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MORRIS HALE, M. D. BESTDEXCH and Office No 1S. corner Wtjllami anl irect Hesular office hours, 1 t-3 V '.! Advice and Prescriptlons from BtoTP.M. cacli cn, Cree 'rniis t the poor. 12H4 "g. e. frothingham, m. d., fíITSICIAN AND SDB6EOK. Office over Prni Storo, Ko. T ll'.ir.'n Btre t. Resldenee, No. BI Thompson strcet. Ollicu hours, S tu 11 A. M , and mo8P. M. ' GEORGE GI1ENVI L L E , BEAI.EÜ i? DRÚOS and Medicines, No. 5 South Haln Street. Aun Albor. HULL, RObTnsON & CO. GROCRES, Produce and Commlsslou Merchante Ko. 43 Sultb Main S; ELLIS & KÏSSELL, D3UUGLSTS. and dealere in Paints, Olls, etc No. 2 loktü Main Street, Ann Arbor. THEÜDÖÏÏË TAYLÖir&Tc ü. , DEALERS in Grocerle, Provisión, and Country Produce, No. 13 South Main Sireet, Aun Albor. ■ JOHN KEOK & CO., (S in Furoitnre of all kiuds, No. 33 South Mam Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, ATTORNEY and Counsellor fit Lai ate end ■■:■ Agent. Convcyancine and ('oï t proiaptly attenced to on libernl terms. OfIce one door south of First Nutiontil liauk, up stHirs.Sontli Müi:i Street, Aun Arbor. W. II. JACKSON, DENTIST, Fnccospor to C. B. Vortrr. Office, corner Sinin aiiii lliimn Sírcete, over the Btore Of R. Wi Ellis&Co , Ano Arbor, ilich. Anïcthctics admioIstercd Í f rcqtiired. W. F. BRÊAKEY, M. D. yiIYSICIAN ANDSUUaEON. OiBco at re.idenc.e, corner of Hnron and DivUlon Streets, ftrst door Kutol Prwbyterlan Chnrcb Ana Arbor, Ulch. E. J. JOHNSON, BEALEIi IN' HATS and Cn;i Fnrs, Striw Ooodv Qcntn' ParnUblng Goods, !cc , X-. 7 South Main Street, Anu Arbor. SUTHERLAND & WHEDON, taps nüdFire Insurance Agcnts and dealer iu ncal üststc. . Office on llurou Street. AIsj ffll ! ciassSewing Machines. W. O. HOLMES, 40ÏNT fur the Florence Sewing Madiine.and dealer iii l'icturcf , KrauicB, Ac. Ni. '■'- Eaet llurou Street LEW IS C. RI8DÖN, CEAI.F.U in Hardware. StoxM, Uomc Forr.lBhing Ooods, Tin Ware. &:.. Xo. 31 Saiila Unln Street. I5AC1I & ABEL, DBiLES n Dry Goods, Orocerln, &c, &c. Mo. 2C Suuth Haln Street, Aan Arbur. C. H. MILÏ,EN CEALER In I)ry Goods, Onverice, &., &c. No South Main S!,rcet, Ann Albor. 8 L AÑVSON & SÓN, (JROCERS, Provisión anti Commis'ion Merchanis od decors in Water Linnp, Land laster, aud Piaster P:triü, No. H Bast QaroD Street. S. SONDlIÊlM, frnoi.KSALE auáreíail dénier in RcadyMade Clothloe, Clolhs, OassimercK. Vestlngs, and Uuiits' Purtushinj Goods. Mo. 'J Souili Main Stvect. WM. WAGNER, ÍEAI.ER In Beady Made Clothinpr. Clolhs, CassiIMres and Vesting, H;its. Caps, Truujía, Carpct Bags, Ac, 21 Soiali .Main Street. GILMORE & FISKE, IPOKSKLLERS and Stationeis, Meékal. Lftw ftna CoTitie Tjxt Books. School and MiaceTiai Books. No. 3 Nurlh Main Street, Gie'ory Block, Aun Arbor. FINLEY & LEWiS, BEALf.IlS in Hoott, Shoos, Galters, SHppeis &c„ No. 2 East Huron Sireet. R. TARRANT, LACIES' Fashionable Shoe House, No. 24 South . Main Street. A K. CKOS1ÍY, M .D GREGORY HOUSE Regalar Office Hours, 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. QROCKERY, GLASSWARE & GFOCERIES. J. & P. DONNELLY tlivo In storcii large stock of Crockerv . ujasswaro, Grooeries, &c., c.,alltobe "old at un usuii 1 lo prictP. Xo. 12 KiKt HuimStxMt, Ann Arbor. Il28tf J.& P. üüNNELLY. QITYLINE OFHACKS! ROBISON & BAXTER, Prop's. Purnishc?eipcditiou8 Conveyances to aud from the aars. and all parts of the city. W Fiinenls attended, and elegant tnrnoutsfurlubedludiesmaklui; calis. Prict's rrasonablc. Orders left at UookMJolcl or at theirolHce promptIcnded lo. lïUtf JOUN G. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS. URO, SAUS AG ES, Etc, Cr.!r8K0lluited nd proniptly (Illnl ivüh Ihc bei tteats a tlie markrt. öl East K'asblogtOD Ktreet. Ann Arbor.Sept. ICtli , 18d9. 