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DETliOlTADVERTlSEMËiNTS The Cardt H this column are all ff UgitlmaU en terpri' $es. Ifone of a questionabh ckaracttr aectpteé, G& R. IlcMILtiBN, ÏAIPORTEK8 and WHOLESALE GROCERS! lïavo inStocfe a ful' auortmó'ikt of Tra.8, Coffxks, Sogap, :■ rm ra nni tfoi ri'.i Ckt.::bi:at;:;) Extract. (' i'c L:El;ckwcÜ V 'ickU's for f":ilt'. d Porter. TRV GOODïJ, WHOLEáAl.i;. ALBËBT D. PIERCB & Co., "Wholesale Dry Goods f Wcodward Avenue, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. QEEI.Y'S Extracta and Toilet Arlicles, Fir S;'.ïo by all ftrst las QQaleis. HANDFAC] 265 & 2G7 Woodward Ave., Detroit T?i JÏAVJIONP &. SON", uUUKoLLLSííiS AAü MAlIUiiiËbai B0OKB1NDERS ani BLANK EOOK MANÜFACTÜRER8, No. 7 Fort Street West, Opposite ll.enov. Ctty II:iM. DETROIT Emd 118 Wooflwmrd .w nut-. trull, is tiutr 'ai eitgfint ettabti?nncJit vilt mofe tfann over deserve tïifi oncourafment "f til lovers of books in tbelr vi;-inity, anti friendo of ÏUerature tbroujrl opt Ihe country wil i be glad to .■■ t pat at i il hookêtótéê% lik o ttiecbarsetf eiu rd tiike tlicir wny.- hil Eñquirer, . ■ lak? pride in lts ne'.v Bookstorp, me o1 I ...i;II li.iiik tiio most bt-nu" .i ui in h' whole couDtry. - Botton Tiansrript. Tae :int elejuiit öookstore in die countiy. - Ad■ id Tnhnnc . A n orasmeni to tbe city.- Tree Prrts. RE MOV AL, E, [jSBMtKAZt, mtnnfft I Í:ig, Importar nu-'1 Jobbci "f 6Hds lor Meti's Ve.ii' bfts removed to tli Bpacioaa pre:, 71 & 78 Jeflterson Avenue, Detroit, Midi., a::!1 no-.v maunfaetunog a ver ' ■ ■ flothiDC suiiable for ttau Wesie'n Irado, - a iiirtre and Pashíonable aent oí l ftñd Tailors' Trimruings, -ods. 1ARK1 GESI JOHN PATTEN" & SON. ESTABLISHKD EN 1842. Iïi;n i L'e stock of mr.torial sïnce the ■. wt ar preptred to farnlsfa Buggles .:,'■ r,.tt r.:!iu eau be boughi for ■ ín BdIsIi ;.ihï durabiUty, wbicb . vork tbe best ia tboooantry. lianut - - !e aïid iirusii Stg' HENK Y WEBER. Wholesale ftnJ Ue í;ii! Deatar, and llaaufaecnret oi' Pumitun, ind ji)liiirl Tables, : as now removed to his story, Irt-e stoue front, Mammotb Furniturc 141, M:J & 145 "Woodward Ave.,ï)etrolt. Anti liHS ïiüoptftil the Prico fvetem. KaOps an al),aad with uosurpaaned ncilities, tbc latest iunl mve approve-l nmchiuery, (KfiöS all cuuipetition. Cali ñod judge for jourselves. I VÉTBOÍT MACHINTKY IlErOT. JAMB8 JJjNK8, DEALER 1JV MACI11WERY Xo. 29 Atvvater Street East, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. IüCIKIES PhOJIPTÏY AtTExDED TO. ] AOilXESHOP AXD ÜR.18Í FOUNJ1RY. Jl Do jou want ftrst claas BRA8S WORK OR BRASB CASTINGS Trnn Pit)i.n)l Fittiiic-R for Gnn, Staam or Water, ■ r i.fw Pm -me Steftm Enginefand Boileia, ■ nrl Disiillery Maehinery,Ac. Send fttr Circular and l'ricc Litt. f ER 4 BK.O3., t9 Braib Bt., Detroit. X. B.- AU kinds of Stcam Heating done. T OAN8 NF.ÜUTIATED IJ FOK Counties, Citics, Towns, School Districts and llailroads. oanty. ToTn nnl U.iürflft'i Officprs, who mij' LOANS Tl) NFfi'i'llATE.uro invitciHo coiifcr wilhu. ?ccíh1 atU'iilio.i vfiveo t the Nt.GoTIAÍIOS OF t:CU(!'