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The New York World Justly Criti

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cises Mie proponed new J lünois (JoristitutioD because ít maltes a major i ty f ouch riousc coastituto a quorum, miei permita a majority of a baro quorum 10 pa:;s bilis. Tho Miohigan Constitutioa requires a majnrity voto of 11 tlie membors elcot in favor of any liill, even il:e least important, and a liko provisión should be iheorporated nto evcry State Constiiution, and also into thnt of tlio Uuitod State?, with another provisión tlüit the yces nl nays slinll b taken on tlio pnssago of every bill, oud entered on the joirna!s. A XVIth RiacDdment embodyiog tliee proviaioca ehould tske profereucc of that of Jli.ian loweriug woraen - tlo niothers ond daugliters of the land - to tlio level of the black and white mnla bipeds. At presunt importHnt bilis are often pased vritli less than a quorum, the oxpressive phraae, "without a dlviíkm" covering up the irregalarity. CoNdiiEss is being besieged to mako an approprialion in aid of a Nortli Polo Expedition. Now, if tlieie is anything left in Uncle Saura treasury after feeding the lazy poor of Washington and supporting the innumerable leechcs quartered npon the government in Washington aüd the Congre?siinal dependencies, we suggost that just for a chango, an oxpodition to the naoon bo fitled out. It is just as important to fcïetico that tho moon be ineBtigated - especially its vnfluence upon garden sauce und Invers, rs (hut furtber attempts bo mado to &limb the pole. A north-westeru paspago to tho Lidies is no lonor a neoessity, and lliere is no probability thnt an open Polar Sea will be of any worth te ctmimeroe. Is it not time then that lift; and troasure eoase to be expended in that dirtction ? It was Anna Diokikson who announced - slie did so on the locturoboards of this city - tbat slie wishcd the rngrors to vote to "offset the dirty üatcli and Irish," arid now a prominent liadical politician of Indiana, n disoiplc of the geutle Anna, is credited with nying tliat "ihe Kepublican party bsd gtall-fod the Dutch long enough, nnd now, ds it liad niggers enough to offset the Germán vote, tbo Dutch might iro." Whioh permission inany of them vfill consider a favor, "go" gladly- out from the black -and-tan parly. Tau Senate having eo far failed to ratify the treaty for the purchase of öan Domingo, Gen. Bctler proposes to ae compüsh ihe thing hy joint resolution lic proposc'g to appropriate in payineul of the debts of the ncw ncquisitiou the sum of 1.350, 770 09, and to christen llie uew-born, the Territory of Domini vmi W l.ujy U.„k iL. ..inl.tttli (ril faro no better in tlio Senate than the Th at quaok in poiilios, religión, and journalism, Tii.ton, invites all tho newspapcra of the land to givo place to a card of his conceiving, lookintj to an enrollmcnt of all the frieods ofworuan suffrago oo his lista aud a harmonizing of tho "Old and New Organizations," and bring order out of confusión. His advertisement ehould be eent through a regular ageney. Eeprebuntativb Julián, of Indiana, has eeized hold of iinmortality. And this is tho how of t : by introducing a XVIth Amendment, to our very defoctive aud eiek Constitution giving the eleetivo franchise to women. After liegroes vromen. Then what I The way the llepuhlicans crow over tho late victory in Khode IsIiukI a stranger would not surmise that that watermelon patch ever gave a Radical majority bofore. "Small fuvora tbaukfully reoeived," seoms to be tho burden of the Sepublican cry. "Goikci on to perfection" is the beading which tbe Kalamazoo Telegraph gives to an article setting fortb tho blegs ngs to follow tha ndoption of tbo XVth Amendmcnt. That ïnay bo it, but then we nerer board negro suffrage so callecl bofürCi In the Suprerae Court of ibis Stato, on Tuesday, Hovky K. Clark, of Do troit, was appointed Eeporter, ie Wm. Jennison, resigned. Zittíll'a Living Agí, No. 1349, for the week endlng April ü, contains Orlginof tbc Euglish Nailon, Maomittah's Magazine-, Earl's Dcuc, Part 5, hy Charles Lcver, BiackicoocVs Magazine ; Modern Snperetttlen, translatcil for The Living Age from tlio Qtortmiavbê; Prceious Poli, íemple Bar ; Garibalcirs " Hale tt thc Monk," Saturday Utovietr ; Tonng Shepherds in Bearcb of Shcc), Pulí Maü Qazelte ; besides shorter articles and Pocfry. No. 1349, for tlie week endlDg April 2, contal ds Christiau Harrlage, by Bishop Dupanloup, trauslatcd for Tht Living Age; Part V. of Jobn, by Mrs. Oliphant: besldea very nl.crcsting urticles on the Superfluous Letter, by El hu Burritt, Mías' Austin and Miss Jlitlbrd, from Blackwod, Artlnir Ilugh Clongh, from the Coniemporary lie■ciew; and Poetry by J. G. AYhitticr, .lean [ngelow, &c. The subscrlptlon price of thls G4 pago weekly magazine is 8 a year. LrrnxL & Oav, Eiatou,n[c mu publishers. The Ladies' lïepnsitory for April, - a litt' late but none tho less weloome - has it usual varled tablc of contcnts, essay, sketcl story, verse, etc, all of nn clevaling anc reilningcliaracter. The steel eugraving "Glrl at the Spring" and portralt of Re F. C. Holliday, D. D., besides svhlch, fou articles are lUnstrated wlth cight cholc wooil cuts. $3.50 a year. Address ELCTCB cock & Walden, Cinclnnati, Ohlo. - From the same we have tho Apri number of Golden Hours, one of the bc publicatlons for the young wliich comes t oor lable. It is always amusiiiK and ii structive, never vitiatiug. The table o conteuts of t!üs number ia especlallj tn teresting. $2 a year.


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