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Ornes or Gas laoni (omvkXXi i Ax.v ABBOK, Aarch 2Sth, 1S70. 5 Noticc le herchy grlven, tbat tbc tuinnnl meeting of the Stockhoiders of thí Ann ArborOae LightCo. Bw thc electrón of onecer, niul the trancad en of such otiiiT tuuilncaa na hiii nropftrly enmo befen Ihe meeting, vrlll be hjrfd at tne office of the ÍJoropany, In the ctity of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the eihth day of April ñ So'clock P. M. 1263wl JOHN W. IIUNT.í-cc'y. fOBSALEI A YOKE O F HEAVY OXBN. D. HENNIKG. Ann Arhnr, Jínrch Olsí, 1SW. 136S[1 piSÑSLÉY LÉWIS9 GcntlemaTi's Opera Bnots. " Furgoson Buüon Boots. " Fronck Congrefi3 Gaiter?. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Scotch Tica. " All Rights. " Oxford ïies. Invlort, Full TJdc nf Geutlemcu'a Boots and Shos, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Grcat Varietr, nud HENS HEAVY WORK, hani made of alLkiotls. Ladics' Frcneli Kid Button. " Foxed " " " Sergo " " " Polisli. Jlisses' Bronze, " nd Button. n serge) .. ii u Obild'e ' " " " We ask tho particular attention of t;ie Radies to OTJE FINE WOEK WHicii roí: Quality is TJnsurpassed, X TUK STATE, :,ml in Trico FAE BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WABRiNTED A3 REPP.KSENTED. 12W $10,000" EEW'AED ! " GBEAT BXCITBMBNT ! ! AMONG FARMERS. SOIO aVEIZjüLsSi WII.L TAV TUE nlGHEST cash PBICES FOR fiOOP WHF.AT. AI.I. FARMERS ' " '.VKI.L TO CALI, TBSEE BEFORK SKI.MNG rLEffHERK. BRIN'G ÏOCK (JOOD WIIEAT TO SCIO IIfI-T.S. 12fl N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. ÍTL OÚKAÑD FEED ST.o"bË I3ST JSTEW BEICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Oe&,H! FlOUR ! AND AI.I. KIND3 OF FEED AND OOAESB GRA1N Cmst.ntty OB lian.nnd delivered to customers in any jart uf the city. JOIIV G. I.AIBEXGAVEII Ann Afbor, Xiv. 1-Cil. l'.Mómli POR SALE ! TIk subscriberp offer forsnie the houe, and al] or n portiou of the groanda n Ann Btreet, bctwecn Posrtb and Pifth 8treet, belng th reaideoce of thc late Votney Chapín. Portaran apply to C.A.C'ha[in. Alaoaboot Sacro on Millcr Arcuue. O. A. CHAPÍN, I V. OH4PIN. Jr. }■ Aaiainistrators. 8. 8. WALKSR, J Ann Arbor, April 29th, 1SC!. 1215 mO BENT J The brick repklonce, No. 43 North Main Street. Thc bonte ie onveDiently arruned, bas a good cit(rn, and a wcll close at hiind. Kor ft penoa rloirini n repidence near tlio boalnew part f thc city. it Is juut tho p1ac and can be ubtniued on reasonable terme. pply to Mr. E. WANTV. V WASHTIMAWCOUMTY. JJ [aasü-j sfK 1RACY W.ROQt'S ?S55 SIS i' "OWIWPUBUCI ANO 4=U {il j] J BEHERAL t J jj? pmb fea _-ï :, :■■'; ii ■■ ..'mi -i .:■■■ "' ] j REAL ESTÁTE FXCHANGE ! 1 Tbc un "rrsignefl IiaTÍDft í per'cct Record blttory of 11 of thReal En-ato THie in ijltj, and in Uk C'ountr oí WasUti-n l( takea plearareta aunouncIng te the public thftt ü wlll examine tftle, glve ab ■trucUof Beul Í- -tKte titie.make ceeds mortgagei -ontractn nnd otber legal papert on the anorto nr-tice: Will also inake RAie of CtJ propertj and farm! . rent honse, and forccJce uu rt?geti. Her ranting h hïarory of Real Estáte tïtle, will r eolleettbatliis Booka tafcein TaxTitta and all col lateral mttfi s hich teman each particular decrtp tion; and nll moriges, rmciont or moIern, v)i b appear to De stil) sabsfstlng of record at ihe present time. I offer the following Real Estáte for sale :. Xo.100 The Malony House aud Lot on F-iviMon i-ireet. 