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rpiilá BEAKS AKE ÁiiEAD! JOHNSON, THE HATTEIi, IIuh j ust oponed a Largo Stoel of WINTER GOODS! Inclnallng Scwcst Slj lc of HATS & FÜRS ! Wliicbwill beaold LOWEB TmlT E"V"SJR, 1 ALSO A LARGE3TOCK OF G LO VES, COLLA RS, NECK TIKií. IIANDKEBCHIEFS, S.VTCHELS, CANES, Uüibrellas, Parasols, &c. Plpftne cnlla Dtiexamiue my (;ooil8bcforcpurchai ÍDg fÍMrtht'li-. NO. 7 MAIN BT., - ANN iRBOR MICH. November, 16B9. 12!5tf "Sheridan 20 Miles Away!" .A.. A.. TEREY, (trCOBSBOK TO KKMPËR íc D1EUL,) Has on han-i a largo and well selected stoet: o f WINTEB GOODS includíng a full Une uf HATS & CAPS! Latest styleaaml best quAlity. LíJios' and Gents' Furs, Gents' Furnishing GooJs, Gloves, Collars, Neckties, &c which will be sold at tlio VER Y LO WEST FIGURES! HW Kemcmbcr the place, Xo. 15 South Main Street, the oíd store oí John Wust. Ann Artor, Drc. 23, 1SG9. 1249tf J ATEST NEWS r ! WM. WAGNER, lias jiistojienerla large stoclof FALL GOODS ! 1XCLUDINQ CLonis, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. LATÍ5ST STYLES AND BEST QUAL1TIE8 WHICH HKOFER3 LOWER tlianEYEE Alio %n Store a large stock oj READY-MADE CLOTHINO A.ND Gents' FUENISHING Gooás. GARXEN'TSMADETO ORDER r N THE,'; Alio LADIE S'md GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS Kii. 21 .South Mal b Street- Ets de. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILUAli WAÖNER. Ana Arbor,Set., 1869. r ADIES' FASHIONAÜLE SHOE HOUSE. H.. TAnn.ANT. 24 South Main Street , Dealer in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHQES, THE NEVVEST 8TYLES Kidf Oaïi, and Cloth, Alwaj-tun h&ud,atid Stock and Work Guarantecd. W YOÜ WANT A. BOCXT, A GAITKH, A BXJSKIN, OR A SLII'PKE, CALt AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFOKE PIR CtUSIN'a. PRICES LOWER than the LOWESTB. TARRAKT. Ana Arbor.Mej 17th,ief8. T IVE GE ESE FEATHERS PIBST QT7-X.IT-5T, Constantlyoo huad and for sale bj B ACH Sr ABEL. PHYSTCÏANS' Prescriptions Accuraiely and Carefulhj Prepared hy R. W. M&LI8 ê Co. 'PHEODORE TAYLOll & CO., KSfiOKS TO C, R, TJIOMI'SON 1 CO.J and Rettl] Dealeva o GROCERIES & PRODUCE EXTRACT &PIOES, örockery, Glassware, . ÜLamps and Oil, Table Cutlery, Plated Goods, Looking Glasses, STONK, WOOUEN, AXD WILLOW A7ARE House Eslabiished in 1S50. No. 13 South m.i)wgtret, AÏTIT ARBOE, MICH Theo. Taylor,' A. J.Sutlurland, 1 VI 7 V' w. Wbedon, OAKllHAVEir CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCÁRLST BROADCLÖTH -A.1? THE FARMERS STORE. A PULL AND CHOICE LINEOÏ1 GEOCERÏES! MAY BE FOTOD AT Huil, Robinson_& Co'sRUY ÏOUE Lookiiag Glasses Oí W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 REASOXS. Firat, bccause hekepsthe best 'of Importe! GlasB, nnd a gooit aMortmenl oi iqure and arch tup trauieh j and siilis QHEAP 1 Sf&eonil'ï t j bcuspthOy betoog to h b'jj-lncss. IIo luukes tlitm ft spectaltjF, dooa bia Ou n work, and eau aüor4 to nell CHEAPEK I Thirtlly, BecuusE ho maiui'-aoiuj'is them, and can nüd uill sel! tl. of anj oneintliecity. Ilealso eelt a PICTURE FRAMES! Thccbeapest of anyboJv in the Sta te- as far as lioarñ f rooi . NICJE OVAL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FKiESt'Sl OIASS- ns tbclight orbox- ForPicturöB orfor LZOTTSS -T. a ! 33 EAST IIURON STREET, ANN ARBOR. - - - MICH. mixt' 200 dieces OF SIDE STRIPE MERBIMAC D. PRINTS, JUST RECOVED AT THK Farmers' Store ! AND FOK SALE AT 12 1-3 cents per Yard 121 PROCKERYÏ U CRÖCKEKY I IN PULL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANYVARIETY.AND OFTHE NEWEST PAÏTERNS, AT mil, wmkw & eo's. Attacbment Notice. JOÏ1N HcDBRUOTT m. Pniriok McTermott..Taraes McDcrmott, Owcu McDennotd Margaret BfcOormo'.t, Mary McDermott, Michnel McDennott, Anm McDermott, IVitiick ÍIusíon.Tüomas Huston, ObarJefl HoBton, James Uneton, ftiicbael Haat on, MaryHneton and Norali HuetODi NoUee la hereby given, tb&t a v-rit of attacbment was, on tli c eeveiiïi-onth day f Jauuary, 1S70, temied out of tl'" Olrcnit Court for tiie Connty of Waffhtenaw, nt tiie guit of the nbovc uamcd plaintiff, John HcDflrmott, agauist the lands, tonemontfli goodSi cbattlet, mont} f and efieclp of Patrick McDermott, Jamefl McDennott, Ovren McDermott, Uargaret Mc Dermott Mary McDermott. Michncl McDennott, An nu MeDormott, Pfttiitk HosOD, Tbomafl HuRton, Charlea Hnston. James linsto:i, Mlchael Huatoii, Mary EtuttOD and Nurah Htieton, döfndants, for tVc 8iim of eight bondred dollars, rcturnable on tLO fifth day of April, next, at ten oMlock, a. u. Datcd, Anu Arbor. March ïöth, ISÏU. 1261w6 P. MoKERNAN, Att'y. for IMff. Mortgage Salo. DEI'WCl.ï l.nviirr boen made in the condition of a certatn mórteage made a'id exeented by Wlll" iam M. BroWDi aaö Laura K. Iïrown, bis wift, oí BCancbeÉtnr, io of Wathbeaaw and í-ttte of Blioblgaato Uillium Uulbftrt, oí the City of Aan Arbor, County of ashteutw aforeaaid. on tUe 2Tth day of Jannary, A. 1). I6öfl, and recordea In th ■ of the K(:j?ïfster of I)(ieds for tb.o County of VTashtOnaw aforesakt, on the 29th day of Jannary, A-D lSlJC. at. 4 o'cÜorfc r. Ttr. of pniti d;iy, in libcr 85 of mortgagefli on page 19fr, wnich eald mortgage was ; ned by eald Willi o me, " tho ninth da; r, A, k 1869, and recorded In üf tho Rej ister i ■ W Uountyou tho tStn day of L. D.186Í, at; ir1, o'clook a. u., in Uoer No. 2ol ges, on at tbere Es newdn.o apon sa and bond accompatiylnií tbe same, tlic èom of two thousand l'our hnndr ty four doUajSÁnd i-:.ts. Riso "i Attomey'a ree of tliirty dolían ; shouldany proeeedlngs be taken t foredoae said ' mortyat;e, and no proceedlngfl at law or in eqnity ' ■ ■en had to recover pald a urn or aaj thervof in'w iherefore, noties isbereby glven that ' byvlrtne of a power of iale in aid mortgage twoed, J Bball ft-11 aipuhllr nuctlon, to , bidder on the ïBd dy f April next. at 2 o'cloc i p k. of saUlday al tbe front oor of tbe Coort House, Oity ' Ai:ii Arbor, County afotesaioalj ■ r parcela of land lylng nud béng in th townehlp of Manchester, In the Dounty of W nshtfiiaw and State of Michigan, known and deBcrlbod as the Boatbeaat Qaarter of the norü quartcr of SfCiion Ño, ten, and the sonthwest quaror of the nortbwoet quarterof seeton n amber elcv■ii, ï t j townshlp four sonth of range tbree ;ist,ac tordlna to the EJnlted Steles anrrey,tCotttaIiilngelgbty acres of the fíame more urlcaa. Dated, JannaiT -.'tii.iTü. JOHM W. COWAX. Jt0K X. C3vtt, Apflltince Of ni(ï Mortynco. Attorner for Visnce of eftW Xortgftge I25i Mortgagc Sal. TlKFAtTtT I , mude In the condiíion of SJ acertaiu mortgiige executedby Lorenso Davla, -f the I4th day ol Jone.A. 1. ■ -j and recorded la the Ofl ;.