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The Advantages Of Having A Literary Wife

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oirees and convcrsazioue3 as hunible :ompau;oD, and am ntrodueed as the msband of Mrs. Searl. Coming home "rom town iu the cars. eoiue officious fuüow with whom I fall iüto conversation roluntcRi's to show me Uie villa of the distingui&hed poeiess, aud perhaps idds, "Thej do say her husbaiid is a -urly curmudgeon, with no appreciation af her genius." If I ventura to teke a nioruing eauntor among my shrubbeiiei', I sliaü probabiy fina some nudacious tonriet ta!;ii!g photographic views or jratuitously triiumiug uiy hedges. Teu bo onc, I shall next stuftble on n newspapcr reporter, who wfll take care to have me inventcried, in Lia eext issue, iiTiong the fountainp, alcives, and ather prjpertits of the poetess. Unly the other day our butclicr'a bill was laloiiiniily purloined from the table by joml mefnehto-hunter. It vrould net surprise me to see it produeed to answer the queslion (ouly clianging the gender.) pofi what meat dotb tliis oar CaaMr feed, 'I'lint ín: i grown bo ereal ! ' The cxpi essmun leaves boxcs of r.romatic "Francés Augusta Soap" and ieauii:o ' Searl Buking Powder," with complhnents of tho cnterprising donors, eollecting enormous foes there'or; and cvci'v day the mail-oarrier mokéa a ' gecerul delivery" at our door. Preseutation copies, in "gilt and bluo" aud patrioian bronze, of trashy books, usuip my library ehelves, till well-tliumbed Izaak Walton aud Sir Thomas Browno are thrust iuto an ignoble corner. Wc reccivo frequent deputaions from the "Tallow Dip Mite Association," the "Porringer Aid Sooietj-," and other worthy charities, cach soliciting my wife to head its list of lady patronesses, and overwhelui its rivul with merited confusión ; but [ nm happy to say sbo bas pot vet iwdertakeo the role of phihuithropist. Whbn that day comes I ghalt sit, like thü merk Jflllyby, with my heud against the wall, if indeed the moineiituu1 of her reputatiou dots not crush mo out of life altogether. - From ÍIow I Became a Pagan, ra the April number of Lippincoli's Magazine.


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