1235tf L)It. G. B. PORTEE, M itt tho NEW BAKK BLOCK, AHH AEBOK &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PEttFOUMEI) riTH CARB. ÜNSURPASSED FACÏLITIES AND 3ICPERIENCE SETTING ARTÍFÍCIAL TEETU, TO GIVE KACII INDIVIDUAL, ventura of Uic proper tixc, thayc , color , fumvcss an natural erjtrc9ifn. 1244 "pUE LARGIüST AIVD Best selected stock of Plaia roplins ; also the new and elegant PLAID REPS to be had at the 120 FARMERS' STORE. nnHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMPANY OF DETROIT, MICH. (ESTABUSIIED IN 1S07 .TOFIX .1. BAGI.EY, Prksidext, JACOB 3. KAREAKP, Vio l'rcsldcnt. JFKO. r.UG?ETT,8creUry. JAMES C. WATSON, tctuary. D. O.FABRANDjM.D., JUJical Exnniner. A BaeCMtflll Michigan Life Insurance Ompnny, orgRnizd for the purpure of farafahlDg Iusurance u[jon uves al THE LOWEST COST COMPATIBLE WITF1 Absolute Security5 and for íhe furtber jiurposc oí KEEPÏN6 MONEY AT HOME, whicli lie.etororehas iern rr.t JCast, RATES AS LOW AS SAFETY PBEMIT8. ETSÏiRE MUTALITY A.ü STRICT EQXJITY Marh tbe sjttcm nnd preveil Ín tl.e dist f i 'jiitiun oí AOUAL DÏYIDENDS TO THE IXSUKED VVnUc.hy 1 toTiiions cf Uie Stnlo Lv, and by .litir own terruSj ülLL POLICIES ARE NON-FORFEITAELE. ttlAVfeANCtt PÜRNISÖED CI'ON ALL DESIRABLf] PLANS. All (lio BEST KK ';'i r.FS of the OM Companie VD01'TLl),alltlicir F.RRORS AVOIDEÜ. SEGÜRITY, ECGNOMYj EQÜITY AN THE WEST, ITS MOTTO. For Agencies npply at the IOME OFFICE, Bank Block, GristoM Screet. JS3 I, M. TIIAVER.Gen'i U-ent. F3F.D. L. HA1IN', Agent. IS9jl "ATWÍDJEÑmAÑÑT REAL ESTÁTE AGEIt ANN ARBOB, MICII.; COFVFEIRS FOB S-ILE r 3 i crea f UndtwltWn one half mile from the city, tobe told in whole, or parcela, as follows : 24 acrej ! fiecti'n 19, in the town of Aun Arbo1 bortleriiig en tlie easx va the iond Hnding to CornweHs' paper milis, and o the sturh on 15)á acre Rituated on the nnrthweRt corner of the Go i-ham road and tho said Cnrnwell Factory roid . (This is fine of the handsomest situations in iho ueighlorhood uf Ann Arbor.J 13'á acres improvcd land joining the above Ioíí acres and fronting Qorham Kuad. orty acres of First Cías Farming Land, wüh pond O robar d nml Ham, 11} t miles from the Cuurt Houit, on the upper Dixboro road. er of lanl with a new twu f-tovy frome house on rbompson, Spoor fc Thomp.-on's additiuu to the City of Añil Albor . lot 8 of % a ere cach, on Thompson, Spoor & Thompsou's Additiou. acres of land, with a nplendid grore, joininpt the Fiiemen'a Park on the Moet. Home and 1 v lots of land, with Barn, WafihKitchn, Carnagc House, and a nuniber of modero , on the northweiit corner of r'ourth and Packatd 8 1 reets. HHiieand Lot in the 2d Ward, on Souíh I-lberty Streat; l House and 3 M In the 2U Ward, near 2UVard School House, 1 HoufleaiM i Lots, nar tho M.C.R.R. Depot. J 20 acres of land in the south of the State of Missouri , near the üauaibttl Sfát. Jost?ph Hailroad. 2 City I ots near 21 Ward Scfeool House. A. WlDEÑM AN N, FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, miCH. SELLS A1ID BUYS DKAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT OX ALL PRINCIPAL PLACES In GRFAT BRITAIX , OEHMANV, FRANCE, SWITZ FtïLAXl', te. M y direct connections with Europe enable mf to offer a fair raten as any New Yortt Houe. Reineniber. I aro nol nn steent of any heuse u tliis coimtn. but lam ha ving direct communica tion vitb D04t liuuses in Europe. COLLEOTIONS IN EUROPE BfPOWBi OPATTOHNSS OB OIHEKWISE.WILI BK PROUPTLÏ ATTENiiED 10. PAS8AGE TICKETS j-or Ptoamcr to aml from Nw Voik to all prlncl p;il io lts of EunJlit 1 Will Mil 'ah iolluws : Krom N'pw Vork to Soutbampton, Havre, Loníon Breinen or Hamburg, 1-t laf. üiICIbsü. Stec-udC. Sl-0. ST2. $85 in Gold Return tickclü, 21.S. 135 Gl ' " Froni a bove placee to Xcw Vork, UtClass. 2d Cltisa. 8d ClMi. Ï1--0 Uit. $10 la Gold Trom New York to Liverpool, Cabin, $S(I to $100 Currency. St' trage, $30 ia Currcncy. From Liverpool to New Yorlï, Cabin, $10(1. 137. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT .IsTX ARBOB, Tor the Ilowartl Imorance Co., in New York, on of the oldetitand bcKtCompaniepin the country. The Tra tont Inuranre Crimpany n ClTftlaiM Tbe honorable and af management ! this iot tntfon ban made it onc of the most re'.iablc fire [


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Michigan Argus