11A1R OILS Sf JIAR RESTORERS DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, ' HAIB DYIS, FkAVORING AND tïandkerchiei Ex trac ts GLASS UüBJiER, AND ZMCET-A-LJ S YRI isT'OJE S , TRÜ8S ALL OF BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WINES AND IjIQXJ OBS 1 AGENT FOR TQB G BEAT U. S. 1EA COMPN'T. Pre3criptions put up with Care at all Hours. Storeopenon the Sabbath Irom 7 to 10 W A 11 -I 12 0 2, and 5 tu 8 1'. M. ' OR VILLE & FULLER'S ACCOUNTS, 1t .VOT SETTI.ED BY APRIL lst, WILL BE LEFT WITH THE TROl'KR OFKICEKX tOR COLLECTI0f GEO. GRENVILLE. Marob5tb, 1869, gWEETENING V SWEETEiMlNG?! I roR your, SÜGAB and SYEUP OO TOJ S2ST IIULL, R0BINS0N & CO. DRY GOOÜS ! GROCERIES, CARFETS, OIL CLOTHS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE. JPLOUR AND FEED STOEE ITT NEW BBICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour AND ALL KIXD3 OF FEED AND COARSE GRAIN Genstftntly on liand,aud delivered to custoineia Ín aoy part of the city. .HUI V G. LAl'BEXCAYKH Ann Arbor, Nov. 1869. 1245m6 ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS! BEST FLOXJR $3.2ö per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. LEAVE OUDERS AT THE PO8T OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. 8EPT. 21t, 18S9. 1236lf TUMBEE YARD! C. KEAPP Ha a lardean.! wel! stockod Lumbcr Yrd, on ' ferson Streec, in tho south part of the City, and wil! ' keep ccmatantly on hand au xocllent Triety of LUMBER, SHINGLES, LAÏH, &O. which win bc soldas low as can be atTorded inthls markct. Qualitr and pricessuch that no one neêi to ko to Detroit. CONKAD KRAPF, Ano Arbor.Oct.lst. 1869. 9(6(f tpOR SALE ï " r Thisubecribors offer forsale the house, and all or a portion of the cronnda Ou Aun Street, between Fnnrth and Fifth Strocta, helng the residence of tho late VoIneyChaptn. For turma apply to C. A. Chapin. Aleo about 3 acres on Miller Avenue. O.A. CHAI'IN', ) V. C'UAPIN, Jr. V Admialetratore. 8. S. WALKER, j Ann Arbor, Aiirll29th, 1869. 1215 Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors ] for Medical Purposes. - ni i ■ iMf . rplíE BEARS ARE AHEAü! JOHNSON, THE HATTER, IIus jut opened a Lsrge Stock o f WINTER COODS! Iucluiling Newcct Sij-ln or HATS & FÜRS ! Which ivill be oíd LOWEB THAN E-VJBR, I ALSO A I.AKULdTOCK O1T GLÖVBS, (Oi,l,,tlsi, NECK TI ES, "VNDKUltUliEKS, SATCIIELS, CANES, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c. cl)an(iixsmiue tuy guudubeforepurokas ing eist liere. NO. 7 MAIN 8T., - ANN 4RB0R MICH. November, 18ti9. 1215tf JJJALT! WALK INM S. SONDHEIM, SLCCE8BOK TO M. Guiterman & Co.' AT TUE OLP OLOTHING HEADQUARTERS UA8 J.QB3 OrE.NED A OFFALL GOODS CL O TH S, CASS1MJ2HES, l VEST1NGS, ZC. All of the Best and Tateet Styles, Together with a LARGE AND VVELL 8ELECTED STOCK OF READÏ-MADE CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING (GOODS, W!TH THE LARGEST STOCK Oï Bovs' rand Youths' Clothing EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. WhJch heoffers atj Greatly Rednced Prices Also a large lot of ITRAVELINQ TUXJITire I CI.OTHING IMDE TO ORDERS IN THE BEST STYLE Cali and examine tor yourtehes I No. O. South Main Stront. ANN ARBGR,8EPT.,186. 10S9t f JAZAEÜS & MORRIS, wilfx0'8118 and Ocnlists, LONDON, GkeatBkitain, and HAUTFOIU), C'OSN., U. 8. Have appointed JACOB IIALLEH, Watihmakci & Je veler, Aun Albor, Mlch., Sole Agent for the Ssle of their CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, WhiohhaTPbeencxteniTc!.vuicd n Gret DriUin aadi n.t.Hl Stiltes, the past eif(ht His, and forwhicli ' thoy claim the unformentloned advantacen i)erthoe lu ordlnary use.tlie proof of nhich be seen n I their constantlj' increaaing basiiiees during tbe ast eight ycar, Int. Tiut frnm tbo perfcct constructie of the lcnsM. thoy assiet and preserve tlie sight, remierinu frequent changea unnecessary, Snd. That tSey eonfer a brillinricy and distinct nnss of visión, with anamount of rsje a-i.l oomfort not hithertocnjojcilbjr .cctacle mnn, 3ra. That tlie material from which tlie I.eni ategr.inml is nianufactnr4 rprcialljr fc.r optie purpOKoe, antt ia pure, hard and brilliaut, nd not Hablo to become scratchtd. 