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HPHEODORE TAYLOR & CO., (auccssaoRS to c. r. thompson a co. J Wholesaleand Ketail Dealers in GROCEBIES & PROBUCE FE UlTSy EXTRACTSr &PICES, Orocliery, Glassware, Lamps and 0il9 Table Cutlery, Plated Goodff,. Looking Glasses, STONE, WOODKN, AND WIluïaOW WARE House Establishctl In 1850. ffo. 10 SoutU Diiilii strot, .NOST AEBOE, IvIICII TLeo. Tjlor,' A.J. SittlKTlan4, 1217 ' '■■. Vlir.!.)n, OF SIDE STRIPE MEBRIMAO D. PRINTS, Jl"ST RECEIYEP AT Tlifc Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SALE AT 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 jjüY YüüK Looking Glasses OP W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arhor, FOK 3 UEASOXS. First, bacante he ketps th bent of mjirtil GL&sk„ and a gooJ aasoitniontof qua re aud arehtup f ritmes , aud sella OHEAP I Secondlr, bctttus they belonp to his bufne, He uiakea tliein a tpeeMtyt doesbli uwtiwurb, uod can aiioid t se!l CHIEAPEB 1 Tbirdïy, Bocftase ho mrtnufiifïtures tïiem, and eau and w i 11 sell tb e of Dn y one in tb e city. ïii'also sells PICTURE FRAMES! Tbecheapest oí itnybody in tbe State - as furas heard rum. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O GTS. Picture Gord, Tassels & Nails! FRK.VCLl GI.ASÍS- b;. il,c light or box- ForPictures orfor HOUSE ! 3 EAST IIÜUON STREKT, AlSTïT ARBOE, ... MrCH. HMtf rADÍE8' FASHIÜNABLË SHOE HOUSE. 3E.. TAH.TIA3MT, 21 South Main Street , Dealet in LADiE'3 BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST8TYLES Kid? Calí, and Cloth, Always on hand, and Stock and Work Guaraatced. IF YOU WANT A. BOOT, A. GAITKBJ A BXJSKIN", OB A. SLIPPER, CALL AND EXAMINE Hls STOCK BEFORE PUB CaASIN'G.. PRICES LOWER ihan the LOWESTIt. TARRANT. Ann Arhor.Maj 17th,18t9. poll SALE Í Th nnbscriherpofl'cr for salo tlic house, nnö 11 or : pi.ition of tlif roauds ou Aun Strc(;t, between Foartli aud Plfth Street, belng the resident of the !:il(! Vnhri'y Fortennf; apply to CA Chapín. Al&o abont 3 acres on Miller Avenue. CA. CHAPÍN, 1 V. CHAPÍN. .Ir. y Admlnistratori. 8. S. WALKER. J AOBArbor,M'rllMi, 1860. UU rpHE BE AKS AXE AHEAD! JOHNSON, TEE EATTEE, Has just opeued a Large Stock of WINTER COODS! Iiiclmilng New8t Siylc of HATS & FÜRS ! Whieh will be sold AL80 A LAB.GK 3TOCK. Oï GLOVKS, tOLLAKS, NECK T1EH MANDltEKCIIIEFS, &ATCHEfS, CASESj Uiabrellas. Parasols, &c. PloAfie callan ilöicauiia! in y good beforep u rtMiixt-" log lsi'whero. SO. 7 MAIN 6T., - AHÍ 1RB0E MICH. November, Ir Ml. ISMtf ''Sheridan 20 Miles Away!" A. A.. TERRY, (taCSKBSOlfc TO KEMPER A: DIEIIL,) ilas on httii-1 a Ure and wull m.kcted Btuck of "WIISTTEB GOODS ÍDoítuftnpr a fuH fint of HATS & CAPS! La lest stjles od best iialiti. Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Gloves, Collars, Ncckties, &c, wtiich wilt be so'.d ai thtt VEE Y LO WEST F1QÜRES! Kcmcmber the place, No. 15 Soutli Jlaiu Street, tiie old store of Johu West. Aon Arbor, Drc.23, 1S69. lC40tf T ATEST NEWS ! ! WM. WAGNEB, Has jufltopeneda Iarge atockof FALL GOODS ! 1NCLUDIXO CLOTHS, CASSIMERE9, VESTING8, &C. LATEST STYLKS iND BEST QÜAL1TIE8 wnicu nEOFKRs LOTVER than EVER Alto tn Store a larg steek of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. OARMEXTSMADETO OKDERIN TKEJJ Alao LADIE'and GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21, South Mal Street- Eautilde. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILLlAM WAGNER. Ann Arbor.Seft., 1869. THAT HÜLL BGBIWSON 4 CO. KEEP A i FÜLL ASSORTMENT j QE1 j CROCKERY, SOLD CHEAP. ]= ! pALL AT THE Farmers" Store, ' and see t'hcir Goods and Lcam thelr Prices. EverytMng in Dress Goods Markcd Down. ! HROCiKERY! U GROGKERY ! ; IN FTJLL SETS OR PIECES, ! IN ANYVARIETY.AND OFTHE NEWEST PATTERNS, AT LIVE GEESE FEATHERS CuDRtantly on hand ftud for sale ly BACHSrABEZ. ■ ■ ■ - ; ' ' ' - I PHYSJCIANS'' Prescriptions Accurately and Carefidly ■ 2ared by R. W. EL LIS & Co. (JLOAKINGS, BEAVEBi, CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLST BïïOADCLöTH -A.T THE FA UNEES1 STORE. A FULL AND CHOICS X.I3STEOF GROCERIES! MAY BE FOUND A7 Huil, RoHnson & Co's. Estáte ot' Samuel J. F reeman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Co mtyof L? Nollceis hêreby given.thatby nn order of tbe Probate Covrt for the Conotgtof wasntenaw, made on the tentlt dity of March, A. 1. lft70, six moiitlis f rooi that date w:re aüowcii for creditum to thelr claims against theestate of Samad -J. Preeman, lfcte offraid Oonnty, deceased, and that all creditors ofaald öeceased are required to presQiii thelf claims to saW Probate Oourt( ftt Probate Office, in tbe Ciiv oí Aun Arbor, for eyaninatlon nnd vllowance on or before tïic (en tb day of September, iiüxt, nnd that Buch clalma will be heard beïoi Probate Coort, op 9aturday, the foarleentl Mav, nuil n Siii'ir,.. y. the tenth day óf September bexl . át ton o'clock in the forehoon of daca oí those Datcd.Aim Arbor, Uarcn intli. 170. tAM .1. BEAKES, ♦120iw4 Judgeoi" Probate. Comm-isaidncrs' Notino. QTATEOFMICHIGAN.CouDtyol Washtepa-ss. O Thoaodersicned beving h#en appolntad Uy the Probate Conrt lor püM County, Cómmh ■■ oeLvt cxiimiui'. aud aójnst all claims and demanda oí all persons against bbe estáte of Paule) HlJasou, l'iii' of aaid Connty, deceosed, bei eby give no? tice that elx mónita from date are allowedby or der ofaald Probate E min forcreditore iopreseiitthelr. claims againsl theestateofsalddeceascd, andthatthe; wlll inct-t at the office ol 8now A Keyes n the vllls'gt! of Clinton, m tlie County of LeniLwcé, 00 Saturday, the sixteenth day ofAprihaad Monday, tbe twelfili ti:i ii September, next, at ten o'clock A M. of each of snit! days, to receive, examine and adjust sald cintras. Dated,March Utb.A P. 1870. 12Ö1 DA'onVlKKVls. }comjniwloners. Attachment Notice. NOTI0K is hereby gLven, that on the Recond day of Pebuuary., A l elghteen humired and seventy, rfrrlt of attnchmeni I out cf the ■ Conit for the County of Wasbtenaw, in fa 'ir of John KcGregor and Thomas McGregor, pli . agalnet the lands and tenemonts. goods, cha t tol 8, ïuoiicys and eflecis cif I,. Jï Bfttcheidci for the Mim of tw lm ml red nnd twelve dollars Miei seventy-twocenta. that eaid wift f ftttachment was retornable on Monday, tbe Mth day of Pebruary, A. I). eighteen hnndred nnd eeventy, and that it appeara fruin üio return of ek writ tnat jwoperty h-s ! t nltiiöhcd theteoai, aud that sakl dcïeud:.iit eould not . befound. Dutcd, WarchSth, 1S70. JOHN N. GOTT 12Cfïw6 Attorucy for Phtintiff3. Attaefiment Xtice. ff DBRMOTTvs. Patrick Mcbermott, Jaaea Mcï)t;nnott. o wen UcDermol ;- iSftDer mott, Marv McDcrrnott, Michacl Mcïmnoit, Anii" fcDeiroott,Patrick Huston, Thomae Ilusión, Charles Ituston. James IlüHton, Mfchael lluston, MaryHuston and Norali Hueton, N utico Is hereby glyea, that a writ of nttnehment as, ori thcexenteefi'rti day of Jnntiiry, jwo, tamed out of the Circait Cou rt ior tbc Couná oí Wa#hte naw, at the sirit óf tho abbe oojlied pTalntiff, John McDermott, against the Inpda, tenemjïutSi goode, chattles, money and cffecïfl of ratrick McDermott, .lames McDermott. Owen McDermott. Margaret McDermott, Mary McDermott, Hlchael McDennott, Anne McDeraiott, Patrtck Huaton, Tbomaa lïufiton, Charlee Hnaton, Jamea ihiston, Michttei Huston, Mary Huston and Norah Bnaton, defendants, for tbe rem ofeigbt hnndred dollars, rcturnable on thu lift ti dav of April, next, at ten o'clock, a. m. I, A un Arbor, Mawh ïth, is:u l ■-': v, 6 I'. McKBRNAN, Atfy. for ri'iT. lioíil jtíiíe for Si STATE OF MICHIGAN. Countj of Wasbtenatr, . in the ma ter of tlie estáte of Gttïbi ■ dtceased jSuticc i. herebj Ui parnnauce of an order frjraiited tothe anderelgned, Admloïeirator of the estáte of said de ■ Hun. Jndee of Probato for the County ui' Washtcnaw, ju tl e twenty-oiffhth day i Fcbruary, A. D. IS70, will be gold at public ven doe, to the hl at the office of ihe Townpbip CTéik ín Syh the Conuty of Waahtcnaw on Thxiriday, the tvventy-Ürst day of April, A. I) 1S70, o'clock in Ui r tl'tt'Mioon of that diy, Ceubjecl to a!I eccumbranops ly mort gage or otherwlee exie1 the time of the denth oí' said Occii-cct,) thu followLne deeeribed real estáte, vis: Commencing thirty roda west of tbc oortheast corner of section twenhrtv.o, in tmvnship tw Bouth of range tbree Ie, thence weetaloi tillneto the northwefit cortierofthe easl half ol tho northeatt qoarter of t.