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rpiïE BEA11S ARE AHEAD1 t i: JOHNSON, THE HA.TTER, ', Uas just opened a Larga Stock of WINTER COODS! Incliullii" Ntwet Stylr of HAÏS & FÜRS ! ffhloh will bonold LCWEB THAN EVER 1 AL80 A LAUOESTOCK 0Í 8I.OVKS, COLLAR, NECK TIE8, HAN OKER CHIEF8, 8ATCIIELS, CANES, Urabrelïas, Parasols, &c. Ploasc nalUndaxamir.e my goodibeforrparthai ïig elsewhere. !ÏO. MAIN 8T,, - ASN 1RB0R MICH. NoTmbcr, 1W9. 1216tf 1SheridaiT20 Miles Away!" A.. A.. TEHHY, (UCCFBSOll TO KKMFJ9H ft D1KHL,) II od h&Btl a &Tgt ad wail seleotad stock of WHSTTEROOODS nclu'ünjr a f uil 1 tne of KATS & CAPSI Lftteat stylec n& b"st quality. Ladieg' and Gents' Furs, GeDts' Furnishing Gooda, Glovea, Coüars, Ncoktiej, &c, whloh will be Bold t ib T LO WEST FIO TIRES! tW Hemember the plac, No. 15 South llaia Street, the old store of Johu West. Áau Arbor, Drc .13, 1868. lSitf T ATEST NEWS ! I JLj WI. WAGNER, Has Ju itOptnoda. Ui f ■ toekof FALL COODS ! 1NGLUDINQ OLOTES, CASSIMERES, vesïings, &c; LATE8T STYLSS iND BB8T QUAL1TIES WHIOD UEOFERS LOWER thanEVER Alto %n Store a ïarge stook of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND &ents' FURNISHING Goods. QARMENTSMADETO ORDKEIif THE,' Alio LADIEi'and GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No. 21. South MU Street- Eailsld. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNER, Ann Arbor, Seft., 1660. f ADIE8' FA8HIÜNAI3LE SHOE HOUSE. jrL. i5?ïi,mï.ja.3xriTi. 3i Soutb Mkln Street, Peal u LADIE'S BOOTS AND SKOES, THE NEWEST BTYLSS id, Oalf, and Cloth, Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF TOU WANT A BOOT, A. GAITER, A. BXTSlilIsr, OR A SLIPPER, CALL AMD EXAMINE HIS STOCK BEFORE PUB CniïlXG. PEICES LOWER thsn the L0WE8T. E. TAE.RANT. Ann Arbor, Maj 17th,I88. T IVE GEESE FEATHBSS FIRST GiTTVLTT-S-, Constantly on iiuud and forsnleby BACHfr ABEL. PHTS1C1ANS'1 Prescriptions Accurately and Carefully Prepared ly 12. W. EL LIS & Co. pHEODORB TAYLOll & CO., (bcocersori tu c. n. nioxrios i eo.j Wholctlen(lRota!l Dealera la 3B0CERIES & PEODUCE EXTRACTS, SPICES, örockery, Glassware, Lamps and Oil, r&tle Outlery, Plated Gooda, Looking Qlasseü, STONE. WOODEN, AND WILLOW WAEE Honse Establiahed Ia 1850. Ho. 13 SontbMalnatreef, A.N2ST AEBOR, MICH Theo. Tajlor,' ■A.J.Sutlierland, 1917 V "V. Win QLÖAKIN6S, BEAÏEBl CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLET BROADCLÖTH FARMERS' STORE. FULL AND CHOICE XJIITEOI:' GRQCEÏtlES! MAY BE FOUND AT Eulli Eobinson & O.o's. OÜY YüTJK HiOoking Glasses W. B. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, FOR 3 UKASOWS. Flret, becftuso bokeipstlie b?st of Importi Ql&is, top frunefli a ml nella OHBAPI 3ecoiï(ily, becaníí1 thoy hlorp tp hl btiF'nqne. üo mrtkea them a KpecmUjf, dceVhie owiiwurtt, aai ota aflurd to &11 Cr-IE-A.S'ES, 1 rhlrdlj", Beeftust hfl minufnctiiTeB thera, acd n li! will scll the ck::ei-A-:ei3st i of tnr oue tr. t'aeelty. Ilralso iells PICTURE FRAMES! rhecboibpsftt of an t bod v in the State - as faras liearñ from. JSICE OVAL FRAMES FOR eso cts. Picture Cord, Tassels & Kails! FUSKCIi GLA.SS- bj tLalight or boi- ïorPloturai orfoi X3TOTTS23 CXj&Si2Krt ! 