101. Home aufl Lot in Riscock' s adüiiion. li lee $3.000. N'o. 102. ïwo Story Brick House on Spring Street. No. 103. Two Story Wood Houxe oaSpflag 3 Weet. N'o. 10. NW IXuae. Lot &vA Barn ju Rt west of Uw College! N'o, 1i)"'. Fitio Hotisc, O n t ■ bou so , lïnrn and 5 acros of lam!. Water Fouct, ie. - very desira bit Frcipprty. No.lOÖ. Hourb and 3 acres of Land inside corpora t ion . No. 107. Hou1"" and Lot just goutfa oí the UuiTorsity ïui.tüDg. No. 103. 15X acres Of Land eaaf of the Cniversitj Giounds, No. 109. City Lots nearly oposite Br.'s Prlntlng J&itablishmsjDt. No. 110. Oha Two Stoiy AVood DweÜiog on State Ötreet. No. 111. One elegant Twa Story Hrlck House near l'niviTyit y Square. No.112. 3Q acres with buildings just north of the Uity. No.113. One 7nro t'tory Houac jast north Cemetry u roñada N'o. 114. Ttfu Brick Uoust west BÍdeof Univertlty bijuare. N'o. 115. 6 acres just west of the City. No. 11Ü. 5 acres with buildings just west of the Cty. No. 1J7. lfiO acres with bnUoingfl and inproïcracnls Ó miles nnrili - gooi siluation. No. 11?, 320 acres - ftne farm in íhiawnssee. Xo. 110. 2,000 acres of Wiíd Lauda In tke Counlies of Wayne. MonroCj Pnjjitiaw an'l Sb a VMM, .My Abstract jlooka are poated to date. No. 120. One elfrnnt Three Story Building on liaron Street, rest. No. 121. 1T3 acres on Uiddle Roid to Ypsilanti. N'o. 123. 40 aérea on Scuth Road with Buildings and tmproTmeato. No. 123. '2--.0 aerea en Nnrth 'oxter Road. 2j miles ' u: , with lnipVoementf. No. 124. And much olher Real Ksiate not herein included, Tti?re a re irj my ol-l inort?i7e i:i ashtenaw Couniv andtcbirrgCd nf Record, nd tlio lawn of Limitati ma :s to M(rt?age is different iro:o thtt applic:t ble to Bl Ealatei Tenñ a "f COmmlsalon on ruÏs pf Roal Estáte, one pr cent. il" sak made. KaU's f r seapph of Real Kstate "l i 1 1 f' it v' -r for Deeda nl mx een is & vfíir fot Monguees until chance of notie ■. Noi'hir..- - willbe made fororoiaatinnof litle, making wperior recordlog, to partles Ivoding mooej through m. Money wanteit to loan on unlnentu berediit'iit E'tte Fronj WMJ tq fiv years, at Ï0 ier cent. intefes! net t ■ t ï - Iwdér. Aun Arbor, Marc'a 20, 1870. TRA.OY W. ROOT. SWEETENING ! g FOK YOUHJ ?53 SUGAB and SYfiüP GO TO IIITLL, ROBINSON & CO. Heal Jistate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waihtsnaw, ss. In tho inutMT oftheetatfl ofLewli A. Rnckraan, ('■1'a''l. is liiT'iy ivt'ii. tlint in pursuauce of n ortlor oranted to tho nuderslgñed, BxecDtor of tlie entile tï Mld 1 ceased, bv cho llon.Juúo of Probate fur tin ('ounty of Wftshtenaw, n the twen ty-third dnyuf Marcb. A.D.18TJ, Ihtta will benotd n't pnbllc vcndiin, to the bJghest bidder, at the dwelliue Iioiiiso on tin; pranises horeiu describpil. In the Countv of Waabtenaw, In ?aiil state, on Tuesday, the j ■eventeantb ilny f M:iy, A. 1) 1S70, otonro'clock in the afternoon "f thai r. ly, Csnbject to all encambran( p-i by mortgage or otherwise pxlsting at the time of tbe deatb of snid deceaaed, and .'Uo (object lothe ateofbla wldow thereln) the followmg dos'-i Ibed real eetate, viz : The weet huif of the northi ,:i t if Bectlon aeren, ba iownehip foursoQtb o! range foar east In sftli si:ii-, ozcepting thepart