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The Insane--the County House

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In the Aiisue of lt week, we briefly announced that, at a special seffion of the öoard of Supervisors, tlio County Superiiitfbuentsof ilie Poor liad bec-u authorized to expend not to esceed ?-l,000 n erecting and farnishing at luïdilioua! wDg or buildiug at the Couuly House, whioh it is uuder&tod is för the j modation of the anana sof the county. The experiment - for tuch vo aro couiident it Í3 and will prove - has ben indiwed1 by the inaprovement in tbe act.on and coudition of the insano inmutes siace the completiou of the building now oooupied by them. If ria# experiment is to bo eonGned to the oare of the liopehst'y inssne, a claes wliicb caa not, at proeeut, for want uf means and room bo accommodatcd nud provided for at the State Asvlum, it is well, fcr humauily 'requires. that such uufortunates be providcd witb something better thau tho bare and forbiddiug ceüs usually assigned to them at County IIousos. Uut if the Supervisors and the Superintendents coutemplate pro "üding for the curable or supposed curable, for patients who ough to bs under medical troatiaent, then wo advise a pause before thu debt ia contracted. For one we do not bcüjeve tbat the iiisnno o? tlio Stntc can Le proper'y treatcd and cared tbr in County Aeylume. Tbeir caro trealment - if rrstoration is looked for - ntolvei a larger ouihiy in building and purroundings, ami in the employiueut of nldlled Supsi intendouis pbyEÏüiuns, aad aUcndants, thsü anj county in the State, not even esoepting Wa-yne, will bc willing- if ablc - to make. And iu cd-iuion, classifica;ion s absolutely necoKsnry, tlanifioatioo wbib oan not - iuvolving as it does bot!i ciution and tepai'aiioo - Lo successfuüy raade in a Ccunfy Aeylum of limitid proportions. These ara faets wbiob c;m not bo disputed, and wbioh strike at the very root of the matter. It is better then- if we aro right - for Washtenaw County to pay for keeping her insatie al Katamizoo thau to 1 tempt to proviJe for theiu at homu. And if tlie Ka!a:nazoo Asylum is no; largo enough it in lliu (iuty of the Stale to makc liberal apprnpriattODS that its aeconimodations may bc iheruasud. Tbis for the curable itn-nne. For the iucuruble it;sane wu believe it the true policy foi the Stato lo ïprovide auothcr Afylum tliac the Oüe at Kalamazoo. We, thertfure, hopo that tle authorities of our county will uot act hastily even in makiog provisión ir a permanent axyluin for tho itcurable class. If $4,000 c r more ara uecess'.ry to be expended for their temporary accommodatiüu let Ihe cxptiidituru be freí - ly made, but nol vith a view of establishing a county syslom, hut siiujly as an immediate ueceíeity.


Old News
Michigan Argus