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The April Magazines

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Pulnam comea wlth American Drcss, by Prof. De Vcre; A Qiiccn of Society, by Col. I. W. Deforest; UoucernlDg Clinrlotte, con. clmlcd ; A Nlgbt on the Mississippi- (In w&r-tlme), bjr Rosa Grlffln j Insect Life In Winter, by S. F. Oooper; Madrid, froin Noot tül Mldnlght, by A. A. Adee ; Tlie Bastera Portal lo tlic Pole, by Prof. T. B. Jffaury ; A ffoman't Riglit - iv., by Jlrs. M. O. Ames : The New Soath - wliat it is ing aml wlmt it wants, by Eil (1$ Leoii ; A Pompelan Enigma, by Leonard Kip; Tlie American Doctrine ol Xoutrality ; Editorial Notes, etc , ao attractlre i)iü of fare. G. 1'. 1'irxAM i ío., New York. - The Atlanta; lias anotlier cliapter oT Taylo's novel, - Joseph and liis Prlend, The Enjïlish Governess at tbc Siamese ( lourt, Through the AVoods to Lake Superior A Lmuberwomsn, Rcvlvlng Virginia, The Lausou Tragcdy- i., Rlght aml Left, The Qoda of W'o Lee, The Blue Jay Family, Peter PI tchlyun - Cnlef of the Choctaws, Au Aljilnc Home, The Triumph, poem, bv Whlttler, itc. Fiki.ds, Osoood & Co., Boston. - The GuUixy has two more cliaptcrs of Charles Heade'sPut Yourselfin his Place - wxvm. aml xxxix.; Mr. Haymond and Jouriiiilisin, by L. J. Jeuuiugs; Ten Vears iu{ Kome - The Propaganda ; Another of Tiollope's KUitor's Tales- Tlie Spotted Do;;; Engenie, Empress of the Frcncli, by Justin McCarthy Plne Plank, by Jas. T. MtKay; Tiie Case of Hamlet the Younger, by Ricbard Qrant White; The Future of Xew ïoi'k, wlth readable Miseèllnny, Wood, Literary and Art Xotcs, and Nebalaj. Siikldon & Co., N. Y. - Lippineott opens wlth chaptcr x. of The Vicar of üullhampton, by Anthony Trollope; and has, Frosted Windows, see inother column The Negro In the South, by Edward A. Pollaiil ; Two Olil Iloads, by Srace Greenwood ; Lconard Heath's Forlone, by Hebecca llanling Davis; Our Dredlt Abroacl ; Florida ; Luck In a Shad)iv ; The Wasiiiugton Season ; A Real [loro, by James Fninklin Pitts; About ilogs, by Don Piatt ; How I Became a Pagan, Noah Webster, etc. LivriKCOTT b Co., Philadelphui. - QotU'y'g Lady's Dook has a readable ist ofstorics and mlDOr articles, and its iishion and work dcpartments are ful! and attractive. The steel plate, Spring Time inay be seasonable one of these days, a well as the Spring fashion and pattern sheets. Godey is just tlie magazine for the boudolr and work-room. L. A. Godey, Philatlclphla. - The March monthly part of OUrer Optie' Magazine is the ndiniration of tlie youngsters. , "Bear and Forbcar," tiielastof tlie "Lakc Sliore Series" is concluded, whllc Uktc are many capital sliorter articles, with attractive pictures, j-euts, etc. In thcApriTpart, Oliver Optie wil! begin a new story, "Field and Forest" ïnaklng it a favorable time to subscribe. $2 50 a year. Ad Jrcss Lei, & SiiKrARP, 149 Washington Street, Boston. - Our Youvg Vottct has another cliaptcr - iv - ofMrs. WhitivoyV capital story, Wc Girls ; Kye's Frítters, by MrB. Phelps ; IIow Battles are Foiyiit, by MaJ. Traverse; The Goose Hace, tyy T. Trowbridge, etc., etc., which its young readers wlll devour wlth avldlty, and then cry for inore. - Tlie .iïui'icry 3 rich [u pictures and stories for the wee ones. Every íive year okl oiiglit to have it. $1.50 a year. Jonx L. Siiorey, Boston. - The Childrcn's Ilour spreads its table wiil; the best of faro, story, verse, andillustrations. The boy or girl who receives its monthly visite ls fortúnate, indeed. $1.25 a year. T. S. Akthur & Soxs, Philadelpfala. A rcspectublo audience, both in character and nuinbers, gatliered in tiie oíd Episcopal Church lust Friday evening, attendant upon the closing exerci-es oí the night school for colored persons. A report was read by Prof. A. K. Spence, which ñas very minute in its dstails, giving tho at. tendaocfj average age of pupils, interest nianifested, and ínuch other interestlng matter. The Treasurer's report showed thc expenses of the school to be very llght, only a Httle ove,r eigliteen dollars beíng expended,wh-icli amouut was raised by .volunta ry contrlbutlons from our clüzens. After