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The Ladies' Christian Union

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The second anuual re-union cf toe Laaie Chrlstlan Uulon of thls city, was held u the lect ure-room ol'the 1'resbyteria.ii Cliurch on Friday evenlng last, on which occasion tli" meinU-rs of t!ie Union nud lnvited jrucs's made a f;1""'1}' niuaJier. The exet of tle occasion conslgteclln brluf remarke by Rev. '. .1. Iükdmak ; the readlng of the annuul report of tUe Secretary, Mis 'ii.KtNsii., spoken of iis an toitructlve iloeument; tlieaililressoi'the I'residint Urs. ST. S. BUKTon ; readlng of;i posin by :i lady whose we dld not jjet approprlate and excellent vocal iims2 ; eatins ice creara aud cake, served by the young ladies, not the least utlraclive part we judged by the general partlclpatiou closii remarks by Kev. Ii. H. Fisk; and social converse. We were nol iu in Urne to kcar the Secreta ry's Report, aud can íiot give its facts and figures. The iiddress of Mrs. Pres'dent BDBTOS we append, conlldeut that it wlll bJ rcad with iuterest by our uiti.ens : You have listeueil, ladies nnd gentlemen, to the very uble report of our Öecretary, froin whicli you nuiy le;ifti tUowe threc things which it is important to know regarding atiy society or organizution, nainely ; what it luis aimeil todo, what it bas succeeded iu doing, 4nd what it still propo.scs to do. öhe Ujis Uweit eloqiiently upon our failuxes. A, few words WlU sliow what we have done. An average membevshlp of slxty has given us in two years, 120; public collections trausferred to our use, $((i ; private collections, $iaö; donations, $aö ; piuceeds of festival 47 ; roaklog our tecelpts Iu tliv two years,about $400. Wiih these ft w dollars and cents at our command wecouldonij asslst a 1Vm? of ihe many sull'ering poor S c wiiJL'sivoreü, to select wtio werc al once tlie most worthy aml most iïuly. Ve Uskvc now on hand property viiluul at 135. 'We iiavc plans bj whlch we propose to niake tliis Itvallabli fonds durlng the present year. 1 wlll r.ot detaln you long while I give you the firn convlction of our Board of Managers am Vlsltlng Committecs, In answer to theciues t ion : " What do yon propose to do f" The rcsnlt ofthetwo years experienc gtven inainly to assisting the poorconlirin us u the previously held opinión, tha intemperante and are the mail canses of all our pauperism and poverty The first is a gigantic cvil against whlcl we brulscd our heads without aít'cctn; i in the least, yet we propose to continue do log it battle, trusting that the continua dropping of water wlll wear away th stone. This evil furiiishes us witli plent of work to do. Broken-heartcd, dlscoui aged wlves to comfort; Btarvlüg cblldre tn feed ; ragged families to clotho aucl il siruc-t; aged motliers to protest. In man Instances this mother has beeu that btökenhearted wilte's only com forte r throogh many long years of trial. She has dlvided with hor unlil thcre is 110 more to tiivide, and now age and inflrunty forbiil further toil tbr cliUd or graiid-child, yet she has no home that is vuulhy. of the name. Perhaps the experieuci: ot' lile- an early widowliood, destitution, the Btruggle to maintain her children and bring thera up respectubly, and aftcr all failure, - has taught lier the wcakness of all human effort unaided by the Divine, and shc has. to trust in Gmi Mt in tke. midst oí the cu.rsts and brolla oí' a dranken son's home, or around a daoghtsr's liearth whoue husband loves to look upon the wine when it is red, she llnds nu poncev and only tvaits UUtll slie iscalled up higlie whcre no drnnkard can come. Yo are all familiar with the olhcr class I mentiontd - Unproyldent people - who sometí mes work umi sumietlmea do not. They ouly woik starvatlon is at Vhe door. Here wc Und the man working stcadily at low wages, but never accumulating, whose wifc is an Inefficiënt, unambltious, aim'ess woman, satisliwl the present