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Editorial Chips And Splinters

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- Plisan is lcctnrlng In this stntc. - BIsbopThoropson.oftheM-E. Ohurh, died al WhceUng;, W. V., ou tlie Lí, oí typhoid pneumoula. - Tlie Vt'yo.-r, in v.-onn.T set oïi aml mnv i Wyomlng irirl wants to West Polnt. That'a "what's next.'1 - Hatchcr wna thc Mttie of onu of tlie vromen n thai WyomiDg jury. Oñemlght expect mlschlefto be hatch-ed up thcre. - Tlie pücaped STergw lias vuluutaril; returuetl. v ;shc! to excúlpate Ihe nuthonüe charged with coinpllcl( lu hls esuape. - By a vote of 121 to 41 the Mansachnsetts Hou&e of Repi'csentatlvcs lias passed a. bilí permleting public librarles lo be opcncd Suiulay. - At a recent banglng match in Pennaylvania aagrr holcs In a barn adjoiulug tlie jall yanl were rentcd at 2 each. A greát m )ial cxhibition. - $150,000 has been subscribcct to the Stanton ftind, and a years' salaiy oí n office he never held voto! to lils wldow. Bcaldes, h leit au estáte valued at $00,000. - Blalr made a speech last week. H was on the tai'ifl', and in favor of protectiou. One WOUld thhik that the inaiiufactiu-crs Of Blalï's lty enjoyed protectlon enough in the employment of elicap prison labpr. - Gulian C. Verplanck, PresMent of tlie New York Commissionivs of Kmiyration, Yice Chanc(-llorai)d Hegcnt of the N. Y. University, .uní B Wriier of considerable note, died on tiic 18th ij)3t.,oge(S b3 years. - Qcorge Wakeman, a pojjnlarcontrlbutor to ths Gtil(ix;, AppUtorít Journal, and other pertocUcals, mul formerly oh the editorial stuft' of tlic WorSt, died at lijs resldenco iu New York, on tüe lOth inst., af pneumonía, nged if years. - Bciiig clisgustecl wltll tlic acquittal of Jmlfre Fullerton, Cook nnl others, Collector Balley, of the 82d Internat lievcnuc District, New Vork, karlied to partí niiknown ; tbough as hc is charged wlth berng a defaulter that lustend of hls disgust may account tor his ftitrli t. - Associate Jostlce Strong has been TOsfgned to the I'iiird District, Pcunsylvau'a, New Jersey, aml Delaware ; and Justicc Iïr;i'lh-y to the Plfth District, Georgia, Florida, Alabuua, Mississippl, Loa'.s'aua, and Tesas. A.n Iowa paper stntos lliat Mrs Coles, a half-sister of Vlce President Colfax, is to have the appolntment of Postal Clork on the regular mail train of the Chicago, Hoek lslatld & l'ucitic Hailro'jd. - h'x. Thrtt woman evldently liaa "a soul abovc buttons." Uonnlog a vmk car ! What ne:t ! An article snpted uto anottier colaran from the Springfield (Mass.) Repub lican, "The Strorg-minded Mariyrs," bears uterual evidenee that woincn poli ticians stre dootneJ to find the same íough corinTS thst do men reforoie-rs. VVIiüo the men of Verin on t - wIkto n "ne bul Radiouls are. tolerated - do not ack vcry iiütily and are not to be eo-mn;cnJed for treutiaeut of Stonk, Hcwk & Co. tliüir conduct demónstrales oue truth which ought to be selí-ovideut, that wo inr.n's strocghold ia nouE, Thcre Fhe s lonked up ko, admired, Iovíji) ; i.nockDgaround the world promihcuonsly anc politioallji c fewr slie will havo to learn to take it as ït averages. The Ser.ate, on Monday, by n voto o 18 to (5 coi:firraed the long pendiugnom inotion of Josei'H O. Bradlby, of New Jersoy, to bs Associa'.e Jus'ico of the ëupreme Uourt. Tho crpat-bag Senators were compelled to cavo. The Democrats voted for - Report saya that Justice Nelson will soon teuder his resignatiou and vacate the soat upon the Supremo Bench he has so long and well fillod. Gen. Am'ks, late of the Ratrapy o Mississippi, who res;gnftd his commis sion in tbe ariuy to becomo the colleague of Revels ia the Senate, s likely lo be a vietim of mifplaccd cotüdencp, the Jndiciary Ccmmittco bolding that ht was not, wben eleeted. an ïnhabitant o the Sta'u witbin the meaning of the Constitution. That pesky aml oft ig nored Constitution will turn up occasion ally, and thia time when least expectee to be the niarplot of a ttiorough tooi o the Radical reconstructionists. Ajus' retribution, ncverthelesa. The House Committee on Territorios has decided ia favor of niaking Alanka a cotinty of Washington Tcrritory, with a judge and representation in tho territorial Icgialature. Hoesn't that epoi; somebody's prospects for playing at Goveruor in that land of icebergs and tropical fruits ? Skwahd will ba heard (rom. The House, on Wcdncsday, passed the bill to squelch polvgamy in Utah, by a count vota of 92 to 32. Iíkkiiiam Yoüng being a meek-tempered man wil] probably immediately divorce thirty er forty wives and teil them to "get up and get," while his followers will folluw suit aud polygamy be ended. We ehulltea. The Senate hos at last oonfirmed the nomination of Gen. Bickles as Minister to Spain. It was a bitter pill, but then Iiis zeal in tho cause of Iladiealiem covers a multitudoof sins. "Loilty" alones for adultery, murdcr, and the other little crimes hiiij to his charge. Fouii clergyraen, resident at Jackson, by joiniug in the VASJUERi'Oor, raid and publishing a oard voluntecring subscriptioDS to procure a dcw trial, have borne testimony to the very generally reccived opinión that outside oi their OWO immediato profession ministers are unsafe couuselors. Fon making no cffort to rescue the crew of the siuking Onoida, Capt. Eyhe bas been suspended for six months. - Slight puni.shmcnt for 80 outraging the dictutes of humanity. The court of inijuiry exoncrated him from any blame in the colusión. Six young ladies havo been oxnmined and admitted to tbe Agricultural college at Lansing. Aa all studeata are required to labor, they probably pail the cows, cook thn diuuers, and wasli and iron tho clothes. The Farmers' Co-cperative Association rceently organizcd will meet at the Court Iloueo, to-morrovv, at IJ o'olock A. 51, I


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