32 EA.ST IIUHOM STREE, ATISr -A-RBOÏt. - - - MICH. 117Mf pALL AT TUIS Farmers' Store, and see their Goods and Learn theïr Prices. Every fching in Dr esa Goodo Bïarked Down, ñÉMEMBEE, THAT HÜLL. BOBIISON I CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSORTMENT o? CiO CZEEY, SOLD CHEAP. 1245 200 pieöës OF SIDE 8TRIPE MEREIMAO D. PEINTS, JUST BECEIVKD AT TOE Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SALE AT 3.2 1-2 ceats per Yard. 1S41 PROCKERY! U CROCKEKY ! IN FüLL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANYVARIETY.AND OFTDE NEWEST PATTEHNS, AT Mil, W2MB0U & eO'5. p RAPES AND STRAWERRY PLANTS, Of all the lofldin vftrities for nle at the subscriber's Grane the 4th Ward, helow the Kai.road croesing, near Judge Lawrence'sOrdard. C. U. WO0DRUFF, 1202wÖ Proprietor. Go to E. W. ELLIS & CO's for choiceWines andLiquors for Medical Purposes. I . Iilortgago Sfl DEFATTT ]'■ Sfl Fn tho a-:ï'.:' accrr Anti Ar: . , A. 1. - Jnnies, of Baid CHv, record thu office of V'.I Deed, the. Mme, . iloek p. m , li ■ of live hundred and tour dollars ai - tta, and the 14th dfiy of -June. A. 1871, the hiiMilri'd and eieren '; aud Interest f rom the datft hereof nt í iududlng reftsonftblf - Bollervices. and no boÍI or proceeding at law or ir. equtty bavlng been Instltnted lo reexñ er Lha dobt, or uii j;nrt thereoA notlco li hereby gtoen, I he power of sale In Biid im iined,I nhallsell at pnblic auction, 1 i Ier. on ■ iyof April, A. D. I ITO, a: i oidora in the fifimioou of that day, at tho front (ioor ■ Court House, ifl the City of Aun Arbor.ïn tho f of Wathtenaw, and State of Mlcl desertbed in unid ïuortu';!1-1:. fi follows, to-wit.: Fivc h%we of land in 1hc BOntbwest corner of the northwtistqaarlor of B'-ctiyii ir.imhcr thirly-1 ahlp Dtunber fcwo (2) soutb . Id rango mimber bix fiïj cast, i Ann Arb'T. iu the Connty of in the State of Michi eleven linke In west, and cightcen roda wiiio, north and Datad, Ja0uary98tb, I rO; BBNRT L. JAMES and .;an D. ja' Eiecutors of the i:iMi wlll i!t leftfiment of Bnoch JamüB, ïaie of Waanton a w Jony N. Oott, County, Jv ■ ir ■ 1. Attorney for thje Exccutors, &c. 12E4 Mortgage Saie. Tt.ATHEREAS, Charles Scouton, of Grasa I.ake, n V theCoanty of Jackson, and state of Ml on the acventh day of October. A. D. JiiSü, execut'd a mortgage to Charle W'IWnn, of the State of New York, to fsecuro tho payment of ccrtítiii prindpa] and intcreflt'for the purchase money of the premisos therein mentioned, which m-i was n oorded 1 1 ster of J)eeda in the OoUnty "f W ■ '! Aüclitpan, aforepfiid, on th r:th day of October. A. D. I P o'clock A. of u&Ui day. In Hoer 3] ot mnrtagce, And whereaSi defaalt has be,.-. for more than thirty daya In the payment of n lnstaHmeDt o!' sald Intorevi ■ on the serenth day of October A. 1). 1S69, bj reaeon whereof. ad pnrattantto tho terms of sal paid naortrtgec elccis Ihst po mach of eaid prl ag remaius nu all arrearagej thcreoTj.Bl:all bfjctfmc duo and paynblc lmmcdl aud altercas, there is claimed to b dne and d on Bnid mortnjiiï attlie date of this ïïotïce the i;im =.'1 and tliirty-ílvc dollars for pr andlnten ! of thirty d shnntil ftny procoedins bo taken to foreclot raid [inga have been instttuteó elthei orany part thereof : Nottce thei re la glven,thftt on Satorday, the clevcnih dajt oi