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Anecdote Of Gen. Thomas

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From the Louis ville Courier-Journal. The death ot Uen. Ueo. JU. Thomas, sriefly announced yesterday, was a shock to tbo pcoplo of Louisvilla universally, wbclher they like the man orsyrapathi.ed with his war carccr or not. Ho left us a little wliile ago, full ofuianly and and quiet vigor - a man who looked thu impersonation of a fifty years looger leaso of lile. To the readers abroad it may be necessary to say that Col. Watkius married the dnughter of Gen. Rousseau about the closo of the war - died in New Orleans, and his body was brought, with that ol his disiinguished father-m law, a few mouths ago, for iuterinent in our beautilul cemetery at Gave Hilt. Justafter tho battlo of Nashvillo, Col. Watkins, on Gen. Thomas' stuff, approaehed the General with a freo and cordial manner, as f the request he was about to ïnake cotild cot bo denied : 'General, jou kuow I havo a heart, JYliss liouseau, vrhom 1 haG not econ for - montbs. A leave of absence, 1 you picas?, fr - weeks." To tbe disraay cf poor Walliins, Thomas fhruggod Lis slioulileis. Watkins, eoeing that Sonic intercesión wus necessary, rcniiDdod the General of his youth, the ardor of such yoars and such attechments, and referrcd to some probable bistnry of the Gonoral i:i such matters. Gen. Thomas quietly and soldierly replied : "Watkins, I ve been there ; and the trutb is that I too havo a sweotbeart ; and I have not seen her lor more months thiin you have jours for so innnv weeks. And, wbat is moro, I havo been married to my swectheart, and wiint t.o Bee lier as much os you tio yours, and it i is liktly moro. But I won't let her come to camp. A camp is no placo for a wife. Sbe is out of hur element, and it softeos man. And I won't go to seo tny wife UU my duty is endcd and tlio war over. "VVhat 1 will not do rnyself I will not a'low you to do. Uesides, I have a 'raid' to malee in MissUeippi and Alabama, and I decided ihia moining that you were the min to load it. You wil! píense to report for duty at 6 a. m


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