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G. E. FROTIIINGIIAM, M. D., PHYSICIAN AM) SCIiGEON. Office over Druz Store, No. 7 Hurmi strekt. Ri'siilcnco, Xo. 3 ThompKon sireet. Oflice liours, 8 lo 11 A. M , and 7 tos I'. NI, GEORGE GRENVILLE, DEALER IX DRUGS and Medicines, No. 5 Sonth Mullí Street, Aun Arbor. ; b üllTrobinsön" co. GKOOERS, Produce nndComniitskm Merchants, Xo. 43 Suutli Main Street. ELLIS & KrSSELL, BRHiOISTS. and dealfri. in Palote, OUs, etc No. 2 South Main Street, Ana Arbor. THEODORE TAYLOR & 00., DEALERS iu Groccries, Provlglong, .nul Country Produce, No. 13 South Main Sirect, Ann Albor. JOHN KECK & CO., DEALERS In Fornlture of all kiuds, No.3JSoül Malu Street, Aim Arüur. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNKY .-rnd Counsellor at I.nw, Real Estateanr! Inrartpce Agent. CopyeyandDg and Colleciion ol Claluu promptly :i[tencd U) on liberal terms. OfUce one door muMi of Fint Hatlonal liante, npüi Main Street, Ann Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, s;:cressnr to C. B. Porter. Office, corner Main and liaron Sírcete, over the store of R. }}'. KllisA: Co . Anr. Arior, Mieti. Auasthctics admiuiyierod if rcqalred. VV. P. BREAKEY, M. D. PHTBICIAN ANDSURGEOS. Offi.-e at residence, coraer of Hurón inri División Streets, flr&t door K:isto( Pieabyteriun Chareta Aun Arbor, Midi. E. J. JOHNSON, IR ix HAis and Caps Pnrs.etnwOoodB' OcU' Puriüihlng üoods, &c, Ni. 7 South Main stroct, Aun Arbor. S U T ti Ë li L &.ÜD & W II E D O N, tCt aiMl Pire ïusarance Agmti nnd dealers in Real Bátate. Office on Hurón" Street. Alao sell flrstcluss Sewtnj! Machines. W. 1). HOLMES, AOEVT for the Florence Sewlng Machine. nd ilo.iler iu Pictures. Frames, &c. No. il Easl Hurou Street LEW IS .CT RÏSPÖN7 DEALER In Hardware. Rtovns, House Pun.ishing (Juods, Tiu Ware. Ac, No. :il South Street. BACH & ABEL, BKALPjriS In Iry (oods. Groceries, J;c.,.4Sc. No. 20 South Main Streel, Aun Arbor. cTh. millen, DKAT.Kü in Dry Goode, Groceriee, ., bc. No Louth Maiu Street, Ann Albor. SLAWSON & 6ÖN, QROCKUS, ProvMon and Commislon Jtcrchnnte aud dealers In Waier Liac, i.a.nd Plaater, aud Piaster l'aris, No. 1 í Eat iir.rua Stiec. S. SONDHEIM, rV'noi.ESAT.K and retall dealer iu Ready Made ClotíiiiiLT. (;!othe, Cassimere?. Veetinií. and Gents' FurnUhiug Goods. No. 9 South Mulu Street. wmTIvagnër OEALCP in Ready Hade Clotning. Clothí, Cassimeres Ar.d .V'-!"'jnixií, iïat. Cip, Trunlu. Carpet Bags, &c-, '21 .-wiitii Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, ÍOPKSELLERS and Stationen, Medical, Lawand College Ti'rt Buoks, School and Mlsccllaneous Bogks, No, 3 North Maiu Street, Gfcgory Ulock, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWUS, BEALERS in Bnott, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippen te, No. 2 Kast Huron Street. r. t.Vrrant, LAniES' Fasbiuoabic 8hoe IJouse, JTo. 24 Sonth if.aiu Strct. A tí. CltUíSUV, 1 .D GR2GORY HOUSE B3 jlar Oface Hoiirs, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. Q R 0 C K E R Y 7 GLASSWARE & GPOCERIES. DOXNELLY Elnve 1n torea largentock of Crockery , íilassware, rijited Ware, Tut leí y , Grocenes, tac, tic, alt te be ■oíd at unusull Jnw pi ir-c, N'o.lSKist Hurí uíSli eet, Ann Arbor. UÜStf J.&l'. DONXELLY. QITY LINE OF HACKS ! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Furjai$hcscxpeditious Cbnreyftnotfs to aud from the í?Vj, uii'l all part of the city. Mr Fttnuraltf attendeil, und 1cant turnoutefuriteheíl Iftdtee m-iUi iilt ealU. Priívs reawoiial)!?. Orders left at Cook'.-llotcl or at theirofílce promptattLaded to. W4tf JOHN G. GALL DEALEB IÏT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, IiARD, SAUSACES, Etc., CrdwitoHoltad ml promptly fTl 11 wlth the best mtstH in the iiiíirkct. 31 Kant Washington street. Aon Arbor, Sept. lOth , ISoi). 1235tf R. G. K. FOUTER, DZ3STTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOSK.ANN AEBt)R. ft.ll Operations on the Natural Teeth, FEnVOMHEV U'ITH CARE. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETfl, TO GIVE EACII INDIVIDUAL, Denlura of the pri-per sixe, thayc, color, firmntsu aiid natural tzpreuiox. 