next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the South doorof the ConrtHonse, ia the city of Ann rbor, beiniï the balldlng in which the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw andSt is held, and by Tirtue of the power of sal? cor ín síiidm'rt:ñ;;e, I ah all aoll at public auction. bidder, the premisos dcribod in raJdnort eage'to eatisty the amonnt of ];rincipal and li above claimed as due, with t!io Attorneys fee of thirty dollars nnd charges of aale, to-v. it : certain pieces or parccls of Und situated íd the townebip of Sharon, and .. - v, and Michigan, described as fol t : the eanti)nrtof theftontl nal qur.rtcr of ecction N'). Beven f"; in town three nonth of raupe three (3) efipt. contal nlng elgbty acre of land aleo the weet half of the feonthwest psartor ofsectfon Nnmbor Beven f7) I three (3j cotith of range three (v-) eatjt, coTitainicg eizty aerca of land, moro or leas Dftted, MarchTth,: I WHEDON, ?iortsaf:oe. JniTN N-Oott, Attorney. for Mortgai Morlgago 8ald. DBÏABLThavlDg been made 1q the conclliion nfn certain m-r and Üftrla Barbara kayer, bis wifo, Éo Densmore Cram"er, on the lothday of Jnne, AD. i with thf power of ?ale ther of the Register of Deed? for the County of V naw. in the iUate of Michigan, on Uu June, A. I). JSS7. ít Tiá o i mortages, nri page Tt9f nnd by nn iiiptnim-nt of f July, A. I. I recorded I of tho Re rei8id, on the s day of Jnly, A. D. I 6 o'clock 1. M-, in ! [ nrrtgages, oti page 23"J,du!y assigned by f Cnimer to Maria Barbara Mayer, fin vrhlch mortgage thereip claiined to be dne atthe date ofthlsi thcpum of three hundred nnd - md ten cents, and inteiert from tl I t ;he ratc of ter per cei e.indading an Ati ■ wenty ( fore■ l raortgage,snani solt or pi law or i ■ ■f. Notice 's therefure. hezby gfren, I wer ol ■ ■ ■ tUall foU at pnblic auction, to tbe ■ afternoon of that day, at the Bouth door i Coart House, in the City of Ann Ai partor sectlon twei east. ai Southwest corner of a certain ftrci:i i Pontlac rner of e to John T. northeriy . owned by ' ■ ■ land to aid ïnllji maririn of ead poud to ! i [a land ' an ■ beglnnlngt & ntalnti alwaya resei v i all timos at ■ team or the lan I [ ■-.iid Swathel, Dat cd, Aim Arbor, JÍAlíIA B . i ;T:ï, Richwh ri:ATt ín, Attorncy íor Aísignee. Morlgage Sale. DEFAULT havlug been made in the condHionB oi a certain mortgage ma I to Thomas r ■ ■ iíoth day of : ber, A. I. 186 Ch tl ly of Oc tober, A. . 18 the Register ol Deods gnn, in Uber S6 of mortgages on pace 175, wblcb naid mortgago waa dnly aselued by sala Tho Lcoiinrd to uodfrey l lenment hearing date the btl ■' A.J). laö7, and duTy recorded In (he Register's ofiice a; ■ JaUber 86 of raortgages. on page IW morí ' '■ ' te of thfsnoti ntej beslöefl n ible AttOTiey'a or 8 in aaid mortenge and no sult or proceeding al in cquity i' " to recover tl or any pMrt I the power of Balein i virtueof the statnte in sur; I day of April, net. at 10 o'clock I that day, al the fourb door of tho Court House, ïti thecity of Aim Arbor Connty ■ State of Michl the place f hn]í!:. Circuit Court wlthtn nr public auction. to the htghéat ■ deeciibed ü i ichthereofas mny te ueceei lts, and e3 allowed by law; wl I asfollows: Lots No. ojj: Village, now City of Ann Arbor, In tíie County of Dated, Ann Arbor. 