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Strong-minded Martyrs

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v-Mn ih suirintrii.-iii nmiubUcnii. Match IS. Tfro course of tli3 w ornan suffrage enrapa-gn in Verniou-t, especially on the N"ew York sido of tho monntains, reiiiinris on-of tho Frialiman who wantud tff ee an "equivocal ausvver' to anyhoify iiiquiring for bis onister. "A gintteinun callcd and nxed was yer honor ot homo, and' I answcred him equivikrl Kke - I askod was bis granJmother a mookey." Vormont doift know wbat atiswor toraato to the women that ask ! ior tbo suíFrage, aod so it ubu3cs tlrem - lile Byron'a Jack Bunoe - Uliu kucw notwhat to say, aud'so he swore. The amount of vituperation and slanefer poured" forth. by Dr. Lord and tbe rtpua in Montpelier, and tbe Burliügton Fret Fren, and a few other scurrüou8 newepapers elscwbere, is both ludicrous and disguíting. Tbe Argut has long been ktiown as tbe nearest npjroach to the La Cros. e Bemocrat that Now EnglaDd would torerate, but w looked for gomethiDgïietlier from Ir. Lord'a organ and the Fre& Pres, wbkh Tiad reputations to los. The vile nauwe oí their cliarges and insiuirations ajninst pueh pure and excellent womon ni Lucy Stone, Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Liverrnore, and ourown Mrs. Campbell, is an indi catión of the toste wbiek these iournala minister and these ministers 'iournalize. Aod their abuse is íbllo-wed apbjc. tüeir reader wït&aaoBymous letters aní malignant vüllage gossip which reflecta Oüly toe exactly tho aecurit; of the newspapers. At tho con7entioii iu Burliiigt&n, last Thtirsday nd' Frrdary, th sort of warfaro enme to-ahífld1 rosnen a wny as to check it for a irkilo, if the good peoplo of Vermont have that oare for their high reputation which wo gave tbcm credit for. When Mr. Garrison, Mis. Howo, Mrs. Cnurcbill, Mrs. Campbell, and Mrs. üvoraiore arrived iu Burlington to spoak at the convuntion that bud been called tbero, they found the air poisoued witb standers against them and their associates. Mrs. Stone and her busband who were then performiog the funeral rites of tbeir beloved daughter in Massachusetta, were denounoed in Burlington as never baviug been married ; Mrs. Churchill, a widowed aad bsteaved notker id circranstanceR no fess atllictlng, wns 8mtrched'with like abue, and tbe who! wornan suffrage party áenounced as free-lovers and infidels, aftcr the maHgnant oopy get by Dr. Lord, of Moutpelier, a raonth agr. Wbcn the ', oonvention met some low fellows of the boser snrt uadertook to disturb it by noise aud interruption, euch as ttie anti■ lavery meetings bad to encounter ten yearo ago. Mr. Garrïson was interrupted n this way, and rebuked tbe disturbance fn his sharpest manner; and both he ar.d Mrs. Livermoregave their attentioo tothe Free Press and the other slanderers of spotless women in a wny thut their hearrs vvill uotsoon forget. The resnlt was bearty applausc froiu a largc atidience, and the prussing iuvttation of thu best poople in Burlington to hokl anotber convention in that city, where the oliampions of woman suiTrage should have fair play and open opposition, intead of sncaking abuse and mob law. We hope, for the sake of Vermont monners, that tbe Burlington insults wcru csceptional, and the work of a city rabble. Uut Mrs. Campbell reports that in the country town of North F airfax, where she was holding a meeting, the opposition burnt cayenne pepper on the stove and rosorted to other offensive measures to disperse the audience. Tbe sJandars of Mootpelier Dumocrats and tho Burlington Republioans seem to have had their legitímate effects, and a ípiritis at work in Vermont which more nearly resembles the brutnlity of I'hiladelphia medical studente than the courtesy that New Engiand meu are accustomed to show toward women. Buch persecution only increases tho number of converts to the woman suffrsge party, and so defeats tho object of its promotere, white it leavesa stain on the fame of Vermont that none of us can look at without


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