thereof taken ironi the northast bj the Cliuton road aluo all that part pi the eat half of the east half of the noTth-west QUarter of Bald section peven, whlch lies north of tbe blriiway. and containlng iürty :u:r.'t: ; also a parool of l:tnd t!e.Beribed ns ! menclng in tbe mcuod line i' a polnt ten chalni cast t of the north-.veyt cornet ol the eaat huif of the north-west fractlonl quarterof said ecction seren, ronning thence south ono degree ihirty-onc clininsuiid füi'ty UnfcSithenoe a'long the north side of hiL'hwoy north lirty-six dej;-ei? and thirty min i. chaina and flve links to a itake.thence north one dpgree wesl twenly seven chaina and ly-flv link to ;i take In north line of K:iid sectlon even, thenco alnagsald line eaaterlj foor chalne and nlnety aeven llnka to tho plnce of beglunlng, contalnlni fonrteen ■"■il thFeo-fourth acrep; also tbe , weal huir oí the non.1 woat (rai Uonal qnarterofaald ■ectlos everi, exceptlng ■inri reaervlng that pürtio:i conveypd by tbe fotiouiiu: mentloned deeds, all r.1corded In tneofMce "I the OeicUtarof Ueeds f.Tsaid Courtv. viz : Py dood from Ja-u'Is A. Hnckirjan aud Phobe Rockmaa 10 John W. Norria, recorded In liher Gl ol Deeda, on page '2$, uy deed from Williatn nuctman, Lewla Rnctaoan ""d .lamos Pfninian, to the ktlchlgan Southern Railroail, recorded in liberrc uf Deeda page ■i!;[i aud by deed f Lewla a Ruckman und wub o Mnry K. Kuckinnn, rocorded In ibcr 71 of Deed, on paffe B86. Wü.l.IAM Ai.REOOHY, Kiecitlor. Patcd, SlavA 2W, A. I. 1S0. 1I63 Estáte of Benjamin Watkins. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wehteimw,fls. O At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate oiïice. In the CïtyofAun Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-cihth day of March, lu the year one thousand eightnundred and eeventy. Present, Hiram J. Benkes, Jndge of Probate In the ;natter of the estáte of benjamin Watkins, deceafiod. James H. Buncbnan AdniinUtr.itor of said estáte comes into Court and reprosents thtit he i? now pre pared to re líder his ilnal account aa such Administrator. Thcreupon itisOrdcred, that Tuesday, thetwentyalxth day of April nos;. at ten o'cbck iu the fore noon, be assined for eainlnlng and alUminx such account, and that the heinj at luw of sakldeccased, tiud all other persons intere%Led in suid o state, are reqnlred to nppear at a sesión of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Aun Arbor, in eald County, and show ciiu.-ic, if any there be,why the said account shonld uot beallowed: a ml it is forthet ordered that s.iid Admlnlstralor give notice to the persons interested in paid estáte, of the pen den cy of Baid nccount, aud the hearing thereof. by canslng a copy of ibis order to be pubq too HichiQi .. -.-.e.., ii newppaper printed and ctrcula$ng Ui Baid County, three uuccessive wodka previont to said day f hearing. CA truc copy.) ' 1IUUUJ. BEAKRS, ■ 1263 Judgo of Probate. Eatate of David D. McCoHum. STATE OK MICHIGAN, Counïy of At a session of the Probate Court for the Count of Washtenaw, holden at thu Probate Ofllce, in th City of Auu Arbor, on Monday, the twenty-eight day of March, tn the year one thonsand eigat ïiun dred and &eventy. Present, ïliram -T. Bea!fef .Tu;l;ce of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí David D. McCollum docensed. i';iitl