3 ar.. AL'GUSTl: UTN, Administratori)!' D. Prederl Ed-ïvabd 3Í. SlawsCK, AttO Morlgage Sale. DEFAULT havinpbeen mndcin tho condHIon ofa certain m ■' ted by Pred and Barbara M day of June. A. D. 1864, recorded sale therein coni-iiiud. In the office of the R a íor the Countyoï' June.A. D. ■ 4:lu oclocfe P. M.. iu libcr 82 ''f :■ 4ü8, and by an Inntramec date the d day o1 edin the ofilceof t: on the Hd day Jnlj , A. M.. in liber 2 i imid to Maria Barba m Mayer, üdcí Instrument of aasinment, 1 of March, A. D. ISTO, and v o( the ;. March, I . .. menta of mortgacei . on pago rbaxa Mayor to Baid Pre Schmid, and aftervards, by a rnrtherinstratnentof Bssignnientbeftiing date the 2d day of , Denr'p aforeeald on the 4th day ol ' . ISTO, at ï( Jíj o'clock A. M., in Hbpr 2 of ai morig iges. o i ■ whlch mo date of tbls notlcei the suni of flve I two dollars and twen late hereof a1 I bcpidee tho cos'h and expenses ofthta foreel Inclndtngan Attorn hould any prn and no snit orprocrcdlnei? at law or in ■ part thereof: Notice ij, there Etui by virüio ol tbepowei ■ insaid mortgage, which has becomeoperath eby thedefaalt :.:n:lin pnreaance of the statnte in each Ie and provlded, I shaïl p-'ll at p i to.thobigbfest bidder. on thefourth daj of June A. D. 1S70, at two o'clock In tho aflernoon of tl mth doorof the Oonrl Honse. In i'i.1 Ann Arbor, in the County of Vfifhter;iv nnd State of Michigan, fthat being the place ;J holdii Circuit OOUrt wlthln satd County), the p: ■ d in sald moi tnnty of Waa in Hrown A Pnller's Addition to I Arbor., i now dty)i i ly corner of r sevenin sald Addition, on Mül street, running thence northerl ■ i o the line of Ponu northwaidly nlonp the lin'1 of Pontinc feet. tnei út feet, ■ 'r land or m more conveyed by warranty deed to Vw Baïd Froderlrk Maver'by Volnry Cha andwlfe, Cn ■ In and wife, on tl day of .Tune A ]ï. i Üatvd.Ann Arbor. Mlcb., March loth, MABIA BARBAB Ittonnr BnxnAx, Attorney for Assisuce. Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by Din of i a A cl i.iay of ■ ■ íbe sama tttere Ís clafraad t be dae al principal and i1 ■ tionld any pr" and no Buit oí been had to n Now, !.!■ tiat by virtue of the power of sale in sakl nu ■ abito auction Co tti( bigl on the 2fUh day of Maj next, at to o'ciock in the I ■ Oourt Honscjn tbeCltyof Ann Arbor, Coontji ol "Washtenaw. and State i place o! holdinp the Circuit Bald County.) the - I n Baid moi or so much thereof an msy be neceraary t i the araonni dos on satd mort gage, with Interest and and expenses allowed hj law, whicb said prrmitío nr deacribed as followe: All the piece or parceJ r In-iiti befrl&ntng at the soiUhfiastrrly corno v of Travor'p Aouitlon number two tO ttio villaje of Aun Artnr, Wnshtcnuw County, Michigan, thence oorhwuteriy alon the Bontherly bouudsof said : fourchains, theoce northeasterly alongthe wei ter] y lino of lot numher two In aaid atlditiou eleven chaina and twelve liuks to the uorthwesterly corner of naM lit nnmber two, thenu oortfa intl h half 11 , lendndecded by i 'Praver to Z. S. Pu] thence aouth tl i Tceüeast, along sal eipbers land is chaina ana twonty-two liuks to the ald additlon, thence Bontb forty i and ft f to pii miinUctj 'Vt-wt, niue cbaltia Riid flfty and on e-half Hnka ai D to thE place of beginning, ■ Iïb of an acre, be the same more or leei. líaíttd, Aan Arbcr. rsrn. IP JïAC'II, Mortgagee. Riohíht Bkattatt, Attorney. 