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The Gateways To The Pole

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Capt. Beni's thuory of a passage northward to tho Pole, by the way of Behrings, bas inueh atfcracted the attention of curious and scieotific men of late. - Investmeuts of life and treasuro in Arctio exploratiuns have been profusa for centuries. Sinoe the days of Coluiubue, the talent, skill and horoism of nautical men bave been more enüsted in projects ior the discovery of the North Pole. than for all other expeditions. And, nntwithstandiug these ceutiiriea of baf fiad effort it s said thore are at the presnt limo nn loo A- -:- - ' ■; , tuig out, or on llio way to tho cliaruied Arctic Circle. Capt. Silus Bent, U. S. N , aftcr tliir,y years in the service of bis country, ïas put before the public a theory, bastí upon bis loug experiencc aud obseration, but which hartnonizes witb the xperienco and observations of many thers, the adoptiou of wbicb, as aguide 'or future explorations, he thinks will ereatly lessen, if not remove, the dansers of a voyago ia tho direction spokeu f, and, perchaDco, open an unobstructd passage to the broad, open ocein boul the North Pole. Capt. Beut's t'ueory of the thermoinetical gateways to the Pole bas been sugjcsted by oba-rrations on the existence 'olume, and other peculiariües ot' the Gulf Siream, and the discovery of otber currents of liko eharacter, in various )ar!s of the world. He has bimself, vhile conncctcd with Com. Ferry's Jajan czpeditioa, had accasion to observe ind explore the Kuro Siwo of the Pacific, which, like the Gulf Stream, is said to send its immense volume of wator, heat and sustenanco to tbo Arctic región. Prona such examinations and observations has come tho theory D qucstion, and to the canclasion that the long searehed for pathways to the Pole have been found - ono by the Gulf Stréam, between Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla, and tbe other by tho Kuro Siwo, betweea the Asiatic and North American posatsíions. The Bureau, irom whloh wo gather these particular, proposes anotber trial with San Francisco lis tho startiug place and Capt. Bent as leader of tbe expedition ; the man who, after long years of atudv and obsorvation, and maoy valuable discoveries on the sea, has so raodestly {iven the public the profound and beautiful bypotheBis, the truthfulncss of which we expect will be fully domonstrated. The Etnperor of China is filteen ycars old, and is to bo marricd tbis year, with immense pomp, to bis lirst and chief wife, hs Empresa. Hu will Le simultancously provided with second and third wives ; aud from all parts of the Empire viotiuis are bcing collected to swtll t're list of bis harem. Every Tartar fumily we beüeve, is obliged tu íurnish íts quota. Local selections are firít ïunde, and the holocaust is sent to Pekín, where a fresli seleution takes place, and a ' cliosen" number are condeuiued to a lifelong scclusion. They are not allowed to see their relatious; miy never sec tlitir lord and raaster, and iu the BVent ol bis dca'Ji they aru still coudemnad to perpetual ifolatiyn and eclibacy.


Old News
Michigan Argus