--, r ; ; . 21c o'clóck i-, ar., in liber 86of mortgages, on page 79, ou whicb rnoi of Ovehondrcd and foardollart . Qts, umi that i here wili become 'lu-.1 opon said morí tlifi Uthriay of June, A. D 18ÏI, the BumoftWO tiuudr'.-O and eleven dollars and (oidgi se ven cents, and Interest fróm the date heroof it ten percetiV., genees of ttols foreclosnre, Includingreasonabl órAj torney's orSolIc, and nu snit or proceedtfig at law or 11 ■ ■ Insiituted tn recover the debt, or i otlce ís hereby trivrn, that by virtac "i lbo power of sale ' . nhalleell at poblicaaction, to the nighest bidder on the 2Sd day of April, A. D. I8T0, at 2 o'clock in the nternoon of that day, ut the front door uf toa Court House, in the City of Aun Axbor. in thaObonty oí W, I ed In satd mi i . i -. ft.: i've acre of land In the corner of the northLon number thirty-three, In townshlpniu h.ln range number six (6} cast, in Ann in the County of W7;i in the State of Michigan, being eleven chaina and eleven , west, and clghtccu roi$ wido, north mul ?-.:. Dutcd. Jannarj 3Sth, i HKNRY L. JAES and ■ Executor of the last v.ïll and testament of Bnocn James, late ol Washtenaw Johh x ■ Oounty.dec cöcntors, fcc. Mortgage Sale. "MTHEREA8, Charlee Scouton, ofGrawLake, In V theC'onnty of Jückson, and State of Ml oh the sevenin tty of Oo'obsr. A. ik e to Charles Vb don or ihe tfNew Vori;, fo secare the puymeut of ceri:nn prini Ipal and Interest Por ri e parchase money oí the premi es thereln mentloned, : was ree e office of the Begiaterol lutheüoanty ol Washtenaw, and State ol Ui aid. on th I2th day of Octobcr, A. T). l i) o'clock A. Of K;iid tljiy, iü libex .'(J ol roortgagee, on page 36H ; And whereas, defanlt has hoon made re than thirty days in the payment of an instHllmcnt f said luteréstmoney wnlch bccRnidue on the seventh day of Octpber . 1). 18Ö0, b whereof.and poreaantto theterma ofsald ni" said no : thal somach vt snid principal UDpatd witli all arrear:;. Chereon. Bhall become duo nnd payable lmmcdlately !in(i nrhereaSj thore is dalmed to be dtic nnd anpaid on sald mortgage at the date of thld notice tbc saia of two thoosand nnd thrrty-flve dollars foi prladpaï aodrntcre t, alio an Attorney'e fee of thirty dollars sbouldany proceedlDgs be taken to forecloi mortnpc. nnd no euit or proccediugs hnvo been iii.-titutcd i'iilicrin law or cqnity to recover the same ornuy part thereof : NoUce, thercfore, ia hereby giveu, thut on öaturcïay, the elevüurh ilay of June, next, at two o'clock ín tlio afternoon, ::l the soulh door of the Court House, ïn the city of Ann Aibor, beinL the boUdlüj; in whích the M iit Court Tor tli(! County of Waehtonaw and ts hvld, üikI by vlrtae of the power of sale contalned in snid oiortfcage, ï shail acU at publfc auction, to the hlghesl ■ rlbed In said mortgage to satUfy the amonnt of principal end (uterest above clalmed as dae, wltfi the Attorney's fee of thirty dollars and eharaes of ?■-)". to-wlt : All thceepfecss or parceléof land altaated in the town ship of Sharon, and County ol Wasiitcimw, and State of Uichlgan, de How8, to-wlt: the eastpartof the sontl :iiil qnnrtcr of socÜon N. aerea rrj Va town three soath of rauire three O) cast . coutaining elffhty acres of land; a)so the west hfttf of the f8ootnweit qnarter ofsertion d (7) in townehip three (8)sonthoi range three Clij eat,con(alningeLxty aouu oí Uimí, - U'Sf". Deted, Mfin CHARLKS WHBDON, Morïgageo. John N.Qott, Attoruey. for blortgaeee. 1260 Mortgage Sale. DEFATOT havlag been mndeïn thecondiiion of a certaln mortgage oxecuted by Frcderick Mayer and Maria Barb I j wife, to l'ciiFmore Cramer, on the lOth day of -Tune. A D. 1807, recorded with tin power of sale therein oontalned, In the office of tho Rogiater of Dceds for the County of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, on the lOth day of June.A. D. I86T. at 7Já o'clock P.M., In Hber&Áof ntortgage8j on page 77, and by an Inatnnnent of asslgnment bearins date the 2ci day of.luh-.A. D. 18Ö9 and recorded In the office of tin1 Regfstcrof Deeds rtforewïiid, nn tlic üd day of July, A. Y). 1860, at 3 o'clock P. M , in liber 2 of assignments of mortgages, on pase 23í.duly assl i Densvore CrasfluBi to Muri: B&xbaxa Mayi, on which mortftge thcre 11 clatmed to bc dc at the date of this notice, thesuin of tlire hundred ontl onc dollarp rdiI ten cents, and intei st f rom the date hereofut the rato percent., betidea the costs and expenses of ■"losure. iscluflinti an Attorney feeol tweutyfive dollars, shonld wiy pro . aken to foredose said mortgage, ana n puil or prorcedins t law or in chancery having been instïtiitvd lo i the mun so dne r anv pur; thereof Notice h thercy v:rtiti; of tin powir of italned i:i said ïnrtgnce. which haö bccomc operative by the defnull aforesaid, and in pnr of the tatttto in f:;cIj case and próvided. I shall sell at pabllc auction, to the hlghest bidder, on the fourth day of Jai 'tío b hi the aftomoon of íhnt i i sonth door of th? ' of Arm Arbor, in the Conuty ol Wa ntenaw, an o, fthfit l Ircuit Court witnln I as follows. vii.: Th on that part r sectioi I ij rifft and Dcnbella mïlï pond, town two sonth of ran ■ esst. and State of Itttchlgan. conomem sonthwest corner of a c:: ronniagfrom Pontlac rlytn the uortbeast corner of ded by Norman Chapín :nu] wlfe to John T, I, Llience northerly along the line of land now by Jacob Seahuit, to land owned i y James M. Smtth, thence westerly along the line of raid Smlth'e land to said millpoud, thoocc noatherlr along tnc I pond to land now owned by sald Swaiïiel, thenoe along the northfrly line of said Swathels land in an easterly dircctitm'to the place of bf'ginningt conlaining about five acres, more or leee ; always reseiving the right to enter apon sAld promistsiitnll times at the weterly end of the above mentioned etreet. ?o as to gain access wlth a team or otherwise to tho land now owued by said Swathe!, and ïyinp souttu'rly from said live cresDatcd, Aun Arbor. Mlcli., March 1'ïth, 170. MARIA BARBAR 4 MA1 BR, Riooabd Bitahav, Aöfclgnee ofMortcagee. Attorney for Assisnee. L84 I Mortgíige Sale, DKFAL'LT Inning been made iu the conditions of ttcertnin mortgage niatU' hv Xathavicl O. I toThoiaas H. Leonara, dated the uuthday of December, A. U. 1805, and recorded on the tBtn day of üctober, A. D. 1S00, at h o'clock p. K., in the offlee of the Register ol Ueeds lor Washtennw Oonnty, Michlfan, in liber 'Q of mortgages, on page 176. which Baid mortgage was duly aaeigned by Baid Thomas F. Leonardto Qodfrey i ávid Prederlck by QBSlgument bearing date the Mli day of i-viuuury, A.i. l-c.7. and dnTy recorded in the Iïc;isu?r's office aforesald, on the '25 1 h d:iy of Mttrch, A. I). 