üppue, Adminístrate of said estáte, corae into Court and representa that he is unw prepared t ronder his flnal account as such Arïiniuistrat'r. Thereupou it is ordered, tat londay the twenty flftn djiy of April next, at ten o'clock in the fort, noon, bo apsljrued for cxainiuiníí and alïowing soc account, and that the hei ra at lay of said deceaei and all other porsous intcrested in Baid estáte, ar required to appcar at a sesslon of said Court, Uien t bc holden at the Probate Ofiiee, in the City of Au Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any ther be, why the ?aid account abonld not be allowed And Et Is furtht;r ordercd Aid Adminietrato i:ie QOtice to tlio persons iuteresjtod in said estáte o lid account, aud the hearine th-re :f, by caufllng a copy of this order to bc publiahec in the Michigan Ar0u$t iniwspaper printed fliul d culating in said County, thrco succeÈsive weeks pr vious to said day of heariiiir. CA traeeopj.} 'UIRAM J. BBAEES, 12Öfl Judge of ProbateEstáte of Frank W. Goodale. QTATEOFMïOïIIO.Vy.Goimtj-of Wa&htenaw,? O At a pession of the Probate Conrt for the Count Of WashtöoaW, holden at the Probate urlïco, in th City of Aun Arbor, on Thnrsday, the twenty-food day Of March, tn the ycar one thousand eight hun dred and seventy. Present. Hiram J.Beaktis. Judge of Probate. In thfl matter of the Esrateof Frank Good all?, minor Ooreadtseandfilingthe petition. duly verificd,o Bdward L. Bobden,' uoardlan, praylng tfiajt he ma be Hcensed to sel! certaiu real estáte belonging t said minor, and iuvest the proceeda of uch sale i other real estáte, Therenpon it is ordered thal -Mondar, the twent Üfth day of April, next, t ten o'clock in th aisigned for tno hearing of said pet tion. and that the iicxt of kin of said mino and all other persons interested in said estat are roqnired to apprar at a se?sion oí said Cour then to he bolden at the. Probate Oüice, in the City ( Ann ArUor., aud show canse, if auy there bc.vhy tl of tiie petittoner should not be graned : - Ani it tsfwtker arátred. that said petüioucr ril notice to tte nxt of li:i of c;iid miur añd a other persons Interestod in said estáte, of th peudency of said put i tion, and the hearing tjttareof, 1 can&ing a copy of tliis order to be publUhed in th Michigan Jr#ur, a newspaper printed and circulatin; ta saM County, three snooësslveweéke püèrtoostosai day of hearing, iH;iA3l J.BKAKKS, At roe copy. J-udeof Probate 12Ü;ït4 Estafceof Mittie N. Dorr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wnshtenaw, ss At a Bession of the Probate Conrt for the Count; pfYashtepaV, holden at the Probate Uflicc, inth '.'ïy "f Ann Arbor. on Thursday, the twenty-fourt day ( March, in the year oue thousaad eiht hun Ültd and snnily. Present, Ïliram J. Bettkes, Judg of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of .viuie S. Dorr, minor. Qn readlng and flling the petition dxily verifiedof Sarah M. Iorr, Gaardlañ,prayÍQii that she muy be licensedto acll cettain real estáte belonLins to said minor. Thereupou it is Orde red, that lfonday,hs twentyfifth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ba assigned for ttie hearing of Hid pctitioT. and that the next of kin of saul minor, and uil other perrons interested in jaid 6State, are required to appear :it n sesfiton ofsnidCour then to lu' holden atthe Probate Office, in the city o Ann Arbor, and ehow canse, If any there be.wh the prayer of the petitioner should not be grnnted And it lafartherordered,that saidnetltloner si ve notice to tl;e next of kin of aaid minor, and nll othsr peraQis interested in said estáte of the pendency of said petition, and the hearinf: thercof. by cannnga copy of this Order to bepubliehed !ntho . ■'.!