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The Hay Magazines

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Pidnaiyi opens witli a very atlable paper, Onr Celtic [nheritance, by Prof. L. Clark Suche which is followefl by The Tale of a Cornet, part I., by Edward Spen eer; Notus Ignoto, a poera, by Bayavd Taylor;Pictnresln the Qalleries of Belmont and Blodgett, by Eugcne Benson ; Madame Beland, by N. 8. DoOge; A Woman's Right-v., by Mrs. 31. O. Ames; The Organ, by J. P. Járdine ; Polyglots, by P. (.:. Hatnerton ; Qreat Qoïd Flurry, by J. A. Peters ; Our Political Dcgencracy and lts Bemedy, Editorial and Llterary Notes, etc. It is a superior number. U. P. Putnam So.N, NftW York. Every Salurda; is jast now very attractive, both in its letter-presa and env bellishments. The numbor lor April lüth gave a fine double-pagc cartoon, representing Sara Weller Introduclng Uie principal charactersofMR. Dickkns' novela to Mr. Plckwlck. The picture is skillfully drawn aud the reader of Dickkns wlll readlly recognize many familiar faces and forras. The namber tor Aprll"88d contalns a suppleoieutal sheet of great merit, drawn by 1Ie.s-sf.ssy and engraved by LlNTOS, representiog Eotnn Booth as Hamlet. It is pronounced a striking and admirable likeness. The new story by DlCKENS, "Edwin Drood" reaches its siytU chapter. The edition of this story published in England reaches 70,000, and it promises to have a wlder circulation herc, sevcral prominent publisliers liavius coininenced "running It" despite the fact tltat Fnci., Osgood & Co., are tlie pccognlzed Anieriean publishei-.s of DlCKSMB. People loving fair-play should buy Eïcry Oatwrday and ruad tbc authorized cditio. Of the many magazines whiob monthd tkeir way to oor table, the ( is ever one of the most prompt, and i Is varied table af couteuts seldoma lails to please. The -May onmber haa more than its usual attractions. Chas. Reade's serial, " Put Yourself in His Place," continúes in interest ; Mr. Weed gives an excellent articleupon " Stage-Coaeli Trivelllng ■ Ago ;" 'i Nat ure and Dress" by John O. Draper, is full of interest, Anthony Trollope cout.ribntcs " An Edltor's Taks ;" Richard Grant White's paper, " The Lady Grauch's Ilusban.l' commanda atteution while the Poetry, Miscellany, Nebnlte, &c. wlll ondonbtedly picase. An important feature which should not be overlookecl is the Agricultural Department, by Mark Twaln, wblch iscliaracteristicof lts editor, and flllcd with wit, liumor and pleasantries. $4 a year. Address BHEIDOK & Co., 498 Broadway, New York. The Eclectio with its choice selection of fbrelgn literatura, kceps up to lts standard in the May number. Mr. Fronde' tory of Quccn Elizabetli, 'Mr. Mili on the Subiectiou of Women, The Palace oí the Cicsars, On Dustand Pisease, Ancient and Medlasval ludia, The Translatlon of l'aith, The Alchemists, Babylouian and As&yrl&n Librarles, rl'iie Man in the Iron Mask, A Roman Story, A Slavc of the Lamp and liis Labors, The French Stage, Samuel Irenseus Prime, D. D.- witli porlrait, are embraced in its table of content?. $5 a year. Address E. K. Pkitox, Publislier, 108 Fulton Street, New ïork. Tho Printer'a Circular for April is in receipt, aud is no unwelcome visitor. lts apixiarance is ncat, and its contents good. R. 8. Mesahm, Publlsher, SIS Minor St. Phlladolphla. - The Laáy's Book lias a capital steel píate, "Tlie Cow Doctor," the usual nmy jhlon-plates, and a varleri and readable table of coutcnls. The ladlea wttl ftnd it a valuable mimber for the room, as everyjJiumber oí Godcy is. L. A. Qodbt, Philadelphla. From ï. S. Autiiuk & Bons, Philadelphla, webave the Bom Magazine and 'llm OhMrmit Ener, both good numbers, the lattet a ciitul one. Every litüeone ouglit to liave it. The argument iu the Salem railroad case, involvhig tlie constltntlonallty of the systcm of municipal aid by donations, was cooduded In t!io Bupreme Oourt ou Frlday last, but the decisión lias not vet been annouuced. It is looked ior witli great interest in all paits of tbc State.


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