!!. niSTRICT LOANS, WILKINS et Co., Detroit. TJEASON3 WIIY YOU SIIOÜLD BUY DETROIT JT0VES ! Ut- Thev are made of tAKE SUPERIOR CHARCOAt IKON, tlio best in tbe world. lï-ï- Thcyarewarranted XOT TO CRACK by ftre; S1- The Pattcrns are allnetr}nn4 hare the lateat lm) ro venaen ts, tth - Thelarge and va ried assortment of Cooking, Parlor and Hcatiug Stovea adaptad to the Western traIp cnables tbe consumera to get ju-t the article dulradi 5th- Thi-y nre made by practical anti experlenced mechanica FOR UáKand in Worsiag Quahtieaare better adaptcd to the wants of AH Teople. -Extra Platee to Detroit Storei can be easily obtainel. f-equently aviüg the cost of New Store. 7th - Iiptroit Stov's havt fullv demnnslrated that WKTl RN" IííON', v.nh WESTEKN SKILL can make BtoTes, not exeeU d by any in th tJnlted StAlos. anti Dught to Irwe rt I;irge share of i i-tronage from the cilizens of the ÏTéit. BILLIARD TABLEA! C. Schui. nbuho, Billiard, l'igeou üote, Bagatelle and Jenny Liud Table Manuf'tcturer. 3atifaction (ruaraüttod. BilÜard Goodi of alt kinds always on hanJ. l'etroit, Mich., and Joseph, Mo. VrANTLES & GRATES, I. A. Iíiilingb, dealer in JJi M .ntloe and (iratcg, 23 Woudbridge Street, West. S nd for Circular. MONUMENTO ANO MANTLE8. FcnrLTHns' Mar ble ami Brow.-stone Works, coraer Bato Street fin'! Micliiiíau Avenue. 3ml263 jYli. KËLLOGG'S" LIVER INVIGORATQR, Will strengt J.en theappetite,c]eanfie thestomacli, anii retiorste the bloor!, o tlnt oae need have no fear of AGUK, B1LÏOUS FEVER, 8ÜMMER COMPLAlNT.crany HaLARIOUS D 18 BASE, during the Iiot mntlis of e:nployl during the ear ly w&rm !ays of Spring. Kouu'iubcr an ounce of prevontitive syorth a pou;ii of cure. One bottle raay snvea heavy bill of expen.-e. TR. KELLOGG-S Zndian Remedy, Can be eraploycl as a Linarnent. and is pqually l mxnor Ii.-.i-t. I rill warrant it to cure BURN3,,CUT8, B i sil kinds of , witli Bpeed and certainLy. AKO SC11ATCUKS, lALL3,ivoundi,&s.,on hones. npHE CATHARTIC PROPERTIES OF Dr. KKLLOGGS FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, Ar extracte 1 trom limpie articles offood, bn Dorel afld Bclè"ntlflc process. 'ï'woy nr-ther gripe, ■:- bul it-ave digestión rlgorous, ooJ, d1 the I a añ rf lir, They Buould be einplojed in eam of HUloasnou, Fevef, Ague, ContiveneiB, Bowel rhea, LlTerComplalntj Kheumatism, I kc.t&c. LL OF DE. KELLOGGS MEDICINES Ar1 prepared by liimsplf, and warraatod puroan3 to be vegetable iuall rttspects. rU. KELLOGG'S CHAMPION OIJNTMENT, CarePILEÍ,SAI.TRHEUM, ITCH, aud all BK1N DISEA8E8, tboui fail. SoM by Drustjists and Eealerfl cverywhere. 1262tf PROCKEBY! U GPiOGKEïlY ! IN PULL BETS OR FIECES, IN ANYVARIETY.AND OF THE NEWEST PATTERNS, AT rpflïSICÏASS1 PHESCRIPTiOXS ACGLBATELY AND ■. CAHEFTJLLY PREPAI7ED R. ; GO ISIS. HPHEODORE TAYLOll & CO., (SUCCEKSORSTO C. ti. TlIOMl'SON i CO.,) WLoIesftleaudRcUïl Dealer in GBOGE&IES & PBODUCE FR U1TS, EXT 11 ACTS, SPICES, Grockery, Glassware, Lamp 3 and Oil, Table Cutlery, PlatedGcodS, ' Glasses, STONE, WOOUEN, AND House Established in 1S50. No. 13 South Main street, AisriT AJXBcyx, siicir Theo. T.iTior,' A . .1 . Hn'.hcr lnnti , 1317 V ". Wbedon, rjniiE J3EARS AEE aYÊAD1 " JOHNSOW, THE HATTER, Has just opened a Largo Stock of WINTER COODS! I]. g IV'ewest Stylcg of HAÏS & FÜRS ! Which wi'.l bc so!d LOWBR 'TKC.A.lSr EVEB I AL3O A LARGK3T0CK 0Y GLOVES, COLtAKS, NECK Tl ES, HAVDKERCHIEfS, SATCHELS, CANES, Uznbrellas, Parasols, &c. Please caliandex&mme m y goodsbefotcpurcbas Dg eisewhere. NO. 7 MAIN 8T„ - ANN 1RB0R MICÍÍ. November, 38ö9. 