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fusMCss núm. G. E. FRÜTHINGHAM, M. D., riIYSICIAN' AND SCRGEOX. Offiri; over Drn Store, No. " lluro Btreot. Resldonce, No. 3". Thompson street. Oflicu lunus, S to H A. M , mul T to 8 P. M. ' GEORGE GRENVILLE, DEALER IX DKUG8 and Medicines, N'o. 5 South UslD Slretst, Ami Arbot. HULL, RÓBIN80N & CO. QROCERP, Produce and Commlsslon Uercbanta, Ho. 4:i South Mabi Sin-n. E L L I S & K I S S E IlT" pRüiiGISTS. and deaU-rs in Paini, Gilí, etc Xu. 2 Soutfa Müin Street] Aun Arbor, THKÜDORJK TAYLOR TOO., PEALE1W iu Grocertas, PrpTMpn, and Country ■ Produce, 1S áouth Malu Sirect, Ann Albor. "JÖHNKECk & CO., PKALERS iu Furniture of all kiuil, Xo,33Soutli Mam Strmt, Anu Albor. J. Q.A. SESSIONS, ATTORNET and Counsellor ftl Lay, Real Bátate and Insurance 'ent. Cónveyaaciüg and Colteeüon of Claims promptly attuuced to on liberal tenue. Ufllce one door eoufb of First National Bank, up stftirs, South Main ötreet, Anu Arbor. W. H. J A C K S ON, PENT1ST, saccessor to C. B. Porter. Oftict1, corner Main and liuron Strcvts, over thu sion' of B. W. Ellis & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. AnLcsthcíicáadminisLercÖ if reqiiired. W. F. BllEAKEY, M. D. PIIYSICIAN ANDSÜRfíIÍOX. Offlco at residence, corner of iltiron and Uivitiun Streets, ürjt door Eastof l'resbyterian Cburch, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. J. JOHNSON, PEAI.KR 7X HATS and Caps "urs. Straw OooilsGDts Foralshlug Goods, &c ( X . 7 South Main [ Street, Anu Arbor. SUTHERLAND & Wfl BDON, lAVbl and PJre Insurance Agente and dealers in ReaO iistiitc Offlcé n Hnron Street. Alvo sell firstW. B. flJOLJlES, (ïENT for the Florence Sewine Machi do, and dealer ín Pictures, Frames, &c. No. Est Iluron Strekt LEWIS,C. RISDON, DEALER la II:ii!w.-ire. Stovp?, Hooso Pnrelehlng Goods, Tin Ware. efce. No. 31 Soi.iii M:.iu stiert. BACII & ABEL, PEALERS iu Dry Goods . Grweriee, &c, &c. No. 20 South .Main Street, Aun Arbor. e. ii. bullen; DEALER in Dry Gomls, Orocerics, L., &c. Xo South Main Strekt, Ai'n Ailior. slTvson Tsoñ, GROCERS, Provisión and Conunix-ion Merxjbant4 and dealen In Water Urne, Land Piaster, and Piaster Paris, No. M Bast Baron Stneet. 8. 8QJSIDEEW, IFHOLESALE and retail dealer in Ke&Sy Made Clothin, (jloths, CABSimeres, Vestlngs, and (ii-nts' Knruishiuï Goods. No. 9 South Main Slreet. W.M. WAGNËR, DEALER !n Ready Mudo Clothing. Cloths, Caesimeréi Ln& Vcstlngs, Uats, Caps, Truuks, Cnrpct Bag,&c-, 2[ sonth Main Stront. GILMORE & laSKË fOOKSEIXERS and Statlonére, Medfcsl! Lawand Colleg6 Tcxt lïooks. School and Mlscellaneoot JBggJiB. No. 3 North Main Street, Grcgory Block, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWLS DEALERS u Boots, Shoes, Galtere, Slljjpcis &c, No. '2 Kast Hurón Street. R. ÏARKANT, tAniES' Fasbiooable Shuc House, No il South Matn Xtreet. GREGORY HOUSE Regular Office Houts, 2 to3 o'clock P. M. &LASSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & P DONNELLY Bve In storea Iar?e stock of Crockery, fflasswarc, rUteiWarc,Cutlcry , Oroceries, &c., 4;e.,all te be ftyysJi uou&ually Utw pneec. N'o,12Kist Huren; Sueet, Aun Arbor. U2Btf J.kl'. ÜON.NF.LI.Y . jQÏTY LINE OF"haCKS ! ROBISON &_BAXTER, Prop's. PiirniBhcBcxpeditií.iis Conveyances to andfrom the Ms, und all parts of the city. Funerala attonded, and ulepant turnoutsfurilshed Udles makins calU. Prloee reasoriable. Orders left at Cook's Hotel or at their olllce nrompt__atteuded to. la UU JOHN G. GALlT DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS. LARD, BAfJgACES, Ktr., CrdrBsolliiterl nd promptly mid wit-h tlio beat IpeaU in the market. ai Last Wiêhiogtoo uro t. Ann Arbor.Stiit. 16th,1969. lJ35tf PpLUK POKTKK, DENTIST. Office iu the JfEW BANK BLOCK, ANN AEBOE. AU Operations on the Natural Teeth, PERFORMED WITH CARE. UNSÜRPASSED FACILITIBS AND EXPERIENCB SETTING ARTTfÏGÏAL TEËTH, TO GIVE EAC'II INDIVIDUAL, Diüluru af Uu proper etze thape, color, firmnese and natural ezpretsion. 1244 HE lAKCiKST ÁÑÜ Best selected stock of Plaid Poplins; also the new and elegant PLAID EEPS to be had at the FARMERS' STORE. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's tor strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints, Oils, &c. rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS COMPANY OF DETROIT, MI0H. (ESTAM.ISnED IN 1S67 .Ulü.N' .1. BAGI.EV, l'KKSIDEST, S Ki:l: IMi, Vico l'rcaidcnt. JNÜ. ï. MG(!lrr. Secretair. .IA.MKS O. ft'ATSON, Actuiirv. D. O.FAEIUKD,M.D., Meüical ExouAnti. A Succes.-ful Mirliijan [,ife Insuraoco Company, organizad for the I)url)oe of furuishiug iu&uruuce upun iives ut THE LÜWEST COST COMBATIDLE W1TH Absolute Security, and tor the further purpose oL KEEPIM MOPÏ AT HOM, wliicli hfiTfiipTorphi bet-n sent Eust, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PSSBITfi. EJYT1RE MUTAL1TÏT A XI) STRICT EQXJITY Mark the B98t019 a nl revail in tLe UiCribution ol MNUAL DR'I DENOS Tü TU;E XXS.L'REP VliUe,by 1 rovisions of the State Lv, anl hy thttr üw d iviitití, ALL POLICIES AEE NON-FOKFEITABLE. IK.SURAN'CK FURNIflIED tTON ALL UESIllABLE PLANS. All thd Iü:si' j-KTrHI3 .f the Oíd Couipanies ADÜ! tbelt KRBOKS AVOIDKD. SECÜRITY, ECONOIV1Y, EQU1TY AN THE WEST, 1TS MOTTO. jL3L" For Agencies apply at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Griswold Street. JL3f I. U. THAYEIt.Gon'l lifol. FSED. I.. HAIIN, Agent. 1Í3O1 A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. . AaS'N AKBOR, ilICII.; OFFERS FOK, SALE : 53 creg of land, witMn one half mile from tU.e,yty, tQ be soM in whole, or pareéis, us follóos : 24 aorori on fcection lit, n the town of Aon Arbof i'fiu g en ilJe aan on the road leading to Cornweil.-' paper mille, and on Ihö son'ih on 15 i-j acres situatod on the northwest corner of the Gortaun road and tbe saïd Oornwelt Factory roid . f Tl iie is ne of tbe handsoniest situatie dr in ihc neighliorhood of Arm Arbor.J 132 acres i_m_p,ro.vc4 laad joining the above 15i acres and frontíng Üorhara Ru&d. 1 'cre of land wíth a new two story frame house on rhompson, SiíO'jr & Thoiapfcon's addition to the City of Ana Ajbcr . 7 lote of % acre each, on Thompfion, Spoor & Thoiopsca's Additioii. Si af res. of land, wítii a Rplendid grovo, joining the Fixemenva Park on tiiu West. 1 Houh and l} lots of land, with Barn,, Ca mafte House, and a number of modern improvemesUi on the nortbwest corner of Jr'ourth and I'ackard tít ïx-ct.s. l Qouse and Lot in the 2d W-ird, on South I-iberty Street. 1 House fiud 3 Lots iu the 2d Ward, nearSd Ward fchuul House, 1 House and 4 Lots, uear tho U.C.R.R. Depot. 320 acres of land ín the south of the Siate of Missouii, near the Hanaibal St. Jobeph Kailioad, 2 City lote oear 2d Ward School House. A. WIDENMANN, FOREIGN EXCHAN6E BROKER, ANN ARBOR, UTIICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DKAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES IaGaKATBBITAIN,GEBMANT.FRANCE, SWIÜtKULAXi), etc. AI y direct cunnectioni with Europe eaabl me to olTer as fair rates as any New Yorfc Rmmber, I am not an agent of any heuse i u th is couotrj ( but I a in ha ving direct oomm unica tlon with tho best houe&i iu Kurupe. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BY POWER OF ATTORXKY OR OTHKRWISE, W1LL BE 1'IIOMPTLY ATTENBÏD TO. PASSAGE TICKETS ii-amer tn an.i frnm Ne Voik to 11 principal po rts ol Europc lwill scll as lulluws : Fram Huw Yorl: to Suuthampton, Hvre, London, Brcmeu or Hamburg, Ut ClafB. 2dClana. Stee'Hgo. $120. $72. $25 in Gold. Return Ucketn, 2W. W6 61 ■ " I''roui above places to N'cw York, }tClas. 2df;iaa. 3,1 Cla. l0 $7á. 10 !n Gold. Ftom New York to Liverpool, Cabio, WO to $100Curicncjr. Stearagc, Í30 iu C'urrency. From Liverpool to New YoiV, Cabiu, $100. Steerage, $37. A. WIDENMANN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT A.I0"3Sr ARBOB, Kor the Ho ward Insurance Co.,jn Kow York one of tbe oldestand bcstCompaniesin the country. Tli e Teutonia Innu ranee C om pan y in Cleveland. Tht) honorabto and safe management of thi irfti" tutioa ha made H mip of th mott ie;iable lire In ui anee Comrnnipsin the Webt. IióTvl '


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