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Lauka C. Holloway, of New York, author of "Ladíes of the Yhite House," s announced for a lecture at the Unítarian Church, on Tuesday evenlng next, the 26th Inst., ou "The Life and Works of Charlotte Broute." Mrs. IIoi.t.ouay lias dellverefl this lecture in the principal eastern cities, repeatlng it to a largo and respcctable au. dieuce iu Cooper Institute, N. Y., for the benefit of the Blek and disabled Cubaus. The lecture and the lecturess are both warmly commended by the N. Y. press. Several parties whose ''jobs," ordcred "in liaste," have been print ed more tlian a reasonable time without bein called for wlll do well to cali, get, and pay for them imtnedlately. We have in stock a fine lot of billhead papers, - plaln and tinteil,- ruled i. '.- ter papers, plain letters, circular papers, oard-board, etc, waltlng orders. Work crarranted and prices reasonable. Business men are Invltcd to give os a cali. J. Q. A. Sessions hns removed liis law and Insurance office to the front room of the second story of J. & P. Donkeli.y's store, on lluron street. He is prepared to atteml to the duties of Justicc of the Peace as successor to Dr. Giusson. J. D. BLDWIN is iiow prepared with a good stock of trees, andwiUsellnt low rates. Any one c:in bc sujflilicd wiih evergreens, from the unallltl i hi! largut. Large growlng cvergrecne for front yards and Imvm . Dwurf cvergrecii for ccmctcry lots, Arbu Vitas forhedges. Aiso a good apsortmcut of fruit trees of the best quality . 12 IGwl Ferevlan Bark was introduccd into Earopo n 6ixIccn huiulred aud forty ; piuco when it ha super, peded :ill othcr remedies for raalanal fevcr, agne, itr., until In 1S20 Pelletcr discovered its grcat active . , Quiuine. this being more prompt than tlie barkitsair, hag, to a great cxtent, replaced it. One only great objection to its use is ts intense bitternens Eappll;. the new discovery in Pharmr.oy, Sweet Qui. ninc, removes that one objection. Sold by Eberbach &Co. Bosinty to Soidicrs. Those who cnlisted in 1S51 on the flrst cali of President Liucülu, :iml wlio wa honorably dltchuged bcfore the expiration of the term of their cnlistmeot. are eutitled to $100 cach, ns bounty. oldlsn enllitlng ander act of .Tuly 4th, 1804 are to be allowed tho uupaiü instalmcnts of bounty if they were discharged by explration of service. Tho above classes should make appllcation to the undersigned. March 24th,18T0, 12SÏWC JOHN ÏT. GOTT, Bounty aiul Cl D V" "■. A COUQH, COLD, OR SOKE THROAT ■hk Ki-'iuirx' immelinte at tent i on t as ncffiAUJf glee! oftn resulta Ín an incuiable EaljHfflIiui.iM Bronchial Troches EySS' wil I most nvariably gireiastantrelii'f Kor BiuwOBITis, Abthmí, Catarbh, CoxsriiPTivf. ulIThboat DisE-vsKs, they havo a ootlnng effect. BINGEE8 :nd PUBLIC SPEAKERS use tUem to clearand strengthen the toico. On'ing to the a"il ri'iiutation iinil popularity of tlie Troche, many and chtap imitatiom are off.Tcd,whick artgoodfor nolhing. Be aure tu diitain ' BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. W WASHTENAWCOUNXY-J y - 't l i I m ' I fC& ' wil S5! SS5 TH AUH ARBOÍ? i, - 4 rr. - '-" -H. - -■ d=j JS=ai t-_-J I REAL ESTATEJXCHANGE ! ! Tlic un.lcrsiKnod linTintr a perfect Roonnl