emerguucy i nut, .whether by charity or otherwlae. Again we Bad the father of a large family lazlly losing all hls opportunitics tor acqutrlng, spending hls time and strength at worsc than nothlng, while the mother is a lianl labérlug woman, giviug ber lile tor her Children, haring a miserable lor a hume, patched rags tbr her chlldren's garments, charlty's glfts f'or her Bcanly provisión, and perchance an aged mother dependent upon lier for a home. But it is a home without comfort that she furntshes lier, and we find tlm aged inilrm woman, who lias doue her share of work, and who can bui partially support herscl suUVring with 1 1 1 1 youiig who ought to b made to work oraltowed to starvc. These two classes of aged wonicn, respect ablc in character, mauy ot tlem worth chrlsttaus, furnished by these two larg classes in the community - the Intemperat and tha improvident - tax largely our bc nevolence and our sympatliy. There is sti a third class which we tind in the cit) Aged nin'jle tromen, who depend almost en tiivly upon charity for their niainlenance At seventy-llve thpy aaw tlieir own rt'ooc and live on corn meal, and trust to Provi denceand their nelehbora for the rest. The Board of Managers af the Ladies Clmstian Union, composed of members o sevoral Cliristian Chnrches of this city feel compelled ' present these aged womci wldowa and wowe than vldowed mothers to y our Cliristian sympathies, and ask yo to ald us in a plan, which if carried out wlll do honor to all onr liearts, and bring comfort to theirs. An Old lady's Hom is a necesstty of our city, and a demand o the times. . A home at whose head Is a wo man past the prime of lile, yet ripe in expe riencc and mature judgment, whose sym pathlea are With the ü.uvcl and infirm, who loves them as a jiu'icious mother love cliildren ; a woman who has a happj marrlage and a Qheertol lite, whp lias ex perienced all family ties, and who has at least the concept ion of a practlëally anc well conducted household. If slie has ex perienced sorrow, and Uereavement, ai misfortunc, and been made botter by them they wlll not unilt her for her cluty as Matron of our Old Lady's Home. In every department, whether in the breaklast room slttlng loom, work room, parlor or sick chainbep, sho preside with motherly dig nlty, yieldlng wliile siic governa and go er n Ing while she yields, the elderly womei foljorlng her goldanco as pheerfully as does the ïuotlier of e'ghty the daughter o fifty. Go with uf tlirough cur Home. Cha with us awliile in our neatly arranged bu plainly furnisiied parlor. " Bethlelicm," ' Christ Blussing fittle Children," " Martha Washington," " Mrs Judson," and a few Other pictures of like character grace the walls, while here and there are bouqaets o choice flowers that perfume the air with their fragrance. Pass with us to the fam ily sitting room, light and commodious whlch is nsed at once as sitting room, din inu room, work room, - the common place of resort wlieu one wishes company. Jlere the old ladies rjullt, sew, kuit, read auc talk. Here all our piala sewlng is done for which we ]iay the usual prlce. Oui knlUing is all done here, some of it by ma chlnèry, and some of it by the flagon that Wlll not learn to use modern improvements Here gannents for the poor are made an: repaired. Hire our ward robe for Snliliatl School children is kepl in order. Carewon wrlnkied laces look cal ml y but cheerfully apon us, and blesalngs descomí upon our heads as we pass on. Follow me to the breakliisl room where all the common house work is done. Here eacli one Is engaged in the work assigned to her, and everylhlDg works as hurraonlously as in any home. The sleeping apartments are arranged with reference to hcalth.economy In warming, and proper ventilation, and are all kept in onler by the occupauts tliemselves, when in usual Jiealth, othcrwlsc by some itimatc of t!)C Home to wliom such duty is assigued. Stilt beyond is the washing room, where many