1360 Mortgage Sale. DTÏ7AITI.T hr.vínp beon made ín the conditlons ol a certftln mortgaKC mRtlo bv -T. ifier ; ■■ y Bnrke, -frihn BnrVe, Jr., -led the ninth day of.Tflnnary, A. ; and recorded on tho r vvn-htciiRw County, Mirhiran. in liber ':■ of raoi saldi rtgasc va -ï1 h ■ the fiiii Bdward Bnrke, l y d cd "f arögnroent dated thQloTentb day er iy f October. A. D. I86U i fu Dowclaimed ti : bos m of 1 e handred and teven dollars, the ■ m of thirty dollars aa au r'Soïicftor'i ft.' pro-videc or In raid mortga i . nnO no eau or Isfiututed ftt lfvw to ri'i o ■ ■ w due and -■ I raort' re, iv rirtufl of the j wet ol Rale contalned In iald rn aud by virlu' provuied, notli isb r '-■■ elven thal the t ty of Hay nezt, ar 12 oclock noon, ol at the ontb door of the Conrt Houfe. in the City of Ann Art r, ■ ' tena1! . ■■- , tace of ■ wil] bc - Ion, to the hi. ■ thereof as m ■ be ■- ut due e ' nnd coats, Incladr;s:iiil, ■ - : The No. tWt ■ ■ ■ ' lUtb Of raní; ■ uu i'ue gnijth eiul of the nortnveeft qnart#s ; wni r ■.■ on on I ■ of land two ton in width. taken from the ea of the ' - "-ve doIgan. Dt tod, Fcbruary 23d, 1870 EDWART) BtTRl Mortgaeree and Ai At!i 12J 8 Sïortgcge Sol. DEPAXTLT ' í ons of n certain i to Trnm ' In the V.'ashlcnrïw Coanty nfnr'M., of Bald ilfty In liber 33 of mm - -i ly the said " . (. and re1 ' 'inty, on the A. Mm ■ ■ ■ 5 o'clock i I of thia . ■ - ■ ! an At. . i hai lij b ■: -.. law er in chancery tu recover tbo art thereof: Now, therefore, iy virtue of the ■ provtdt ! ■ ( hercol following di r land of Wa quarter of eotlon nnmbei wnship atainlng sixty acres of lal les. m Illh.lfiTO. JAMES F KOVCEjAesipnee. Kiwaei R. Blawbon, Attorney. Morígac Sala. DEFATJLT haring been i r of a certatn WO Rl( h to Hnrber, A. D. 1 ' contained, I ■ ■■ thi i om ' ■ r., oi ' ■ - No.21 of moi ■ nty-fonrth da; A. i ■ . : liber 2 of noticc ■ and fon reen te, print ' bereof, ■ - f: 'iishtewlthin sftid Cpunty) on ■ batantlally aa te In the townshlp of York, in the . and the ai ter of theno foorsonth ofrnnpe six cïiPt. contalniutc eighty acres : aleo one oj : of land, belng all that part of the larter of suid si of the by Raid road, by laúd owned by , an Arbor. January 27tb.3STO. I i Assijn c of Hortgftge. B.P.G Mortgflge Sale. Dl iado In the ccnditlnn of ft certaln k f VVill;■;. Brown. lus w ! Pttte ifrn ■ . . and recordei ■ the 29th day of Jannary, A-D, ■ i ftod in ■ ■ lying lbo pame, the nin - letyfoar dollars and ■ y p.irt ■ front door of the ■ ■ i !? of land !■ ■ q a artero? tnenort ■■ion nambí townshlp foor Bouth ui n ■ JOHN W. COV, ■TT, rney for Asigneo i Attachment Notice. Jirmott. Tantes ■ ■ [1 04 ton, Mary Iïuetu ani Notici bata wrït of nttrtcluncnt . . issnetl out of I url for the - irit of the nbove oamed plalntiff, l the landfr, tl of I'atri' i Mnrpftret Mc. 'atrlck Hïton, Thomas i: on. Jam e a and Norah H ltnta,for the on t!iü fifih day of April, next, al ten o'clock, i. k. Dated, Aon Arbor, . 1870. 