hltnry of til of iho Real Estáte Title ia Uiu Uity, Dd i tlie County of Whtenw, laku plumre lo rrounang to the poblio that M :l tule,. it as, title, make oeada mor gases, contracta and oiLer leital paper en tb hurtesj anticc: Wiil 1U0 ■ I ;. ■■"ll ooi i, a'1 foreeloM mortge l'er, nfKeal I . -""rii,,,,,:,,.. n,Hi B,ok - ritl mi all collateral matt M '' partiulaideenp ■ te, aiwient or mo lern, whlch to ui ntlll ubsUtlug of record at ihepMaeiit time. I oOnthe ' ' 'le : :o.!00 Tho Mulouy HoOM and Lot on División Mn-et. lo.lOl. Houf anrt Lot ia Hiaeoak'i aciüHii'n. l'jiee $4.000. o. 102. Two .tny Brlck House on :iring Ftreet. ío.lO:. TiroStOtT WoOd House on Spring Str y'o.101. Nlc H ue, Lotand )'.;irn just "est of Uw Cotl 'o 103. Fine Houe, nl Barn andtaen ci! Land, Water Fount, o.- verydanlrablo Tri perty. Mo.106. Heuse aud 3 acres of Laii'l insiile corpora t ion . No.107. Ho"'"? taai I-ot just 8-iv.tIi o( tlieünivcrity building. N"o. 103. 15'j ncresof r,anl cast of the l'nivcrsiy Uioiindft No. 1CÜ. City ncsrly opposite Dr. Cbaae'i PHnting Cstablinhaeot. No. 110. Ono Two Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. N'o.lll. no elegant TVo Story ürlck House uenr Viiivi'rsity S'niare. No.412. i0 acres wilb. buildings just north of tho City. Xo.H3. One TO StotJ Houso jast aorth Cemctcry Qroundn Ko. 1H. Two Hrick H'juee; wost sidc of Univer.-ity Souwre. No. 115. 6acresjutt ut of th f'ity. N"o. 110. 5 acres with building! just west of tb City. Xo. 1 J7. 160 ere wlih bullüinga and inproTementa 5 inilei iwrili - good sUualion. Xo. 118. 32b aorea - Sne farm In Shlawi N'o. 11-'. 2,000aer6aof W'il'l IahiIs in tlio Coantiea of Wane. Moniot1, Ragiuav mul Shia wanaee. Mj Abstract lïooka are poiited to date. Ko. 120. One elpgantTUrce Story Building on liaron btreet, west. No. 121, 1TS acres on Middle Road to Ypsilan i. No. 122. 40 acrctí on Scuth Road with BuUdingd and improví monti. Xo. 128. 240 sotea nn Norifa sxter Roal. 2? milos cut , with nnpi'ov tinent 8. No. 124. And mach othei Hesl Estáte aot hertln Inclmïed, There are miny old morf i;.-3 in Vshtcnaw CounIt nndlwbargêd of Record, and tha laws of Limita. tloDí M to MortgafM h differout from tht applioaa ble to Real K■]-L-rill. : u on talos of Roal Kstate, one ptr cent. If sale made, Ratai fir saarefa of R ■ Ute Tí 0 gvhU per ytnx foi Deeds nnl sixeeataa rearfoi M ■'- neuf noic ' No charges wi Hbe made foi examinatlon of T itie, niAking - ■ nl;:::. to partiea koding i . irante ' to loap oo unlncum Iré jrears, at 10 iier cent. in' ■ the leader. Aun Axbor(Maroh20,1870. TRACY W. K Mwéet QuiWh f i K BBCEKT IMI-HOVEMIisV Beplcus the uso of the Bittek s.puatb (JJIN1NE, with wlücli all are famll' Dvm for iïoic, it i FÜ1.LV iJQUAL IN EVERY Wfff TO BinEflQUIHINE. AMD LUCÍ IT 18 THE OSE emir, i'ositive md rxFïx.rvci CURE FCF.fell DISEASES of MALABICUS (StfGlll. l'cver and Ague, UnU-rinittent Fevcr, V ChUl Fcvcr, Rcniittent Te-ver J I Billons Ve-Jr, IMiniM Asfne, and tl i loiií,' 1r:ün of ilisordcra tSiowiJig mese jFhen neglected. t SWEET aCIWIME 1 is mae solely ftom r.iuvlnii Itnlk, (8O Is Quiiiiut:) therefore Is or efeetaulo orlpi. and not a Mineral poison, lm'lon tlio conlKry is proved to be one of the elementa fouiiH in the blood of all healthy poftons. S1VKET QTTI'I'K ncts iVj nn nntidote t, (as wel] : cmce for.) iialai-iul ov minsmntiu pol.t, II": absorliou of wnloh by the lune causea InteroEttent Fover, etc. The onMadvantago cïiinicil tot I ƒ SATT.F.T QU15IMIU I ovrr ic u?e of oW Bitter Quininelis llio entira absence of thal toten, peritaten blttojfaess, whlcfa ín the latter Is uilinsurinoiitabk' obstacle to lts use witli imitpersou.