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30,000 FEiSTCE POST3 ! A Qiiíui'.Hv of White Ojk Floorlng, and 100 Cords of Wood, for pale by l'.Y.Stf N. I?. COLK. JPOIR. SALE. Tlio pnbscrlber offers for alp f. liouie nnd 1 'Í acres of land, wilh a Dom, SOeood applc tretti, and wcll, near ihc.S'jc,oud Ward Schooi K01130. Eiitiniro of MACK & Si Ann Arbor, April 8th, IST3. 1265tf 1 0 JË iÏOB 1 Tho nndcriiis"'1'' I'S" laid" In a stock of the very firi cluss ice, and is ruady to delirer tu familieJ, 1 tula .saloons, confectionerg and any o'ic who may dí ire it, any qaantlty tbey may wlih, at raasonal pnces. Oler &olnüted, "and H depnsitcd in bos ii Aej wil] lic pronptly attendod if. Ann Arbor, April 1S7U. l-ii-.wl WICHAEL AXDRES. "POK SALE! A IIOMK AT HOME FOR SOME ONE. 24 acres of land on Micldlo Vpsflant! Road, just. out sidc of City IJniits, win be sold on botter tenna thHn any other i:ind eqnally locatefl nt'nr the cilv. Also otuer Droperty lor vaTe tccluding Iota pu HuronSt. For (üirticnlars enquirc of the Bnbscriber at nis office, first door weet of the Presbyterlan Church. F. WOODKUFP. Ann Arhor, April 15, 1870. l05w4 B0ÜNTYT0S0LD1ERS0F1861 All soldier? (or íhelr holrs') who enliwtecl bcíore the 2Sd ihiy oí July, 1B01 , Tor three yeíirn, niul hononiïlv dlscbarged without rccdvin boanty, sbould yuiia iiitii üiocimrtící:, or npplv t' ns-, nt cmoe. I'2f5w4 145 Jefforson iivonnc, Detroit. JfEWGÖODS MAYNARD'S I HAVE JUST RECEIVED Tarin-T-sr boxes OF NEW DRY GOODS FOR THE SPRING TRADE AT THE PRESENT PRICES THE CLOSEST BUYERS MUST BE SATISFIED. JOHN II. MAYNARD. 1 MSwS Commissioners' Notice. QTATE OF MTCII IG AN. Count y of Waehtenaw, p: The nnderslgned havtag been appolnted by the Prolm te Court for ."aid County. Commissioners to rccetve, examine and adjutt all claims and demande of all persons aainpt the Petate of Klier Pattee, late ofsatd Cn-iüry, deeeasod, twreby fflve notice tbat Bix tinmtliH from date are allo wen, by order of sftld Probato Court, forcreditors to prevent their claims ■gafnst tlie estatQ of eatd deceased, and thatthey wiUmeetat tiie office of JosHn & Blodget, in the city of Ypsil.-uiti. in unid (Munt. y, on Satnrdny, the 'li'ventb. day of .luce, and Friclny, the seventli day of Octobcr, ncxt, at ten oVlock M. of'onrh (f naid dnys, to rocelve, examino, and adjtist said claim. Dated, April Tth, A. D. 170. 1265w4 SSïïi-jW' }commi88loncrs. Mortgago Sale. DE7AÜLT hnrlng been made n llio condilion of a cortaln mortsün nmli; aml executoil hy David L. fintea nmt Amanda B. Oatcs, of the city'nf Ann Arlmr. Wavhtenaw Connty, Micblgan, to Asroa ü. Vanattn. of Nortlifirld, County nnd State aforcsnirl. beariogdatottaellRh dar of April, a. 1. IMS. and rccordi'il in the Reglster'i Office of Deed tor WaahtenawOo , HkhlKan, on thp sixtpcntliMav of April, A. D.1862, ai in . o vloek A. 11 , in libar No. 29 of mort. . oo page 104, hy whteh the power of Bale conainsd theroin bccome operativo ; theamount clalmed to ba dnc1 on aald mortiïage and nccompanyin notfl at the date of this notfee, b the Kiim of five hnnilrcd and pixiv-iiini! dolían and ttfty and lntereat, and the fiirthcr Hiim of flftcen dollar prOTlded :n siilrl mortgage as an Attorr.ey fee in case nny pro. ceeding honid be taken to forécloae the une, and no snit er proceedtng hnvinir been Inatltoted at law ■ ver the debt scenrad by said mortfrage, or any part therrof : Nottce 1 hernby gtnin tint on Mond.ny, the eleventh day of Juljr, A.T). 