161 P. MoKKRSAN, Att'y. for Wff. ge Salo. D'.')T1 Of Ditvid ■ ■ of Ann ■ ■ . rs nnd flftv i ■ ■ he debt aucurotl by said mortgage, or 1 thcrcofi Notice tat on Monday, the t'iuti day of Jul - k. M.ofthat day. at the front door f : Ci urt Flonae, in the City of AnTi . ■ the place fo the CirI , ther wffl be sold at pu'iHc auctlon ,to the hlgheat bidder, the In said mortsagtf or ho imich thereof a may be iieceasury i amouut dm; on mUI note and mortgage at the data of tola notice, wíth inter'h and expiases provided for Ín paid mortgao, andatloved by lew. that íh to say: All that certaio piece or parcel of tand aituateri ín thacltr of Aun Arbor. Waahtenaw Cor.nty, Michigan, ttpHcribed a follows, to-wít: Beiuglots nnmber odp, four (4). ti ve -and eight, Id block ilve, iu Browa & i addition to the villaje, nuw cíty of Aun Arbor, accordhif to the: r?corded plat thereof. Dated, Ann Arbor, Aprll 7tb,187O. AARON JÏ. VANATTA.Mortsapce. Tracy W. I Attorney for Mortgagee. 1265 Roal Estáte for Sale. CTATKOF MICHIGAN, Couníy of Washtcnaw, es. k-3 ín ; n he estáte of Lewla A. Boekman, deceased. Nottce le hnreby girón, thatln pursuance ■t m: ordec arasted to the Bxecator ol tíie cstato oí' said deccaei Probate for the CoQfity of VPaeatenaw, ou thi rofMarch, A. D. I87u, there will at public, vcoduc,to the h1 ooae on the pr ; . in the CoüBty ofWaíhtenaw, insaidState, on Tli tho umth day of JuueA.D 1870. at on '. ernoon of that day, fsnbject to all enenmbrau■ ■ ecttued, and aleo enbject to the real estáte. z ï The west halfof the ea-it qunrt' r of section seven, iu íownship four Bonth ol four eastln eald State, exce] thereol tjkeii frora the north-e;ist corner by the Clinton roa'l ; alio all tbat part of the lialf of the north-wí llefl üorth of mencíng In t córner o( the enst half of the north■ chfllnsnndforty Hnka.then of hi_-Mvíiy .-■ ■ -í-.j and thlrty minutes west mx ch'iiusand Uve Un [ north wet tvenly Beven chaina anc iiin ty-five links to a síitke iü north llu tion seren, thence B i ven links to the place of beginning containiíií; fourteen and three-foi qnnrter of ttalc . fi r aaií . viz : lïy deed from Lew!s A. Ruckni " . línrrií. reoorded In libe 'eed8, on pi Vom Wiiliam Kuckman, Lewia B the Wl tUroatlt rconded In . p.ud by ikíjil of Lewia A Rock man and nífe to Mary B. Kuckman, rocorded it liber 11 of Deeds, n pafr editor. Dated, MarchSSd, A. l. 18T0. i'"4 Estáte of Hannah Browning. OTA' At of Ww . i n v'i Ann Arbor, ou Wedneada ■ and s vi ; fiirítin J. 1 In the matter of tac iistuït; f llaiuih Brown - ts h Tben c twen the f ore norm; be 0 ■ ñ in sai ■ i not h. - , and Ih (Átrneco ■ - ate of Benjamín Wotkinfl. ■ Pre ■ In thi of Benjamín . : to . ;niuis(ra etwent] ■ noon, ■ ■ (i f An ■ncy of said ft eco nöt, and the hearU1 - aoopy of thie ordr to printc and circuí.! - io Baid di j CA tnie e ■ " H1EAM J. BKAKFfl. Judffe of PmbHte. Estáte of Frank W. Goodale. QTA1] r.ConntyotWashtenawi O At a eesslon of Conrt forth of Woshtenaw, iiohten at the Probate Oflice, Ín tli -i1;, -fonrt March, In the year one thonsand el ■ -.te. In the matter - . Gooc aïe, m On rendtnrand fili Tifle.r ■ he ma; . ) ï']ï Ccrt:.. SAid minor, and invost theprocueds of sulIi otlier i Theri twentj laj of April, r.i-xt. al of paid pcï.: tion, ud tbrtt the next of b I minor and . are n thentobchf'. in