1244 'Y ti tóLAlttitiaT AAü Best selectcd stock of Plaid Poplins; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to behad at the mo FARMERS' STORE Goto R. W.ELLIS & CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,PcitB, Oils, &c. rpHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (ESTAM.ISIIED IN 1SC7 OHN" .1. BAQTfET, Pruioikt, ACOHS. KAÜHA.VII, Vio Prraiilcnt. .INO. T. UGOETT, Seorotarf. JAMKS c. WA1VON. ictuary. 1). O.FAl(KAND,M.I)., Madioll Extmlntt. A Succesi-ful Micliifnn Life Insiiranco Comjian trnntzwd lor the purpoe uT fuiuishiuj; InsurailC jpun ii es at THE LOWEST COSÍ COMPATIBiJE WITI1 Absolute Security, and for the further purpose of KEEPIAG MONEY AT II0ÜE, whlch heretofore has hteu Bent East, 8ATES AS LOW AS SAFETY l'ERJUTS. EJNT1RK MUTAJL1TY AND STRICT EQXJITY Ma r: the FTten nnd preTaü ín tl. e di.ftribuitoQ ot ANNUAL DHIDENDS TO THE DiSGjSCD 1 rorisioos of the Stsle U, and bv thtir own terme, AJ,L P0LIC1ES AEE NON-FORFEITAELE. fSSVRAXCr. FURXIÍHED ITON ALL DESIRABLE PLANS. All tb nnST K4TUl:FS ..f the OM Companies ADOrTED,a!!their ERROH3 AVOIDKI). SECÜRITY, ECONQMYj EQUITY AXD THE WEST, SsT For Agencies apply at the HOME OFFICE, Bank Block, Grissrold .Street. JZÜ i._ U. TIIAVER, Gm'J eent. F.1EZ I.. H.U1N', Agent. l-a9yl "ArwÍDENWIAÑÑT REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, ANX ARBOR, MIC.IJ. OFFERS FOK. SALE : i3 acre of land t within one half mile f rom the city, to be sold in whole, or pareéis, as ■ Ü4 acre-i on ection 19, u the town of Ann Arlo-1 bordcrir) ( en Hie obpi on the ïvaA leasing to Cornwulls' paper niilLs, and on the rou h on 15 acrett ttituated on the nortliwest coroer of tlie li u rli kim ra il and tho xaid CornweU Faclorv ; roid . (T ii e is one of the hand.sotnest litufttionj in the neighborhood of Anii Arbor. 13 f acres improved land joinin the abore 15a' I acres aud fxuQtiog Gorbaca Koad. "orty acres of Firt ClafiB Karminv; I-and, wl'.li pond Orchiirü onl Baru, 2l miles f rom tfa Court IIouHt, od the upper Dixboro cr,c of Jin'l with a nw two Ptory fram house on ' rhonípsr.n, guoot & Thoiup.-üc"i acditiou to ttitCity of nu Arbor . 71oof 7% acre eucb, on Thompson, Spoor & Thomp scu'h Additioii. 9 acres jf lacd. witli a rpïenlil grove, joininpc the Fitemen's Park on the West. IHoom nnd % Iota of land, with Dam, WashKiichtn .Carnacc Hsiet and a nurobt-r ofniodem UourovtincntSj on the nurthwest corner oí Kourth and Packurd Slreets. 1 IIouhp and Lot in the 2d Warl, on South Iiberty Street. 1 House and 3 Lots in the 2d Wart!, near 2d Ward School House, 1 House and 4 Lts,uear tito M.C.K.R. Depot. 320 acres of land in thewm'h of the Stal1 of Missouri , near the Hanoi bal 4ríít. Joicph Ka il toad. 2 City I ots near W Ward SchoolHeuae A. WIDENMANN, F0RE1CN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, IIICH. SELLS A1ID BUYS EKAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON' ALL . PRIXCIï'AL PLACES InnREATBRITAIVjCEKMAXYRANTr., 3WIT7.EEJiAND, etc. My direct connectiuns with Earope enablf me to offer au fair rates isanv Nrw Tori IIouph. lit-membor, I am not an acent of .ny honjie in O'-unt r , hut 1 hui lm vi n v direct communicaUoQ with the bent housen iu Euiope. COLLECTIONS IN EUEOPE BV POWER OFATTdlïNKY Oi'. OTHERWI8E,W1LL BE l'KOMl'TI.V AÏTKNLt.D 1O. PASSAGE TICKETS per Steamer to and from Xew Ycik tn all principal po ríe cf tuiüpfc 1 w 1 1 1 sell S8 lollowb I From New York to Soutb&mpton, ïlavre, L.on'.!on, ftrcinea or liaiuhure, it t clfts. 2lClnss. Pt 120. '■■:. $25 in Gold. Return tickets, 24. 136 01 " FromnbOTe place lo Xew York, UtCltu. ZdClua. Stl Clai. lïO i:-. tiO in Coli. From Xew Yorkto Liverpool, Cbin, $80 to $100Cunency. Stffrayt-, $30 in Currency Froml.iTcrpool to New Yoik, Cabio, $100. Sip.-rai-. S:7 , ivideñmanñ7 fire insurance agent ANJSI ARBOR, For the Howard ïniurance Co. , i n Now Vor't, one uf tht oldetitand bchtCoiiipaim: in the aonottfThe Teutonia In-iurnnce Company in CteTöUod. The honorable and ttafe management ol tbla inti tution haa made it onp of Uw mout re.iaMo ïir Insurance CompanifiiD the Wt. UÖTyl


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