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The City Election

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The animal charter election was held on Hsnclay, aml In tlic ttrsc langnage of that brave and victoiious General wereadabout -In the spelling book - we - that ia ths - met the eiicmy and got wallopcd. A Recorder, one Supervisor, and two Constables are all that are left to teil the ad tale. Thrce Democratie Wards elected threc Democratie Aldennen, and nary a Rcpubllcan Ward returned the compliment. Th Republican majorities range front 12 : n Mayor to 328 on Marshal, aml so down lo the line of "nip and tuck." Thls general cleauhigout may be attributed in pnrt to ward cliqnesand personal diftlGultes, in part to muit nominations, and in pirt to the oíd and largo Radical nmjorlty, rwnforced by the negro troops. evertheless, notwithstanding, or whateTer the word, the city gave Grant 104 mijority, aud is Republican any day by over 150 majority, without the negro vote, jo that our oppoiicnts have nothing to boastof. "Willi these lew words of lutrodactiou" we give the figures whicli our friencls can study at their leisure: - The new City Council will stand : Republicans, 12 ; Democrats, 2, - the KecorItrand oue lone seed Alderraan. - Mayor Hauiuman, though a new man nioug us, has a liost of warm friends out ideof his oto party who believe that he rill luake a good Mayor. We hope that he will stralghten some of thecrookcd places all for $1 a year and the honor. - The big runs were made by Recorder Maxly and Supervisor O'IIrakn, the one sgaiust a big majority, and the other agalnst McMaiio.x. Geu. Clark also made u goocl heat. HATOS. REOORDKU. Schmid Hsrrtmnu ilauly L.1W lst Ward, 124 210 13C 1WJ 2J " 141 51 121 73 Al " 113 128 1(J3 105 4lh " 12!) 140 14( ]2) ith " 51 113 88 T5 filU "" 25 110 49 85 012 758 703 6G0 612 660 146 37 JUSTICES. MARSHAL. Ciarle Mooro Nye Ses. Efiier RoblBl'onS 8UI1 ItW. 181 200 111 216 91 243 ü " 186 06 112 70 101 87 Sd " 172 99 171 97 138 125 4üi " 147 127 138 133 115 157 th " Ö4 100 54 105 29 J33 th " 38 90 41 93 33 100 678 688 627 720 517 848 678 02 r 517 10 93 328 For Snperritort, lst & 2d W's- John Reyer, 120 " " " - Robt.P.Leonard, 304-184 3l&4th W's- Patrick O'llearn, 289-32 " " " - JainesMcMahon, 257 ith&GthW's- Homer 1 Finlcy, 86 " " - Uorace Carpeuter, 211- 125 For CoUectori, lt& 2d W's- Geo. II. Ford, 126 " " " - John Schumacher, 400- 274 3d &4th W's-Jercmiah Peek, 257 " " " - KrastusN.Gilbert,289- 32 Sta & Oth W's- Jacob Seabolt, 46 " " " -Eli Manly, 217-171 For AUermen, lst Ward- Tracy W. Root, 113 lst " -Joshua G. Leiand, 220-107 2a Ward- George P. Lutz, 73 " - Enianuel Mann, 116-33 31 Ward-Christopher Kearns, 138 " -Adam D. Seyler, 143-20 th Ward- Frederick A. Horn, 125 " - Godfrey Fauth, 143-18 ith Ward- Silas Pratt, 78 " -Geo. H. Rhodes, 86-11 th Ward- Chas. C. Church, 34 " -Win, D. Hulmes, 98-64 Vr Constables, ' Ward- James Watkins, 119 " -Chas. Boylan, 213-94 1 Ward- Geo. W. Efner, 82 ' - Conract Murray, 106 - 24 J Ward- Thos. J. Hoskins, 1Ö2- 116 " - JohnM. Slater, 76 4 Ward- John Laughlin, 138-1 " - Moses 11. Boylan, 137 'Ui Ward- John L. Truair, 40 " - Nathan II. Pierce, 107-61 6(h Ward- Marcus Jlillcr, .'5 " - Thos. L. Hewltt, 95 - 00 FIHEMEN. T of Firemen- yes, 203 -no, 12-191 Candidatos flrst named are Democrats A Farmers' Club bas boon organized lnBri('gcwater, and holds weekly meetings t the Tovvij House, with addresses, discus'ns, etc. Last Friday evcnlng D. W. Pa''MEr talked about " manures and fer"Uzers," thU evcnlng; Daniel LeBaiion ftill diseusse " the best marnier of proclucng a good erop of wheat, eorn, and oats ;" 1 next Friday evcning Edttu Siiith, of "nton, wiU discourse about " root crops." "Wh a club will do a good work in auy Thore will bo n meeting of the Fire Dpartment, at Firemeu's Hall, Saturday venlng at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of Meeting officers for the ensuiug year, and nsacting Ruch business as may ome before the meeting. The omecrs of tho "Detroit, Hillsdale, m' India,m Railroad have closed a conct for 'ron, and tbc road is to bo pushed.


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