■;'. - ano wpa per prinjed and circulatine in sald connty, three successlre weeks prevïout-to sflid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.J niRAM J. BBAKES. lJG'itd Judgcof Probato. Estáte of Jcscph Croman. STATE OF MICniGAX, County of Washteonw, ss. At apessiou of the Probate Coart lor the County of ffashtenaw, hulden at the Probate Oflice. in the City of Auu Arbor, on Weduosday, the twenty thivd flay of March. in the year onc thuusand eight hundred and seventy Present, Hiram J Bfiaken, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of the cstatc of Joscph Croman, deceased. Owcn Croman, Administrrttor of paid estáte, comes into Conrt and represente that he Ís now preparad to render his ft nal account at sach Adminïstrator. Therenpon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentyfifth dav of April next., at ten o'clock in the forenoon, beasslgned for examining and aUoidng snch account, and that the hei: s at law of said deceascd, and all other personi Interested in fnid estáte, are required toiippiar at a aeesion of saidCutirt, then to be holden at tne Probate Offlco. in the city of Ann Arbor, in Baid County, and show canse, if anv there be, why the Bflid account shonld not be allowed : And II is further ordered that said Administraiur L'ivr noties to the persons ínterosted in paid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing tln'riïof, by caosbig a copy of thli order to be pnbllshedln the Michigan Áru% a now'paper printed and clrcoJatlng in Mild County. three sucecsaive weeks previous to said day "f" hearing. CA true t-opy.J " HIK M J. BK IKES, 1263 . Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Hannah Browning. STATE OK MlcïlTGAX. Üonnty of Washtenaw.s. t asesslon of the Probate Conrt for the Comity of Washtenaw. holden at the Broats Qflloe, In the (dij of, Ann Arbor, on Wedne$day, the chlftteth day of M i: .!i. in the year one thousand eighi hnndred and seven' v. Present Hiram J. Beako?, Jndgc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Ilaunsh Browning, deceaaed. Charles G. Wheeier, Administrator deboiUtnon of eaid estáte, comes iuto Court ninl represent that he is now prepared to render bia ftna] account as euch Adminutrator. Therenpon it la ordered, ThatTnnsday. the twenty íixih day of April, next. at ten o'cjock in the forenoon, b fb' examlnlng and ailowlnfl Bach acconnt, ana tliat ths heirs at hwv of eaid deceasedi and al] other persons (pterested In said are reqnired to nppear at a session of said Court, then to be holdcu ül the Probato Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if auy there be, why the said account shonld not be aHojrcd : And it Is furtht-r ordered, (bat said AdmlnUtrator glye nottee to the persona interested in said estáte of the pendency of Baid account, and the tiearing thereof, by oaoflaff a copy of this ordar w be pabllshed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circnlating in paid Countj-. three uccesve weeks previous to said el ay of hearing. (AtroeeopyO HIUAM .1 BKAKES, 126ö Judge of Probate. OBAPES AND STRAWBERRY PLANTS, 3f all tlie ) -v'.ni:: rarllioa for =nle at I ïm Babflcribvfl iraara Sursery, In the iüi VVnrd, below the Jtail'Oftd CTOs?inff, uear Juöge Lawrencfl Orckard. C, 11. WOODHOPP, lM2nt Froprictor. 