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Home Amusements

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Knm thiï Svracuse Journal.. Wliat we need at this moment is more ' home traiuing, home amueo:neats, home ; training and culture ; and until fathers aud mothers can bo convinced cf the nccessity for tlicso requisites, aud urged nlo the adoptioD ofthcm, the carnival of dissipation and crime will not abatu, ' the young will go astray fis they are now doing, and penpla will Imld up their ! hands ia horror at the degeneracy of : tho ago. The youth of the Ui-ited status go to perditiou more frequeutiy from neglect at home, than from any other cause. The tnecbanio thiuks he has not time to look after tho habits of ! bis childien. He feeds theui, ! them, and senda them to school, and to j j the Sunday schoc-l. Perhaps ho occasiorjally drops a word of reproof or advice, in which he is joined by his wife, and they cali that home training. But wliut should bo dooe? We venture to assert that if half tho parents in the United States would give thuir attíntiou, for the nextlen yenre, to home amusements for the childn n, amusements wbioh should iuvolve healthful, rational j enjoynient, the coming geneiation would be strouger men atd women ihan those of any preceding generation. As a people we know comparatively little of the philosophy of amusements. Parents discuss politics and fasbion, scandal and crime, during their leisure moments at home, while the childien sit by, longing fcr so.Tietbiug to amuso thetn, something to make time pass more plensantly and rrpidly. Tho latter are sent avvay to deviso their own sport?, while futhers and mothers devote themsclves to social ongagements, or pcríoual ense. After a time tho boys fiud iheir amusements away from home, perliaps in places of ijuestionablo repute ; and the girls suduenly assume the a:rs of young ladies, and devote themselves to late hours, receptions, senseloss sinall talk, aud to beaus noted moro for tbcir fascinating manners tbarj their good inoráis. So matter3 go on quietly, until society is stiirtled by the annnunecment of unc.vpecled ctimo or anful ciegrace. Such dramas are heiDg cnacted every week of the year. Would not parents bo repaid by devoting more time to the amusements of homo and lesjj to business and social pleasurc ?


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