12-Gtf pAKllOÊAiEM; CHINCHILLAS ! ASTRAKAN AND SCARLET BROADCLGTH -A.T THE FA UMERS STOEE. J FULL AND CHOICE LI2KTEOP1 GROCERÏES! MAY BE FOUND AT Huil. Eobinson & Po's. TJUY rOUB Xiooking Glasses o? W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor, POR 3 REASONS. Firt, becaase ho kep the best of Imported Glass, and u gooci auortmeatof square and archtop 1 ramea, aiiütellg Secon-lly, because they bIonp to bis business. He mak es tluin a speei]t.v, doftshifl own work, ani eau afïbrd tn all OHEAPER I Thirtllj-, Beeause he manufactures tbem and can aml will sell tbe CHEAPEST 1 of anj oue in the city. Healso sella PICTURE FRAMES! TUocheapesl of anyboJ.v ia tlieState- a T:iras hcarö froni. NICE OVAL FRAMES FOB SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Kails! FHESCHGtAS9_tij tholight or box- ForTiclures orfor xarotTSiiHï L 33 EAST HÜROJI STREET, A.3STKT AEBOR, - - - MICH. JJEMËMBEB" TH AT HOLL, BQBINSQN I CO. KEEP A FÜLL ASSOETMENT CKOCZERY, BOLI) CHEAP. 1245 Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by "Sheridan 20 Mies Away!;! A. A_. TERRY, (SUCCESSOU TO KEMPKR A; DlEIfL.) Hs on haml a hwr u tock of "WIHSTTIBPï, GOODS includiag a full line of HATS & CAPS! Inlost siy]es and best quality. Ladies' and Gents' Fara, Gents' Furnishing GooJs, Glovcs, (Joüars, Necktics, &c. which willbe soM at tli Y ER Y LO WEST F1GU1ÏES. LW Remeraber the p!:;ce, Xo. 15 Soutl llaiu Street, tlic old store of Joliu West Ana Arbor, Dc. C3, l;i: .''. 1148if r ADÍES' FA8HIONABLE S EC O E HOUSE. 24 South Main Street. Dealt I in LADIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NBWE8T SÏYLES HLid9 Calí, and Cloth, A!w;iyson hand,and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF TOO WANT A. BOOT, JL GAITEK, J BUSKIZNT, OR A. SLIPPKE CALL AND EXAMINE HI3 STOCK BEFORE 1TIÍ CHASINQ. PRICES LOWEB than the LffWEST. R. TAREANT. Ann Arbor, Jtaj 17th,lgdB. DRY GOODS ! &BOCERIES, CARPETS, OIL CLOTITS ! AT THE FARMERS' STORE3WlIfEMNGT SWEETENING ! SUGAR andSYEÜP GO TO IIULL, EOBINSON & CO. TTOli THE NEXT Sixty Days the Farmers Store will Sell Goods Cheaper than any other Store in the City. Estáte of Thtisnclda Sayers. STATEOP MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wnshtenaw.ef. Notice lrf lierebyfiiveDttbat bynn order of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washteimw, tnado iïï the elgjbtteenth dty" of April, A. D. 18T0, six montha froin that tiatc wcre allowrd for credltora (o present th#ir claims ar?iint the eetaty of Thueoelái Bajersi late oí' said County, doceascd, and that all creditor? of e&id deceaeed ftta rcquired to breeeot Übeir Ualmi to said Probate ('t uu-t. w the I Oflice in ihf Gity cf Aun Arbor, for examlñatloB and llowance, on or before the ftighteenth dnv o i Oetobcr next, and that snch clüimn wlll bfl heard befóme said Probate Conrt. on Sfttnrday, r bcenthdy of July. an4onTnesdayf the elghteenth dayofOcteber ueit, at ten o'clock iu the forcnoou of each of those days. Dated, Aun Arbor, April ifïfli A. D.. 1$7rt HIK AM J BEAKE8. 