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A COTJGH, COLD, OR SOEE THROAT r&ffa p.'-'iuirts Lmmodiatt attenliou , as nesPsaMnuk tflect often U in &:i incutablt %Myamfirown's Bronchíal Troches VffitVSS willmosí ínvuriabíy For Bkonchitis, Astiïwv, Catahiiii, Cüxsr.trpTryh andTaaoAT DiutABEs, thoy 1.a'. ftsoothlng etTect. US anï PLTBMC SPEAKKRS u.ho them to clearAitd ttrDgthen voice. Owíng to the gnotl reputftÜOD and popnlarity of the Trochos, many toortklest and rhtap imiiatious are offercdwkicharegoodfornoihing. Be ure to outai. the truc BÍIOWN'S BRONCHÍAL TROCHES. 12Um6 eoLU IIWT BU. I v WASHTENAWCOUNTY. j ._ - i, Ij, __r,... M IC H t gcj __LJ j Mjjgg JgS j ]g3ng I i AND REAL ESTATJMEXCHANGE ! ! The 'i Ddemtgned liaYinfr a perfect Record ulttnrj 't ;ill of ihv Re i Bátate Title in thiá ;ity, and La the County of Waahtemv, Ukw pleuure In nrounoing to the jubito tbat 6 MH examina tltl, (.Ta.I ntliin;ike ceeUi niur guud, OQutracti and other lp.:il paporfl on illorlet DOtlee: Will also nal of City proporty aod r&rmfl . ronl h osen, and foreolon mortgiges. l'er; il la, vrill iibathis Bookü ii u 'rx TltlM and all collt-rl raatteia w I Icli ' uoh each parUonlar áeacrlp iicni ; :ui.l all moTigAiteii, anci'it ir ir.u tem, trhl h .i ii j i .ir ; il Li stJU dubsidtiiig of record it the prvMQt time. r tho íollowing Real Entile for sale : Ko.100 The Ma'ony House and Lot on División Btre . Mo.lOl. Hotiio and Lot in IIiscock:s adtlition. l'iice $3.000. Xo. 102. Tfro Story Iïrick Houso on Spring Stfeet. Xo. 10J. Two Story Wood IIüurö on Spring Sfeteftt. No. 101. KIe lï'tus'ï. Lot and Barn ja&twefttoi Law OoJleffe. Xo. 103, Fine IUm ot Out linuíf, B.irn and 5 acres I Land,Watr Püaat, &.c- vtry desirable Pi operty. Xo.106. Houso aud Sacres of Land iuside corpora tiOQ, No.lOT. House and Lot just eoutii uf tlieUuiTeraity building. Xo. 103. 1.1'i acres of Laad cast of tho Uaivcrslty (jioumla. Xo. 1P9. City Loti nearly opposltt Er. Chase' a Printing Eütablishmont. Xo.110. OnaTwo Stoiy Wuod Dwclling on State Btreet. Xu.lll. One elegant Two Story Erlck House uear (Jnireraity Square. No.112. 30 acres with buildínjs just nortb of the City. Xo.113. One Two Story House jast aovth Cemetftr; Groandn, Xo. 114, Two Erick Houso west side of (TalTeriit; Xo. 115. C acres just west of the City. Xo. 11C. 5 :icrtis with building jast west of t Cily. Xo. 1J7. ifiO'acres with balldinffl and inprovemeat O 1H11O Ilül't li - OOI MlUftliull, . 11S. 320 acres - fiue farm in Shiatvassce. j. 119. 2,000 acres of Wild Landfl in the Countíes of WayB. Monrot1, Pugiuaw anl Sliia wasset-, il y Abstrftot Buuks are pogted to , o. 120. One elegant TUree Story Building on lïurou ■ Street . o. 121, 175 acros on Uiddle Road to Ypsilanti. ). ï'2'2. 40 acres on Scuth Road with Buildings and . on mi ata. 0.123. 