iiands make light work. On three sides of our Home is a "i-:issy yard, dotted over witli fiower beds, each cared for by lts owner, in the bright mornlng hours. In the rear is a large garden tilled by the same hands, whero the ilcest regetal ' -s in all the ooimtry are made to grow. Do you sec our Home, ladlcs aml gentlcnen? A.n4 aw you pleaaed with it f And will you help us to rear It, that it may be a ïome to the weaiy, aml an honor to your Oltj f „ , Át irpsent wc are too small in numbers to sustaln such a Home, but could we enist a large proportion of the benevolent of oiircity in the enterprlse, we should feel certain of speedy snocess. Conld we maltiplv our sixty or eighty membere by live, u„i cure as many gontlemen who would mnnally contrlbnU twice as mach, we liould have an income that wonld sustnin lie Home fi'r several years to come. While the OfsirahliPfSS of such a retreat for the aged and helpleïs amoug the poor, which Klit Uso be i temporary reluge fot tli.1 ioiiitU-ss mul frleudiesg of all sgus, [i geen ml fclt ly many, pcniaps the ntcttiity of ts cxitlcuce in midst is not lully realtil. JJut it is no flincy sketch wc hare rawu. Wu can tajee you to the bornes oí líese women.flve or six oí liona tve li ive aaited, and show you liow tliey Uve, and yo viil saji Lur picture s no fauciful one. It lay be cbat Hay wou Id not ftccept such x lome as we propose to fnrnish. U may be liut love for the compautonshlpof chlldren Tould be struuger (han a detilre tor Lhelr wn comfort. It may bu tbat thcy bave tecome so accostoaaed to the excltement of ionio qaarreUi tbat the qulet ufa peací loinu wauld provo rUsomu to tliim, liut VTC luubt t. Altliougli tney feel tlic strong iverston so coromon to their closs, to licing ared for in the County liouse, unJ prefer o Uve as thcy do, thun to drag oat tbelr tíiy tliurc;. The rules and regalatloofl of sucli a Ioiuu w.ould of course be such ns to proect it íigauíst Impusltlon lrouu tlie dcsip;iing. It should be couducted by Chrlsttan aiul beucvolcnt wunicn, WhOM province is to labor for tbe elevatlon of tbeii ow.n sex, and to brlug all, il' poüsibte, to Éfie level o! tlie gospel. It w.ouid be deslgneil to. beneUt and próvido fur a chiss who rr,n noí be SO Well provided for in any othi T nay. It tlocs uot sccin Lo us to be a mere theory. tbat looks beautlful upou paper, bul woalcl be Impracticable in t!ic execution v.iiicli we prcseQt. It wou Id be practicable to rent a house, scsiiring tho rent by animal donations, fiirnislud ín thc plainest style, froni fund.s. coutrilniled for that pulpóse, that would. aooominodate a famii.v of eiglit or twicc eiirht persons. An executive coraconiinitte eoald obtain by contribntions froin our country friends vrgetnbles, fiuils, lloiir and ijlfiat siiíllcicnt to moet the wante oí such a Family. The innmU's of si:ch a home conld earn cnousli to supply thelr oivn wardrobe, in nduition to wliat eonld be easily obtnined from iriends. Trae, wemay not be able to eee tUe eud from the beglnuing, but all experience and obstration have ttuight us that when as Uhrlstlau workers, we do what In the Provldence of Uol is furnishecl us to do, the way is opcncil for dolng far bevond our oxpectations. We propose, thoreforcto the Ladles' Chrlstlaa Cnion that vo givc ourselvcs to this w:ork. That we consider the flfty dollars donatcd by one of our members at our late animal meeting, as the flrst hivostment in tha fuinl to e dfenominatud, " The OM Lady's Home Fund," and that we sulicit other benevolent ladies and gentlomeu to contribute an cqual aiuomit, more or less, to constltnte tliemselveN Life DiroCtoFS of 8uch Fund'. We trust tliero are soine present this tvatng W-ho wl!l show tlieir afiprciatio oí our plan, nul tht-ir ow torwlglvt Ky contrlbutlng largely to this enterprbe. "We hope that every laily in -th room will herself becoiüo a meuber of the L. C. U., by the payment of $1 as her aunual fee, e wil! theu solicit her