1TO. attnno'clock Á. m. of thnt day, at cbe front (nor of the ("onnty Court House, in th? City of Aon Arhor, in said Cnnntr of Washten:nv. the n:am bülns the place for holding the Cirnit Court for siil ('onnty, there wlll be s.ilrl at pubIe nartion , to the hlgheai bidder, the premises decrlbed In said morticftge, (r bo murh t!i ie Deceaaary to patlaly t!ie amonnt dne on piid not'e ud mortgago at the 'date of this notiee, w!th Intêr. t. coata and expeLaea provided for in said mortace, andallowed by lav, that latoaayi All thnt ertain plee or parro'l of land situntod in the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtonaw Connty, Michigan, deacribed B fbllowa, to'Wtt: It'inirl'ts nnrnber one, fonr (4), i i rht, In hlock (Ivo. in lirown & Fnllor's Iditlon to the rUlage, now city, of Ann Arbor, aconlin to the rocordcd pint thorrof. Dated, Ann Arbor, April Tth . lTn. AAUON B. VANATTA.MortKagcc. T'cr W. Hoot, Attorney for Morkgasoe. 1IC6 Ks'ato of Daniel Ji. Groen. CtTATKCFMIOHIGAN,Comtyofrhtmiaw,M ? At ft aéralo of the Probate Coart Por tha I mrnty f Washtenaw, bolden at tUe Probate Offlee, fn tbn nu A 1 ! . on Saturdayí Mie ntntfa (■i of Epriï, in ïUoyeurone tliouannd cíííht luimirud uiid CV.Mlt V. Prepon t. llir-m .T. Beake, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the cstnto uf Daniel It. Orcen, On readln? and fllng tho petltlon ditlv verlfled f Celtssa Gr en, praylog tliat Bgrbevi p. Sarper muy í appointcd Aunaiiiiytrrttür of Lira Mtate cf ald duapon it is ord'Td, thnt Monday, the nintii :iy r Muy Dxt ut ten oVlock ín th r reoooii. 1"; il for the lionriiiL,' of ratel petltlon, im that ild deceaeed) aod all othcr perona lDtwted in tafd eêtate, are reqalrod to appeat 1 said Coiirt] tlmi to In holden at tlio i ifi'n'-, ïn the City of A nu Arhor, and show anylhere be, why tbe prayer of the petlonld nol be ranted: Anti it is fnriher : . ■ [tloner give notice to tbe :■■ itereaii . ■' ■ ■ r sald pction, nd Ibfl ■ "p.v wf bt order to bepahliahed In the Vichi ■■■ Iri iu, ■ ( nrspaper, print ed and clrcalatlnK ín Bfild Connty, la provioat to sald day of hoar {A tiiïccopj.j HIRAM .T. 11EAKES, Judge of Probate. Estáte of John Whelan. TATBor MICHIGAN, CorsTTorW.aTXTr, es. ' At u spshíou of the Probate Ocnxrt tor theCounty f WashtenaWi boldeo at Probate Office In the City f Aim Arbor, on M ondtiv, the ek-venth ÖVJ of tpril, in the year one thouaand eight hundred nd seventi . ' Present, Ilinim T. Bpfiliefl. Judge of Probate. In the matter uf the Estáte of Juliu Whelan, eceased. On fi-ruli n rr :iiid filing thcpotïtion, duly vcrified,ol iatharlna Poander, pmylng thnt she or same t tic r nitnblfi pOTSOll, inny appoillttd Admhnstrntrix uf Li" eatftvo of siiid deccased. Thereapon It is Orderedi that Mondny, the linth day of Mny,ncit, at tD o'clock in tlie forcïoon, be nssiued foi the hearing of said p'.ti ion, and that the heirs at law o? saici deccasedi ffld iü otlier persons intcrestyd ín uuiÜ estáte, ire requiri-d to appefti at a Beuion ofeftld Co:rt, then obe holden at the Probate Office, In the ('ity of Ann Irbor, and show cnusc, Ifany therebe, why thi ir of the petitíoner ahoold uotbcgranted: Anüit ie Qrtherordered thfltsaWpetitlonerRivenoUce i" tiic osted in Bfüd estáte, of the pendency if laidpetitton, nnd the hearing.' tHereof, 6y ei ;opy of this Order to be publfehodin the Mi Argus, a Qowspaper printed and circnlatlng in sa UI JODnty.three aucccsive weeks previous tosaidüay if hearing. Atrnecopy.J niIiAMJ. BEAKES, I266td Judcre ofl'robate. Etote of Iliram Tutlle. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, pb. At a sesalon of the Probate Court for the County ot Wawhtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlco in tin; City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eleveuth dsy of April, in tho year oue thoosand eight hundred and f.-eiity. Present, Hlram Deaki, Jndge of probnteIn the matter of the estato of 'Xuttle, deceased. Uarcoa Tnttle and John W. Tuttle, Administratora Of -.come into Court nnd represent that thi irepared to render their üual ac count as such AdHiinistraiors. Thrcnpon It is ordered, that MondaT, the niuth nny of May, next, at ten otloctf m tno (brenoq ilfor examlBlng and allowine. eneh acconnt, and that tho hoirs at law of aaid do and al] other persons Interestedin fi'l estatal tred tn nppear at a tentón of sald Conrt. theu to be bolden at the Probate Office. In the City of Ann Arbor, In raid Connty, and show canse, if any there be . why the suicl account slinnld not bc atlowed : And tt is fnrther ordered, Itmt nnic! Admlnlstratora giye nottce to the persons Interested In said estáte. cif tho pendeney of .".hI aoconnt, and the hearing ttir-rcof. canalng a copy of this order to be pnbllshed In the Uictug uewspaper printert ■ nlatlng In sald Oonnty. tlirce eucccssivc weck prevloas to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) HIKAM f. BEAKES, Jiiii;e ol Probate. Eatate of Gporjro P. Prury. STATU OF MlGHft ! A NjOonBtj of Waihtenaw, ps. - At a sesslon f the Probate Cosrtfot the Oonnty of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Onlce, In the CStJ oí Ann Arbor, on Thnruday, the sevetith daj of Xpril, In thi yiiar uno tlioasaiid eight huadred ■ P-IV. Preaont. Ilirnm .T. Henke!'. Tndge of rrobiitc. In tho matter of tho Bátate of. George lVDrnry. deoeasod. On readini; and filinstbe petition, dnlr vf rifled, of Han A. DroYy.prsylDfï that ulie mnybe oppuinted tratrlxof the eatate of said i eceaaed. Tbsreopon it ia ordered, that Monday, the nlnth day of May noit, al ten o'ciock In the forenoon, bc assigned fir the hearing of aaid petild tha: tho lidre at law ui' aaid deeeased, and all other persona Interested in said estáte, arereqnlred to appi 'ol! ]' ''l Cnrt. then to be holden a the Probate Office, in the City ol Ann Arbor, and show cansa if nny there be, why tho praycr of the petltíoner phould not be eranted : Andlt xfnrthvr ordered, that sairtpetltloner jjive notice to the persons iutcrested In said estáte, of the pendency of ?aid petition. and the bearlne thereor, oycaasiitra copy of thw order to bepnbllshed in the Mijiigan Arius a newepaper, prlnted and circnlatin iu snid Cunnty, tlrree sucecsive weeks iirtviona to s.-iid day of bearli . CA. trae copy. j iiikam .7. SEAKB8, lsèft Jndge of FrobataEstáte of Thomas Kano. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Ai a sessionof theProbate Conrt for tbeCounty of Washtenaw, holden :it tbc i ■■.inthc city of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the twentynlntb i:iy Marcb,ln tbeyear one tiiousand eight hundred and Beventy. at, ÉH ram J.Be ake,Jndgeof Probate. „i xhomu Kano, lünírnnd filine tho pct'.tion, dnly virified.of Vdminiatratrix, praylng thfttihe may be liccnrd to sell cerlain real eetate whereof said deceased '!i'-l ■■ Therenpon itis Ordercd, that Wednesday, tho elcvfnth day of Mny, nest, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon, bo assi'm'd for thehearinjg ofsaldpetiüon, and that the Moir atlawofsaid deceasea, and all other persona Interested in said estáte, are reqnired ,in of said C mrt, then to be holden at :!