-iiil eeotion tweuty-two, thenc toiuh on the west line of eaid lt to thq center of Lfie T rial road, thence nortbeasterlj alone th canter -oí said Terrilorial road to the place oi' begtuniDg, cuu talning ítofcf actas, more ot leas. Datcd, Fubruury 58th.A. Jt. I8T0; OBOitGB W. TOENBULL, 1259 Administra tor. Kca! Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICIITGAN, County of Vnabfenaw, s?. In the matter of theesttite of Lewia A. )ímktiim, decpased. Nottce ts herobyglren, thatto nuraaance of au order araoted tath-c anderaigned Sxecutor of tlie estáte of satd dicaacd, by fcne Hoq. Jndge of lrobate for the Couuty of V;if=htenav, on the twenty-thini day of March. Á. 1). lyr . thera will bte sold at public vendue, to tlie bichest bidder, ai th dweil - iny house on the premisc-ï lcrein descrlbedi In tbe Connty of Waahtenaw, in taid State, 'n Tuesday', the tweaty-fourtliday of May . A. D 1670tatoneoclock in tbe afternoon of that day, faubject to all en'cnmbrances by mortae or otherwise existí ng at the time of the death oí siud deceÁSMi kM alto pubject to the life Pfttate of bis widow tht-reinj the foUowiQg doscribed real estáte, viz : The weet half of the uortlieat qnart r of section sevcn, in loyvuybip fonr soiitli ot range foar cast in fhí.1 State, ezcepting thejmrt thereof taken from the uort h-tas L corner by llic Clinton rond : also all that part of the cast bfl I half of the uorth-wcst qparter oE said BecUon Beven , whieh Ifea nrth of h high.way. aiul coAtaioing forty acres ; aUo a parce! oí land decribed as coiamcnclng in the seotion line at a point ttn chatns feait of the north west corner ol the cast half of the north-west íiítctional quarter of said settidn scven, running thence south onc decree eaet thin chnins and forty linkd, thence alon, the nortl of highway north lifty-pïx de-eeft aud thiriy minutes west sïx chuius and five Iinfes to i Btnfte , ihenw nortli one flegree west tweniy seven chains and ijint . ty-five links to a stake in north line Of 8Aid section fleven, tltence alongsaid line eisterly leur and niuety seveu links to tho pírico of containing fourleen and three-foarths a1 res; a] west half of the ucuth-west fractlonal qnftrter of pan pection seven, oxoepClns and reaervlng that portion conveycd by tbe foilowuiL; mentioued deeda, all r - cordea In the office of the Register of Deetle f r yiW Connty, vz i By deed from te wis A. Ruckman nnd Phcbe Ruckman to Jobjj wïfonÏB, recojrded li Gl oí peéde, pase 826, by deed from Vttuiam Kuckman, Lcwis Rnrkinan and" Ja u n, tp the Michigan Southern línilroaií, recorded in II of Deedg, paso 40ü, aud by d.ced of Lewis A. Iïuckman and wife to Mnry K. Knckmau, rt-cjidud in ,iber Tl of Deetls, oü paire I WILLIAM M.WREGORY. Exccutor. Datcd , March Ï8Ö, A. O. 18T0. JÑH Cbancery Notice. AT ASEBRTONof tbc (Mmiit Omrt for the Connty of Washtenfcw, ' at tbyfl Court House In tbe ity of Ann Arbor, Ftïbruary 'J5íh 1ST0 ; Preceot Ion. Samuel HigbyEÜÜrcnit Jadge, Connty of WuhtenaWf In the Ctrcnit Gonrb for hc Connty oí Wiislitcnaw, in Chancery. Bill fllcd by Uannali Loui&eSackett, Cnmplaïnant t. SolomOR Vaiiüeet. HenryX -ï a in es, Lyman D. James, John offtello and Kelran Costello, Junior It appeariug saiiefactorily to the Cptift í lint ITonry L. Jfltncs iiitl Lynian f) James ure non residen ts i' Ibis State, and residen ta of the su te of Massachoïotti ; :incl on motioü of lí. C. Keiunan. Solicitor for tbe is ortlcrcd (luit Bald lli-nry L. Tames and Lyman D. James, caose tb-plr appearan to be entered and notlcè Uiereór gtven ii complainint'K SoHcltor wiUifa three months from tbe flhte 3f this order, and in case of tütir appwi tlu-y cause tbelr answera t Cömpuifnana liül to be aieil and n eupy tiiereof-iobeservsdonCoiapleinmi's SoKcitnr witlnii Uvciity diiys af ter service of a :opy of snit) bil!, and in defanlt thereof eaid bili taken confassed by them and each of them and it is furtber ordered that within twenty dav Üomplainnnt ennse a copy of thlfl order to bo publiehed in tlie Michigan A rgusy a newapaper pVinted infl publisbed in the County of Wasbtenaw nnd that said pubUcÜon be conttnued in sald paper once in sacfa web for six snwesslve weeks, or that ehe causé n copy of this order t 1 personally aerved on ealá llenrv L. James and Lyman i). James nt least twenty laya before the time stiall expire for tUe appearauce al said de fon dan.?. Dated, Fcbnuiry Bfiül, I8T0 SAMTJKL ITTGBT, E. C. Seaman, Circuit Jnde. Solicltor for Complainant. 1-60 Mortgagc Sale. DEFAl'LT ha ving been made In the conditïon of a certuin mortiraire made and cxecuted by W'illjam IC. lïrown, a:id Laura E. Br&wi) bis wlfc, oi Kittnchestfiij in v e Couuiy i aaüieuaw and U.te if Willian llulbeit, of the City of ,mhi Arbor Conxtty of ' aabtensw aforeaaldt on ibe 27 tí 8ay of January, a. 1). f866, and record) rl ín th i office af'the Register of Deedn for the County of Wasïiteaaw.Atorcaald, on ttie 2tth day of Jauuary, 1) L896 at 4 o'clock of said day, in líber 85of nortgaffoSf on ]m_;e. 199, wiiidi aaid mortgage wak :l;ily tflmgned by said Wüiiam Ilnlbert. tu n.e, q the alnibdayoj Dpcember, A'. f. isü, nnd recordedla ilte office of the Rej later of )'-i- of Bald Countr ob Lhe liitb day of December, A. i I ". al U 't o'clock k. m.. In líber No. 8 of assignmeBta of mortiraes. on page 892 and that there is nowdao apon latd morí igage and bond accompanyin ibe vame, Lbssnmoftwp thonsand Umr bnndied and ninety four dollars rorty-elx cents. bIho hu .Mt-u-iH'v'.-i IVc oí" tbirty dollars shonld any procefldtngs b taken t" {ovecKea sald nnd no procoedings at law or In cqalty en had to recover eald mn r any pait thereof, now. theréfore, notice is hereby given, t iat by virtme of a pawtír tf Balein, sald moctgagocant'tineil, i shali r at public anctlon, to the bJ bidder ontheilSdday of April nejctt at 2o'cli' M.of said day, nt tho frontdoor of tbe Court Uouse, ín the Cflty of Ann Arbor, Connty aforesaid, all Riose oertsin pieces or pnrcehi of land lyrng snñ b& inf! in the township uf Manchester, In the Ooonty of WaKhteuaw and State ofMfchignn, knowa and deBcrtbed üb tbe. Bontbefial qnartet of tlm nortlieast ti nar ter of sectfon. Np. ten, and tbe eonthwest quarterof thenorthwostqnártorof eeciion namb i en, In townshi]) futir eonth of rahgè three cast, ac cording to tbcUnftedfi ■ .rontainingoighty acres or land ,be tbe same inore or lesa. Dated, Janaary üüth, 1S70. JOBN W; co wav, Jmi.v X. Gott, Assignee of Paiti lortca_r. Attomcy for A5Ísnee of said 1254 Mortgnge Salo. TjBPAUIT hiiviuL been made In the condttlon of U n certa in nao '■ ■ ■■. : ■■. ol Aun Arbor, Michigan, oü Min flay ol Jone, . ! ld t'ii v, iiüd reeönted i:i the office of tb e 'u-: ; ■ ■■■.., iv.juy, the, 2lt aayot June, A. i 1669, ato oMlock p. , ín Hoer 3iiof whicli mortL'iL'.