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Proclamation By Napoleon

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Pari, April 21. Tha Journal Ojjicid publishes the followiDg proolamation by the Emperor : Freochmeo - Iba tror.stitution of 1852 drawn up iu virtue of tlio povvers wbioh you gavo me and ratified by the 8,000,000 voies nnd wbioh re-cstublishod the Empire, luis prooured for Franco 18 of calu) i:.u prospcrity wliich have not been without glory. It hua insured order and left tho way oea to all improvemeote, It has promoted the pro gress of' liberty, but suceessive changos have attered tha basis of the Plebiseitum whioh cauuot le uicdified without an appeal to the DStioo. It becomes indUpeuiable, thon, thal the new constitutiou bo approved by tho pcoplo as wore formerly the ooustitutioos of tho liepublic and of the umpire. At those two epochs it was bclioved, even as 1 fiiyscii' bolievc to day, tiiat imything dono without you was illcgitimato. The OODStitUtioD of imperial and democratie Frauce may bo reduced to a small uumber of t](lau:cntal prc whiob oaunoi be uhauged without youT oonssnt Your dacision will have tha udvautage of rondering deüuito the progresa already mado and of placing beyoud tha inlluencö of pqlitical fluotuationa the principies of the giwerumeut. The time too oftcu lost in barren an mbitieied controversies mnv more u?efa'ly em{iloyed hereuftur in Bíeking for tho meaos of increasiug the moral and materia! wcll beiDg of tho greutcst cumber. I addrcjss myself to all of you who f rom Decoinber '2, 1848, sunnoun'ed all obstaeles to plaoo rao at ycur bead, and to you who for 2'2 years have without cessation guardcd by your suffragu, sutuiued byyour co-opcraüoü and letvnrded uio by your !ittc;:tions. By giving an aílirmativo voto on the Plebisciturn you will place order and liberty on a s-jlid basis and render easier in tho future the transen issi on of tho crown to my son. You have almost unanimously for 18 years elothed ine with the iiuist extensivo powers. Bo also equally unauimous to-duy ia pupportiu the tra;isfonnation (if iho imperial regime The nation has no way of attaiuing to its proper dsvelopment without restiug on a fcundation which guarantecs at the sumo time stability and progress. Therefore, I cali on yon lo ratif'y the Hburul rcforms rcalized during the last 10 years. lleply "Yes." As for myselt, faithful to my oriin, I shall continuo penetrated by your thought and foriififd by your will, and, confiding in Providenco sliall work without cessation for tbo prosperity and grandeur of France. (Signcd) NAPOLEON. Paris, April '2Í, - Evening. The proclamalion is reoeived with cnthusiastic cümmendations by tho orgsus of tho Court. The Ministerial, liouher, and other journals, even those which counsel an affinnativo vote on the Picbiscitum, are cold in their txpressions. - i'lis Lugitiuiiats wiil partly vote no acd partly abstain from voting.


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