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"pOOÏS AND HOES ! FÍNLEY & LEWIS, ARK KOW RECEIY1KG A LARGE & WELL SE LECTED STOCK OP BOOTS,! SHOES, RUBBERS, ARCÏ1CS, kd TUS LINED OVER SHÖES. THE ATTEXTIOM OF BUVERS WHO WAN"! GÜOÜ GOODS AT HEASON ABL.É PIÍICKS. IS IXVITED TO OU STOCK OF HAND MA DR CALF, KIP, AND STOGA BOOTS WORK WHICH WE win" WARRANT TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION OUR GOODS ARE BOITGHT FOH CASH, AND WII.I, BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST CAS PRKT.S AXr PROI1TS. 1Q10 qPHEODORE TAYLOR & CO., (SfCCKííSORS TO C. 1. TIIO.MTSON A CO.J YVhole&leandReUlI Dealers in GROCERIES & PRODUCE FBU1TS, EXTRACTS, SPICES Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Oiï, Table Cutlery, Plated Goods, Looking Glasses STONK. WOODEN, AND WILLO Vf WARE House Establisht'tl in 1850. So. 13 Soath Main ttrcet, AN3ST ARBOK, ■ MICH Thpo. Taylor," A. J.STitherlanii, 121T W V. Whedon, Toii a1füllline" of FLANNELS, PLATDS, NAPKINS, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHEÜ GOODS, TICKÍNGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo fis natural Vilality and Color. jpjvf A dressing ■vhich Jö is at once ngreeable, L[ oH hcalthy, and effeetual JWWXGÊti fr preserving the Iitf S ral Iiatr. Faded or gray, ífí$ luMH aV 's soon restored ■S Thiu liair is thick ened, falliug hair cheeked, and baldi ness oftcn, though not always, cured i by its use. Nothing can restore tlie hair where the folliclcs are destroyed, or the frlands atrophied and decayeiU But siieh as remain can be saved for jisefuluess by this application. Insiead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorou. lts occasioual use will prevent the hair frora turning gray or falling ofF, and consequcntly prevent balduess. Free from tliose deleterious substances AvUicU mnke somo preparations dangcrous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor cao only benefit but not harm it. If wanted mcrely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothiug clse can be found so deirablo. C'outaining neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yct lasts long on the hair, giviug it a rich glossy lustre and a grateiul perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pkactical and Analvtical Chemists, IiOWELL, MASS. PKICE $1.00. PoM at wtinlemie Dj CAKKaNO, f HELEY CODatroit. At retai 1 ïiy all drui;i.irt.s and merebandLio dealer e verywhere. T ATEST NEWS ! ! WM. WAGNER, lias juBtopeneda largo stockof FALL COODS ! ÏNCUDING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINQS, &C LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUAL1TIE8 wmcH ueofers 3LOAVER than EVER Alto in Store a large stock of REAPY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods 0AR1IENTSMADET0 ORDEBIN THEJ Als.. LADIEVand GENTS' MOROCO O SATCHELS No.Sl .SouthMala Street- Eastalde. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNER. Ann Arbor,Sert.,186!'. l-i THAT HÜLL, BOBIION ï CO. KEEP A FULL ASSOBTMENT op CROCZER-Y, SOLD CHEAP. 1245 SHEETiisras, PR.IKTTS2 ANDA FÜU, ASSORT.MKNTOF DOMESTIC AND HOUSE FTJRN18H1NQ G00D AT PeOPLE'S DRUG STOxíjíí ' ' R. W. ELLIS & CO' -A-jsrasr a.r.boh 200 PIECES OF &IDE STRIPE MERSIMAC D. PRINTS, JUST RECF.IVED AT TUK Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SAI,E AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1141 juy youii Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 REASONS. First, because hekotyMhe bet of Iroported Glass, aiid a goud ansoitmoni of quare aud urcb top frames, audselts CHEAP I Sccondly, bocause tliey belong to M b'jlnes. He mak es t Ik-iü t specinlty, iioc hi own woik and can niïuid to nell CHEAPEB 1 Thirdiy, Hecauí-í he rannufaoturcs the, and can and will sell the CHBAPEST 1 of any one in the cit y. llralso sella PICTURE FRAMES! Theoheapest of anybody in theState- as far as heard f rom. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 5O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FRESCH GIjASS- bj thclight or box- For ricture.s qrfor HOITSB ! 3a EA.ST IIüROST STREET, AN2ST ARBOB, - MICH. 117fttf T ADIES' FA8HIÜNABLE SHOE HOUSE. 24 South Main Street . Di-alti in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SMOES, THE NEWEST_STYLES xnr Kid, Calí, and Cloth, Alvaya on hand, and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, A. GAITERA A. 33TJSKIÏT, OR A. SLIPI'EE, CAI.L AND EXAMINE BIS STOCK BfFORE PUR CHAÍIXC3, PRICES LOWER than the LOWESTR. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.May I7ih,lgf9. A (JOOD CUP QW CO3P"3Fll3Sï3E3!2 IF YOU WANT THE WHEREWITH TO MAKE IT, GO TO HULL, ROBINSON & CO. jLÖAKiNGs, mm, : CHINCHILLAS! j ASTRAKAN AND j SCARLET BRÖADCLOTH j FARMERS STORE. ' a A FULL AND ! V CHOICE LINEOF GROCERIES! MAT DE FOÜND AT Huil, Robinson & Co'a


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Michigan Argus