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Ibero is a fnmiliar eajiog aniong com ilion pcoplc whioh s very expressive in dcscribing arrogant egotism, fselfisbness, and felf-conccit. Persons addicted to tlus offcusivc habit of mind are charrcd ; with usmj; '-the grrnt ƒ and tbe littleV ; in their th.ughts, talk, and aels. But vvhatever disreopect or ndifierence sel tish íodividnals bave showa to littte u t-nphsh literatuie, for firc centuries, has made ampie amendg for this abu6 by a very marked and costlj liomage to that 8tingutth?d momber of tho ulpbubet ; o otber nMinber of that llterary community has claimed and wiolded eucIi diítinctive poner and nfluence. For five cenfuries, wiihont a break io ítsrn'e, it has Leld tho Great Seal cf Jioglish liteiatu-o, ondstamped its Norman image and supcrcript(,n upon ovcryfrmt.dorwriuenpwgo that has scen the lrght io Great BHtaio in all this sp:ice of tune. U'.ilüam the Conqueror never Jaid hia iron sceptre more relenthsAy upon tho Danee, Sllxongi „nd teits, than d.d tl,i i dftpotia u upon their languages, and upon evcry other ibat t could master on the Continent also i.atiD aod Teutonjc wero til aliko mb jeoí lo i:b rule. It was no rcspoeter oí classics; and it bood tlirou-h the longues of Virgil at:d Cicero, and nscrtcd iü tho puccture i tg Norman ooiutge and mark. Ii 9Ould havo done tbe same lo iho WÜd WL-h and Gaeüc, if it eouia bave eaugbt tbetn, and pecetrated tbe;r bristling cnnsnnants. '"■■;' handred f van before there wassi.y printing done ín England. and for all the oenturiea sinco Caxton'g dav ui o iwman u luis ruled a tul taxed Eohsh hierature wiih a Iicavy hand Itis not in tue power of imagination, if in that of arithmetic, to estímate what that httle u bsH cost our race. Up to the begioniog of ihe presect caaturj iis 8way was complete. It had not released iis liolil upoa a singlo word of Latín or luutcnie origin wh:ch it liad seized pos session of. Wbetlier the eoiooidence wasaeci'Ientnl or not, soon afier the American and Frer.cü revoÜutiocs, in whicü naany ireated iutcrests ;nd dignities were shaken down, the Norman u lost a considerable portion of ts dominion, though Groat Britnin has remainud loyal and obedient to it up to this day. In America, whcre tbe sentiment of nomago to Norman genealogy is, Daturally, not so hercditary nud strong as ia Englatid, tiie u has been turned out bodily and forever from all words of purely Latin or Saxnu orisjin into which it had interpolated itsell Theio it wil] nover agaiu tax "labor," or be fouud in "bODor," or iatrudc upon "neiphbor," or be taken Lt; "favor," or appsar uu v, .,..,,!,. : - j.x.j.u, ouo a oriiion cxcrescenee in the last stoge of decay. But in England all the8e words, and a great many others of like origin, are 8iill BDbjeoted to this Norman tax, which fow Engliefa writers nr readers La7e over estimated duly in labor, paper, ink, or in time and


Old News
Michigan Argus