■ Vrobate Office, in theCiti of Ann Arbor, andshow , nnse, Ifany there be, why i beprayer ofthc pctltlonershonld not begranted: And t fnrtherorlored,that sald petUtonerglve notice to the persont Interested In said estáte, of the pendenoyof said pet'tion.niKl the hearing tbereof, by caiiBlnga copy c l thiB Order to be pnbUihed in the Michigan Argtu, r newspaper prlnted and circnlating In said C'ountv, fonr uucecssive wceka previona to f=aid day of heai - fTÁtrnecopy.) IIIRAM .T.BKAKKP, ISSStd Jndiïe of Probate. Estáte of Sally A. Pray. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss At a soseion of the Probate Conrt for tbeConnt) of Waehtcnav.'. bolden at the Piábate Office, in t tic City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the the elghth day o( April, in theyear onc thousand eight hundred and serener. Present, Hiram J.Iicakcp, .Tndsrc of Probate. Iu the matter of tho estáte of Sally A. Prey, dcceased. On redding and Min? the potiüou.dtily vrr!flcd,nf Mary .1. (íi'rr, pr:i}iii.ií that eome suitftble persoo ■ appolnted Admjnlstrator of the eeiate of büh! ctecoaaed. Therenpon it is Ordered, that Monday, the ninth day of Vny, noxt, :it ton oVlock in the fot-enooii. bo aeaigned for tlio hearing of saidpetition, and that the helra ut law "f said deecaeed and all other persons Intereated in Raid otutc are roqalred to appearata warion f tid ('ourt then to bc holden ut the Probate Office, in the city f Ann Arbor, hikI Bhow cansei Ifany tliercbe, wby theprayer oitho petltloner ihonld r.ót be granted: Auditie fiirtiierordered, that ftíiiíl petitioner i;ivo notlce to tlie personaipterestedln eald ratatOi oithepostdencyoj saldpetltioa.And tbe hourhi thereof, by canslnga copy of this Order to le püblfahed in the Michigan Argüí, a ncwapnper ]riiito(i and olrcnlatlDg insfiid coirity. thruc buccésbívc weeks previous to iftidd&j of lU'nrin'. (Atruccupy.) niRAM .1. BEAKES, 1ÍÍS Jiultre of Probate. Estáte of Marparetto ïaufkirch. STATK OF MICHIOAK, Conntyof Waihtenaw.M At a Bession of the Probate ConrtforthcConnty ol' Washtcnaw. holden at the Probate Oflico inihe eity of Ann Arhor, on Frlday, the Hrst day of April, In the yoar oue thousaud eiglit hundred and seventy, Prefcnt.IIirain 'T. Beíikes, Jiulírc of Probate. In tho matter of tlie estáte oí Mnraretto Tmtfkirch deceafied Onreadlneand petltlon,dnlyver1fled,ol Leo E. Tanfkirch, praying that iie may be appolated Administrator ortbe e&te ofsald deoeaied. Therenpon it Ia Ordered, that Moiulny, the nioth day of May, next, at ten o'Clock in the foronoon, bo asalgned for the hearing of said peUtion, and that the belrsatlawof caiddeoeaaed, and allotherperaomlntereeted in xaidestatc, arercquir'(l to appear :ii ■' c4:;1;1 1' :t:'l ' 'uirt, then tobchuldon at the ProbataOfl!ce,lji tho city of Ann Arbor, and show canae, Ifany thorebe.wliytheprayei of the petitioner phoiild not. bo granted ! Anditis farthcr ordered, that gald petitioner rlvenotloetoth nterestedln aald otate, of the pendency oí said petiiton, and rhe benrin" thereof,by canainga copyof thU Order t be pnbllahed in Iht Michigan Argw9 a newspaper printed and drcnlatlngin eald Oonnty, threesucceselTo weeks previoustOBiüddaj of hoai'in. (A trnecopy.J IIIKAM .T. T.T.AYT.H, 126"i Jndge of Probate, LORIIiLARD'S la an exneilent arti (tro inrKf A5J Pl" "f ft'1''1 FlIRtKA Virginia; wlrev.