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, Nxw Voik, March 22. The gold excittíimrnl has Kiüfcided almosi i the premium havlng eetticd down at X12& Tlui specutators secm to have parlially abandonad the gold market lof the time beiag, and have turncd their attention to other thinge, cottoD coming in for n shtire. an advance of nbout 'Je havlng been cil'octril wiihiu the week. A for Ign compltcatlon on tbc Cuban quvstiun mlght glve gold imoltior Btart.bul the iiüinu ttcpollcyof i i i tí government is undoubtedly in favor of au early return toa and afu-r refetlng for ft time whereltls, afnrtfcn dovrcv;il movemeut mny bc looked for. The n il w.iv li.-t has been aiittle cxeited to-day, ai.d a -i c :;l] ulvunec has been csiablishcd, cdV.ated on s foretgn demand fr dividend paj Isg Btocka. J) ■ goodfl Btlll moveelo'wly, The achrance in tottt n rendeia the cotton goods market onettled. The -iou of a big wooleu commisston house, witÊ liabüiticö v.i $ï.00,000 Is reported. The wooles goods market bus proven very ausátlsfactory te maDttíbctnrsrs, aud tliey are eoneiderteg the ptoprt cty of rauüDg short for a season, Shoald they de sa tho woo3 market will bo aníávorably affected These reports, howcver, should bc recelved wltl caattun by holden and ralsers of v ït , cspectell; if ut about the time the new clip comes on the markot. Flourand wheat are dnll and lower. The decliue on flour is eqnal to io@2flc. Wheat decltnec ccept on botter gradea, white Michigan befos t;uott-d at #1 40, at extreme rates. Thïe deoltce u tiuu to a ftillin ofi ín the Liverpool markets, Beel c-itth; and Bhce p have both advaiiced )i(t '.t:. Uors decline a fractloD, The Albany market is correspDiiiüuiíi.v improvfd. Tiie UJiícagu market declines aOoüL iiu Lquul amount. DKTROir, Mardi 33. Money rematne Btrlngcnt at rates as laai n ,. There is no Impruvcment In biiiiness Orders foi goodufroro. the interior are very Hght, and collectlonfl 1; IHciilE. Fionr and } wheat hoid tip toíast weekVi Qgnres, Dotwithstandine the decline at th cast (.Nïarst; graibs qaiet and anchanged, except oata, vt.iti, ure ie better. (reen apples are some what strovger at qnotatipns. Bitttarla oaiet anda Bhade weaker: Prlcee are comparatlvely bighei hcr thuu at titü east, goud New Vork and Vurmonl bein aaoted In Bouston at SOtsSc. Drled fruit ia etcady. Bggs are aboot Sc better. Poultry is weak. and tfmothy seedi Örin and itnohaiiged at 8íq S.5 i, aud $5,25 ■ 5 &o. Maple Bngar e on market only in very smal) lote, ai:d may bt quoted ut $1Síjí20c from store. A f.iir supply, huwcver, wuutd no doubt reduce tÍK'fe fijares. DETROIT PRODUCE MARKET.- The followlnff qnotatlons represent the corren t nel prlcevroalized by commision dealen, and arecarefully revlsedevery weekfur the AjtaoS) b}' our Detroit correspondent. Dednctlons frm these prices f r c mmissl ua and charges, will shw thc iu-t ratee toflrat banda: Apple, - Drled, 910c; Groen per bbi. 3.co3.25 Barley- percwt-, fl 00 for No 1 Beeawax - per Ib. 8 -vhit$i.:.v..iv.' Butter- crock S i - 36c. QrkiD,28(S 52c por Ib., e -Michigan Pactory, 10Ö 20. liiry, 14@16. Chickeus- dreeaed, perlh.,! Clder- Peí bbl 4.00 Corn- perbu . Ti ■■ T8e. rrles- Per bbl. S(Í.OC@14.00 fbr wíld. Bgffs- perdos., 28 24clliiU-s -dry. per Ib. .lSíOc-ígrocn,! Ciilf aklns- Green, i i ■■ i c; a Sheep Sklns- 4070; lamb skiñi 4060. IIops -New, per Lb., 14018c. Lard -peí Ib.. l&lTc. ();Us - per iui. 1Oniona- perbbl.a 50@2.Tí. Potatoe - BeetvarleÜeeperbbl.,$14O(3H.!íO1 Tullo w- S::, Tarkeys- aressedperlb., 2Oí21c. Wheat- extra white, l.sMg 125 j No. l.$i,13l.u Amber, Ï.OKI.US.


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