- aiiil always with ohlldran. SWEET QlIXIAi: k h two formi - ín Powder for :ho Ise of Xiv lolans ai rt Drutnrista, and r uil, lor uk i tic ftunlly and for iho gfiKi-.i.u!-)'#:aeWns, Farr &,fihf, hufcturing cHEMiais, Vvew TOBK..X X For Sale by Eberbach & Co., driiggieta. 12L4jl KKLLOGG'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, the ppetitp,cleane the atomarli, andrenovatc Uie blood. o that one need have no f,.r,r of AGÜE, B1LIOU8 FEVER, SUHMER OOMPLAINT, or any MA LARIOUS DISEASE, daring the hot mnntlis of Summer,!! employed daring tbs ear iv warm ityaol Spring. Remember au ounoe "f prTotltlTe laworth a poaad l our. Ouo bottle roay saven heavy blll of u U. KELLOGIGS Indian Remedy, Can be employeil as a Llnammt. nü 1 oqually rood fot mn or beast ' u!" warrant it to cure BüBKS.SCALDS, CDT8, BRÜISE8,and all Und of freah woondi, wit ped and oertalniy. AKO, SCBATCHE8, UAL1.S ,wuunJe, cc, uu boraet. nHB CAÏHARTIC PBOPE&T1E8 OF Pr. KELLOGG'3 FAMILY CATHART1C PILLS, Are extracte 1 fnjm Rmile articlvs of food, by a oot1 aml iolntlBc procs. Ibejr neither r[ic, ooutipate, 01 ■ xhf ftppetftc Lcnoií, nml tlu bowels fre Thrv ibould bt' njployed Ín cuses of Bllliounaera, l'ivi-r, AgUÍ, CoBtiV' ■la, ñrrha , liTerGompUInt, Kboumutimi, Coliu, tc.,í:c. A LL OF DR. KELLOGG'SI MEDICINES Aro Trf):i.rf!'l Iiy hlmMif.ftOd warrantod pureanJ to be vegetable in all rwjpècU. rR. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OIJVTMEHT, CaruPaia BALTRHEUM.ITCn, and 8KIM IH.-EaSKS. irltboul ' .. SoM by DruEKts and Eealer everywhere. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &c. ---■:■ TOR CASH VOU CAN BVY Lumber, Lath and Shingle ATABARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTHERLAND &. CO. Ann Albor, Janiuiry,187O. 1252 ARE YOU (iOING TO BXJIH.Ü i We will furnish Large Bills j of Lumber as Low as any doaler in Michigan. We solicit no patronage except such as your interest will gíve U9. Let its make figures on your UUs héfore yoti go away froinhome to purchase. Sm,2co E, BLOOD & CO. PHYSICIANS' Prescrip tions Accurately and Care fully Preparedby R.W.ELLlSdCO. gOTICE! ET XL"YS TO G-O TO TriE FARMEE'S STORE, ünd Learn their Prices before buymg your Goods at other places. TLOÏÏR AND FEED S'FÓKE I3ST NEW BRICK BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour i AND ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAKSE GRAIN 0ntDtlyonhDd,nd deüvered to custometa ia ny part óf the city. JOH G. I.AUBKNGABR Ann Arhor, líoT. 1B69. 125"''' 3,OOO FENCE POST3 ! Quintil v of Wb.ito O.ik Flooriu,', and 1,000 Corda üf 't'fb N.B.COLE. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choiceWines andLiquors for Medical Purposes. DEUGGI8T! ISTo. S Main Street, Kost Sid. KKEPS COKSTANILY OX HAND FAHNESTOCK'S LEAD.GROUND IN OIL AND DRY COLOES, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BETTSHBS, BURTONS TOBACCO ANTIDOTE, COLGATE'S SOAP3, HAIR OILS $■ ÏÏAIll RESTORERS DRUGGISTS' SUNDEIESi HAIB DYKS, FIjAVOBING AND Handkercliiei Extrac ts GLASS RUBBER, AND TRUSS ALL UK BEST MAKERS, PURE NATIVE WINES AND LIGÍX3 OBS 1 AGENT FOR TEIB O BEAT U. S. 1EA COMPN' T. Prescriptions ptit up wlth Care at all Hours. Storeopen on the Sibbath Irom T to 10X A. U, 12 to2,and & lo 8 P. M. GR VILLE k FCLLER'S ACCOCNTS, "IF KOT SETTI.ED BY APKIL lst, WILL BK LEFT WITH THE PROPER OFFICEKS TOR COLLKCTION GEO. GRENVILLE. MarchSth, 1669, piNLÉY LEWIS, Geutlemaa's Opera Boots. " FurgesOQ Button Boots, " French Congress Gaitera. ■ Creóle " " ' Serge " " " Scotch Ties. " All Rights. " Oxford Ties. In hort, a Full Line of Gentlemen's Boot and Shoos, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes nGreat Variety, and MENS J1KAVY WORK, hand made of alllkiüds. Ladics' French Kid Button. Foxod " " ' Sergo " 11 " Polish. Miases' Brouzc, " aud ButtüD. " Serge, " " " Cbild's " " " " Weask the particular attenlion of tbc Ladic to OUE FITSTE WOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IX THE STATU, knd i" Prlo; FAR BELOW DETROIT ÍPIQXJEB8 OUR WOPK WARHANTEO A3 RErREbENTEI'. 1-2P3 A NEW INVOICB OF FINE UOLQIE AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. SlUlRPLMD CAN BC TAD VERY CHBAP AT Í1ULL, [JQBINSON fijtt CB 1 IC El Tho nmlprsigned has luid In tock of the vcry flrst cls i.T. uid '- roadj to delWei to rmiH( ho tcls saloon, oonfrctlonew ;"! any wha (ire it, any (nmntitv iluy ...nv i isli, al rauonalfl pnces. Orders Koluiteil. and 11 depnntw iu boï iu postoftici' Ihi'v will be promptly attendcd to. Artor, April .á:o. aicHAgL imRg& ! PHÏSimS' PBESCRIPTIOÏS j AC'VIÏATKI.Y AND CAREFULLY FREPAEED BT R. W. E LUS & CO., DRUG (71$ IS. - - - r " RISMOVAL. J. KECkT CO. Harft rtmoTed thelr STOCK OF FÜRMÜRE And Undortaker's Goods, To Mack & Sctimió'sülock, No. 52 Soictli Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. THE LARGE3T STORE IX THE CITY, AICD BCILT KXPKE88LT FOP. THE FCKNIIURE TRAKK. THEY HAVE NOW IN STORE THE LARGESTamlFINEST STOCK OF rüBXITURE EVBK OFFEIIED IS THIS COt NT Y, OF TBXIROVK MAXIFACTURE, SUPERIOR BOTII IS QDlUTrAMD3TYliKWHICHTHIT NOW OFFKR TO THE PUBLIC CHEAPI HAN CAX BEB-OUGHT AHT WI1ERE ELSEIH THX STATE. TUEIR STOCK LNCLDDES EVEKT AI5T1CI.K NEKDEDTQ FCRXISHTHü BESrnOUSEFROM TOP TO BOTTOX. ThtlruM patrunsand tb public generalij arniritcd to glve tLcm a cali. J. KECK CO, Ann Arbor.January, l"0. 12S1 i S í _1 , A b"S Q Hl s il. I &'i Q o 3C h CQ g . S ! - s . o S I . I" la i 3 A NN AKBOll GITY MILLS! BEST FLOUR $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. I.EAVE OUDERS AT THE POST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL. SF.PT.2lBt, 1809. I236tf TUMBL:ii YARD! C. KRAPF n a lorgeanii wvll Btockd Lumhcr rd, on Jefferson Stret, in the soutli nrt "f thi City, and will ki-pcnnstantlv on hiiuii au OXOtllI ui Tft riol ('f LÜMBEB, SHINGLES, LATH. &O. whicli ill be noldasloir os can be aíU,ri!ed inthii BftTkttt. (Julitv nd pricessucli that DO üccil to go to Dc'roitCONRAD KRAPF. Ann Arbnr.Oct.lst.iet.9. 'JSi;if A GOOD CÜP OF IF TOU WANT THE WHEREWITH a O MAKE IT, GO TO HÜL1 ROBINSON & CO.


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Michigan Argus