2-10 acres on North Dexter Road. 2.1; miles Otti i witli imprüvementf . o. 124. And ïnuch other Resl Enate not hercin ncludud. There are niiny oíd mdrtgaïe ia Washtenaw 0oun r undiscbarged of K . ; tho lawa ii.imiu. ■ Uortgages ïa different fruta tlitt appllca . Lte. .. Commfttton on sales of Real F'etate, one . if nale ma1. Ra of Beti Es tte Tltlo è centi perywr forDed8nd slxoent t rtgagea until change of notice. Ko ch i rif es will be Diftde for examinalin o f 1 itle, c recor'litig, tú partíéa linidin? rooney vaQteii tn loan na unincum red Real Estáte from oo to five ears,at 10 pM .ni. Interest m t to the lende. Ana Arbur, Uarch iC, l70. TU AC Y W. ROOT. f lS A KliCENT IMrnOVLMEÑV Ecplces tho uso of (lio Bitter s-PHatb djlimnt, wi:h whlob all ure fainllar. y Uosc íor dosc, il ia FULuIqUAL IN EUERÏ W.QÏ TO EimfQUININE, JLXD LJKE IT IS TUE 0NF.1 GKlAT, roSITIVH and rXFÍlIHICI CURE FOKkU SISEASES of MALABI0ÜS cfclGlH. Xevir tiud Ague, Vïiittrmitttnt Feverf all Fevcr, Beniiltent Te-rerJ I Billous FeJr, I iiiiulj Ajne, nnci tl lonj train of dlsordeis iSlowiiig these -hen ueglucted. l SWEET ftnSIXE I is TTltfle solely fronl lVruvlnïi Ral'k, (SO is lifter (juinine.) thiTefore is of Vpfcetablo oi'iíífci, Rnl not a Mineral poisoüj bu'lon tho oonirary is pioved to be ono of the ijemeiita fuunU iii iho blood of ill heultliy pofcous. SWEET atTTVIXE I acts iV ten niitidotc to, (a-s well i a euro for,) iiularial cv miaamatic paitan, lhe absorwlon of which by tlic limfpl cauea Intcriijittciit Feverg, cto. ïlio unlvlaavaatago clümed íor I STTEET QDINUUD I over a,ic use of oicl Bitter Quininfills tho entirfl absence of that Intense, peratatent )lttfnss, which in the latter is munsurjnoi .tublo obstaele to its nse with nu At persons and always witb chUU'eu. I SWEET ai'IA'ITE ks ii tiro fornis- in Powder for tho Lso of Tshy ic-ians and Diuggists, itnd Fluit, for ulfc i tVe faiuily and íor the t'cncrilyublA. S teVns, Farr &6( MMUFACTURIN6 CHEMIMR, A For Sale by Eberbach & Co., druggiets. 1264}1 200PIECES OF SIDE ST11IPE MERRIMAO D. PEINTS JUST RECEIVED AT THK Farmers' Store ! AND FOR SALE AT. 12 1-2 cents per Yard. 1241 TOR A FULL LINE OF FLANNELS, PLATDS, NAPKIN8, TAB LE LINENS, BLEACHED GOODS, TICKINGS AND DOMESTIG GOODS GO TO TIÏE FARMERS' STORE $ïo,ooo eeward! GREAT EXCITEMBNT il AMONG FAKMEES. JSOIO IUEZXjXiS W1I.1. PAT TUE IIIGIIEST CASH PRICE8 FOH (iOOU Wil KAT. ALL FARMERS WII.l. Wl WÏLL TO CALI. THERE DEFOEK SKLI.l.NÜ ELSEWBEBE. ÜIU.VU YO:it GOOD WHEAT TO ■CIO HILU. 1360 N. V. BRIGGS, Soio. GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &o. pOR CASH YOU CAN BOY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT TUE YARD OF G. SUTHERLAND & GO. Ann Arbor, January ,1870. 1252 A 11 E YOU GOINÜ TO BXJILT3 P "We will furnish Largo Bill3 of Lumber as Low as any dealor in Michigan. TVo soltcit no patronage except such ' as your interest will give us. Let us make figures on your bilis hef ore you go away from, home to puroTutse. eo E. BLOOD & CO. PHYSICIANS' Prescrip I tions Accuratoly and Caro fully Propared by li. W.ELLlSdkCO. gyOTICE! TO TriE FARMER'S STORE, And Learn their Prices before buying your Goods at othcr Places. T? LOtJR AND FEED STORE I23" KTEW BRICi; BLOCK NO. 14 WEST LIBERTY ST. Delhi Flour ! AN'D ALL KIXDS Ot" PEED AND COARSE GRA1N CViisti'.ntly os h;in'l,aaJ dclivered to cuütmora in ;uy part of the city. JOHX O. iAÜBENGAYER. Anti Ai-bor, KoT. In69. lM'nuf. 3,000 FENOE POST3 ! of Oil: Ploorlng, and 1,000 torda of wooj. furrio by K. B. COLE. GotoR.W.ELLlS& CO's for choice Wines and Liquors , for Medical Purposes . (RENVILLE, DEUGGI8T! To. 5 Jlaiu Street. Sast SicL-es KEEPS CONSTANILY ON HAND FAIINESTOCK'S LEAD.GilOUND IN OIL AND DRY COLOES, Oils, Varnishea, Putty, PATENT MEDICINES! BBTJSHES, BCltTOX'S