í there Is ' ■ " ■ . '.■ cuín ui ii re hnncired and dollars on nty. aud iii:.t tbei ■ apon said n ■ the 14th day of Jonot a. D 18JI, the enmoftwo frona the date liereof ;'t I i -iñ costa a"losure, reatonable charge y for A:toi oeys or S"ïk itorp serviros, and n ■= ui taw er ii i-iMih v haring been Inslltutfd to recorer the i :.'iv;;ii, Lll;l( I r of : ..!■■ : □ nblic ancvioB. to thfi Ider, od ; day of April. A. 1). IS70tftt2ocloch afternoon of tbat day, at il ■ front door i Conrt House, in tbc i in theCouuty ol' Waahtenaw, and I prepnhies ed in s:iiil nu.! ,:,w b, o-wit.: Five ■ ■■ . i orner of i '.■ northi if sect Ion nnmbfcr tliii-i y-tln-t-', n kovrnshlp nnmber two (2 south. In raí r tdx fiï; lüty of Wsiitoii.-i'.v. in the State ol Michigan n chninsand (even linke Ln teogth, cbI and west, and elgbteau Bi ds wille, üoríll aijfl Daled, Jaaoaj-j _-, -. i rfl HKNBY .. JAMES nnd LYMAN D. JAMÍ s. Executnr.o üf the lust. will aud [eetnmant of Enoch James, late i Washteunw Jdiin N G Counly, do ecutors, &c. ís i Mortgago Sale. WIIEIÍEAS, CUavlrs Snul.ii. of lürny I ;iV. iC theCounty of Jacfcaua, nna State tf MtchJj on the ëévénth (i;y oí Ocobcr. A. D. harli 8 Wbedon, f 1 1 1 t-r State of New Vork, to secure the paymeitt of eertriin prloctpal atid hntereet for the parel thepreuawifl tbepetn mAnitoited, which mo wnsrccoriUrdlii the oflice "i Ui In the i otonty i ■ ol Hlcbïg aforesaïd. ou the 12tb daf of OcHiber, A. D. ' 0 oc1ooTï v. M' ol MÜd il:y, i, Hl And whereas, defaalt has beei for more than thlrty daj in the payment of an inatallment of sald ij.' became dne on the Beventh daj oJ öo, by peaeon ■ t fti;i[]niiiiiuu.o tin; term ofs:i'fl moi satd nwn-tgngte eJw te thai nncta i - aa remaius unpafd wltfa al! arrear Age oi I thereon sbali become tin-: nul payable immcdiacel.v. aud wbereas,there J ie due and uupafd onsaidi the dnte of thls ootfee the um of tïvothonsund and Lhirty-ftvouollara for print Ipal and interest alsoan Attorn9ya fee ol thlrty dollars snould any proceed ■ n to forcclopi . i ■ Btitated elther In law or eqntty to recover theeame or nny part thereof : Nntijce, therefore, is hcreby glven,thttt ba Satnrday, the clcvntíi day of June, at iwo o'clock in the afteruoon, at ibê southdoor of the Court Hou??, in tho cilyof-Anc AriïM-, belng th bnlldtng te whlch the Circnii Ooan ty of Washtenaw and8tatal is held, finil by vlrtne of the power of aalecontaineO b il! seli at pulfc ouction, to the bigbeet bid Ier, ihc. premisea nescxïbed i:i pald mort o aaüsfy the amoont of principal ond i . cl aira ed aa due, v.iili the Attorinay'fi fe o1 thlrty döllnra v.( charges ét eale. to-wit : All those certaln I In tho townsiiip oí' si.:uJii, aud CouDty ol Wa hteDa and Stato f Michigan, deecribed as followe, to-wit the ennfeprfï-tof Lbesonthwest fraciiöDal Qoartei of sec.. n ttiree aonth ef range three (■■) eool contninrng Ighty ierve of lan ■ tho west hatf seetion Nuinhrr eeVei] CTj in townshlp thíeó (íi) ponth ol rnnge three (s; Ixty acre i raoreor lesaI, MAreh nii,18ÏO. WIIEDON, Mortgageo. Joun N-Oott, Altoniuy. for 19B0 Aiiartgago Sale. DBFATJLT baring been made ie the oondi'ion ofa certain moi and Maria Barb mei1, on Hu; 1 t li day of Jtnu?, A I. i witli the] Ie tbereia containcti, in th ' . asbtennw, in i)ic Btate of Ml i i day of liiuc, A. 1). IS '7. :it T ' . o oio k '- M.. in Hb i es, on page TTS, and by an mstroment of . ai beartnsf date the 2tl day ofJoly, A. D, ■ of the K ■: '., ou the 2d doy of July, A D ISGft, :it . '. M . i:i Itber -■ of asstenments ! mort ■ ; by pb ld Oe bara Mayer, on n s ■ tlicRum oi three hiradred ft ad onja dollareai (.late hereof at the rato or ter percent., besWes the costa nnd expensesof thls fon ' ling an Attorney feoi Uvcr.tvoold any procecdingf '■■ li ken t - foreBiiit or pr,orècUng8 nt law ór in chancery having hoen ïnstitdtod to n corvr the snm bo dne r any part thereof Ni fore. hereby xïiven, that iiv vittae afilie tmwprof tained lu s.iil ra rtgajge. whirii haa b fault afore&ahl, aiwl ín pursuanc of the Ptntutc in piich case mado and pr . I tiction, to thehighest bidder, on the fourth ('.;:■ 6f .ïnni A. 1). 1 -ïo. at 8 O'ClOCk iti the ifterooou oftbat day. at tho sonth door of the Coitrt líense i the City of Aim Arbor. in the Conuty o! Wasbtenaw, and state of MI chipan, fihut : ptace of holding rhe Circuit Uourt wlthln ■1 i! land b mrtof Bectian twenty Jyiug easterly ofSwlft and Deabell' wn two sonth of ran te cf Michigan, cooraenclng nt the : 13 frowi Pontiiic street westcrly t the uorthcntt turner of : hapln and wifc i John T. 3 wat bet. tthenco northcrly . I ■ ad dow ►wned ■ ■hntth, t". ■ Smi h and i -i said ::i Itpond, 1 1 mg the nnrL'ii! of sa:d pojKl to l.-ml uow owned by il Swathel, therce al Hne of eald Swnthcl's land in on eaeterly din ■ I pïnce of )pglnntngi c ntaíntng about five i eres more or less ; üways resexving the rlghl to enter npon eaid prem8 a ;t all times at the weter!y end of the above nentioned street. bo aa to gain accesa wiih n team or itherwtee to the land n-w owned by aald Swathei, ind lying BovjberTy tirón eaid fiv atrei Dated, Ann Arbor. Mlch., Marrh I0th,1870. MAKIA BARBARA MATER, RiciiAr.n Beaiiax, Asiiynec of Itlortaec. At torn cy lor Assigneo, 1'JüO Mortgage Sale. DEFAtTLT having been OMtde In the coadtttoas-ol acórtalo mortgage mada by Nathanlel O. Gates 0 Ihpmas i?1, i fraiwrrti dated the 2Oth day of Decerot:r, A. 1). 1866, aud recorded rto the Wto dny of Ocober, A. I. IC '■', al 5J ■ o'i locfe p. u., in the oiïlce of lic Register ol Deeds lor Wasbtennw Oounty, Micblan, in Ilber 86 oi' mortgagesi on page L7A,whiqh ■mi mor tg age was duly jiit.od bj ealu Thomas F. ,CQnard to Godfrey I umeut )earmg date the bth day of february, A. '. lvi7. recorded in the ilegistere office afi n the ïfith day of March, A. D. 1807 at i'.i oclos . m.. iu Ubec ;---j of noitgagea. on page 176, npou vhirii in , Imed to be due at tie date Qf tbffi tiptico the ensa óf three bnudred md hirty slx aoltara aiid sevehty-nvé cents, besideia easonable AttomeyM oc SoUcoovi fee provided for n sa'uï mortgao and no snit or proceeduigat Imv or n equity having been Inatltuted to rocover the same r asy pturt thorcof: Nnw, therefort. by virtue of Se power of enU', in said mo tned, and mr irtueoi' the gtatute in Bach caso made and pro Ctlcc Lu hereby glvtn, that on Sfttorday, I to o'eiock in the forenoon oí . ai the t on th door of the Court Uonse, lp iiecityof Ann Arbor. Couuty of Washtenftw and :;n. fbeing the place of holding tbje ■ mrt witbln sald County), there wUI be sotó í public anction, to tlie highest bidder, the pr eeorlbed in aaid mortgage, or bo ranch thereof aa iny bc nccessary to atisfy the amount due i i f. wit li ititt'rost, :ind copts, and eipi llowed by Iaw; whicb e?id premi crltied sfollows: lois u. 'üc, fonr, ■ ■■ ' lghtip In Brown and Puüer's Additlon to tlie iil:ii?e. dow City of Ann Arbor. In the County ol Vnahteunw. iu the Stnie of Michicnn. Datud, Ann Arbor. Jan. -M!i. IS7. 