-r ■Vrlm." I introdneed it isuniBmokinB Tobacco I rereIly admircd. It Ifl {int ap In (üin-l-'omo mtinlln bis, in wblch ordorg For Mi'iischsum Pipos aro rtnily packed. LORILLARD'S 1.1 by n who Y A fíTTT dTiTTR "SS' V" XÜUJLLX UiJUJJ made of thecbo1cflt Smoking Tobacco ltafgrow; it is anti oerTonslD Ita effeots,&fl tl Nicotine ha boen ex: H lea ren no dtaagreeable taste aftor mokn - r. is v?rj' rnfld, Ifffht n color nntl weiglit, henee o De jioniKi will lust as long a tliree o( ordtoarj tuin thia brand ir(i '■iii pack orden rrry daj for firsl ijuulüv M#wtehauio PJp8. Trv it andoon kil il olálma to t-o," THB FIN EST OF Ai.r.." T.ORILtiARD'S Thi trnl ; CESITURY asKi; Clicwing Tobacco. without doubt the hast cIieM'inff tobáceo in the country. liORILLARD'S 1t h""n iM p.-.TTTT-ITIPi ifnernl OM in We Ol 1.J J1 F W tlO y, ndUll Kekoowledged " the best " whrrar nsed. ] f -...■.: -' ■ . ' i;ifr U'OB noi havo tlx'G ArtifilPe for mIa, aakbtm toget them ; tliiy are o!i bv renpectabla Jot Cirealar ai prices forwarded '■': appliontlon P. LORILLABD & CO., New York. USSm8 rpUE SKIES Alt E BEIQHT ! Tho hirds firo si njiiicr. iiTitl the Arende ha8 the THE REST NEW MAPIE flüGAR Anil tl! lrget nnrt FIHB8T ORAXOKS in toe Citr. A!so Lcmons, PtnoMi Prlwl Peaches. Ac. CLUïK &CKOPSEY. 05 EAYS I FEOM ( CHINA AND JAPAN, VIA THE Pacific Hailroad. A VEHY CHOICE LOT OF F5WE FRESH TEAS JDST UECEIVEDAT C. H. MiLLEIV'S. CALL ANO TRY THEM, QUALITYUNSÜRPASSED, PRICES LOW. MEW SPRING GOODS ! NOW OPENING AT C. II. MILLEN'S. A LARGB LOï OF BLEACHED MUSLINS, NEW SPRING PRINTS, TICKS, DENIMS, C RASII, LINENS, AND GOODS FOR THE BARlï SPRING TRAE At Very Low Prices for CASH, OH IN' KXCHAWJEFOR Butter, Eggs, or Dried Fruit. OTllEAT BARGA1NS IJST WOOL SHAWLS, DEESS GOODS, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOL GOODS, FOK THE NEXT 30 DAYS, at C. H. Millen's. 125T THAT HULU BDBÍNSON & CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOJITMENT OF CEOCKERY, SOLD GHEAP. 1245 rKLh AT THE Farmers' Store, and sec tlicir Goods and Learn theïr Priccs. Everything in Dress Goods Marked Down. A NEW INVOICE OK FINE DOCBU. AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JÜST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. SÏLÏER . PLATED CAN" BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT IUILL, ROBÏASOX & CQ% DRY GOODS ! GKOCERÏES. CÜKPETS, OIL CLOTI-ïS ! Aï THE FARMERS' STOREnno kent ! The brick residcncc. No. 43 Xorth Kaïn StreetJ The bouw i crmveniently rraïtupd, has n good ei-ti-rn. :tmi a well clo86 ai handt Por ;i penon desirins ■ aear tho buslnttii part of thu city. it is jnst the place, nud can be obuined en roasomible terma. App)y Xo Mrs. E. WANTY. F IVEEY AND SALE STABLE. AXTELIi & RATIAGHC. Corni-r Main nnl Cthrinotrt. Horsetbotrded on reasonabta tormfl. Socond hand bupies. cuttonaadharneu foi sale. lïiiji ! GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Modicines ,Paints, Oils, &c. piSMLEY LEWIS, ïentlema'j'B Opera Boots. " Furgesou Button Boot. " Fronch CoDgress Gaitera. " Creóle " " " Serge " " " Bcotcb ïies. " AH Kights. " Oxford Ties. In short, a Full Line of Gentlemen' Boot and i h oes , Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoesr i Gret Variety, and MEN'S HEAVY WORRrha) nade of alígamele. LadicB1 Frcncli Kid Button. u Fozed " " " Serge Polish. Misses' Bronze, " and Butttm, " Serge, " " Cliild's " ' We ask the particulor attention of the ftadi to OXJR FINE WOEK wiiicn kor Quality is Unsurpassecf, IX TUF. STATE, and in Price FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OÜR WOPK WAKRANTED A5 REI-REiEMTBD. 