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The Michigan Argus

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Published every Fríday moruing, fn the third stor af ihc brick inock, corner ot Main aud liurou ïjtreut AN.X AüííOit, MÍOií. Kutrauce un Hurón Stree apuudUotae Post uiüce. EilHl B. P0.1D, Editor and [I'ubihkcr. Tcrms, $2.00 a Year in Advance. BATES OF ADVEUTISING: [12 liues or less considere d :i square.] gPAQg. lw. 8 W. i -.v. Bm. Dm. ly. 1 jqnare I $ .75 I $1.60 I $.60 $.O$6.OOt.O0 á_squarts_JI 1 JO 2.5Ö" 3.0B ï"t!w I 8".Ö0ri2X0 3 square I ü.w I 3.01) I 4.60 I 7.50 10.00 16.00 ilnmo I 2.501 8.B0I :,.m I 00 i U.00 80,00 l-4otohnnp a.ii! 4..mi 1 O.OO 1 10.00 1 18.00 M.00 ■::im;i j 4.0(1 1 T.00I 9.00 IÏ.O0 1- column [ 5.00 8.00 10.00 18.00 2Í.00 W.OO 1 cohimn I sJiöl Ti.oñ ïcm 1 26.oo 1 40.00 j 75.00 CAR li. IN:)lKRCTÜRY,uottoeicecüfourlIne St.on.iypar. Advertlsorstn the cxti'nt of a qn.irtcr column ona ?o:rly contrart. will be oiititlod to have thcircard&fn Directory without oxtra rharcre. Local Noticof ton eentopar Ihio Cor the flrstinserllon, :iiul six '-('th a line Tor each siibseqent Inaerion, bot 110 noticc inserted for lose thau $1. Spectftl Notlebfl on'-c-iind-a half ílR ratea ofordlnry ailvrcti'i-mi'Kt. Y:irlv idTarttsvra bATtt the iirivíleírí1 of ehan?ín;r heir arlvcrtisementp throe times. Additioual chang.cs will He ehargod for. tv A'lvertisements unacrnm;):m[o(i hy -ritton or ; Thnl dlrscttoBfl will bepuhlishüd three months.and ;harjfed acoordi&gly. 1 i-ïnl vertiscmeiits.flrst nsortlon 70 cents per düo. ::." cent pet Folio for oach 8ubeqentlnertldn. PThen a poctponemeni Isadded i :ui advertiaement he Tholc wiil L'ti;inred the yanie as Tor UriitiuserJOB PRINTING. Psmphlctí, Poítens, Hand Iülls, Clroalars, Carde, Bill Tickets, Labels, Blank, Bill Heafo, and other r 1 -i .:ú's ni' Piala and F.mcy .Tob Prloting, executcd v.'.rli proraptneeB, and in the beat posnibU'style, ' (TÍRDS.- We hSTeaTtngsleí Rotarï (Vml Press, ' and .1 large farlety of the latcst styles of Crd type I wfalch enablea na to print Cards of all kinds in the 1 t Fieatest posslble stvic. and cbaper than any other bciise in the City. Business C;mlsfnr men 01' all aveoattons -ind nrofesslons, Ball, Wedding and Visiíiiir t n is.;rinted on short notiee. Cali and seesamplcs.


Old News
Michigan Argus