theClty - shonld not . of th :íion,:mtl ti i d iu th rónlatlnj ■ HIRAM J. ecopy. Jndreof j" lS68td Estateof Mittie N. Dorr. CJTATE OF jnCHTQAN, Coanty of Washteniivr.FS O At a teesl en at the ; City of Ann Arbor. on T r onc thousand eiyht Uun dred ar vent, Iliram T. Beakes, .Tiide of Probj In to matter of the estáte of Mittie N. Porr initmr. On r e petltlon duly v [ng tlmt ehe i d to seli coitain real estáte belongins to said ■ ii is Orilered,tba1 ■ rwenty... next, at ten o'clock in thi ■ and all oth itlCouri . f the petitjoner s&ould Bot be grsnted: :;ivrnoaext ol kin ol safd minor, and all reor, bj " ;i copy ofthls Order to 'iontto ■ arinff. ,j j HIRAM J.BEAKE8. Judcof Probato. Efltato of Joseph Crornnn. STATE OFMICHIOAN, Connty of TTaahtenaw, s?. i ïonnty lden al th? P i .In the : -nn Arbor, on Wedaesdi ntythfrd day of Marcfa.ln-tbe year oue thousand eiüt hun enty. .-ut, Biram -T Bea3 In the matter of the estáte of Joseph Croman, ( v mi Croman i Ad ■ romeii . , afl fr) Admintetrator. londay. tin I the forV. ml all ate are ■ if said Conrt, then to of Ann .- ilirrt ■ . '.dminietrrttor ■ Ice tu the p ■ a copy of thi -4 order to i i said Conn; i -aid day of lioüriii. - CA ■ HÏE i OommissioDera' Notice. STATH OP MICHK I iw,Bfl The Probal ■ all per ■ allowea, by ortf r of said int thetr claims ■ wlll in ■ in tbe tdrday, lock A. M. (f each . r.ííuninc, and ndjust said ■ OTA'Í , ■ In Uii y of Mareh, !n the year onc thi i W ■ :ity. ?' ' V.c ). McCollnm, atorofmüd estáte, como parodio 'h',r wenty. mtnlngand allowlne mch eceaL equlred loap ,, o? Aun lf any there A.ndu rdered tlmt n:A dmlnietrator I runt, and the h - il copy of thiff ii.v Michigan Arg mdcir lid Coanty, tbree snccesBive vcckspred dny of hciu , iw (A truecopy.j lllimr .1. BBA] J2M Jndge of Probate. Estáte of Dsniel 13. Green. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waghtena v es. J At a sessionof tho Probate Court for the Counta bteoaw, holden at the Probate i City oí Ann Arbor. on Satnrdi dar o April, in the ycar one tin. luiudred and ■:'y. aul Present. Hiram .J. ftc-ak. .Tnd"e of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Daniel B (reen -ed. On readlneand filngthe petition dnly vrrificd ot i Orcen, praj ,.r mav. be appointed Auminietrator of the esiate tf said duTherenpon it ia ordered, that .,. iii„th, day of May ten o'clock .„on be assicnert for the hearin;: ofaald lnd that rs at law of sald decoaied, Mrl n',1 other persons interested in .- ■ reqnlrcd to nppear nta Beseion ol sai:. I M 10 Probato Office, in the City of ,nn Amor, and íhow canse, if auythere bs, why tlie prayer of ninted: Ami t la furiiier d thatsoid petitionerpivenoticeto t!-c Interened in ?airi sstate. of ihc ■ titlon, 8ii i 'Ier to hcpuhliKhcd in tl newspaper, prlnted and clrcnlatine In tliree Buccesjve wciks previouing ' ■J.) HIRAM7. BEAKXS, '2Sfc Judgc of Probata. Estáte of John Wiiclan. QTATEofMICHI . . , Evw, „ IJ Al i w, holden atthel'rohatcO' ■ n Arbor, 01 h day ol April, in the year oTiu thousand elght hun'dred and pc . ITirnm J. r.eakeB, Jndge of Pro!Me I" t' Whelan, OnrcadineandfllIngthepetlUon, duly veriied.el Pnnnilcr, prayin;; thnt hc dr'si.i; 'lPron.mi ed AdmlnutratTlx ol Iüp ■ Therenpon it is Ordered, thnt Mondar, ths 4ay of, at ten o'tlotk in theforei for the hearing of sa;d pptl tlon, and that the heirs at law of ?aid decesscd, and all other peí ,■ ?aid estáte. urt, tliei l".'"' vofAni :se. if nny th'rre be, erotV ' nrther ordered t!; . of this Order to '■ Oottnty, threi of !)