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New York, April 5. A great deal of Impatlence cxists in (ímíiiicial clrcles over the sloiv progresa made by Cougress in deftolng the poücy of the country on moncy inatters. The prospect tliat the Fundlng Bill wlll not become a law is every day regarded as more certain ; and not a few capitalists have already beguu to sbape their course accordlngly. Money t-outimies to accumulato and loans nre correspoiulinsly easy to negotiate. Good paper is promptly met at G per cent. Boecle and threc per cent, cerüflcates form a largo part of the bank reserves, but there is a temporary scarcity of greeubacks. Gok advauced )c over the ratea of ycsterday opening and closiug at Í.12. The highes point was 1.12i añil the lowest at l.H7-8 Tlie increased deniand for money twglos t show itseif n more business activity anc the improvcd tone imparted to the market generally. Flour exhibits no chango fo the better: at the close to-day the marke was in favor of buyors. Whoat, Barfer, anc R}'e are each Iower, l)iil Corn is lc better auu Oats vcry lirra and active at iinprovcd rates. Cotlon is ).jc higher, umi cotton goods exhibit more life since the favorable turn in the weutlur. Wool is ia fair ruquest, but at a decline of le. Late sales )i' destrable Michigan fleeee wer at 48c. The provisión markot is firmer and demand betterj Mess pork is nomlnally unclianged, but lard '4 to 'o better. Hops are inactive Trith no chanL In prico. jutter is quiet anct du 11 aixl lovrer on al! but 'the clioiccst grades. Iwík, western, arj ste&dy at 25c, iiut lower rates are lookert for. The grocery market is qulet: Uicc, Coffee and Spices are nr.settled oh tbe expectatli n i f lower gold ratis, and have no power to rally Wlth au advunce in the precious metal. Sngars are Ín good demand and siightly ad vaneed. Detroit, April R. Business continúes very quiet, even the opening of navtgation, which usually producea , stlr beforehand, is rlewed wlth a tanff froid consistent with the weather, but in strange contrast wlth former years. Flonr is even doller tha,n at any lime d ir tBg the winter. Wheat receives no speculaíivc attention, anrl thc ülling of the llmlted daily orders is all that keeps the market from ntter stagnatlon. Iíarley Ís again dull and lar;e amounls woulcl flnd buyers anly atún abatemeut froiu the recent conccsslon. Corn is BOareo and lirin, but the demand Is llght anü iM-ices sliow no chauge. Oats are on the upwai'd move, and the late bad roads havo belped to lncrease tiie previous flrm tone of the market. Butter is extrcrnely flrm for fresh choice, but correspondingly dull an Inferior and medium qoalltles, of which large stocks are on hand. Eggs have not failed to perform the somersault wbich usually oceurs at this timeofycar. The decline during the weak is about 12c and the cry Ís stlll downward. Potatoes are about 5c better, but the ilemand is only local, and likcly to subside wlth ñwr airivals oonsequent on drler roads. A.pples are in Kood Khlpping (Iemand and quick at outside quotations. Tal'.ow dull. Maple sngar dull and plenty. Hops quiet. Dried (ruit quiet. DJSTKOIT KKODUCB HAKKBT.- TB rllowlrir quotatioiie represent the curreut net pricewrejilized bycoinmi.tion dealer. and arecarefully revisedevery week, for the Argus, by onr Detroitcorrespondeut. DetUictioDt (via these prices for cmmissious and charlea, wlllshov iht net rates toflrst haud?: Apple,_Dr!ea,9@10c; Grctuper bbl. Ï Jiarley - perewt. l W forNo 1 Beawax- pet Ib. :;.'.fc."S. Beana - wlute, $ i .f.r(5.i.c Batter- crock 34@SSc; firkln,28@S2eperlb., Oheest - Michigan FMtonr, 19Ü0. Dairy, 14@10. Ohickens - dreesed, per lb. ■ 17013. Otdar- Perbbl $4.oo Corn- pnrbu., Su ■ ' . Craiiberripf - Per hbl, sfi.00(ál4.C0 for wild. Eg"8- perduz., 29@S0cHiiles- dry.perlb. .18iiï'2nc-:ixrecn,"(ffiRc. C'ull ' SlfiiiK- (r'.-n, I4@16e; ar jr, W80. Slieop Skins- 4O(;7ó: lamb skiú;4O(5ü. Hops- New, perlb.. 1418c Lord- perlb.. 16 I : :. Oats- perbo. 6O@S)c. Onioim- pcrblil. 2 50@2.78. Pit:itoes- ISei rarleUesprbbl.,SU0l.CO. Tallow- t&í@9c. Tarkeys- dressed, perlb., SO@SIe. Wheal -eitr white, 1.26@1-2J Ho, l.$1.13@1.10 Amber, I.(jti(oi!.07. MI ARB9R PHODICE MARKETS. Aitti'.'S Office, April, 7 1870. We qnote this nfteraoon os follows : WITKA'l'-Whitc 1000105c' Rcd.Oüc BUCK W'HEAÏ- TSc. OORN-TOc.ft) 11. UKANS- 11.50. BUTTEU- Sic. BOOS- 18C. I.ARD- lüc HT- Í1315. W00D- 8al o. APJ'LKS- iriiMl- jMTlb. 7(5!5c.;Krecn.SCS70c. POTATOES- m:w. JJC. CHICKENS- 14c. TURKEYS- Uc. IIOXIÍV -Í8C. PORK-10.60 uer cwt. BEEF- ÏS-8'0 perewt


Old News
Michigan Argus