3 W1DENMANK, Administrator ol nl Godfrey I. Prederlck, dmvaaedL Edwaut Iï. Slatock, Altorncy. 12ö Morlgogt! Sale, EPAULT hnvinglx'cn fflado In tl)1 condltion of a L certaln mortgage exeented hy Prode icknoyer nd Barbara Mayer : Prederlch Schmld. on tho 3Jth ay of June, A. D. 1804 iwer of iie thcreió conüiincd lu tht offléo of the Ii r Deeds lor the Connty of Wanhtenaw. in tbe r Michigan . on the 8 thday of Jur.e.A. D. --' aj ■ u P. M. . in ] iiS, and by an Infetrnni'éni ■ int bearlng áay of Jnly, A. If. lwO, nnd record 1 in the oilicüof tii ■ l Doede aloresald - .Jnly, A. o. is-;., at i'1., oxlock . M.. In Ilber 2 or aísigDments of nwrttJijïea. on mld ïo arla Barbara Mayorana Pnosequcntly byan ie trament of aaslnment, bearing dato tiie lst dajj f Maren, A. l. l-Tcnud recorded ín th' ofBce : pf Poert s atbrrsaid, on t!:' tafch, . I). -,n, :i, 1 ! . oVlri-k P. M.. in lU'cr S Of R8l ïents of i i . ned v pflid Marffí Barbara Mayer to Bld Prederick chmid, and at'terwards, by. a fartber lnstrament of asignniqnt bearin-r d&tc tho 2d d:iy pf March, A. I. repörfied la tb oftlce of the liinster ol eedj aforcBftld on the -lili day oí Man-h a. t. ÏSTO, ■ ■ ilock A. M., In IU ;uuie,ntfi of ned 'o' aaid k Bchcold (o said Maria E) er, o hlch roortgage there ia claimcd to be due at the ■it" of this notl'jc, tlie Mini of live hnndred nnd ghtj-two dollara and twenty-tw o centBi and Interjt fiom tho date hereofnt the rate of elght per ccDt., tdcstheeostfl and expentea ofthla foreclosnre, ieludinran Attorney fee )f twenty dollars, Bbonld iv proceedlngs be. taken toforeclOse sald mortgagei nd no ■uit opproorediDJE" !tt hiw or in chaucery bav■ boen institith-d to recover tbc Bnra po due öt' any irt tboreof: N o tice is, tnerefore, hc idt by vlrtup ol the power nf sale coatalnéd in Piiitl lortgage, whlch ha becomeoperatlve by thedefanlt breaaid. fttid In of Hio sta tb te in snch io mfiiV and provided, T slitril pII at pnMir (raction, the iii'jfin-st bidder, on the fonrth flay of Jnne. A. - 1870, at two u'cloí'k in the Aftemoon of that day, t the south door of the Coort EroMfl m tbe City of nn Arbor, in the Gpunty ol Washtenaw nnd State an (that beibg the place ot holding the ircuit Court itliïn eald Connty}, the premisos epcribod in sald mortgage, as follows, vla : Bftnated i the County of Wasfatenftw and State ol Ulehlgan Brown 4 rnller's Addltlon to the rlllnge of Ann rbor, ,(now city;, c,ttimn!iv:iiivr Bevenly-epven fjet rthweéterVy froiu the nAnthefly corner of block amber aeven lo saM Addttion, on Mili stwet, ronn thence Dortherly alone M1H Btreel nboitt elsrty so ff et to the line oi' PontTac ftreet, thenc ■ northardlyalong the line o( Pöntlac etreet seventy-two et thence eastwardlr aboal Aftyand one halffeet, lence northeastwardiy fifty-eighl and ono biilffeet{ nthweatwardlV and parallel wttfa Broa ■ hnudrod and forty-two fect t tlu1 place of -. contalnlng forty roda of land or müiore or ]esf=, it bein tbe B#me pren mveyed by warrant y (Tocd tti tho ri ayer byVolney Chapín and wifoj Norman Chapín id wtfei CharU'8 A. Chfipin and wlfe( on the Oto iv of June A 1. 1 14. Dat d, Ann Arbor, Mlch., Warch l!"t'i, TO. MAKIA BARBARA MAYETÏ, EioiiRn Bkaihn, ■ Ignee of Mort;:iLee. Attorney for A,seli 12'iy Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, 1 Mortgage Sale. TVEFAULT havinfi lltlon of I ft riTt-iin mort1.; ■ I by John Dichl umi . ir-: Die hl. hit wife, ol the Iry oJ Aan Arbor. Couutyof Washte&AW, Michigan, on the Utfa dny ol July, A. I). 186, to Philip Bach, ot'tlu' sameplace, orded, wlth the power of tale thereln eoiitained In tho office of the Register ol Deeds for the I of Wuiliteiiïiw. ju in, on l . , two o 'doek iti ilber ;■ : oJ m ■"■ igei . on pa ■ 101 . on oote .■!'■: mpj !d tt' dne at t he dnte i üce, tbc suni oiflcvyu hundred mul i four doUara and t. ■ ■ indpal and lutereft, oots and expenses of thta forecl aud au feo ;' iwcuty-üvr dollar, sboald any proceedlnga bc taken to foreelose safad moi and nü sull Of proceedlngs ;it faw or in eqnity haring been had lo recover sald sum or nuy part thereol. lerefore, rwUcefa bereby (fiven, tin! by ?lrtne of the power ol sale in saM mortgage contaUxMl, I shnll ell at pubflo aactíon t tbo niliest bidder, on tlit"J:st!i íhiy of M-iy iH'xt, ;iL IWO Oclock in tbfl afiernoon ol "uit dny, at the eonth door uf tlic Honsejn theCfty of Ann Arbor, Cor Washtenaw, and .Stuit! of Mlehisaoi (bftlitg the place ol holdtog the Circuit Coarf withln Bald (■onnfy.1! the premtBea flamflbed lo arad mortgaRe, orso moch thercof aamay be necessarv to aaUsfy the nmonnt Èxa on ■■-;i mortgnge, wltn Intor cot la :inl exproBoa aHowod by law, wblch c&ld prem:.-■ fuilows: All tiif piece or par(l of land begfanlng at ttae softtheasterly cor11- r of Traversa Aaditlon uarabertwo to thevillage )f Ann Albor, WashteDáw Coñüty, Michigan, thence norihweníer)y along the ioatherly lo'.iiulfiof said addition four chaina, th nec northeñster y alo w ■ sti-tiv liiif oriot uaïDber two in BaM addftinn eleven chaina and twelve links to tho nortliwesterly corner of eajd lot mimbor tvvo, thenco north lií'ryfiMir deproM eat,onecha1n three-aild a hhlf Ihik-" {o lande d led by Absolom Travor to Z. s. Pulicipher, fu ncesomh thlrty-siideproeseoít, alone BaUl.Palciphcrv Iftnd eizCuallU and twenty-two links to u t'n-terly bouodfl of Bald addition. thence south forty ■i.'n-it's '.-f'st.. Dlue chalns nntl od one-hnlf Unkfl aloog saíd oaíterJy bytinda ■ : :c'_':in: nL'. contnlnjng flve acres and tit huadredths of an acre, be the same more id, Aun Aíbor, Feb. íftth, 1 ' PHILIP BACIJ, Uortsage - : 'i Bkah n. Alto Mortgaíío 8ale. DEFAXJLT baving been made in tlie conditíoñs of tin i ■ nirniu by Joho.'Qcorge Klager Jo hu íMrki', .Jr., aodEdward Büï-ke, dated the nínfrh doy ofjanttary, A. I irded on the eighteenth dav of Jannary A. D. ■ teda for VYaahtenaw Oounty, Michigan. !n líber 8ti of morí on page 236, whiefa i ■ wa ciulv assigned by the pftïd Anthony Burkc and John Burke, Jr , to th Bald íádward Bnrke, by d ed i the eleventh day ol ■ ■. whiefa asBlguiaent u us dul] a lo re sal 1, on the elevenih day pf Oc tobar, a, D. 1S63 in líber 2 of osslgnmentsol raortgnges. on page 3 6, upoJb wlii'.-ii mortgHfEO tbere la DuwcTafmed lo he doe iujíI suvi-n dolliii-s, besldes thé naa of thirty dotrars he an Attiwney or Solicitor's fee provfdec for in kihI moxteae; and no sultor proceeJiuíí8 having beec iiisntuted nt law to reeover thasnni ■ eenred bysaid mortorasy partthcreof, dow. thereforè, ly virtae ofthep wtTofsMe ' In Bald naortgaa, oLtM Htatutfl La tafib case madeind '.!