!"■■ Atmecopy-.J HIK VJ6Md Juflq;e ol i - Ette of Hiram Tuttle. SIT0PMICH1 . ire.n f April, in the yeiir mie t hun■ dred ■ ■ In the matter of the :itlc,de ce&B 1 !in W. Tni-. tïmr thi'y it ' tbelr linui ac enpon il .. ín thi I allouinc iso. i f aai ■ heai ui .111 d ' (A I KES, - ol Prob.ito. 'o of George I'. Drury, OTA' i ■ pnw.w O Al ■ Arbor, on Thnrs .-.■r une tho uui'Jret Prei ideo of Pnv Tn the mrttierof tbe BstAte ofQeorge P. Drnrr ndnuniííTfitrix ol The ntntb noon, '1 for tho hearing of n fxnd nro roqnircd to ai ■ holden at The Proba! ■ of the ] eranted : Aiüi - said peti tloner d in ex' estat ndescy of said petition. and ih hear ■ of tliü order i hf pobilshed int printed and clrcnlatiDg tn etaid Connty, 1 CGftftive weeks previous to satd day ofhci (Atrnecopy.) HIK VKBS, Jadge of V Estáte of Thoma.i Kano. OTATE OF MICniGA2i,Conjity of 0 Atasessionof Of V'' ■■ '. city of Ann Arbor. on i ty un:t' dny Maroïi, iu tbeycar one i&oiWftnd ci?ht b'nndre and Beven ty. Prcfcïit, Jlirnm .T. BeatesJnögp of Probate, In the matter of the Est;.: i u Kan? . On readlDgand filing t':o petitioi, duly voviñod.c Susan Kimti, Ad ministra tri :;, pi nbfl may bt tod to seH cerUíio real estáte whreof &a;d de ■ Therenpon it [8 Ordered, that Wedm enth . n"xt. at ten o'clopk in th forf noon, ifttthePror. and show caufe, if any thcre lr, why , tnernhonld o tbis Order í ed In the M printed and fonr saccessive weeks previous to sald day of beai U trnecopy.J HIItAM J.BKAKES, 12G5U1 Jndgeof l'robale. Estáte of Saily A. Fray. ftTATKOI' T.COBDtyof WaMexiAWt o At a session of the Probate Courtfor e!" ofWai itoOfflC6;in tb City of Anu Arbor, on Prld dny ol April, In thcyear one thousand oight hno drod and Beven ty. Pre J. "Beakes, Juclín o f Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Sally i Onr' lïag the petlíion. duly veri Sed, o that come suit.nblc per?oi ointed Admicistrator of the estáte o: salfl ' ■renpon it Is Ordered, Bfonday, tht nioth . ' ■■:■" -k Ln t tton, ersona inten f of Am Arbor, ise, Ifany therebe, wbj theprayei ld rot ft-? granted: Anditïi Farther ordered, tha e pendency b ■ . copy ol iliis Order to i ■■■ !■ printed ai êonnty. t hr ■ pravioue to ( A t ■ . IIïRAM .T. TÍKAKKS, JÏC5 JudL'C oí Probate. Estato of Mararetto Taufklrcb. CTATEOFJitCniGANtCouDtyof Tashtenaw,i O At : of the 1 of Was ■■■ ín th i iie firgt d&J Of April, in the year onc thuusand ei;ht huu■ ■?rnbtc. 1 ii tin matter of the estáte oi iar;areue Taufkirch doce: On re ! deceasedi Thereupon it ií Ordered, that ! of May, next, al r ronoon, be assined foi 'ing of said petition, and ihat I are reof tho reto thi persona Interested ín eaid saidpcopy of thie Order a newspaper pril la'inpin a)d Connty. three ■■:;! t said daj of hear f A trnecopy.J IIIRA fi ES, . 126ï Jndceof Probatif; TpOE THE NEXT. Sizty Days h& Farmers' Store will Sell Goods Cheaper than any other Store in the City.


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Michigan Argus