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3f ytúú poítoisu A COUGH, COLD, OR SUKE THROAT nw Requitea Immedtate &ttDt}0Q,8 9eiofcjijL íí1''1-' ofteq rvu'.ta n aa iucumble Mgvirown's Bronchial Troche BjyWWffir il 1 inosL inv.iria.bly givcistíiiit rola Por BIONCHITI, AtTBHA, CATARBH, Co.VüIMPTTV ;iml TanoAT DlBBAABftj thoy huy.' ■ oqthia 9ffbot . sit;r,fts and PDBL1C SPBA&EE8 ue tbem t olearmnd strenilu-n the voici'. omving lo ■i-iii reputttiop ínl popniarltj of tli Trochos, many varlhlesi and chiap imilation are oj feral, vhick are goodfor nolhing. Be ure tooi!TAi. flic truc BROWN'S BU01ÍCHIAL TROCHES. 'l ímti BOLD WZBYWIUCRB. ryb ' JíKNT : Tbabrlck resldei üorth Main Street. homo 1 ciinvcnlf-mly arraníi ',. bu ■ j I ti - ern, aod a well close at haod. Kor a person áeslrDg .'i resldenoe oear the bnslness n of the city. it Jast the i] ■'■. nuil can b obtalned on rrasouable eiius. pply tt Mrs. IC. WANTY. TRAPES AND STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Of nll tha ltiulins; varilios for ale n Ihe pntcriber's Grape Nnreery, In Ihe nh Ward, below the Rullroad crosting, car Jutltfo I.awrinccV Orolarrt. C. II. V(i'DHI'I-'l', ï-O-'wO Proprlemr, Vll. KELLOGG LIVER INVIGORATOXt, I ■ riiuti.i ti iippttite,clenR6 the stomac-h, '.hp blmni, s tlüi une f-- bftvi du blMOUH i I:v;;k. 8UMMKR GOML'i.AtN - LARIOCS DISBAK, lmiiJif the I 1 ii-i oí runyncr ,11 employed darlog t hc ear ly "w.i;: . vii_'. Reme m bet ro opnea 'f ii uwuiit isvrorin a poaud of care. Una butilo uoay bavoa heavj bilí ol t'pense. rU. KELLOGU S Indian Remedy, 'f';i!i)'i' i'inj!-ivi-l ai rt I.ïimmenf. an-ï Ís AqüftlljP i'i.i.i foi ei ■ n nr inivt. 1 wijl il t chip A.1 DS, Cl s, BRCISK8, ■■'■■ ;'l! hwh -I Bfld and ccitaiui v. AKÜ, tCltATCUKií, ú,ttuuri':e,Á;c., un Lu rat. nrHB GATHARTIO ;:!tTii:3 of Dr. kei.louo's FAMILY CATHARTIC PltLS, Are oxtrnri irnu simple articit'8 of fuod, by a do vel and neientlfie process. fhey iiither gripe, r.'u-iijjH u-, oi slokta. but lenve digestión v'njorous, thn apuetife trood, and the bowels mo nd regular. 'l'.icy kb ou ld be fmployed La c-a- of Hilliun5t , v_'iu', CoHtirsaots, Bnvel GcmpUiot, Dtpp it!n-;t, I.ivur Cuui)laiDt, HUeuiUtttibiUj Cotils. fto-.&p. A LL OF . DS. KELLOGG'SJ MEDICINES i.; ri;ir-"l tv himaelf, and warraated -ure and ík Lj vegetable iü all rospects. HR, KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OIA'TMEKT, . 'II IS, S.M.ïr.IIEl'M, ITCII. andall UKIH )I;EA6BS, without Ml. Sold bj DruJïist and Eealers everywhere. U62H püOD GUAC10US! WHAT PYRAMiDS OF CAKE ll the C'.ty Aic.ido. Fruit Cake. Oold Cake, Silver Cake, Kuil Jellj , i-ponge Lonf, French Liiaf, Cream i, Chocolate Cake. I.ady Fineer, French Stoei, Arcado Cake, and that DELICIOUS Boston 1SÓ2 CLARK & CROPSEY. "NJOTICE. There will bfi a spectal mecUng of the noord o: Managen o' the waahte&an Uoant) Acrlcnltural Society, at the offlcn of the Sccrntary. 1). C.ivw. (.ii Wednesday, the niïth dny ol Ar'd nmet, ntn A. H ..f saldaajr. BmloeM of í.