- tÍcÍ8hereby elTen that on Batarday, the twenty-Irat ühy orMay next, ai 12 oclock i il;iy. ju the utiuli door ofthe Court HoiiM'.ii! the City o f nn Arbor, Coüniy ofWaehtenaw.i I Bfichiaav Cbelng tlie place of holding cíthín aid Count"ii there wlll lie sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, theprcmiscBdufwib d io -- : i 1 mortgaire, oreo muih tbereof as roiy be in,1 ■■ ssnry tosatlsfy tbearaotintdue includwhich pnifl premises nre di s :nbed as follow? : Tlie BOUthu i : :-■' nínection No. tvceiity-elglit, townshlp No one south of rauge sixetMl : . stnpoi land two roda ha wldth, ■ ■ ii,orthweet ■ 0 f the sonthfl ■ f sectlon No. fcwentj -eighi towohin ono sonth oí caage six east. excepta Btrïp of land two rodsin wldth, taken from t.e eaetafde of 'mv above d0Bci4bed paveel ; all the abovede taiids bclng ín the State of MiohigaQ, Dated, Pebr'aary BDWARD BTÍRITE, K. BíAnAW, Morlgagee andAasl At'oríit'y for?IOr;s;iLee aud AbEÍguee. LzM Mprtgagfl Snle. DEPAULT having been made in tho cpnditíona of n ce■■, ni uíí; ftnd azeented by Qóttfried David Friudiick, and Jakuhlna Priedrick, h)x r Artn Arbole, Wastitenaw County, Mfi toTrwi , of theeume place, on the I7ih day of Pcbmíiry, A. i). is'."i aud ceQocdcd In the Uegísti Waehicnnw c aM; uu . day Februíi . ■ ' locJc A. M.. of &Q day lu líber 33 of mort gages, on page -S4: which snid mortgage wta dnly osslncd by i 1 'm iu i'. U. Spa,uldtng. byanaasign mont íl 't-.'fl th i "íii day of March, A. D. iSöft, and ret.onled in tiu' I!i'uitn '.- r-íü ui BaidOoQn v, uu the IStb day oíMarch, A. I. i in líber 38 of mortcages, on pace áO2; whli Bpanldfng to aines F Jíoyco, iv án aftfLninent daled the 3th dayol Septeaaoej, a. I: Wpt ánjl recard'■■! in t!u' Resigter'scfflcc of. saiaCoonty on tbc27th ihiv öï .':-i. u:iry, A. I. 1E68, ;t 5 o'clóck P. M., in Iükt 1 tf Absiuimn-iits of Mortgagcs, on page S.iü npon whlth mort gage, ml the i opanylng ■■ -. thero Is ttuw claimed to ba dneat tbe date óf thia notice, tbe sum of fo'ir hundred an : irOe doHars, and Beven ty-nine cents, bcsidefl an Atloiiu'.vv fee of tweuly dollars provided tor in ald e, and no snit or procecdjng Lnstitntcd at luw or in onancery to ree ■■v the same or any part thereof : Nmv. thsrefore, by ylrme of the power of mie contain,ed t eaid mo and liy virtue of the provid liereby l'U'ui. tbat on Sntnrd&y, i tHy of Way, A, IÏ. 1870 al 1 ocfook in the ■ii of Baid d:iy, al or, Coooty ol Warhol MtchfgaOi tbetng tbe placo of bolding the Circuit Court wiïÜu said Couuty,) there wül he Bold ;t public the high est bidder, the prejota di ecribed ia sai. i mort&ige, or bo nauch tlu'vt'of as muy be tteceBSary to aattaty he amonnt diieou snid mortgaare, wlth Interest and costa and expenses ailowed bj law; whlch Baid premlsea art deBcribed 'is follows; All the fblfowing dcscrlbed piecee or pareéis of land sitmiteri in Aun Arbor, uta'. ■ Of Waahtenaw, and state of Michigan, beleg the ■onUusást q'inrtor of the northweat quarter, and the rth hall of the northeast q aar ter of the eoutbwest qnarter of eecthm number twenty-three,in townehlp two Kotitli of TtBMfy ix cast, contaiuiug sixty cree uf l.-ind, more or lese. J atetl, auu Arbor, Fob. llth.ifiTO. JAMES P. UOVCE, Assigitee. Edwaba R. ShATrpoïi, Attonu'y. ixW Mortae Sale. DEFAtLT bavingbeen made in thecondltlon of a certain naortpojfö cxecuted by lilias Iïich to Harriet G. Asliby. on the tW60ty-9iffath day of September, A'. 1). i8Ki recörded, wlth the power ofeale ihcn-in contafived, Ui tho office of the Register of Dc-ils for the Conntv ol Waehteoaw, lp the Ötete of Michigan, nt one o'clock p. m., ob the nineteeTÍth il iy of September, A. D. 1855, In UberNo.tfl of mortgagee on páge 78?, and by an instrument of aselgomeni ■ dat the twenty-Jtourthday of Janaary a. n. 1m;.-., and recordcd In the oflice of the Reg!U;r of lecds nforesaid. at Soclock r m. , on the secotèd day of November, A I). 18(19, in líber '2 of assin. menta of mortpacs, on pape 8?4, duly asplgned by the Baid HirriM G Afihbv to Cucy A. Olds, on whico mortgae there is claimed to be due at the dato of thia notlce, tbe snm of twelve hnndrod and ten dollars aud four cenU1, priiKi;;U and Interest, and n snit or al law orín chancery havïng been ïnstitnted to recover tfae mm údua, or iuy pavi notice ii, therciorc, hercJity piven, that by vlrtae at the power of sale rántalned n enid raort"age, wiiich oneoperatlve byjthe dafeull aforesa'.d, and in pnruaDce of Lhe ptatute [p euch ■■-■■ made and h-i iii-d , the satd nvot _'.■! ui' win, t the Courí Hoiim, in the i'ity if Ann A vin':, iit tbe Ooanty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan íihat belñg the place of ti oíd ing theCtrarit Uotffl WTtWll BSW Connty) on th twciitv-ibinl day ol Ap il, A.D.V'íTO, At etevep vi. r , in the forceloaed by a &al of the jreniises described in eald morts tia.llyas roïl n: sftnato in thetownshin ol' York, In th tv ol Wahtenw, nnrlState of Michigan thoïcertIn - : parcele oí land known juk) describí d as the northwt'&t qunrter i ist quarter, and the .i tir o! the norlheatit qntirter 'of tectfon Wo, tw.'iiiy-two f9S) In towntfifp fowr soQth of rnupe i i.-, li t acres : ateo oae otheradloïntns: parevi ol lanl, boing all that part of the northeast qoarter f tm sonthwepl qnnrler ofsaJL4 sectlon twevti two, wM0b Hes ponth and cast of the d-e;M Hldge Road. rnnninff thronfirh8aUMond,ea:cepU mg ilicii from two ortrs ïyim; in the -nïhe;ist cornei thujeof and bounded nprth by aaid road, eaaj by the laad berelndescrtt)edf-andBouth by land owned by b. I . R Datcd, Anu Arbor, Jiii"iaryi:Tth ]STO. H'CY A.OLD? Aspii;nce of Mortgage. B.F. fíBAxnEB, Attornpj.. fis' ate of Jerüsha L. Judkins. rXATEQP MIcntGAN,Cpnnty of Wasfttenaw. a. ■ Notice i:i lierebyjlveUïtbai by an order of the Pro bato Conrt for thoConnfy of wasbtenttn , made on the twenty41rl day oï March. A. J. iK7t, als rnonths froni ' i were ailowed tor crédito fa to ; the estáte of Jernsha L. Jndklns, lale of aaid coantf , deoeajiod, and tbat :iü ■ of Saúl deoeaaed ar,o requicetl to present thetr tinimi u satd Probate Oourt, at the Probate a thf dty c f Ann Arbor, lor examtnatlon and alïow.uico. on or boforti Lhe tttenty ftrst day of r uct, mil Hija Buch claims wlll be beard beroresaM Probate Conrt, on S-Uiirdaj', tlictwnnvi::-- dy of May, andón Wednesday, tne twetrfy-ftrat dayofti ;,alU'ii o'clock iu the forcnuon i , thoQe da) 8 I) iii !. Aun Arbor, March ?1st A. T.. 3ST0. HIRAMJ BEAEK8. V2C-m índge o# Probate. Entate of Kcirnn Costello, Jr. STATI-: QF QIOAN,'Cbñnty óf Washteuaw,BS, by an ord (i of the probau Uowrl foi the Caauty ol Hisbteoaw, m the iiinih day ol M;ï i--í:, A. i). IS70, gjx months from ailowed for övêtlitora to preseuf ïws aftinst the eebate uf KeiwUo T;-„ !:■'!■ ol aaïd 'oyuty, deceased, aud tbatallcred[torn of said decensed are reqnlred to presen i thelï Edftimstoiafd Probate Court, ai r i; ITöbate ofller, n the ti'y oí Aun Arbür,for irxaulnation and allowince,on or hefoi'C uiiun day of September, hci iind that seh claims wlll be heard before sald Protte ('ourt. on Sitiuduy, tlu1 scventh dav of -May, ind Fi-uliiy. thu ntiiili duy of September, iñL, nt ten i'clock in thu forenoon pfeacb of those dav.s. Datod, -nn Arbor, Ainreh ;th A. I). 