65 DAYS FROM CHINA AND JAPAN, VIA THE Pacific Hailroad. A VERY CHOICE LOT OF FINE FRESH TEAS Jl'ST RF.CEIVEI) AT C. II. MILLEJV'3. CALLANDTRYTHEM. QUAL1TY ÜNSÜRPASSED. PRICES LOW. ATEW SPRING GOODS ! NOW OPENING AT C. H. MILLEN'S. A LARGE LOT OF BLEACHED MTJSLIN9, NEW SPRING PRINT8, TICKS, DENIMS, CRASH„ LINENSf, AND GOODS FOR THE EARLY SPRING TRADB. At Very low Prices for CASH,, OR IX EXCIIANGE FOK Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fiuit. ar-i HE AT ÊARGA1NS ' WOOL SHAWLS, DEE8S GOODS, AND ALL KINDS OF Y00l GOODS, FOK THE NEXT SC DAYS, at O. H. Slillen'. 1257 A RE YOÜ (01. TO BXJILÜ í We will furnish Large Bills of Lumber as Low as any dealr er in Michigar. We solicit no patronage escept sueh as your interest wil! give ub. Let un moka figures on your l.iCl hef ore you go away f rom Jiome to parchase. E. BLOÖD & CO. NEW INVOICE OF FINE DOCBLE AND SIN'GtE Pisley Shawls ! PLAID' ANQ STR1PEP SHAWLS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. TB. KELLOGG S LIVER INVIGORATOR, Will the appetite.cleanite the fttomach, nnd rnoTnto the biod, so 1 1 at une nee1 hnvr no fear of AGUK, BIMOL'S KKVKR. SIMMKK COMVLAWT. omny MALARIOUS DISEAfE, during the hot moths of !?umnifr , If employpd dnrinp the carlv warm tia_ys of Spring. Kemembor nn unct kf preventitive is worth a pound of cure. Ooe bottljt in&.raavea heavy bill of expenae. r. KELLOGG S Zndian Remedy, Can lio employpil ns a I.inarnent. na is iqua)fy [jno.l '.i munnr bast. I will warrant it to cure BURNá,8CALD3,CUT8, BRC1SES, ■■] all kinrt ,., l'rch wminds, wirh 8peed and certaínir. AKO, SCHATC HES, UALLS , ra n,',i , io ., ou bon. TPHE CATHARÏIOJ PROPERT1E3 OF Dr. KELLOGG'S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Are ex trac tel from simple articlcs of food, b nove! and acientifio process. XbJ neither gripe, i'on.-tipate, or eieken, but leaT6 liírcí'tiou visoroid f the apueMte eood, umi tb bowela freo and regQnr. They hruld be employed io canpn of lïiltiuusneM. Kever, Ague, Coïti%-eneis, Bowel Ocmplaiot, Ïvkp(sia, IHarrhea , Iiver Complatot, Uhuumatit-m, Coltls. LL OF DR. KELLOGG'53 MEBÍCINES Are preparpd by himwlf,aQd warraated pureand rgetablo iu all rospectü. I)R. KELLOGG'S " CHAMPION OirVTMENT, CoMPILK8,8AI.TRHKrjM, ITCH, and all SKIN IISE4SES, without fail. Solcl bjr Druirftiniii and Eoalt rs ererywhero. UMtf OOD ÖRACIOÜS J WHAT PYRAMIDS OF CAKE t the City Arcade. Fruit Cake. GoldCftktt, Süvrr ttkc, RollJclh, Sponde Loaf, French Loaf, Crc&m EHDg, Chocolate Cako. Lady Finkers, Frcuch lesea, Arcade Cake, audthat DELICiOUS Boston rcam Cako. IS6S CLARK & CROrSEY. OTICE. ThereviBbe ft ppecial meeting of the Board of anagan of the Washttmaw Countj Aricnlttirel H-i-'iy, at the ofllce of the Sccretary, I). Chambr, i Wedntsdny, the Ptztb day of April next, atli . K, , of íiicí afty, línsineís of ppeeiaï importHi)- iil come bcfore the Society, and a ful] attendauce ía March", Utb, '70, IMlwS D. CRAMEK.Sec,


Old News
Michigan Argus