1263 J&wéet QuNí . f & A RECEST imit.ovicmenV R(.plce3 tho uso of tlio IJitteu Sa.PnAT (i imnk, wi:)i wllicll all ;iro fainilar. . 1 Dosi; lur uoso, it ia FULLY jgUAL N EVER? WAY TO BITTEFQUININE AND UU IT 18 THE ONEd GnrA.T, rosiTivE una UAFlrLUta CURE MSEASES of MALARI0U8 ClUGIir. l'e dl uud Aguc, lutci luitïtiat Fercr, Cillll Fcvir, I Kcmiltetit Te-ver J 1 Blllons t'e-Jr, DtiniH Aftne, rtnrt 1ip Jon? train of dlsorüerï frïiowingf i otod. l sheet cumarism I Is mmrlo KOlcl.v trom lVruvlmi RfU'k, (BO Quinine,) therefor ia of Vefcetublo oriííti, and nor :i 5Iln6nü poion, htiiTon tho conirary Is provefl to b onooftne 'r:n'nt foiir.ll iñ tho lilood of uil bealthy ppfions. sttteet kirimarig I acts Ai an nntltlote to, (as wcll ni n curo for,) Jiniarinl or inlc-Bmntic jjolioii, tin; r,Hion of wliioh Liy tte hmíri causes Internllttent rovers, etc. The oulyliulvantngo clüjucil fur I sTf3ET oxmnirB OTrr 'iae nsc of oM Bitter Quininclis tho QntiTabve&Ce ntthat intense, jirrllttmt lltt (ui-si, M-hich n the latter is nnltnsurinoi ,tablc olistaole u lta osa wltli nit perbonr- and alwiiya witli cblldraa. 1 STVEET tt"lflHAIU jts il two i" l'owdiT for the Lse ol TUiy icinns and DrugeisU, uil FIull. for uV i ;V famlly and for tho generalAUbUp ècearne, Farr &,L, muFSCTUR1NG CHEMISB. A KTF ÏOnK. L V For Bala l. Efcfrbadi k Co., druygi1, 12f4j: JQli. KELLOGGS LIVER INVIGORATOR, Wil l strengt hen tho appetit?,cltnse tbe n tornt c aad rpntivatt' the bloed, K) i)at one nei-d havr i Fr of AGEK, B1LTOGS FEVER, 8ÜMMBR COI PLAlNT.orany MALAR1OUS DISKAPK, during tl hot montlis of i-ummfr , Jf pmployed during th ia y warm dftjuof H]rin.. K6ÏWDbw an oudca pr-vt-att t-W is WOTth ft jkhi.i-1 of cure. ÜDB botl inay snvea heavy bill of expense. rR. KELLOGU'S Indian Remedy, Can be employod, as a Linnnjent. and Ís qual od for ttirti or I will warrant it to u BUKNH.SCAl.DS, ('CTS, BRUISK9. nnd atl kindrnsfa wou n (Ík, with spoed and ceriainlT. AKi SCHATCHLS, liAI.LtJ.wouiuli, kt., ou bort. HTHE CATHARTICJ PROPERT1ES OF Dr. KELLOGG' FAMILY CATHARTIG PILLS Are extracto! from nimple articles of food, bj novel arnl Mfontillc proecss. They neithrr frrip rontipate, or sicken, but lesve digestión Tgoro th1 iniotitf good, and the bowels free and regula They AoaM ho nnployed In caes of Billfounnei Kever, Ajrue, CoNtívener-s, BowolCr mplaint , Pyp ia, Diarrhea , Lirer Complaint, Klieumatiuni, Cold , ie. A LL OF DE. KELLOGG'SI MEDICINES Aro trepa ro-1 bv himsflf, and warranted pure out to be vegetable iu all renpects. JTU. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OIJNTMEJÍT, Cures PILES, SALT RIIEIM, ITCH, and U 1S KK-KASES, Kitlioul fil. SoM by Di'iiirtrií'tR aní} Ecaleru OTerywhc?. 1 1 WEETEIIING j SWEETENING ! FOR YOUR SÜGAR and SYRÜP C3-O TO HULL, KOBINSON & CO. $iaooo rewarFT GREAT EXCjTBINT ! ! AMONG FARMERS. scio :m:ixx,!S WILL TAY THK HtfilJEST CASH PRICES FOB OOOD WHEAT. ALL FARMERS WILI. W WEL! TO CALL THERE BKKORE SELLIXG ELSEWIIERE. BRI.VG YOI'R GOOD WHEAT Tfl scio Mir.r.s. 1260 N. W. BRIGGS, Scio, TOIt A FULL LINE OF. FLANNELR, PLATDS, NAPKIN8, TABLE LINENS, BLEACHED GOODS, TICKÍNGS AND DOMESTIC GOODS CHEAP, GO TO THE FARMERS' STORE pRAPES AND STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Of all tlir leadtng varWw for nlo ut Ihc Bubscriber1 rape Nursery, in the 4th Vrd, balow the KLroad erouinCi car Jodge Lnwrfiirc's Orckrl. f. H. WOODRUFF, ISttwa rroprietor.


Old News
Michigan Argus