1 0. II TRAM J. BBAEEÖ, I2tlwt i of i'riibatc. Kstiito of David D. McCoUutn. STATE Off irflCHIGAN, i'-uv.:y of Washtennw.M. ai a ïossfon of the Probate Uonrt for the Connty of Washunaw. holdvn at Probate fliv. hi the : -n Arbor, on Monday, tbe tweiHy jav o&MotcD, In the year orie thonsand elghl hun flred and böv -nty. Pre&coti IIi'v.ii J. Beatos, Jude of Probate. In tl- muiter of thoéatateaf David D. McCollum, Admirlstrator of saíd optntr, comea reprefcnta that he is oow prepared to render bis ftnnl account as tuch Adminlstrat r. poa it i-1 ordured, i al Mondaj the twentyfiPrh Ütt of ] ■ i ï 1 tK-vr. :il i-ii ■Vloek in tüo fote ns. on , I i1 a ■-! jn"d cxaniininif and allowin Bn h account, and that the heira at luw ol falo" de sea - e d, nr.! all OtWr persons iim-n-sh-d n tald cstA reoaired tp appeai at a sesslon of afüd Gonrt. thon to beholden al ibêPtobate Oiflce, in the City of Aun "h,r, iussïil Cimnty. and show canse, if any there bi, wiiy the nald account sliould nut bc d: And U ia ftirüier prdered ihat said Adnlnlatrator '■ ■,' notice to the porsonfl intcrcutc-d in sald est of iéncy of saW aceointít, and the hearlnB rh re of, by i:i ri8 a "py of thi onler to be puhlia id ; ■ LrpiM, anewnpaper prlnted and drnilaiiir'in said Coonty,three Buooesalve yeekapro vious io said iay of liearioff. Ca trnecopy ) HIRam j. bkakfs. lOfii Judge of Probate. Estáte of Benjamin Watkipi, CTAÏEOP MICHIGAN, Connty of Waihtenaw, ss. O At b neesion oí the Probate Court Por the Connty 0 Y;i-: . , gjgCj n hQ City of Ano Arbor on Monday, the twemv day of March in Lhe war oim'iUouaaud cight iiuu('red aini seventy. . lïirain J. Beakes, Jnclge of ï1 in matter of lbo estáte :' BuujamJu Watkins, sed, Tornea II. Rund man, AdmiMu-trator of sata estáte comee in'.-. Courl And re pre e uta Ihat he la dow pre . ' n uder hisünal account ae Buch Admln lor. .■pon it UOrdered, that Tnesdny, t li e - . sbcthdfty ofAprl] next. ut ton ■■ Diood, i-: ovsigDed Tot examlnfng and allowiu ■ boira :il law of sa ld d and 11 -■ luterested lo stid reauin d U :i set rion ol Bal I ourt, I '■■■ bolden ai ,■;. e, In lhe i Arbor, In ■ ■: l ( ïounl ■■ . and show cane, il1 any there be.why the ( . wed: And it is hjrtnc) ordered that str&lor glvenottce to thepcraone Intetested in said the pèndencar ofsaid account, and the b b# caaslng ft copy of Ibis order lo b: publishedlntrte M ■ i.--, a newapaper prloted and anvnlatlng In Baid Connty, three eacecsaive weeks Brertone t said dav of hearing. (a trne copj.) HIK AM .1 BEAKE8, 1Jndga of Probate. Ketate of Frank W. Üoochile. QTATB0PMICBnOAN,CountrofWahteaáW,8a O At a Besslon of the Probate Uonrt tor 1 i.1 fonnty 0 Washtenaw, hplden at the PeobateOfilce, City f Aon ArboT, on Thnraday, the tweDtyfonrtb day of March, In tlie yfiirouo tnousand eight huu dn-d anü Beveuty. J'n-i-..llir::! i . ÖgC of Prol: I Iu the matter of the Bstateot Frank V. Good ah;, Ditnor, On readlorand 6Uns the potitíon, d;i]y vcriiicd.of Edward L. Borden, 6nard1an pray-ng (nal he may boilGenaed to loll certain real estáte belonglng to BAld minor, and inveat the procwdB of sacb other reftleetatc. Tberenpon tt is ordered thai Motday.thetwentjflfth day of April, nexl, at t-ii o' f6r6noon,b aaslgned föt ihc hearing of aid , 01 :- tien, ;iu(i that th; ïK'jit ui kin il Baid minor, anS all pther persons Interested In are requircd to appear íit a sewlou ol aald Courtf then to be holden u the Probate Offlcciin theCitj oi Aun Arbor, and Btaow canse. Ifany there be.why the prayer oï the peUÜoner ehoold uot be ptnnted:- And il iifui aottce to the watt of Kin oïeaWmlnnr 1 othjar persons interested In said estáte, of the :y'offlaidpetïtlón,and thehearlnit the canfaingacopy of this order to bc pubffehed In the " A u. a newspaper printed and clrcnrating ; is said Connty,thiteèenccewïvew( ton 1 iu diiy(ilt';n-i!i:;, UIRA.M J. BKAK Atrnccop}. Jadi;eof Probate. ll2GStd Estáte of Mittio N. Dorr. OTATE OPMICHTOAW, County of Washtenaw, fa O At a seasloD of the Probate Gourl tor the) ofWashtenawt holden al the Pi , inthe ■ ï ï.y of Ann Arbor. on Tbnrsdayi the tweiity fbnrth dnjr '( March, iu thoyeatone thoiusaad eigbt bon dred and seventy. Present, Eftr&m J. Beatces, Jndge of Probate. In ihc ïuniUT of the esiate uf ftiittie N. Dorr, minor. On rcadlaff and fittne the petltlnn fluly vcrlfiedof Sarah f. Oorr, Gou rdïaa , prayina that she nïay be 1 to seltceilaln real estáte beltíngng to aid mjuor'i'Jwjreupoii y. i Ordered, that Monday,ihe tweatyttflh day ol' April, next, at ten o'cloCk i the forentfon, be ns.siiuul fov 6be hearing t" sáld a, mid that the next "i kin bi sara ulr.or, and "li othei: persona interested In sald ■ re requiréd to appear at a uespíon ofsaldCouri tin-u it be holden ai the Probate Office, In the cit} f Ann Arbec, and show canse; ií any tl the pr.r tild ut bü % Andit Is forther ordered. that ■.'■■- tice to the next of kin ol ■:.:! minor, and all other persons Interested 'm said estáte of the Dendencjy ofaid peUtion and the hearinp Ihereof, by ' :i copy ofthie. Order tobepÚDiIshed int lie ■' .i ■''■■■■, ;uH-vp;!pri printed and circolating iu said county. three socceesive weeks previoutte asid day of honring. CAtniecopy .) IIIRAM .T.BEAKEfl. l'2C3td Judi:cof Probate. E nta te of Joscph Croman. Sr ATV. OF MICHIGAN, County oí WashtfJ. Ar aseslon of the 3 uart )r the County of Washtenaw, holden nl the Probate Office, In the City of mn Arbor, on Weduesday the tweuty third day "f Mar 'ii Inlheyear oue ihoosand elgüt hundn'd and geventy sent, Biram J Beake, Jndge of Probate. In the matter ui' ihc estáte 01 Joecph Croman, deceased. Owcii Croman. Adrainistrrttor ofsatd estáte, comes Lutij Courl and representa that he is nuv pc to ronder hia final acconnt as each Admintewaíor. Tberotipou ii is" ordered that the tvrenty Öflh day of April ext, fli ten o'clock in r. noon, be Rsviéni d for exainlflJna nnd aUoving saqh acconnt, and that the helrs at law of b and all o'.hcr persons Interested in rold estáte, are . reqnired tonppcar at a MMfon of Bald (' nrr, then tü . ho holdi-ü,at t!ui Fïotuite o'JiC". in the i'Uy of Aun , Arbor. In sald Connly, nul show cartea il' &nv there be whj the aaid account ehoukl not heauowed: 'is further ordored that said Admii . gpvenotlc to the persona Intercsfed In sniil cetate. I n f the of said accnnnt, and the hearing thereof, by causing ;i copy of order to be pub' . llghedln the ■ i non paper printed l and cl ■■ oald ihree succesairc fpefefl prevfonv to said day "f hearing. CA truc copy.) 1IIH .1.I. WK U 1263 -■■ of Prubate. Estáte of Han O ah Browning. STATKOKivïClllGAN. OountyofWaahtenaw.e. At asesgitin of the Probate Uoiirt for ttio County ■ of Waahtenaw. holden at I OfCco, in lüe of Anu Artnr, on Wedaesday, the thïrtieth day of Mut!i, in the year one thouaand eight bundred i and st'vi'niv. Presunt iliram J. Beakr-.s Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Xlannnh Brown■ decea&ed ■ Charlee G. Wheeler, Admlnlstratoi debonia nnn of 1 aald estáte, coinés lnto Conrt and represante that he te now prepared to reader hU fiual account :is siicn ! Admlnlstrator. Tterenpon kis nrdered, Tbat.Tn6day, thotwen; tyslxth day of April, next, at ten o'cIockId tbeforö1 aooim be "assigwdi íor (xaiuininc and allowlug inch account, auu that the htúrs at law r ?;ihi deceased. and all o;hcr persons Interesteden :ii'l estáte, are rtjquired to appear nt a ooBSion of aald Court, then to be holden al the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arlior. in said Cor.nty, and ehow Caue, f my Ux0ie boi-wby the aald :ACCO uut sbotüd not he Dowed : Auditie fürther ordci;e(3j that eaid Adminitrator givc notlCfl to tho pitraoDS iTiteretofl In sald estote of the pendoncy of sald account, and ti heariop thereof, by caniine a copy oftïila order tö be publlshed in the Michigan ■ , a newspaper urlnted ad clrcaiatiftg in sald County, snccess m' weeks prevfons to satd day ol hei (Atruccopy.j IIIHAM -T BEAKES, ïfïti Jadgeof Probate. Estáte of Samuel J. 