1SC7, at 4'i o'ciock p. m.. In líber v of inortgAeu. on pnjïe 170, npon wblch mortgase thens Is now claimcd to bc due at the date of this n.otice tl-c uid cf tlu bandred and thirty six dollars and va cents besidesa reasonable Attorney or 8ollcTtors foc piovuted R)r in sftid mortgage and no snit or proceeding a; law or in oqulty havlng been Inttltnted to recover the same oranypart thareof: Now, therefore, by virtue of puwer of Bale in said montage contained, and by virtue of the statutc In such case raade and provided, ncticc is hereby glven, that on Satorday, the SN dny of April, next, at 10 oclock in the forenoon of that düy, at the fouiu dnr of the Court Honee, In tJstï city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, tbeing üu place of holding tbc Circuit Court withln said Country there will be soW nt pabllc auction. to the highagt blddarT the premises describid m raid mortgftge, or so much thcreof as mny tc nccessavy. taKjit'i'; tbi ammint tiuc; on salil mortfface with Interest, and ooets, :itnl expenses illowccl by law ; which eald premises ar; descilbed asfollowe: Igots No. one, foar, üve andeighttiD bloeit No. live. in Brown and Pnller's AddIÜon tothe Vlllage, now City of Aun Arbur. in the County of Waehtenaw, In the State of Micbiean. Datedi Ann Arbor.Jan. 28üi, i-T. AUGUSTUS W1DSNMAKK, AdmïniytraLor of the Estáte of Godfrey U. Frederick, deceaaed. Eiwabi K. St.awsoit, Atiorney. 1254 Mortgago Sale. DBÏATTLT haring been made in the coikHUod of a certAinmortgageexecated by Frederick Mayer and Barbara Mayer to Frederick Schmicl. on the 30th day of Tune, A. D. 166 1, reoorded with the power of &ile tborcin contuiyud in the oflico of the !.' of Deeds lor th' Connty of Vus!itonaw, in the State of Michigan. on the 3"th day of June, A. I). 1804, at 4:ld o'elofk 1. M.. in liber 2 of morton ges, on paL 408, and bj an Inetrumeut of aeaignment hearing date the Sd dáy of July, A. I. 18Ö, and recoraed in the office of Üxq Kegstet ot Deédfl aoreaaid oii the iïd day Jnly, Á. 1. 1869, at 10} oHilock A. M., in libcr 2 of asalgnmentii of ntortgages on page 288, rïuly asatgned by said Frederick Schmld t HMiria Barbara Mayor, mul BobBeqaently byanother Instrument of usutnment) bearing date the ist daj of March, A. l). 18T0. nnd recordedin the oiÏÏce of the Rejiistr of Desda aforevaldi on the .f'il day of March, A. I). 1SÏ0, at 1 i o'clocU 1. Bf.. in libor 2 of i ments of morgaflea, on pajee 480, Uuy re-aaslgned by .uji'h1 Maria Barbara Míiycr to said Frederick Schmld, and afterwards, by a furthcr instrument of n-siiMiMfiTl '-iMriiiL' date the 2d day of March. A. J). l-,i. and recordad in the office of the RcL'istcr of Deedi aforeftald on the -Iih dny of March A. i. 1870, at 1% o'clock A. M., ín liber 2 of asfllgninents of mortgaees. on page 44O.ftgain reaa&!gned byaaid Prederlck Schmld to Baid MftTla Barbara Mavèr. on which mortgage ihere is dalmed to be dne at the dato of tliis notlce, the turn of live hundred and elghty-two dollars and twenty-two cents, and interest from the dato hcreot'jii the rate ofelght per cent.. bceldee the cottfl and expeneea of this Forecloanre, Ifldadlngan Attorney fee of twenty dollars, ehonld any proceedlngabfl taken ti toredose BAid mortgage, and no huí t or proeredlnKS at law or in chancery Inj: be1 instituirá t" recover the f uní so due tr :w.y part thcreof : Notice i?, therefore hereby given, llmtliy virtiipol the power of sale contatnetl muid mortgage, wfafcb hnOjceome operativo by the defmiit aforoealdt&nd In pnraoonce oí the Btatnte Ín sach oase made and provtítod, I símil ge!) at public anction, to tfae hlghesl oldder. on thc fourth day of June. A n. LOTO, al two oclock in Lhe tfternoon of thal day. :u tile sontn doorof tho Ooart House in the city if Aun Arhor, ir thc Connty of WasbteDKW ftnd StAtfl of Miliiir,iii, (that belog tho place ol holding tho Circuit Conrt wlthin sald County), the premisea ■ 'i !n p:ii(l mortLas;e, aa follows, viz : Situated in tlu; County of Wnslitcnfiw and State of Michigan, in Brown t Pnller'B Addition to thc TÍlUg6 of Ann Arbor. , (now cuy), oommeDctng B6Tentyftven fet isterly (roña the eoaüierly comer of block nnmber S6veo in s&td Addttioo. on Mili stroet running thencti Dortherlv aluus Miü etwet about nixtytwo (te! to tho Une of Pontlac etreat. thence nortL wardly alon){ lhe ttoe of Poutlac streel fcet. tnence eafitwardly aboul flfty and one-halr leot, Lheiice northcastwnnlíy flfty-eight and onp-huíí feet, llyaoa paraliol wltfa Broadway about onc hündred anq forty-two feet to the place of ttegbmjnj ■ roda of land or more, be hi' same moro or lesa it balng the same premims onreyed by warranty deed to t hr? said tfredertck tf ayer bj ■ mi andwiíe. Norman Chapín inawlfe, Charles A. Chapla and wife, on the.29tb lay of June A ]. 184. Dated, Aun Arbor. Mfch., Warch ftli, 1870. MAIUA BARBARA MAYJCB. lUcn '.i') Vr vu-in, Asüijjuce of Mortgagee. Attorut-y fo A6sigiQce. 1S0O ! Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Mortgage Sale. DKFAT T.T havMii'iir.L-u made In comlítfon of a oórtaili mofeta . i. and wife, o! til--; ity ol Aii'i Arbor, juli, a. I). 1805, t Philip Bafth, Of the ana recorded, with the power of sale thereiu cuut.iin.M in the office f the Klister of Deeds for the County yf Wnahtenaw, Lp tho State of the lüth da; of Angustí A.D.1866, at two i 1'. M.. in fiber 84 o ■ , o ■ lei, on whicta mortgage and promiesorj pote the san i (o be due atthedntoof .i of.80Tu luuidrcd and uluciy(i)iir dollars mul two cents', principal a&d In beatdeathi coautuad expenses ofthts foreclosare, and nu AliurncyV fee of twenty-five dollfl any pnoeoedioga bc taken to foréclosc andira Bttii or proo&edtiigs at luw or j: . been had to recoyer said Buin ;r any part thereof. Now, tiuTiforc, notfctefe bereny gfrèu, that !■ of the power of sala in aald mortgage co i I shall Bell at public anctlon to on the 28th day ui .M:iy next, at two o'clock afternoon of that dny, at tho sonth door of the: Üoart House, in th Arbor, Connty of Waehtcaaw. and State of Michigan, (belng the i:c Circuit Üonrt wlthln said ConntyJ th premisea deserf bod in eaJd mortgage, or so mnch thereof aa may be neecssory to tatUfy the amor.ntdufi on said morttrnpe, wlth interest und costa and expense aUowed by law, wfatahsatd premiaos are descrlbcd as folio we: All tho piece or ofland bepinntog at the sonttioasterlv corTraver'a Aoditiou number two to the . of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Cóonty, Michigan, thence northweatarly alon-j; the loutherly ! addition foarchains.thnce northenstcr y alongthe rlyllne of lot nnmber two In saii) addition eleven chains and twelve links to thenorthwi cnrncr of silid lot number two, thence nortli liftyfourdegreeseasone chata threeand :t half i doeded by Absalom Traver toZ. 8. Pnl 'thnecsouth thirty ciphor'y land sixchain and tw üty-fewo links to the t':!-ifi'. aald addition, thence aouthforty degreee and flfteen mintitea went, niue chai Bfly and one-half Unka along Baid easterly bonndf totheplaceol . contalning nve ac fifty-clght huniircdths of an acre, be the e&rne more or lesa. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. 2th, 1 8T0 PHILIP üACII, Morleflgce. KrcinE'.n Bsahak, Attorncy, Mortgago Sale. DKffAULT havlncr been RiAde m the eondUlona of jiceruin mortgage tnadeby JohnQ to Anthony Baxke. John Bnrke, Jr., and Edward Burke, ilated theninth day ofJanuary, A. - and recorded on the elgbUeath day of Jannary, A. D, lSüSt iu tho ofllce of the Kegiuturof Decds for Waeh■ , Mifibigaa, ii liber 88 or mor: on page 235, which Bold mortgage was daly asalgned by the said Anthony Barke and Joba Bonte, Jr , to tin: said Eïdward Barke, by deed of, asb%nment dated ivonthday of September, Á- J).„ I66i, whlch asiíiumeiit was dnly recorded In the Beglstra ofttce aforeaald, on the eloventb day of Octobi in líber ■-' of aaaignmenta of raortgagee, on paj upon wbich mortgage títere is nowclaimed to be due thesum of ilvi Imjuircd and aeven dollars, bestdea the sïuii of thirty dollars as an Attorncy or Sollottort fee providee for iu fcr.i.1 i and no suit or proooodini(s havfng beco Insttti}ted at law ti) recorer thóBnm nóvr flne andsecared bj sata mortgage or any part thereof, now, therelbre by virtue of the power of &aio contnined ín said moi e of the Btatuleln snch case made and provided, noticc te hereby elven that on 8atnrday, the twenty-flret day of uay next, at 19 o'clock iioon, of that day, at the eouth door of th;1 Houee, In the City of Ann Arbor , Conniy ofWaahtenaw, and State of Michigan, Cbeing the place; of holding the Circuit Court wlthln sald Oountr), there will be sold at public auction, to the hiKhit bidder, the prenxiaea descrlbed in naJd mortgaee, or eo mir.ii thereof as miy be necessary to safytbeamonntdne on aaid mortgage, with tbe-iater-wt aad costa, lacladIngan Attorney fee oftblrty dollars aeaforesafd, which eaid prnuscfl -'irc desejibed as follows : 'i'he of the Bonthireet qaarter oisectiou No. ! tenty-eight, townshlp No. onc south of range 8ïx cast ; and alt-o a strij) of land two ruda in width, t-iliiüi from the sonth end f the uorthwest Qnarter of the --■ arter of Bectlon No. twenty-eight townshki oii- south of raüL't1 atx eaat, e iMpta strip uf tand two rode in wldtb . taken from t'"1 eaat si te of the firal above deBcribed paveel ; ;i!l the cbovc descHbed lands betng in the Staie of Dated, Fcbrtmry 28d, 1S70. EDWARD BURKE, R. Beaiian, MorLgAgeo and Asafgneo. Attorncy forMortganee and AÁsIgnee. ' 1268 Mortgage Sala. DEFAÜLT havlng been made ra tbe eondlÓona of acertain mortgage, made and ejcecuted by Gottf ried Davul Priedrlck, and Jakobina Frledrfck, hia nrlle, of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Ooonty, MJi i to Trtnhan Schram, of theaame place, on the I7th day if Pebrnary, A. D, iv' ö. aud recorded In the Reglstex's Office of Waahicn&w Connty aforesi rtay Pebrnary, A. D. 1805, ttt i:.; o'clock A. H.i offjaidday i:( liber 8B of mortg&ges on it whicb Híád mprtgage wa '■- u 1 by tfïc said Troman Schram ro K. H. Spanldfng, I ment d ited the l"th day of Marpbi A. 'n, L3G5, and re corded In tho Regiatoi on the ISth day of Marca, A. D. l05, at 0i o'clock A. M., in liber 23 of mortgages, on page 40a; wfafc mortfiage was .-u-ahi daïy a sslcn cd by the Baid ngto James F an acsignment datedlhe Dtemoer. A. 1) lS86tand ■■ od In the Itejcleter'e efflee of said Connty on the ïTth day of Janoary, A. i, lííis, at fi o'clock P. M., ín li bfc-r 1 of Ab:.':.nt■!il of Mortgages, on paj apon which n lbo ?ame. thcre ia now clañycd to be due at the aaie of thïa notloe, the Bom of fon r hmidrod and sixiy three dollars, and seveuty-ninecei ■ an Attorney-'a fee of twenty dlltirs provided for In said . e.and no eult or procecding haring been tnstltntud at law or in ■ er the same or any" part thereof : Now, therofore, by virtoe of ilie power of sale containcd ir pald n)uri andbyvirtue ol the tatoo In, sucb ca provlded, notlce ieheïebyglven, that onSatarday, the .ii; day Df May, a. J). 1870, :-t 10 o'clock in tlie forenu of Baid akyt al the Bonth door of the Court Honse, in tbc Ci:y ol Ann Arbor, Coiinty oj Waahtenaw, and Btate oí Michigan, (being the place if holding the CircnttOoort wlthln s-nii Coanty,) there will be Bold at public auction, to the bjgaeat bidder, the premises described ín sai'l mortgage, or eo much thereof aa may be neceesary to aatlaly the amoant due on said mortgage, with Intere6t and coets aud expenses allowed by law; which aald premlsea Bcrlbed ::s followa : A!I the followlng described pi s orparcehiof land aitrutted in Ann Arbor, and I of WaahtenaWt, anfl BMte of Michigan, betag the Boalbcasi quarter of the northwest quartcr, nd the uorth half of the northeast qnarter of the Bonthweat qnarter of sectíon nnmber twenty-three, ha townahip twoaoathof ranffeslx east, contalnlng sixty aerea (jf land, more or les?. Pated, Mm Arbor, Fob, Uthv 1DT0. JAMES F KOVCEAnsígnee. Edwai IJ. Sj,awfo,;, Atv 1Ï5G Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving been made in thccondiMon of a eertain mortgage exeented bj Bliaa Bieb to Harriet G. Ashby, on the twenty-eighth day of Beptembor, A. 1). 1864, recordad, wiih the power of sale thereíu containí'd, in the offloe o -■■r .t Doeds for the Connty or W:ií:1-t:;iw. 'u the State of Michigan, at oue o'clock ii. ., on the ntneteenth d y of September, A. l. 1865, In liber No. 21 of niortgagoe oapageZtiS, aad by an Inatrament ofasvignment beana dar the twenty-fourth duy of Jannary A. V. 184S, ttm recorded In the office of the Register o Deeds nl'oresaid, at 3jK o'clock r.M.,on the Becond il.-iy of (ïorember, A l. 1809, In líber S of mouiMoi mortgacca on page oi'-i, muy nHi-iipti uy the stuit! Harrtet G Ashby to Lney A. OUls on whicl mottgagé thereisciaimedtubedtieat the date oftnl noties, the siim of twelvfi hundred and ten dollar and foor cents, principal and interest, and no snit o proceedin;.rs at law 01 ia chancety havlng been insti tuted to recover the som o duc, qt nny pari thereol notice is, therefore, hereby glvsn, tliai oy vïrtno o the power of sale contained in s:uí mortgage, vrhifi] hiaa oecoinc operativo by the defaojt BforeBa'd, uu in pur-'unnce of tlie etatutc in sucli oatí made mie provklcd .tb,e sükl mortgñge vill.nt the Comí Eíouse ín t. '■ i'ïty of Ann Arl)or,'in the Coinly of Washte naw, and State of Michigan (that betog the pi tce o holding the Circuit Qourt within eaid Coanty) oi the twenty-tliir-l dny o! Ap'il, .A.D.ÍS70, al In the foreclosed by a e&Je of th,e premi&es described iii sai;! mo QtiaHy a roli iwm sitúate Iuthetownhla of i ork, In tb ty l Wasliu-itav.andStrttoof ulchJjgan. thosecortati tracts or pnrcels of land known and debciibed northwesi aaarter of thcsouthe:iPtquavter, and the aoothwesl qoarter of the northeast quarter of sectioi No. twenty-two (Í8), ín townahip fonr aoath offaogi BÍ2 cast, oontatntug ejehty acres also oue ol I oiniiiL' poreel of land, belng all that part of th' Dortheast quarter of iho aoafhwevt quartej of sak eectioü tv.'ent two, whlch lie? sonth and cast of the Orcat Ridge, running thfoogb wld !aml, oxcept ing therefiom two acres mng in the s atheasi corner thereof and bonnded north by eaid roadf eaat by the Iftud h'Tcin described and floath by laud owned bi L. M. Uose. Dated, Aun Arbor, Jauuary BTtb 1ST0. LUCX A. OLDPt Aafttgneé of Mortgasc. B.P. Geanoeh, Attorncy. Attachtncnt Nolïce. "VTOTICE ie hcreby p-iven, that on the second flay of 11 Fcbruarv, A 1 lfthtpen hundred nnd sereiity, a writof attaenmeot yg&B inaed out (.f the Circiiit Coart for tïie Couuty of Washtcnaw, in faor of John McGregor and Thomas McGregor, plaintifTH, against the landfl and tencments, floods, chattols, monoys and effecta of L.B Batcneldert defendant, for tbe snm of two hundred and twelvo dollars and eeventy-tvro cents, that said wiit of attachment was return abl e on Monday, the 14th daj of Pebraary, a. D. eighteon hundred and ['voniy, andthat t appeara from the return of fftid writ that proporty hns been ittncht'd thereon, and that paid dufendant could not befoiïDil. Datcd, Marcli OtU, S70. .TbnN X. GOTT, 12G0v6 Attoruvy for Plaintiüa. Chancery Notioo. AT ARESSTONof the Circuit Court fortho Couuty of Washtcnaw, held at the Court House in tho City of Ann Arbor, Pebruary tiöth Isto ; Present Hoii. Samuel Higby, Circuit Jodge. Connty of Wauhtenaw. In the Circuit Cnurt fo the Cofcuty oí asntenaw, m Chanccry. Jiul fileci ly ÍLinnah Louise SackoU, Complainnn? tw. Solomos Vaufleet, Henry L. James, Lyman I). James, John Uoi(]Io ,-uid K-irari Custello, !r.i:ir I; appearing sattofactorily to the Court tlmt Honry L. James aml I.yinim 0 -lamos are dod Lhis Blate, and residynts f tho State of MAftsachasett ; and od motton f B. 0. Böaman SolJgltor for the Ocnnpliiinaut, II is ortlercd that Uld SttnryLJames nul Lyman I). James. caasE Uieir sppearance to bc eflterea and notioe thereof civen to compIaiD Büt's Solicitor wlthlp three montha fnun thodate of this and iu wise of thiir appcarnuoo that thes canse their answeri to OomplainaDtB bilí to be (lied and a copy thereof to be eeired :i Complain ant.s Sollcitor wiLliïu twenty d;iys after service of :■. copy ol sald bilt. and in Öefault thoreof sftfd bilí maj be taken asconfesse fbj them and ea h of them ana ttlsfarther oraezed ihal wlthln twenty :, Complainant causea coy of this order tobe published Ln tho Michigan -ii paper prmtttd and pubHshed iu tlio Coanty of Waehtenaw ai Batd pablicatloit bo continuad i:i said paper i nee ii eaoh w ek tor slx iocceaatvo reeks, or that she canse :i copy of thia order to be personally served on said llenry L Jumes and Lyimin I Janicá .-ir least twenty daya bfllbre Linke shaU expire for the MppeaxsjBoa ot sald defendant. Dated, Fcbruary 25th, IWO. ;:i. nroGY, E.C Bbamav Circuit Judge. Solicitor for Complainnnt. 1260 Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's for choico Wines and Liquors - for Medical Purposos. !iïto for Sale. Stt:; 0TMICIHOAN,CtHmtyof Wnshtenaw, b$. . that i:i pui of uu order granted to the uudi I itor üf ite oí &aid il c ased, by Probate for the County ol ty-ïhirddayof MArch.A. D. i X., thera will b at pnbile vendue,to tbo hlghcst bidder, at th ■ a6 on tlio pn County ol VVa l'nesday, the ■ ■ . of thatday, (ubj ces by n object to tho . lOW i.H:. ::.!:; th.6 I itate. vzt The west balfof the northeast qaart r of sectloii aevuu. ín townenlp four BOQtb ol range four thereoi tnkrn ironi the nor ton roiiu ; rImo ;ill thut pan half of tho uorthrweat qoai I ■ lorty ac [bed na ■■ nmenclng In tb e secuon line at ft puiut ti of ttle north-west corner ol the eaai hall ■ norih-weet fractionul quarter of said pc tionteveii, running Uien i ■ one nd forty links, thence along the northslde of highway uorth tifty-wïx decreet ana thirty minutes west bix chaina and iivo linies to i stake . i sen ■ uorth one dcgre wett □ ehains and nin. ty-flte links to :i itake In uorth Hu liiin sevi ■ oaster-ly tour chnius and inn.''v leven link to the placo ofbegfnnlng, containlng Poorteen .in cl three-fonrtha acres; alto the vreet half of the norili nresl fra liona! quarter of sald pectiou seveD, exceptlDf; and rerarvlug that porüon conveyedby the foiiowiDL memtoned 4ici-iis. alj r - cordea In Lne Résister of Deeda f v eaid Co'unt.v, VÍ7. : By fleed frons LewlsA. ItticUiaan and Phebe Rackman to John v'. Norria, reoorded in llbei 01 oí i : ■ , by deed nroin WUliara Kv.c' man, l.-11 Pcnlmau, to tbe M Lchigan Bonthern Etallroadt record ed in Hber3C of Deed, pace Lewta a. üuckman and wífe to Mary B. Ruckmao, recrded in ïlber Tl of i). ■ WILtl QÖKY, Erccutor. Pated, March 28d, A. D. i-juj Real Estáte for Sale. CJTATE OK MICHIGAN, C'ountj of Washtcnaw, ss. C5 in thii ma deceased Notko i hereby elven, thut In purnnmtce of an order rautcd tothe tíndereigned, AdmlnlstraU)T of tho eainte of aaid decoased by the Hou. Jodgo of Trobate for the County of Waahtenaw, on lne twenty-eightb day of February, A J. LSTo. thora will h BOld ut publïc ven dn e. to the bighest bidder, u tl ie office of the Towaahip Olerk, In Syivan, In the County of W oshtenaw, In sald Bti ■, on 'l'hurday, the t wenty-first da; of April, A. D Ï8T0, at one o'clock in the afternooo of that d ; to :ill enenmbrances by mortgage or otherwfss exJetlñg at the timo of the ifeath ór satd decea cd.j tbi; fotiowrlbed real astato, vzi Commenctag thirty st of the northeast corner of stv o, in townahif} two aouth ofraiigethreeeast.fn eaifl State, theoce n Une to th northwesl corner of the eaat half of the non aaarter of aaJd sectlon twenty-tw o, thenc f-otithon the west line of saul !ot to the ccnrrr of the Territo-" rlal roüd , thence northertsterlj si Huid Territorial rond to the place oí' bezinning, con foar acre, more or less. Dftted, Februnry 28th.A. !►. I GEOUtiE W. Tt'RNBÜLL. 1259 Aciniinistrator. Éstate of Jee u sha L. Judkins, CJTATEOF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Wahtenajr,88Lven, tb ai by an order of the IlrobateCourt for theCouuty of Waihtenaw, mi tbe twenty-fijsl day of March, A. ]. ïto, elk inontiiá from that date were altowed for crediton i of Jcmaha L Jarlkins, late of saldConnty, doceafod. creditors oí unid deceaaed I i' nreBcnt thefr üaltna to a;iil Probate Coart, at the i Office 'in the city cf Ann Arbor, for and allowanoe, on or befor the twen September next, audthAï, such claims will be heard beforesaid Probate Court. on Satardaj, thetwontynrstdiy of May , and on. Wednewlay, toe twenty-firat day of September next, at ten o'uluck in tliu forenoon of 'cacho f those daya Datud. Ann Arbor, March 81st A. D . ■ Estato of David D. McCoUum. CÍTATE O7 UICBIGAN, CoQDty of ÏJ At a Beaston of tho Probate Court foi of Washt naw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ano Arbor, on Monday, the t' ':ireh, in thcyear one tboasand eigbt Dan dred aud sevi-my. Present, Hiram J. Cea!íeíí, Jndfe of Probate. In the matter oí' tho estatv ol David D. AIcCollum, Bed. David Depno Admlnletrater of said cpíí:tp, comes lnto Court a ml reprt een te Lbal he is üow prepared to ronder h:s flnnl accontit aa ench Admlnlstrat r. Therenpon it is ordred, that Munday the twentyflfth day of April nest, at ten -Vloek" in thcfurèdood , be aslgned for examinlng and allowii g account, and I ; and all other persons intcrested In eald estáte, are requircd to nppear at a Bevslon of ;iiil Ootirt then v be holden a( .f Ana Arbor, insaid Coupt--. canse, i1' an; be, why tUe aid ccon& shonld u-t be all And it is furthcr ordered that eaid AdmiuiftcaWt; ! ;'iv. Dotlce to the pe the pendenoy ;f f'aid acconnt, and the h ■ r pi Inted and circnlating vïons to eald Ca trneeopy.j ftM J, BEKF.% 1263 Satate of Jáer.jaiiiin W&tkins. STATE OF MICHl j . i a seesion of the Probate Court for the 1 of Washlenaw, bolden at the Prohate ofiice, City of Ann Arbor on Monday, the twentyn day of March, In the yeai one thoasand elgh üty. Present, Ilir;mi J. Beakes, Jadge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Benjamin Waikins, deceasod. James H. Rnnctman, AflmJBfefrfttor of sald estfite com h lnto Court ax bat be b now pre i raider hUflnal accoant as sai b Administrator. ■apon it ïsOrdcrod, thnt Tuogdny, thetwontysizth dny of April next, at ten o'clücklutb noon, be asslgned for examlning and allowii account, and that the heira at law oftaidde and all other persoos intcrested n said eetftte, ftr requircd to appeur it 8 Matton of sald ' ïonrt, Men i' be holden at the Probate Office, in the CUy of Ann ArborT in said County, and show cane, If any thcre the said accoiiot ahonld uot beafl And rt i? furtiu-r ordered that Baid Admlnistrator give notice to tho poreooB Interested in eaid estáte, óf the pendency of. sald acconnt, and the hearing thereof.'by cansing a copy of thls order to be pnbHï-hcd in the Michigan Argus% a newspaper prtnted and ctreo lating In BAÏd Connty, tbree succeeeive weeks prerlooe to said da v Ca copy.) " HIBAMJ. BE A K ES, 1-jü:;' .ïudgeof Probate. Estáte of Frank Vv'. Goodale. QTATE OFMICITTGAN, Coimiy of Wuhtenaw,ss io At a eession of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the City of An& Arbor na TUuixhiy. the twenty-fonrth rlay of Mnrch, in the year one thoosand eightknnclrel and sfventy. In the matter of the Batatei ísaák w. Goodalü, minor. On rcadinc-fmd filin the petítíOD, dnly roiifiecKof Bdward L. Boyden, Gimrdin, prayLng that he may bettcenacd to teil certain real estáte belongtag ' saïii minor, and ihveat the procêéds ofsuchsale ui ojher reuiiTiujvtipon lt ís order fit ihr.t .Monday,thn twcr.t}flfth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonbeaftalgued for tho hearing ut" said ptítïon, and that fhe next of kin ol Baïd ralnor, and all othcr persons Uttenated in tsaid estati are required to appear at :i Beeélon oí said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ol oy thora be,why the prayer ojf the petuiauer shonld ixot be grnnted : - And it -. -i't'red, that said petluOX uoticc to the next (i kin tf said mln r and al othcr persons tnterested in said estáte, of the pendency ofs&id petitlon,and the hearinc thereof, by canslngacopy of this order to be pnbusbedlD tie n Arirtts, a uewspaper print cd and circalatise insaïd CoantytUueeaaocee&iv w eeksprevloaetoHalc day of hearinR, IIIRAM J. BEAKES. A truecopy. J adíe of Probate, Estáte of Minie N. Dorr. otate of Michigan, Conste of Waabtanair, pb O At a seasloQ of tin nrt for tneCoacty :inaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Am Arbor. on Thursday, the twenty-fonrlh day oí March, in the year one thousaud eight Imn dred and seventy. Present, Ilirani .1. Beakes, Jndge of Probntc. In the matter of the estáte of .iittie N. Dorr, minor. On readins and filiii? the petlÜOD di:!y verlficdof Sarah M. Dorr Guardian, nrayins that sho m.iy be iceceed to sell ceitara real esiato belonging tOBaid minor. nponlt is Ordercd, that Mnndny.the twentyIfth day of April, oaxt, at ten o'elock in the brenooñ, be assigned for the hearing of said wtition. and that. the aex! oí kin ol laïd minor nul all other pcreoim tterested in sald r tre required to appear at a sewion ofsaidConrt hen to be holden at the Probate Office, Ín the city of k.nn Arbor, and show cause, Ifany there be.whj :he prayer of the petitioner should öOt be (frañted : nd it li fartherordered.that saidpetitioner glve noIce to rhe next of kin of ftaïd minor, and all othsr persona tntereated In bh4 eatate of th ciu-v ofnald petltton, and the bearinf thereof, by ftnsinga copy ofthis Order to be puUlehed lnth tichi an .4 rguf, a uewspaperpriated and clrculating n said connty. threeauccesif weeks itn-vioueto ald day of hearing1. CA truecopy j IIIRAM J. BBA B 1263td Judseof Probato. _ „ Kstate of Joseph Croman. OTATE 0FM1CUICAN, ('nr.nty of VaMiTilT, se. i At a aeaeioD of the Prohate duin [or tbe 'o:;nty of Wasntenaw, lioldun ut tin Pi ■ ' ttaï üity of nn Arboii on ' ve. i ■';;■ ',w twenty-thjrd Hrch Intheyear une tuousand eiyiit hiui(tri-d and seventy Preaaat, Blram J Beakes, Jqdn of Prohato, In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Croman, Owou Croman, Adannlstrator ofpnid estáte. comea ulo Ctmrt nul representa that he [s now prepared ) rniih-r hls f'mul account ns s;;ch Adciinistrator. npon it ordered, tliat Mooday. the twenty Ith day of April npxtt&t tes ocloek in th H8fijFti 'l fox examininji and alïowln cconnt, M'.d that the helra at law ui' i ad all othpr peraooe Interested iti paid estatei are : toappear al a seMÍon of í-;iii ''■ l1r. t-11'" to a nt the Probata OfBoa in the fity of Ann . :i nniij Oonnly. and show cause, ií any tkere i wby the sai! Mcpant hold notbealli nd lila rurther ordered .-:ii! Admlnlttrator ve notie i tu ■ f the pendency of sald accoant, and the hearing ...■ or :i order to be inibQoyr paper prlnted i-l circalfttiDg ii' mM Cotinty throe sr.cccssivc ir Ing. CA trnecopy.J HIRAM J.BHKBS, e of Probate. PliïSICiASiS' PRESC8IPTIOXS ACCUKATELY ANC CARSFÜLLY PREFAB ED BT Ji. Tl". KT JAS CO., DBUG0I87S. : = _! Estáte of Ilannah Browning. STATE OK MICHIGAN, L'onntyof Waattanaw, Ai aseUm uf th Probate t'onrt fot tnoCouotíi lili: I'rulinlc Oft'.ce, in tL; eltj ni .111:1 Arbur, ou Wedneaday.the thiriicihd of iitirdi, iu the year one thonsand clgtu tiundrti - :irv. Present UlramJ. Bealtc, Judge of Probate. Ín the matter of the Balate of Hannah Brow. : . Adminístrate! iebonitnott d said e nirtand representa that U Is now prepared to reinier his final uccuuul as sucb Adralnfstrator. Therenpon tin ordered, Thst Tiinsdn v . the tiYcn. pril, next, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, 1 for exsmluing umi allowru,, ! thal the heirs at luw or snij oí her persons interested in mi$ ■ 'I t'i n]ear at u seaslon oï sato Court. then i" be holden M the Probate Offloe. tn thi Ulty of Ann Arbur, in Baid Co;n:t , and ihow cause, if aiïy the're ij'.', why the 1 : ;ould not ba I: Anili!. U further ordered, that ?aid Ad. trator eive notice (o the peraona intenwtcd li !Stftto of the pendency of said neto uut, iind ttn - a copy of tliin ordei to be publtahed in the Michigan Aririr, a newgijfipet d and drculatlng In Baid County. three nucecu. ivc; ock prevlous to aald day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIRAM J BEAKJE8, Judgeof. l'rubatet. Sítate of Samuel J. Tanner. Statk O MICHIGJ N, Cotmtyof Ai a seaalon of ihe Probate onrt for the C'unntj of Washtonaw. holden at the Probato Office, iutbí City of Ann Arbor. on Tossday, the. twenty-ceetij dfty of Vrcreh in the year onu thousnnd uiyht hm, tlr, (i end sevi;ity. Pree i. Beakes, Judge of Pmkate. Iu the matter uf the of iíainncl J. Tan. - - - 1 ■ - . 1 Andrew Bell, Executor of the laet will and teti ment of mI deeeased. comea into Court and rgpr that be li now prepared to mdvr hisflnt rtcouir . I ..■tutor. Thereupon . I, tl at Tneaday, the nSm teenth 1 1 ; . ol April, di ten o'clock In the for, noon, be asvfgrned :t examlnlne and allowhtiriufj ac' ont, and thitt the lc-gateta, aeviaeea and hem law ot' aald ■ ad uil other pereonH inter! ; In said eetatr, are rrcjtiired o appear nt a léj of y a ï ( 1 Conrt, tlien to be holden at the Probar iii the City of Ann Arbor, iu sid Connty uj any therc be, wliv s.-iid aêconti slioalii uot bc allowed : And it'i? fñrther orclerti that aa!d Exeentor gle notice to the its i . 1 r :he pendency of aaid account and the hearing thereof, by caning 11 copj ofifl order to be published in the afw higan grlnted and cliculatlug in naid Cimntv. ttire i ■'.■'.ii.tiis to aald day of heartn (AUneCopy.) HIBAMJ BEAKE, IMS Judac of Probate. Estáte of Thusne] ;i Sayere. STATE01 Mie: II'! VX. OoüNTvor Washtenw, m Probate Court fortbeCoari 01 nraahtenaw, holden at the ProbateOffice In liioCi of Ann Arbor, on Prlday., the elghteeuth" day ói afarch, in the year 011e thousaud eijjht hundtti and aei 1 irinv. .T. B.Mlie., Jndge of Probate. In the matter of tno Estáte of Thnsnelda Saym -ed. On r 'jidiDaiiti filinp thepetition. duly vcrincii,o' Amella M. Nord man, pra} luir that a ci'ftain iimtrj. 1 ow in ftlc In thj Coort, pnrportlng to Ie tb lnm wi.i and testament of said decensed, ma; mitted to probate, and that she ma; be aginointod m!i ■ thereof. ireapon it is Ordered, tbat BConday, the elgateenth day of April, next, al ton o'clock" In the fon noon, b 'or the hearing ot'idpetition, nu "at;: . . . ;,t i;lw ofsaidè ';n Interested iu 6nid eetati ;';ir.-ii to appear i: a . :irt, tliíi to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Au 1 . why the prï. inted: Anditi Eurthe ■:.■■■ ni .'.ice to tb e Interested In mldestate, of the p(-: D, and the hearing thereof, by c Copy of thia Order to be pnblishcdln the .: ir printed nncl circul:itirir 11 stï County, three SDCcetulve weekt provloas tosaiddi) of hearing. Atrae copy.J HIRAM J. BEAKE6, 1-Ctd Judoc ol Probate. látate of Elm Smith. STATBOPMl HIGAK Conntrof Waahtraaw,! . of tin: l'rohat tourt for the i ouot; of Washtenaw, hcklrn at tne Probate Ciftice, in tbi .' Aun Arbor, on Frirtnv. tire elghteentb c!:ry -: Maren, i;i the year onethousandeight huudredul aeventy. Preeenti Hlram J. Beakes. Jndge of Probate 11 the matter of the cstat.; of Klam üjiüh, dt ceaacd. Ohorloa H. Worden, Execntor of the wiltisj ...rut of Sald 1'' ■ ; ;ind r?f. now prepared to render hls ú account as Bach Kxccutor. Therenpon it is ordered, that Montiay the pistteenth day of April next, al ten oYlück in tbt 'd for exantlnlng ::wil allowini meh account, anil that the legnteea, deviaeea iu! !;cir-i :it law of í:iití deceased. and 11 otner pereow Intereated In ara reqalrcd to appear ati . tben to bc holden at ttProbo Ie the City of Aun rbor, Ir sald County. and show Cttwe, If any there br, Rhy ' ihoald not l;c uilowed: Aii It Is farther ordered thnt sald Bxerator Ive notta to the ] :;isMil estáte, of the peiacconnt, and the hearing thereof, b :.. acopy of tiiis order i be pnblisl rlnted andcii [ve weeks previouito . (A trne copy,} IIIRAV J. BEAKEi!, Jadee of l'robate, ol Iletiry Bovver. OTATEOJ51 MICHIGAN, Couut] of k At a aeaalon of the Probate Court for the Cotit; of Waaktenaw, holden at the Probate C ty of Ann Arbor, 0:1 Frkl:iy. the ulhu-enthaT of Maren, iu the yi-ar one tiiousiuid trght irundrtó and aeventy. Prcseut, Hiram J. Beakec Jr.i'ge of Probate. In the jutter of the Estáte of Henry Boto, cd. On readtng and ülinthe netltlon, dnly verified.of HarparetQ, owcr praylsg that she or someotkv : ! Pcrsou muy be apuoiated administratriiii the i'ilirte v[ said rieceased. Thereitpnn it is ordered, that Monrlay. the dfr teenth day of April next. ar ten o'ciock in the fort noon, be ap&lgned for the hearing of paid 1 tnd thai the heirs at law of aaid deceai and all other peraona Interested in said eetatr, j tuired to iiijii-ur at a pension of snid Court then ti be holden at the Probate Office, inü City ot AnnArbor, :nul show cause if mry thrreb. why ttie praycr of the petltloner ehould not l erauted : And U is further ordered, that saidptiuoner give aotice to the pereone interested in mU estáte, of thr pendtfnCQf of aaid petition. and tk bearinsr thereof tycansinga copy of thls order u bepabllshed i:r the Midiigan Armt$tñ ncwpiispfl, printed and circnlating iu paid County, threewfr ■ vi : prevloiu to f-1;;! rlay ol hearing, (A true copv.j 111 RAM J. BKAKKS, i ;:;-' Judge of I'rohltl?. Estáte of' Thomas Bright. QTATEUP MICHIGAN .County of Washtonair. O Ata sessiou of the Probate Court forthcCouti) of Wuhtemkw, holden at the Probate Office, u Ui city of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the ninctceotlida' March, tn the year one thousaud eight huudrti and sev Present, lliram .7. Beakes. Jrcögc of Probate. In the matter of the Estato ofThwnab BrljW minor. Ou readiiiRnml filini.' the petition, dnly verifled, Richard Green, Guardian, praylng that he nisy k licensed to seil certaiu real estáte belongingtú wü minor. Tberenpon it is Ordered, that Monday, the eïgnteenth day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forfr noon, be aeaigned for the hearing of said petlUM and that the ïu-xl of kin Ofgald minor and all oth In aaid estáte, are requiredw appear at a í-ession of stiid Court, then to b ■ .it the Prol, a te t)üice,in the City of Ann Arlw and show cause, j f any there be, why theprayer oftU petitlonershoold notoegranted: And it Nfurthernii . that aald petltloner ive notice to ; of kin of Baid minor, and all other peraonf ii ■ estcd in :-:ih] estáte, ofthe pendency of said pM.' tion.and tbehearlnB thereof, by canslng acopji' be pnbllahed in the Mickiga Arjii,t . er printed and circnlating in said CountJ, threosuccessivc weeks previotiï tosaid day oraMi& trae copy .1 HIKAM J.BEAKBS, l'2'.'atd Judge of l'rcibalf Estáte of Kebeccu iuiilli. STATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw,Ar a Besaton of the Probate Conrt for the Counti ' ol Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Oiiice in tM City of Ann Arbor. on Friday. the eiehUesU day of Mareh, in the year one thousarrd cïgbt fion tlrt'il and scventy. Preeent Hiram J. Bcake?, Jndga of Probate In the matter of the f&tate of Rebecca Smita, luiürtic. Charles II. Worden, Guirdian of paid tnto Conrt and represent ttrat he is di pared to ren'ler bis final account as such GuM" ■ dian. Therenpon it is ordered, that Mondny U)1 teenth day o! April, next. at ten o'clock I Ú ".:.?;. inn, be aftaigned for examlnlna and allofli"? uch account, and that the next of km of said ' :ratic, and all other persons interested in said esUM u-e reinired to appenr at i'. sesslon of said Courl .hen to be holden ai the Probate Oiiice, in theCity o' rm Avbor. in said County. nul show oiuse. if flD bero 1"', wny the said account shnuld notbeallowwi ud it is "further ordered, that said Ouardlu rlve notice to the persona interested in saidefMt i tbenendency of said account, and the heariij . !y carising a er'py of this order tobe p2 ished in the Michigan Argus, n ncwepaper print" md circolating üi aaid County. three succci'B ireeka prevlone to said day of hearing, CA true copy.) JIIRAM ,I.T?EAKKS, 126a J n dj: e cX I'robat Estáte of Levi Pratt. fTATEOFMICHIOAN.Countyof t ai a sesion oí mu rruuate uuitmr inr uiv f Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in t" ■ ■i' Aun Arbor. oa Tnesday, tho tweolyJ! im'l iliv ui M.-irrh, In thejrear one thousand eig" limilrrn ï: srwlltv. Present, Hlram J. Hoafccs, Judge of Probate. l;i the niatler of the catate of Lcvi Pralt, o On readingand the petition, dwly verifiedt Asabel W. i nut. praying that sonie snitable perfö1, mar be sppolntöd Ailmiuistrator of tlie esta'e '' aalddec . Thercupon it s Ordorefl, thnt Mondny. tl eentb d.iy of April, next. at teu o'clock in ' 'iirfiii], be MístL'iietl for the hearing f (.nitlp11,' Ion, and that tlic hei at luw nf said deceai' ml nl] othcr i)ersui; [nlerested in eaid ll re rc'iuirctl 10 appear at :i 8esion of gaid Courttb i bc bolden u the IVobate (ii:ii--. in the city oiW ,rbor, ■ nse, if any there lic. why tht'pr?? petltioner ehonld not grantcd: Anil" urtherorden I vcnoticetowj ereone Interestwl In said estáte, of the pciulcnp."" liduetition.and tho bea.-inp theroor, by caiismi r to be publlshed uÚc. Uictoi. rguM, ;i nswepaper prlnted and ctrcnlatlng "fi iumIv. tliroo si!ctesshf weeks previone to MWW Í heHrin. (A trnc'copy.J IIIRAM .1. BEAKES. Judsc of Prttb" Ihoii TEE NEXT Sixty Days the Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Oheaper than any other Store in the City.


Old News
Michigan Argus