the reading of the reports speeches were made by a number of the spectators, and also hy gome of the colpeií peoplc, interspersed by ihe singing of hytnns. Dr. GiLLKsriE, Uie .of the school, has plnced the colored people of the city under great obligations hls carnest work in their behalf ; ancl in endeavoring to edúcate and place upon a highev footlng thís class peoplti, he lias entered upon a broad field wliere much labor is needed, and has shown a humane and christian spirit. We are indebted to President Whitk íor a copy of l'he Corndl Register or 1869-70, a fluely printed volume of 126 pages, containing courses of study, facultics, catalogue of stndentg, inauguration addressea, &c, of Cornell Uuivcrsity, at Ithaca, N. Y. It shows signs of a vigorous youth, and gives promise of a sturdy manhood, witncss which the nuinbers in the several courses: Arts, 45; Philosophy, 44 ; Science, 200 ; Special, 112 ; Electlve, 156 ; Total, 563. E. T. Pbice, better known as "Quu," thc racy "local" correspondent of the Detroit Free Press, has accepted a position In the editorial departruent of that paper, and tutanda soon lo enter upon bis duties. Mr. PitiCE, d uring his threc years' student lifc in this city, has made many friends, all of whoin wlll join in wisliing him the best of success in his journalistic career, and thc quill-driving íratcruity will exteud him a welcome into their ranks. Wc have reoeived the Nebraska Siatesman, published at LincolnJ the Capital of the Stato, by Handai,!, & S.maii.s. Uaxdall was our d - 1 when we sold the Coldwatfir üentinel ortife, and a good, faithful, trusty 4 - 1 he was, too. And that's the timber out of which to mate a good printer and puMisticr. and honorable business man. His partner, Hmaii.s, was alsy a Coldwater boy. Success to them flnancially, and may they suecced in making a Democratie State out of Nebraska. Univer8Íty exorcisea cext woek aro as follows : Junior Exhibition, Tuesday evening. Medical Conunencemcnt, Wcdiiesday foreuoon. Law Commeijccrneüt, Wednesday ftíter110011, On Saturday aet the town of Lorir don, Monroe Coujity, vted f 13,000 in aiil of the Toledo, Ypsilauti &ml Baglnaw Avt Line Kailroo4 ; and the tojvn of Bose, OaklajiJ County, $10,000 in aid of the same rond. Thc total amount npy voted in aid of the road is 2Gi,000, ' ' The Beaver Dam (Wis.) Argu, of which an Ann Arboy boy, - Fuaxk Shkuman, - is onc oí the publjshers era ves the todulgence of its readers for a lackof rgading matter, Irankly confessing that "the advertisements ray ns better." Frank is a gcuuine iu the excuse line. Post Office, Anx Arbor, Murcli 21. To (lie PuNie .- 1 havo secured an evcning mail froin the Eust to commence to ilay. rrlvlng too late f'or distrlbutlon ia the evenlag, lt will be distributcd In tlie ïiioming :t half past sevcn. By this nrrangomeut we recelve tWO mails f rom the east and send the same nuinber. Ou and ufterVpril Ist.tlie Postoffice will be closed at half put Beren r. u., except on Saturdays, for the following, among other reasons ; The present arrangement wlll reqalre more labor and more constant atlention on the part of all connected with tlic offlee. The balance of the time after half paal geveo is uecessnry In order to balance the accounts of the office, and ilnish up the business thnt can not be done while the ofiic(r"ts open. Expericnce shows that but very few pome to the ofilcc after half past geven, and I si e no reason why sueh persona ca:i not coir.c before that time. There are other reasons which 1 do not deern it uecessary to state here, but which I wül gladly state to any person wlio wlU takR the trouble to cali on me. On Saturday evenings the ollice will bc [cpt open till half past elght for the por pose of distributing and dellvering the eastera mail and accomodatlng farmers m!io recelve their mail here and wlio, dnrtng the biisy seasons, oíten come for their mail late Suturday eveninj;. I trust the abare arrangement wlll be saligfactory to the public. Should any persons be Inconvenlnnced thereby, I woald thank thein to let me know it, as I wish to accommoclatu the pubüc in every possible mauner.