ííeutle,Hien IVHffs to ho-Kr ur list and thelr own mime?, by cnrolling them amODg the subacribers for onr 01 d Lady's Iloine. -T- We slxaiijd say that tlie gentlemen present were sollclteil to become honorarj members, that many of tliehi accepted, am foiked over the f2, wblch we hope wil prove a nest egg for tUat "Old Lady's Home." The Radical majority in Michigan is mado up of men wlio went froni the Democratie party - opposifcion to slavery being tlioir solé excuso and reason - and who are still blatant in. thoir claims that ia all other things they are yet Democrats, and tha party left thora and not they the party. Th is boing so they uur and are supposed to be freo-trade men, or at lc-aat opposed lo the systcm of proleotion - a systctn whieh taxes tho consuraor not to support tho government but to ei.rkh and fatten manufac turers alroidy fat and riah. And yet these men have aided in eleeting an entiro dologation to Congreso - six Representatives Mid two Senators - who oppose revenua reform, vota for proteetive tariffs, and go in for s.vindling tho poo ple for tho benefit of ron rnongers, coal miners, cotton-spinners, wood-screw cutters, "twisted tio" makers, etc. Thesa Democratic-free trade-Radicala - what a name- ought to ba proud of their work, tbat's s faet . On Thursday of last week, the House, by a vote of 101 to GS, refuscd to expel, of Tennessee, couvicted of selling a cadetship - a twothirds vote being necessary - and then passed, unanimously, a resolution raild'y censuring him. On the expulsión resolution, Messrs Blaik, F-BKRY, andCoNOBR, voted yes ; and the other Michigan niembers no. The Detroit Tribune sufigesta that BoTMW1! bacon was saved through fear that Andrew JohnsQ!( would be bia sucoessor, the ghost of Axnn: causing horor-strickau lladioal niotnbeis to Etiflo their coa vietious, aod voto no. - liuTLüR gil ve the bribe-money to the Hadieal cause, Wiiittkmore " Lis prieo " to the poor, which may account for the lcnieucy showu to the farmer. - Now let Whiïtkmork come back The fatted ca!f wil! be killed, and a rous ing feast made. The carpo'-baggfirs of Hichmond, with their tools the negroos - or perhaps the carpet-baggers are the tools of the negroes - have rebelled against the etiy goveruraent established by Gov. Walk er and the Legiolalura. Ex dictator Oen. Canuy sidatf with the iebe!s, and the position of Congress, the "governmout,1' tho adiiiinistration, the President, or the "what no',!' ia not yet developed. Under the ohl regiine it would have been t3 sustain Gov. Waj.kck, now that Congress claims to make aud uninake States at will, it may bo tho other way. Queer times, these. Tho aunufü charter eleotion is close at hand, but as yet neither party bas called its caucuses or conventions, llowevor we presume that the pipo w being laid, and that both sidos will bava candidatos In the field. We hcar of a number of men unxiuus to serve the pubüo in various capacities. - Giv us good candidatos, bothparties, is all wo havo to say just now. The Onclda Uisasfrr. San Francisco, March 19 - The steamer China arrived to day fiom Hong Üong, February J2, and Yokohama Ftbruary 23. At Hong Kong, the loss of ihe Uncida created a profound sensation, and cast a glooin over the oity. At Yukohatua tho afl'air of the Onoida has agitated the cominunity durng the eutite mon'h. Capt. Eyro was illowed to take passage on the JJombay, notwitbstanditig tho repeited roquests and demanda upon the liri tish authorites for bis arrest, criminal írial and punshmeut. ïhe sculeucc of the court only suspenda Gapt. fciyro six months. The Americaus aro iudignant, not on!y it thin, but at the iosolence to vvhich tho Jnited States Miuister was subjeoted luring the invpstigation. (Japt. iioe, hief' of stüfl' of the United States steamr Üelaware, had reached Yokohuina, nd would immediately bold a naval ourt of injury. The only bodies found i werc thosa ot üapt. Willuvijs and Caricuter.


Old News
Michigan Argus