-címI Importunce will come the Society, aud ai full nf.cndnuce is ftry. M arch, 1 l:h, 'Tn. 1201w3 "D. CRAMEK, Sfc. Estáte of Jcrusha L. Judkins. aTATBOP MICITKiAN.iJouTity of ï orebyctven.tbatbyan order of tke Pro furt for the Ooontjr of w ubtenaw, iniide o the nvriny-nri dajr .i' Mnrch. A. J. 18Ï0, m months froin ihat !ate were illowcd for craditora t preëenl their claims aKAlnflt the estáte of JernshAL .-.late of said CoantT. deceawd, and that al creditora oí isnld deceased re requlred to urenen thelr üaimt to sniil Rrobate Üojut, t the l'roltat Office in ihc city i.f A"11 Arboj, eumiuatloi and 1! v.-iioi', on ur lu-fore tiie twenty flrst day o ii iiext, and thnt such clMna will he hear aaid Probate Conrt, on Sattirdny, the tweuty flretd.y of May. and on Wïdiiexlay, t!fc tiventyftr day of September neit, ntien o'clock Utkte foranoo of those days Dated. Aun Albor, March 2'st A. D„ lïTO. 1I1KA.M .7 ÜEAKES. 12C2 .Jiid-e of Probate. Estáte of llenry Bovver. STATEOF MICHIGAN, Ocrantj of Washtcnaw, ?a Al a Pifión of the Probate Court for the Coont of Wa.-htcimw, lioldeu at the Probate OÜlcc, in th City of Aun Avbor, on Friday. tlie atettteftalb da li, i u thü yoar one thonsaud uight huudrei nn] fieventy. Present, Hlram J. Beakep. Judge of Probate. In tho matiur of ih JËatato uf Henry Biyer deceaiad. fn readtng mid fillnff the petïtïon, dnly verirtvd, o Marcare! '. BoweTi prayiDg that ahe ot sume utlie. suitable pcreon nn be appjlnted admluistratrix o the estáte of said ceceased. Thereupon It is ordered, that Mnurtay, tho oigl tecnth diiy of April oei t. ar ten oclowin the fort dood, be asslgned for thu hearing of said pel ti n, and thftt Lhe heirs at lavr of aaid deceaseí and all other poraods Intereated in eaid ostau ilred to appear at a Besston of s-iiJ Cour thon to bfl Jioldon at the Probate Office, lo th City i AnaArbor, and show canse If wiy there be why the prayer of the petltíonet bUddM iot h .: And lt U ftirther orderedi that saidpet PElve nótice to the penóos intorested lo sai estai !.of th peodency of aald petttloB. and tïi he&rine thcreoTt by canafng a copy of liiis order t : Bhed In tne Michigan Argat a uewspape prhited aod circniating in tM County, three su ccssivr vreekfl prcvious to said dav of licariiig. CAtruecopy.j I11RAM J. IJEAKKS, 12ÖJ Jtidge of Probate. Estáte of Eiam Smith. STATB OF MICHIGAN, County Of Waahtcnaw. p At a seanon of tho Trobato Court for the t ouut ofjff'ashtenaw holden at the l'robate Office, in th CU v al Ano Arbor, on Kridav, tho eifjh'eenth dny o tttarch, i the year ontojBa&oÍuthandFe4ta Beven ty. P recent, Hlram Itcakos-.lnfie of Probate. In ihe mal'.er of the estáte of Ela.91 Smith, de ceased. Charlea II. Worden, Kxocutor of tho tast wilJ an testamentofsalddecéaKdoinafiito Court aud re] that he U now jrf pared to rendur his tiutt account ie snch Kxecntor. Thttfeopon it íb orderetl, thnt Mon'lny. the cíg] teeuth (ny of April next, al trn o'Clock iu ti forenoon, be asslñieri fr exanintng mul llowiiif BQCh fiecouut, and thíit the leg&teen, devíseos an helrfl fit luw of pjiitl deceased, mfd nH other person Ínteresed in said enlate arereq'.iirc;útA apeac at Beselon ofnaíd Court. tben to be holden fit th Probare ('íHcc, in the City of Ann Arbor, 1 Bald