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The " Mush aud Hilk Festival," held in the M. E. Church, Prldny evening last, theiroceeds of wliich were givcn to the UUilon Sabbath School, was a success, - that is, if one could Jadge ly the jolly faces whlch he saw. " Injim meal " was served in an almost cndlessvarii'ty of ways, - a la Col. Baker excepteil - aud the medicinal properties of the lacteal fldtd proved beneflcial in a Üuaucial point of view, for t suc:eeik'(l !n dnncing scrcral IrüCttonal notes froiii the pockets of those preKQt, Wc have a letter in hand f rom one "BtJBKLBS," glvlng us some sajte aclvlce :is to our pvoceediugs, behavlor or conduct a.s an 'amble offlew of that high and mlghty body, the Agricultural Society, wliich we )ropose to "set on" - jiu agricultural or poultry-culturc term - for a week and sec what it will brlng forth. Meantlme, i' 'Bcbbles" wJshej to put us on a "bean and rye" course- linuted systcni of "rotatiou," eh '. - hc raust fm-uish said "'jeans aiul ryc." The Unirersitj Glee Club givo n concert ïioxt Mondaj evcniug, In the il. K. Church, and wc can assure our musio-lovinj readers ihat a real nul rare treat Is in store for thein. Tiie young men uro all good siugers, and their music and songs are such as will be aupreciated by those who like a good square tune without operatic quirks or squalls. The tetnperance meetings held in the Court House, are buing well attended. Last Satunlay eveulng Dr. Palmbb delivereti a very Intereitlng lectura upon alcohol and Hs effects upon the human .systeni, and Buuday afternoon Bev. Ueo. Taylor repeated his temperance address to a ve!llilled house. The teachers oí Washtenaw Counjy should remcinber the State Instituto lo be held at Dexter, to commencu Monday nest, March SStli and continue live days. Tlie good people of Dexter have made arrangement to acconimodatc all. Tho wcather has beon on its good bebavlor for scrcral days,and we medita teil a rst-tlais j)ulT ; but havlngbeen several tf mos a .vict'm of misplaccd confldeuce we have coucludtd to walt awliile. The Argus office unites in tendering its severa] thanks to Mr. Isaao AVvxkup, for a bajj of extra uico applcs. Our devil suggests that Mr. W. is an exemplary man -The Rev. Dr. Bbowk, of Detroit, will deliverthe last lecturc of the coursc beforc the Studente1 Association of the Episcopal Church, uext Sabbath cvenuig, the 27th. Keep your eyes open, for Mack & 3cnMiD will have something in the Atcgus next week which will tlo them good. Thcy already have the tools to do It with. We invito tttentlon to the advertisement, in another column, of Dr. Keli.ogo's popular medicines. Remember tho High School Exhibi tiou this evening. lïew JtiUllnery and Faney Goods Store. The undersigned takes thia method of Informing the Ladies of Anu Arbor and viciiiïty, that hc will open , in the store No. 47 South Main Street, in úw nbove üue, with a complete new etock of Mlllinery, Pancy 6o'ds, Dress Trlmffiinga, Hoslery. Gloves, te, all of which havin? been bouht during the great Decline of Guld, will enable hira to sell at prfce8 never offered in Anü Arbor eiuoe the war. Kespectfully, II. COIIEX. The opening day will bo about the first of April, rhe public are reepcctfully invlted to ntteml. Idotiiers, Ilcad this Atknonledgiucnt Fiom Mrs.F. M. Ely.of LÜltMter, N. Y.: Dr.KKLl.OGG: Kind Slr: - Your Indhm Remedy hns been the mrans of earin;; the üfe of my chlld, who otliern-iae woutd have dicd with Croup before medlo&l is:tauce could have arrived. One dose gave entire relief, worklng llke magie. Pleasc send me a supply. Mrs. F M.ELY. No parent chould be without the Remedy n tho house. 1262w2 Bounty (o Soldier. Thosc who eulisted in 1861 on the lirst cali of President Lincoln, and who were honorably dlBChaiyed before the expiration of the term of their cnlistnaent. are entitled to $100 ench. as bonnty. Andsoldiers enlistin nadar tot of .Tnly 4th, 19f4 are to be allowcd the unpaid insijilim-utB of l)ounty if they wcre dlicharged by expiración of tervlc. The alove clan-es should makc application to the undersined. M#rch24th,18T0. 12#'-'w6 JOHN N. GOTT, Bounty nnJ Claim Agent. sPEtiE pinnm usmn at bach & ilHrt For the net thirty day persons haying goodsat our Atore, ia aiuounts over $l,(K, vill ItKCEIVE THEÍK FHACTIONAL CUANGE IN SPECIE. In order to mke toom for thel&cge stock of goods which we fihnll open about the lat ol April - bonght cxiliifively for cael#- e hhall offer for the hahince of the month our eütire Ptock, bukuUng i'ir .Tnmiary purchase of Ilieach and Brown Oottons. at XtuYork Prices. UACH L ABEL, No. 26 Main Street , Ann Arbor. SPECIE PAYmT KESl ni:i) AT C. U. MILI.EiüS. POU TnE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. I will pfty specieon makins change up to the eren dojlar, on all mrchufes of goodl at my store, exceeding 50 cnt&, uud on paymcut of allaccor.uUdue me. C. II MTM.EN. Ann Arbor, Murch llth, lcï0. lïWwi


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Michigan Argus