'J'anner. STATK OKMCllU; ' ',Conntjof Wnihtenaw, fs. At a sessiou of the Probate onrt for thé County of aslitcnaw. holden nt tbc Probate Office, in ttt) City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesi'.ay, the twenty-tecond day of Miirch. Ín the year one thouand cijiht huutlr il and scventy. Present, Hl ram J. Beakes, .Tuclgc of Prolintc. Jn matter of the KtaU of Stmniel J. Tnnnt'i , deceased Andrew Bell, Exccutorof tlir liiFt wiH and tRStaniuii of Mtö deceaa nto Court and repro-pen te that lic ie iiow prcpaied lo rendvr his final acount a euch Executor. Tberenpon it is ordercd tbat Tucsday, the cinet een tb day óf April, nexï . at ten oclock in (he fdro iioou. be aaslghed for examiniag and nllpwiníí rik Ji acnaiut. and that the lega tets, nfvisees and law ot' srtiti deceaaed, and all othcr persons ínter-sti'(: :■ i, are reqnired to sopear at a sessiiin of said Court, then to be bolden ar. the ■ Offlee. In the i'ily of Ann Arhor, in emid Conn-ly. and BhoW nny th.:ro bc. why ihe said sbonld nut bQ :ilmei : And It' la forther o thftl eaid Exi-cu'or aisc nejtico to the pers ina ntcretfted ín Baid estáte, of the pendency of sald account, nnd the hearing thereof, by omi-fng i copj of thi order to bc publiehed in the hipan .i ■■ .■ ■ , a nen - paper print; rt and clicalatlng In pald Ctionty. three BUtxeesive weeks prevtQua to Baid day of bea (A trun Copy.) IIIRAM -i BEAKKs, )'2V Jndge of Probate. Kstate of Tiiusnel-a S.iyers. STATEofMICIIKíAN'. ('ot i vnrWAsinrxvi', ss. At a íosslon of the Probate Conti for the ■ of Washtenaw, holden at the E'robateOfflcc intheQity of Aua Arlwr, on friday, Üje elghteeoth day of March in tUe year me fehoOMBd etgttt htmdrot and se ■ Present. IIimn"j -T. Beakes, JnVIge of Probate! In the matter oí tne Etstóte ol Thnflnelda Saycrs, df"-''iisrd. On r iftdlngand Qlingthepetition, dnly verifled,,ol Amelia M. Nordrnnü. '. a certatn ment now on flfeln tnie Court. pnrporttngto last wiii and teetamentof said deconsed, may be ad■ i ( probate, tind tliat she may béanpómtedeole Kx r;urix tbereot Thereppon it ia Ordered, tliíit Mondar, the téeutitday of April, next, i k'intneforor iKMiii. beaisignedforthebi ■ Ipttitlon, and Chat the legatees, devisees and heirs at law of said tleleaMd, andall otnéï persOHs ïntereeted ín eald estftto, ire required to appear at a pession of said ('Kirt. then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann lrbor,madBhow canse, Ifnny tbere be, why tl er otthe Uoiüd not be i Viuiit Ïp fnrtherortlered thai said petltlon persons iniertted in Bftideetote, of tic pendencj ol aaidpetttlon. and the hearing thereof, oy eau copyof th'iH Order to be puhlishod in the !- a newvpaper nrintéd and circulatlpg in said County. succeséiTe weeks previous tos;iid day Í :)'_'. Alru'copyO HiliAMJ. BKAKKS. lJ62td Juriye oí lrobíile. Estáte of Elam SsaitL ST.ti:of MICHIGAN. Coauty of At a sesrion of the l'robate Court for the t oimty of Vas1itiMiw, lioldrnat the Probate Office, In the City of Anu Arbor, on Friday. the elghtenlh d Mareh, i;i ttn.' year one tbouaand cighl himdredand seven ty. I'n-riit.TIiram .T Tíeake?. Jndge of Pronate. In the matter of the eatatfl of Klan Si.iiiii, ieceased. Charles TI. Worden, Esecntor of the lat will and testament of sald deceaeed, comelnto cour: nnd repv ■m tliat be is now ]ne]ari:d to render his iluul acconnt hs bbco Km Therenpon it is ordered that Monday th teenth day of Aprij next, at tea oVÍocfc fu the lorenoon, be assiffned fbr examlnlbg and tltowibc snob aoooiuit, and tliat the Utgatee?, deviseee ftuo hul allaw of sald deceased, aml all othcr pej liiterested In sald estáte are Eeqolrcd to appeat at ;i ítesefon of tald Conrt. tben to be holdeïi al fh Otttei In the city of Anu Ajbor, In - i:ii rnunt;f. and show cansé, if auj there bts hy ttie iaid acconni KttooM nor beailowed.: And therordored Ihat aald Execntor give notice to thO persons luterested in sMd estáte, of the pendeucyof eaid acconikt, and the hearinc ttaereot. bj o, copy of ihiK ar4sr t- bo pnbUshed Ln the ' - ■■■' printen snd eiren )atlng t -.úñ Conóty, tbre ucceasive weeks prv)oD0io i of hearing. (A trae copyj HIRAM .t. BBTAKRH, Jadee of Probate. 'PllïSICIASiS1 PBESCRiPTIOPïi" A i ■ i ■ T.ATKLV AM) CARBFULLY PREPABED BY r. ir. SÈL18 & co., imuoGisis. frite of Ilenry Bownr. CTATEOFMICniOAN.CoDBtj of WníhUnt I Ai . negslon ,f the Probate Coort for the Coo'ni.' I of Wartitenaw, holden nt thc Probate Office, Ín i? I Arbor, on Frlday, thc elghtccnth T I a. ín thayear oiiu tiioiisai.d eight huudiej I Present. Hiram J. 8eake.Jndge of Probate I n the minier of the Ëstule ol Hcurv Bow f "■ ! On readfop and fliingthr petitfon, duly Terlneí m ' Manían ■ or someoikt, imitable privón muy be aproiated adminlstratrliuí I . I eco Reed. upon it is ordered, thnt Monday. the cijh y oí Ipril next. altan MocV inthcfo! noon, for thc hcatlag o; ald iJ,] nd laat the helrs nt law of sai. I uewastï' and all otlar persona Interested in said ettnif I are reqnlred to appear at. a pession if ni! i bolden nt the Probate Office, In tí I City ol anv thTebt why the prajrer of the petftlouer íliauld noiCr jrranted : Anditlsfartbei ordered, that unid mu ■ rionerj t the penona interested in Vtii cutate. ofth nendeney ofgatd petltion. and ,.:, hesrlnc ihcreof, irreansinga cojiy of tiiis order iói ■ tehed in tbe Michigan Anjut a ttewtpaiJrl prlnlcd and drculnling in id Connly, tliríeíaf woeke previom t" unid ilay (,f boriiiif CA trno copy.J HIBAM ). BRAKE8, 1242 Jadge tt Ftphate. Estáte of ïliomaa BrigSt. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, Oonnty oí Waíhtena ,,' on of the Probate Coart forttieCoaiS rwashtenaw, bolden at theProbati Ofllce iuihïi Vnn Arbor, on Satordaj, the nii ele nth i . u ilic vear une Uronsand eijrhi hund-j! and BPvcnty. ") i .r. Beaket .Incli-cof Probate In tlit m.iitur ol' tliu Fütat ofThcican u minar. '' iv rendinsand tülm thc pctitlon, dnly vcriflinj k ...iiii.iu. yravlug ihat l.u muy í j Ifceneed tusell ct-rUüu Deal cstütu beUjncin" to giul mlnor. I i 'lipón it í Ordcn-il, tlmt Moii'laj, thc cirt ' i Aprll, íufxr, nt tMi u'clook in the foV for the hearing ofsaid pstitw the OBXt orkin r:ii(! minor and all oth, peiboifa Intetested in . e, n reqBtredtil appear at a eeeslou of buk! Cmiri, the toil at the Probate OQlce, In the Citï of Am AtW and show canee, lfany therc !). why ihcprayerofthjl lould not begranted: ABd it isfi rtherot.I . that aaid petitioner give noüce to the ntxl of l':i nd all otliur i'jrsoiif íutflci I ested In ;iid estáte, eftbe pendneyol eaid m;.! tloD,and thehearloa thereof, by caiiging u 'der to be pabuaned in the Ñichiyan Ajrnt .1 newspaper printcdand ctrcnlatlng In said Coudi I suecoi.ivf WLOkö previous tosai'iday ofhciil in-.'. (Atrnecopy.) JIIEAM J.P.KAKns ISSti'd Jndgeot Probate. líétate oí liebecca Snutlt. CTATEOP MICHIOAS, ConDty of Waiditenaw, on of the Probate Court lor the Couuii ol WasbteDsw, holden ai the Probate Office in t City of Ann Arbor, on the eiuhtwnii i!-i 6f Harch,ln the year one tiioraaud eightht. dred and seventy. Present liirain.T. Beakef, Judïe of Probóte lu tlu; matter of the estáte of Bebecca Smith, ■ Hiiii.tic. Cïiai i II. "o-áTt. Gu.