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The Fifteenth Amendment

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From th IJilU;'.r.lo!) Tho adoptinn o' tliis ainendment works a rndioa! chango ia our systera of iiovermnmit, ili Ihttt U tftkei away ïtorn the .States the right to reguinto the lective frauchiss fr themaeire, and to presoiibe tlie (jualiBcrttionsof eleefors. Tlio Radicáis of the eountry are jubilaut over tho adoptiou of tbuamendment, and are anxiowu; oquiriug "what will the DsmocrniB do bout it ï" We will teil thern, Tho Democratie partyof tho coantry have always niado the Constitution jthetr guide, und wliilo iu powtr Boforoed its provisioos faithfully ; and wlien out of power have demauded tliat thfy ihoold not bo disregarded. Tbo fiftceutli am end mest liaving become a. part cf the Coustitutioo it is ontitled to and will reocivc fi'om tho Demócrata tbc samo revercuco and rospoot whioh tliey accord toanj other of itsprovieiona. Thia is tho plaio duty of every citLien, Democrats us well as Republicana. Now that tho nogrocs aro voten we want it distinctly uuderstcod : 1. Th:it the liemoorats tiid Dot make the corroes voters. 2. That the Republicana did, and tbat n majority of Ilepuhlicang of thia city refuaed to vote for Bradley, their own noaii.-ieefor tho petty offieü ef con stable 3 Tfiat under tho fifteenth amendment the noro has tho same right to offióe a3 white men, and a better claim tban soores oí" men who have held offioo for the last len years. 4. It is more manlj in the Demócrata to como up iike men and support the Constitntion with the fifteenth amendueut thau it is for sneakiug, cowardly Kepablican leaders to noniinate n decent, aducated negro for tho otlice of consta blo, nnd then refuse to vote for liim at the polls. The Democratie party is and has been rudically oppoged to tho ndoption of the amendment, id also tbe bill iutroduued by Gov. Morton, protecting the blaoks in oompelling propertyliolder to eiuploy them or show thetn particular favors vf hile tlio white uinn i unprotected ; bu, while the atneudment ia a part of tho Constitutiou or the luw on the statute books, they will yield thera as oheerful obedieoco as any other enactment.


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Michigan Argus