Connty. and show canse, íf ány there be why thé suid aboovñt rthnnld not be nllowed : Anc it í-í fkirtnef ordered that said Bzoeaior rít notic rn the persons Interested In sa;d eetatc, of the pen ni Bald umunt, nml vhe hjeasioff thereof, I caaMngacnojf uf t'p ".rer to be publtshed in th hitjav Argut n Derspaper prlnted and drcolatln in said Connty, tbree ancccejafre wceka prcvious t BRid day of hearing. f A trae copyO HIRAM -T. BVAKVH, ISSStd Jndgeof Probate. Estáte nf Thusneltia Sayera. STATKorMlCÜKiAN.CocjiTYOFW'AbiiTEXw, s At a sesslon of the Probate Court fortheCounr of Washíonaw, holden at LheProbateOfficcln the CU; of Ana Arbor, on Pttdaj, the etffhteentíi day 1 Miiich, in the year one thoOBAM eight hundrei and Beventy, Present, EUram .T. Tïoakcs, Jade of Probate. In thu inattcr'of thu Kstatc of Thuaiiulda Sayer deceased. On BOAdlnffand ftltng thcpotitiqu, diily verified,o Aiiiiii.i m. Nonmian, VrujinL'Vhat a cerUin Instn íix-iit now 011 lile i 11 thi Court, purportiiiK to be th il and test&mentof aad OleceaMdt umy be at mltted toprobatOi aud that he may beappolntcd so] Ex.cutrix .thoreof. Thereapon it Ís Ordered, that tfonday, the eigh teenth day ol April, nezt, at ten odoclTtxi the fon nuiui. beossíguedforUiehéariug ofssidpeUttoir, an tiiat the Uñatees devitteee and heirs at law uf said de ceased, anda)) other persona Interésted in paid estáte . ri ii tQ appoar at a teealon ofatld Ooort, the to be holden at the Probate Office, IntheCitj of Ann Arbor, and show ouiae, tfany there be, why tbeprayi;r of tht! ]n'iiiitinT Bhould not be grastOa : Andit Ís further ordered thataaWpetltlonerrfvenoÖce to the persone Intereeted In laldetóate, of the pendeney of Baidpetitlon, and the hearíny thereoí, byeausinga BOpyofthiS Ontcr Lo be pubüshrd u the Michigan Arguxy n newpBperprlnted and clrcnlating in said Oonntjuthree enccessive weeks previous to said day of hearlnffi A truc copy. ) ÜIRAMJ. BEAKES, Iditd Jndíco ofProbate. ISvtate of .Samuel J. Tauner. STATE OF UICHIQ 'N, Countyof Washtcnaw, js A , i Beasion of the Probate 'ourt for the Conntj of Waahtonaw, holden at the Probate Office, la the City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the twenty-aecom day of March. in the year oue thousnnd eight hnndn d an! BOT ■ ■ j r ■ . Present. Huñm .1. Beakce, j-uic of probate. In the nutter of tho listaté af Samuel J. Tau.-asi'd Andiew Heil, Erecntor of the last will and tesp ment of Bajd deceaaed, comes into Conrt and repte il he I now prepared lo rendcr his flnal account mm !i Bceeotor. Q'hereupon it l ordered. that Tuesdny, the niueteentb day of April, ten o'clock in the fore noon, bc nulgned lor examlnlng aml allowlog such . and ihat the leñatees, oerlwea auil lieirs at law ol s:ü'l ik'ccused, and all other person inter, said ostate, are ïennircd to appeër at a sosI onri, ilientobe holden r.t the Probate la the city of Aun Arbor, in sald County. and show canse. U any thèrebe, why ihd iaid account lin:ild nol be allowrd : Aiid it ia fmther ordered that siM Execolor Jlve DOtlce to the pers -na interCüted :i llf Uie pendency of asid account. héarln - thereof, by