4tb rgold.iu reromtoel.are or tho fine! qualllv and finish, and guarantecd perfect in every rospoci. Theyarethe only Spectaclfs th.t vBKSïm-E is wkll 8 AS„IST TUK S,OHT, A E d arecp, bornuf. beíng'ñece.rV.""ÍDSmaDy f?1?. SiKtT-1"9 willrisit Ann Arbor at the do. f íír" Af Dt ÍTÍP 'our "■, for the purpoe of flttimitho.B haring ,liil-,-uU sipht, wh.nanv spectacl,.ss„id b, lhlrAg.nttnrtiigth3 nterralw II beeachaltfed frecof charge if notpïopeil" fit7ed Bg-WEEMPLOYNO PEDDLERS.gj I nnifliiir prêscbiptiom" ACCURATELY AND CAHEFULLY PREPABED BY W. ELL1S d: CO., DRUOGIS1S. m - - - - - - -.zzij DOTY'S WASHING-MACHINS I.ATU.Y MÜCH IMI'ROVED- AND TOE NEW Universal Clolhes Wringer. Improved with Rowau's Patent PoibleCog vthkxlh and tho I'ATKMTSToi'.arenowunqueBtidirvbly fa mapei ior to nny appar tus for tvnnhing cl ot lies Ter iu veuted, and will save tbtir etdt twice a )enr, by aaviug labor and olotbon. Thoac wlio Lavoused them give te-timony a follows "We Hke oa machine much ; cotiM n't be peruadedto do without t, and witli the akl af Doty, w feel tluií w are master ot the pcaitiun "- Ü i.. Seott,Biahfp M. E, Churrh. ■'Itiuwnrffc one tibiar K week iu anv faruUy."- N. Y. Tribune. ' ' ' In tlie lauodry of aiy housfe ther is a perpetual tiiAnkKgirinff onMoihiiiji fur the mvcniiun. "-? Tknodore L. Cnyler . " Eery week has giren it a strrnger bold upon the afTrctitin?! ui ihe iDDatea uf the lauuüry "- jV Y Obtervcr. "I beartily rAmmeDti t m economiiitR ol lïme, moDoy, andcunliiiiinuut."- JUt.Dr. Bcllovs. " Frlend Dotj - Tour Inst. Improvernent of jour Wanhing Machine is a complete succern. latfturc jvtx 'our Maolii H',' af ter a y var 'm use, in tho ugbt more of to-day thaucver, and voaldsot be iaited witlt uuder any ircumataace."- Solón llobiiun. " YourWashing Machino lia beeo in daily u in our luuudry, atul tke housekecj)cr fxpreshes hertelt ftsbighly pleaaed with it. It ceitMnlv accomplisbcí a greaterainuiint of work, ith leu labor, and does not wear the cloüifs near xo znuch as the old fabitned waab-bwrd. By uslnr it, )nelntindrBH is diepen?! witb. '- W'm F. Jiomtd, Super intwdent oj In faut iepartment of Sc. Cathcrine's Nunery, Ti. Y, City. " A ft er a constant uc of the Umybbpai. Clotheb W m ho kr (or more tban four yeais in cur fnmily, I bid authorizt-d by the ' ïoweiH that bc;'to give it the most unqualitïed ptatse, and to pronounce it an indinpeunablo part of the machli.ery of licusekcpping. Our ervantii havpalvuys been willing to use it, and alwajs bavehked it.' - íítnry Ward Bcccher, PR1CES-A Fair Offer. Send theretailprice. WasherS14, Extra Wringer Í9, anti wo wilï forwanl eltlier or buth machine?, ireeof f rtiKl-.t, t'i placeH where no ia felltogi and no suro arfl W9 thy will be Uked, tbat we agree to refund the uioney if any om wishe to return tbo machines free of fu ight, after a month's trial, accorüirg to dl rectioiip. No busband, father or brothej öhould pervtit the drudgery uf waihiog with the hands, fifty-two days in tbe year, when it can bo done better, more expedítiously, witb lene labor, and no injury tu the ga rmtnïji,bya Doty CiotLeu Washer, and a L'niveröal Wringer.' Canvassers with exclusive rigbt of sale make monty fafltaelllng thom. Soldby dealers generalij, (o wbom liberal discounti are made. R. C. BROWNING, Gen. Agent 1235U 82 Curtluudtstrcet, Ntw Vork. 8 ñ 3 ti H S . - M ps s ÍS S h ■J % ,,„ o B Sh i; i á - ! QÍ8o P 5 n q 0 9 M ö a pALL AT THE Farmers' Store. and see their Goods and Learn thelr Pricfs. Everything in D;ess Goods Marked Down. IPflYSICIANS' Prescrip I tions Accurately and Care ! fully Prepared by [ Ji. W. ELL1S& CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus