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Fenianism--another Congress

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New Yoi k, April 19. Tho Fenian Congress of tho O:NTeil faction, will moet at Masnnic Hall todsy, at noon. The ü'Neil party denouncc the Savogñ party as impostora, aiid ridicule tlie do-nothing Congrepg whicli met at Chicago last week. It ia claimed by Gen. O'Ncil, tbat tho Chicago Congrega had no powers whntever to establish an Execuiive (Joniinittee. nnd that all its pvoceedings areroid and worthless. Tho delegntes from the Congress in Chicago will', however, be received to-dsy, on eshibiting their credeotials. Tho private issued by General Ü'Neil to the Cireles, as President of tho brotherhood dislinctly instruots each Cirele to eend no money to beadquarters nntil aftcr tho Congress, bot to scnd with each delegato to the Oongress eufficient funda to purchnse from 1,000 to 2,000 rounds of breech Uading ammunition - value $28 per 1,000. This, taken in conneetion witb other facts, ia extremely siguiflcant of au intended movemeut. Over 350 delegates are expected to attend the Congrest. The proceedings will bo held with closcd doors, and every cffort will be made to Bccure secrocy. It is atated tbat Gen. O'Neil's emissaries have been acting in coDcort with the Fort Garry insurgents duriug the last two mooths, and tbero is no donbt but that tbc sympathy of the entire Fennii orgeaization m with Keil and Lid followerg. O'Neil öpcnly avows Lis syicpnthy sud pays he will aid h!tn when he can. It is said that 20,000 staand of arras ■with nmple ammunition havo already been seeured. In Boeton nod New Orleans itisasiert ed that othcr heavy purchases have been made, ospecially in the latter city. Pari of these atms have been distributed in towns along tho Vermciut border, and another and lürger portion was ffaipped by Chicago a few days ogo to sorae point on the northweBlern frootier, of Canada, in the vtciiiity of the Ked River Territory. The proposed cainpaign, frora whst can be learued of it, enibraoes not only an invasión of Canada at a point between Torouto and Jiontrcal, neartr to the latter city than the former, but also a simultaueous expedition to join Eiel's forcea aud act in concert with Lim in the nortiiwistern territorv. Telegrams ore coming to this city from Chicago and 8t. Paul stating that supplies and arumuuition are beiag forwarded to some point faüher out.


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Michigan Argus