can-Ing a copj of tilín order to ba uublishcd in t!i; Uickigan Argtu, a newsinted and elicnIRiiig in snld County, three ka prevlonj to said day of hearn. CA trneOopr.l HIRAM .1. l'.KAKKs. ] y J tul.u'e of Probate. Estáte of Levi Pratt. STATE oVMU'lIIOAN.Conntyof Wahtcnaw,s At B Beesion of the Probate ('ourt for the Connt of Waahtenaw, holden at the the liiv of Ann Arbor, 011 Tucsday, the twenty-pecniid day ol Uorah, in theyear oue thousand eight nnndrod mik] seventy. Preont,Hlram J.fteakea,Jndg of Probate. In tho matter of the e-state of Lcvi J'ratt, deVi readlsgaDdfillnz the petition.duly verified.of IV. 1 ratt, praylng that ome anltable person ïtppointed Admiuistrator of lile catate of baiii deceased. Thereupon It la Oraered, Mondty, theelghi :-'i-]iili day ol Apriïi next, at ten o'clock in ihe ',.!,:,,„,; ad for the hearing of -aidpetU ld tliat the lieirs at law of .aid deceaed iikI all other persona Intereated in eaid estáte ri-i[tiiril to appcar at a si-ssinn of said ('ourt theii :, ■nat l'robatc Qfflce, in the city of Ann irbor, and show canse, Ifany t hen1 br, why tneprayei Itioner BhonM nt begranted: Anditla xed, that Baldpetlttonernre ootlce to the eraoiulDtercatedin laid estáte, of thependcticyof iidpetltioD,and the hearing thercof, by caiulnfta : bis Order to be pul)lif1hod in the Michiaan : n '-■. n newapaper prlntad and rirculatiiiK n sald . iümiv. t]in: anc cuwve voeki jirevious to saidday 'f Amu'-.i-v.j UIKAM 3. HIÍ K BB, loa.i JlldL'Clli I'robntC, I E-itate of lUbecca Smith. ÓTATEOS1 MICHIGAN, County of Wftuhtcnaw, sa.. fc? At 11 wifision uf the Prubiite Court for the County of Waantenaw, bolden at int; Probato OÖlce iu tho City of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the lichteen thi d-iy of Mnrch, in the yeur oue tiioueaud elght huudrèd iiwltwvt'uty. , Hide of Probato In the matter of the efertatü of Kebecca Smith, & lnnatto. Charles II. Word n. f iu .rrtmi of sald estáte-, oomei Luto Conrt and returesenta tlAt he ia uow prepared lo rentier lus 11 nul uccuiuil ns such Guar-illan Thcrenpori it Is ordered, tbat Mnntlny.thc eigh ti-fiiili dny of April, iitfxt, at tt'ü uYlock iu tho forenoon, be aMltfDed lor examlnlng asd alknilng ■ncfa uounnt) and üiui itic next of kin of suid '- natie, mul alluthur penóos intorested in f ald etatefc aro required to appear at a ittalon of müiI CourU, thcu to be holden at the Probate Oittce, iu the City ofe Ann Arbor, in sald Cuuuty, and show canto. if ani thero bO whj the sald aoeonnt shonld uotbeallowed And lt i furthur t-rdered, that tüiid Guardias glve uotice to the persons luterestod iu said estáte, (tí pendeucy of t?aid account, aud the hearing thercof, by caudiug a copy of this order to be pub livlu'd in the Mithiijan Anjus, a nQWSpaB#t printc-fir and circal ui D' in said County. threu guicstflvQ-. weck previons tu uaid doy of hearing. (A truecopy.) 1UUAM J. BEAKES, V-Oi Judj:e ol Prubat. Kstate of Thomas BrigM. TATEtJFMICinOAN,Conty of VashXenawtn% IO Ata sesaiion of the Probate Court for t Couni f Vanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in th. city of Ann Arbor, ou Saturdtiy, the nineteenth dny March, in the yettr one ttaouiand eight huudridt aud seventy. Present, llirnip J. Keakes. Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Hítate ofThcinas Brlght, minor. On rendiiiEand öiinn the petitfon, dnly verïiled.ot Richard .n--;., ('.rtnlmii, prajDg that he mny bs liceused to sell certain ruul cf ato b clon ging to said. minor. Ttiereupon ït UOtdered, tUat Monda, the cighteeuth drty of April, next, at ten o'clock ín the forenuou, be ngignod for the hs&nag of sald mtltlon, and that th& uoxt of kin of;iïd tjnor and a11,oUier persona interested iu Bald estáte, are reqjreiïto appciir at a sesslon of uiid Court, th h' ló' le holden at the Probate Oföce,iu tho (Uty of Ann Arborand aliuw cause, i!' any there be, why tbeprayer of tl. e petitlOBershOOld uot bcjrantvd: And it ïsfurther or dered, thnt snid Mtltioner givu notice to tho next of kin of HJiitl minor, and all other pertonf :lon,nnd the hearing tiiereot bj caufting acopy tf [hls OrdST to be publislied in the Mickiyan Argus, t newspupiT prinleti imd ciruilatinj: in said Uyunty, tbnx'succesjiive weck previoua tustiid day oí heai ívtruecopyO IIIRAM J. BEAKES, tiJGtd Judcof Probate. DEGISTRATION NOTIOEt The Board of RtfUtntlon of the City of Anq Ar bor will meet on SATURDAY, APRIL SECOND, T0, at Ihe ftjlNiwimr places in U.c scveral warde :.' lat Ward, at the store of E J. Johnnon, ld ' " Oeo F. Luti. 3d " " ShcrifTs Offici, C'ourt llonsc. ■lih ' " Plremon'i Hall 6th " " Shop of O. M. Rnodes. Cth " " Utau's Room, Medical Collrpe. Commcncin ftt S o vloek a. m,, and closiüK at u'dock m., for thp purpos of corroctinj; and com)lítiDí; the eeverai Wavd rt'uiï'tration lists. All per, smid ivli will be ciitiUed to vote ;it the charter elt-íí. ion tn bo held Monday, April 'Hh, 1STO. ehould reg ster thelf unines. I3y order uf the Board of llciitratfon, GEO. H. KHOUES. Ch'n. E. J. JounI, Sec'y. Ann Arbor, March lTth, 1S70. 15ClwS 05DAYS CHINA AND JAPAN, VIA. THE Pacific Railroad. A VEJIY CHOICE LOT OF FIWE FRESH TEAS JIST HKCE1VED AT C. II. MlLLEPi'3. CALL AND TRY THEM. QUALITY ÜNSURPASSED, PRICES LOW JBW SPIÏINö GOODS ! NGW OPENING AT C. 'ÍX' MILLEN'S, A I.AÜÜK LOT OF BLEACHED MUSLINS, NEW SPRING PRINTS, TÍCKS.DENIMS.CÍIASH, LINENS, AND GOODS FOR TBi EARLY SPRING TIÏADE, At Very Low Prices for CA5H, OR IN' KXCHANGEFOI! Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fruit , , . . i-i g-EEAT BARGA1NS HST WOOL SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, AND ALL KINDS O W001 GOODS, FOK THE NEXT Si DAYS, at C. H. Millen's 12S7 ' ' ' Tre yoju uoing" TO BXJILD ? We will furnish Large Bill of Lumber as Low as any deal' er in Michigan. We Bolioit no patronage escept ss' as your interest will give va. Let us make figures on your biH hef ore you go away Jrom ome ' purchase. ,,,,,„, E. BLOOD & CO, A NEW ÍÍÍVOIOE; OF KINE DOUBLÉ A{D SIN'CLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED jHAWLS JUST RECEIVED f THE FARMERS' STORT3. I r IVE UEESE FEATÍI Eks; PIEST Cl"CJA.r,IT-5r? t'iimtaullvoii hand nnd for sale hy fiACfff APL1


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