TOBACCO AHTIDO.TE, COLGATE'S SOAPS, II AIR OILS $ EAIR RESTORERS DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIESi HAIE DYKS, FLAVORING AND Handkerchiei Extracts GLASS TÏUBBEK, AND . TUUSS ALL OF BEST MAKERS, PURE NATiyE WINES AND LIGJX) OES 1 AGENT FOR TUE O RE AT U. S. IE A COMPN'T. Presorlptions put up wlth Care at all Houra. Storeopenon the Sabbath trom T to 10X A. M j, 12 Ïo2,and 6 to S P. il. GR VILLE & FULLER'S ACCOUNTS, "IF KOT SETTLED BY APRIL lst, WILL BE LEFT WITH THE PROPER OFFICERS ÏOR COLLECTION GEQ. GRENVILLE. Marcháíh, J86. piNLEY tt LEWIS, Sentlemaa's Opera Boots. " Furgesoa Button Boots. " Frenoh Coogress Gaiters. " Creóle " " " Serge " " Scotch ïies. All Kights. " Oxford Tiea. In short, Full Line f Geüllouioa'i Boots and Sboes, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes n Great Variety, aud MEN'S HEAVY WORK, hand made of alljkinds. Ladics' FrencL Kid Button. " Foxod " " " Serge " " " Polish. Misees' Bronze, " aud Button. " Serge, " " " Cbild's " " " " We ank the particular atteiitiun of tho Ladic to OTJR FINE WOEK WHICH FOR Quality is Unsurpassed, IN THE STATE, ond in l'rice' FAR BELOW DETROIT FIGURES OUR WOPK WAlUtANTED A3 REl'RESENTED. 1263 A NEW INVOICE OF FINE DOUBLÉ AND SINGLE Paisley Shawls ! PLAID AND STR1PED SHAWLS JUST RECEIVED AT THE FARMERS' STORE. siueFpM CAN BE HAD VERY CHEAP AT HDLL, BOB1KSON & CO'S, TCL i IOE1 Thfl nderfigned hai inirt fn a stock of the very first c1:iés ico, utic] i rtady to delivcr U) ftimilics, ho ti-N . Mlooxw, conlt'ctinticrs luid any one w ho m:iy fl" iire it, ony qnantity Ihey muy viatL "t rmaonftla pricos. Ordejs olicltod, and ií dt?pi&ited iu boxin postofflc they wJll ba iiromptly sttomli'd to. Aun Arbor.'April ISiU. UUw4 MICIIAF.I. ANDRÉS. rífiSICÍASS1 "PBESCRIPT1ÖSS ACCURATEI.Y ANU ' CARBFULLY PHEPABED BY R. W. KLUS CO., VRUGGLS7S. DEMOVAL. J. KECK CO, STOCK OF FÜRM1B And Undertakex's Goeds To Mack S ScbmidM Block, No. 52 South Main, and No. 4 West Liberty Streets. TUE LAküEST STOKE IN THE CITY, ANB BVll KXPRESSLY FOR THE FÜKNIIUBE TRADf . TUEYUAVE NOW IN STORE THg LAROESTandFINKST STOCK OF FURXirURE EyEK OFFERED IN THI3 COUNTY.OF THEIROWN' MANUFACTURE, SUrERIOR BOTH I.V quAi.rrANDSTYLE.wHicn thky KOW OFFER TO THE l'l'BUCCHEAPBH HANCAX BEIiOUOUï ANYWHERE ELSEINT5% STATE. THEIRETOCKIXCLDDE8 EVKRY ARTiCI.E NEEDED TO FCRX1SH THL BEsrnousE fkom top T.OBOXTOM. TheiroW patroDj and th public generalij ar it ited to give t hem a cali. J. KECK C Aan Atbor.January, 1870. 1251 n ," ?:; B 1 i i B iVM 5uT 8 ? Sa h " i I - 6 g 3 SS ia Sa! L_2 ÍN ■ 1 HS Sf é ce 8 n o 0 a g n 2 j i 4 o Ph b ____- i t A NN AKBOK CITY MILLS! BEST FX.OXJR $3.00 per 100 lbs. OR AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, LEAVE ORPER3 AT THE PCST OFFICE. J. T. SWATHEL, SEPT.21st,18C9, 1M1( T UMBER YARD! C. KRAPF Has a lárice ftnd woü t cked Lumbar ard, on 3U rerson 8trt, iu tlio south prt of the City, oní will kespeoaatantly on hand n excellent varioty of LUMBER, BHINOLES, LATH. &C. whlch wül bí Bolüaslülf os can be afforded Intbia tuarket. Qu:il!tT and pricossnch that do gne need tu go '0 CONRAÜ KRAPF. Ann Arbor . Oct . 1 t .Tét9, 9S'f TG00D CUP OF IP YOU WANT THE WHBtEWITH 10 I'ÍAIIE IT.GOTO HULL, ROBÍNSOH & C0.


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