-irdian of saíd estáte iiit'j ('ourt and represente tiuit lie is now nr ble ïii'ul accooat as such Quu. alnb 'l'hereapon it i. ordered, tlmt Moiulny. tlieeifl. teenth d:iy of April, next, at teu o'clock in tl uedfor examlDine and allonbr iccunnt, and that itic next of itin of said )t natte, and üll oiber persone Interexted intmid ettati rirod to appear at a nealoi) of said Court then to be bJdell il the Probate Ofltee, i:i the City oi Ann Arbor, ih s;.id rc.i'.n'v, and :-how éaHM. 1( ur I therc Do, wh) "iint shonld not lie i And ir is rnrther ordered, that. said Onarèiu] lotice to the persons interested m fnidestatt acconnt, and the heariii ■i:iiitL' :i copy of thi order to ligbed in the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper and clrcolting in said Connty. three saccestiTtl ■ ; vio is to said day of hearing, (A ( HIKAM J. nKAKK1' 1(62 Jude of Pro. at. , Estafe of Levi Pralt. STATE OF MR'lHi; AX. CoUBty oT Washtenuw,. At a seaaion of tha Probate Courtfor thi i shtenaw. holden at the Probate Ofliec.iu tht City of Ann Arbor, on Tueaday, t'jB twenty-iet. ond day ol Marcb, n the year one thounand 'eighi htiDdrcd and Bcvenfy. Present. lliram ,J. Boakes, -Itule of Probate. In tbc matter of the eetate of l.evi Pralt, d. On roadingand tilinir the petition, dtily verified, o{ I ft', i ratt, praylng that eome suilable pena muy be appoiuted Adininislrator of tha estale cí bai:i deceosed. Tberenpon it is Ordercrl, that Monday, the eiyii:,y ol April, next. at ten o'clock in Ik ii n, !"■ assigned for the hearing ofadpe tiíu, and thaf t lic béfrá at law of sajd dectsstd Inturested in sa;u ssutt aie rcqulred to appear at a Bca-ion of said i'oumbn M "l." til' UU II JU LIIU I 1 V Uil II UllllT, III lllü Cl IV I ,H . and show cause, íf any there bc, why theprsjef of Mie pewtioner shouid not be granted: Anditj further ordored, that said ppütlonergive aottceto tbt I persons inferested in saïd estáte, of the pepdencjd satdpeUtion,and tl thereof, bj copy : tb ie Ordei t be pubjih_ed ie the ■ er printed sad cfrcnlatlng insail' cnnniy. thrn vreefei previous to eaiddsi ÍA traecopy.) HIHAM J. BBAK 1202 „rul ProbaU. Estite of Samuel Clemente, Son. QTATB OF MICHIGAN, County of whn.n-.i. A1 ji sesslou oi the Probate Conrt for the Covntj ofWa htenaw, hotden at ihe Probate oÉce In ::' city of Aon Arbor, on Snturday, the twellttj ín , dl M:ircl!, in lUt; yeaj VO6 UiousuikI eight huudred :mri eivrut''. Pree ent, EHram ■'. Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In ihe matter of tbe estáte ui Samnl Clemeoti, Sen. (!ci'O;i-i ;l. .Miilurw .1 Suthcrlami and Charlrs i. Worden, Bxecuiors of the wat will and testament of nü] te oease(t como into Conrt and repreeent that the m how pre pared to rencer ïheir final account ais euci atoro. Thereapon it is Orderefl, that Wednesday, tb ■nth day oí April neit, at ten o'clock in ihe forenoon be aslgned for examiolng and allowlng snch nccoiim. and that the k-.iyitees, de visees and heirs at law of eald deceacj, tini all othor penosa Iniereated In sald estáte, ai' ijirirrd to sppear at n Beseion of faU Conrt, tiien to be lioidfii at the Probate Office, in the City of AH Arbor in ?:.i'l County, and ehow canso If avy' tben I ■ why the wM accontft 8hoIl not In? allowed : And ita fttrtber orrJerrd, th;)t sald Bxeeatora gire notict to. th JMWWH18 interested In Bald eatato, of the c dency of sald account, ariifl the hearlne throo(;lif cansina ,i copy of thia order to be pabllsbed in the Michig sewapaper printetl and circnlatiDf j I County, tlircu tfuocesslve weeks jruvioui l ■ of bearing. (A IrhéCOpy.j II1RAM J. IÏEAKKS. , 1-Citd Judre of Probate. , Klate of Elias Norton. QTATKor !tfIGHIOAK,CovrTorWA8nMlM j Ata&ession.of the Probate ('tuut fortheCoont} of WaottDflw. holden at the Probate Office, int!' 4-ity oi" Aim Arbor. m S.-itnnljiy, the twfJfth daj' oí Bfarch, in tho year one tliousand eight I dred snn eeventy Present, Iliram .T. Beakep.-T'.idpe of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of BUaa Norton.. deceased. WlUtam JarviSi Adminlstrator of mM esta comee Into Court and representa thal be U now pi ' tg ceuder nis final account as sttch AdmiuUmlW:-. lhfireni)o:i it U Ordcrod. that BfoilrlaT, the I eatb day of April Qextat ti a o'cLodi In thet'oretioon for and aUowln; fiirb c eoiinr and Ihat tin heirs n( iaw of said deocfased, xí all otber person Intereeted in tad estáte, are rfqafred to ajpear at a session of said Conrt. thfial I tèn atthe Ifte Cftj iu said C(juiuy, and B&ow canse, if DM there bo, why the saïd account shpuld nutbe!-! allowed: And ir Is fürther orderedi th:t snid Admlr : noUce to the persona nterusted in - of the pendency ufsaidafCoont, andtfl hearlne thereof by canslng a copy of thisOnlorio bo pnh]ih''[ in the Michigan Aryvêt n in'v-j:;]i; i and clrcnlating in said County, tlixe suc ■ weekst préTloHs to pnid dy of heajinfr. CA copjjj iílIíAíl 'J. 1 iKAK BS, IS lid Jadeol Probate, j Estáte of Tliomas J. Brooks. STATE OV MICIIIGAX, Connty of WahenMt At asession of the Probate Court for tU Cour.'.)1 ofWashteuaw, holden ar tito Próoate OiIummii tte city 41" Aun Arbor, on Taarsday, the teidh da? of March, in the year one thousand righl liimdred and seventy, Preft'iu lltram J. lïcnkes. Judeof Probate. lu the matter of .the estáte oí Thomas J. BrooJtit dewused. On readlngfand fillnjtlfe ppiition.rhily veriiied.rl Brooks, prayipg that sbeor ome other snituble perron, may be apgoloted Administratrix tf the estáte of sald Thcreupon it l Ordcretl, that Monday, the elerentb day oí April ïuxt, nt tyn o'clock h the Ibrrnoon, be asslgned for the hearing ' i seid pent ion, ::ml ihat Uu bialifcat-lawof Balctde ceasea, and allothcr persons! nte rest ed iïi nnid eswtf - nired to appear al a session of safd Conrt, thf f te bohnlden it the Probate Office, in the City of An j Arbor,i uee, Lfony t.liert'be,whytfif n-n' ofthc petitioner ihoüld nol be granted: Anditu fartherordered, tbAtsald petïtlonef jivenoticetoiff persons Iniercsted in said estáte, oí the pendenM ■ Baldpetition, and ihe hearing rhcrcoi', ly pauilsR' copyofithia Order to be publlahed En th. Üiakif printed apd circnla'lngfiiwl Connty. threesucoofisire weeks previoiistwsaiddsj of Neai . fAfrnecopB.j HUiAM ' J. BEAKK8, 1261 Jndce of IVobatc Rétate of E un ice L. "VVnrner. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of W.iFhtennw, IJ At 8 pession oithf Probatn Conrt for the Coup tv ''' iiaw, holden at ihe Probate Ofllce.intheCHl of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday. the fiftcenth day ol Narab, in the year one tuousand ciht udre and eeventy. Present, Ui ram J. Beakes, Jtule of Probate. In tUe matter the Eutc of Knnice L. Warntf i ■ . On reading nn(T Jl t In er thn petitinn. dnlv vervCed" l-'i-riUiru k w.-iikt. juufdlau. praying tht be maye ;i real estáte bëlóngtag iu &w minor. Et isOnlerod. ti'.nt Wednefday, the tb"" teontb day ofAprtï. next, at ton o'clock in thefor aed for the hearing f s:iid petition.s110 tbat the bexl of kin of said minor, and nll otar ia;.',:iivrct nired kORpgN Ion "i eald Court tbeu to be holden at tl 'ïnteOili' I in Arbor, and showeaWJ . ■:' iv, l f tlie prayerof theptttion.erhftoj f lot be f rauted : And ii is further ordered, that W jplitioner erve notlce to the next f kin of nlnor, and ajl other persons Interested in ?# v bfsaldpetltlon, andthe hefflJJI íhereof.l i ■ Orderto tw pnblisbeü . a newspaper printedandcirco i -Miittv, three BucceeaWdweekipre""111 ;o saldday of hearing, HIRAM J. (tKAKES. 1201 td Judee of Probate. jpoii THE NEXT Sixty Days the Farmers" Store will Sell Goods Cheaper than any otker Store in tbe Citj.


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