120G Judie of Probate. Commissïoners' Notice. STATE OP WKJHIGAN.Couaty of Washtenaw, s . Tho andersigned bavfrifi bren appointed by th Probuto Cpnrtfor said County, Commissioc c-ivf. examine iiiidiKljnst all claims and !■■; all persons against th estáte of Eber Pattoe, lat of said County, rtucuased, hereby give notice thn six mnnths from cinto are allowcd, by ortfrr of salí Probate Cour t, forcredïtors to present thei rcainst tho estáte of said deceascd. aodtbatthe; wil: meet at the office of Junlin & ÏUodget, in the city of Ypailanti, in said County, on Saturday tbe elcventh day of -'une, and Frirlay, the day n( October, next, at tea oclock A. M. of eacl of said daye, to reoélre, examine, and adjïut BftL claims. Drtted, April Tth, A. ÏX lTn. 2288w4 Mortg:ïe Sale. XV'IIKIíKAS, Charles b outon, of Grass ■ theCounty of Jftcfeson. hik] State of Michigan, on tbc seveatB ü:;y of Oc'ober. A. V. J863, execoted mortgage to bedon, oftlu State of New York, to secure the paymeut of certain principal and interest for the parchase money ol the preraïsea tberelu m Eb the office of the Register in ibe Connty f W&shtenaw,a&d State ol Mii sforesafd. on the 12th day of Octobc r, A. i), i 9 o'clock A. oí' saidday. In liberal ol morl ciii pagi 868 ; And vrhereast delaalt has 1m for more than thirty days in the payment ofan ïnstallmentol ■ money whfch becamedae ou tlit: e of Ociober A. D. 1809, by reason f,andparaoaxitto theterma of said mo yaici mortgagee a remalns nnpaíd wlth ill ai thereon. Bhall become duo and payable Immedtately, and whereas, i bere ia clalmed to bo due anti n on said i i of two thou&nnd and thirty-flve dollars tor principal and interest) alsoan Attorneys fée ol I should any proeeedlogfi be tafeen to foreclofe said '. and no sult or proceediags have been Instltatcü eitherin lawor equity to recover th orany part thereofi Notice thorefore, (s I tri ven, that on Saturday, the elcventh day ol i k in the afteruoon, ai th south door of the CouitHoaae. tn tb: cllyof Ado Arbor, bi'ini? the baïldinj; in whlch the Circuit Court for the County ofWashtenaw andSI in p:imï ■ highest I I morti Batïsfy the amottnt ( principal oad Interest ''h the Attoi thlrty di ■. to-wlt : .11 those certain pleces or parcelaofland sltuated 'm thí? townnbij of Shiirou, and County ol Wash - to-wlt: rtie eastpart of tho sonthvresi I tion Ño. seven ff) in town three Botrtïi of range three (3) enst. contal nlog etvhty acres of land : also I hnlf of Uit; 'soutJ Nnrober seven CTj in township three (Ssonthot j casi,coutainiugöixty acres oí land, ■ DatL-d, Mart VTHKDON, Mortgage. John N.Gott, Attorncy. for Morí i ■ GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs aud MedicineB,Paints,Oils, &c. . ■" . H. i - ! MGrlLaL( Sale. DEFAULT inviugbecn madéln ,i ofa Vlílyer . if MI 1 M iluy ..u A. M.. ■ of Mar ■ rded iu ííi ! re is cluiíiv . nt ihc dnte ol the cosU nnd expe . ■ : 'il-irs. fhoiild rtcaire. m nr InchaDcerybav. ■ ïiven. virkK' ol the oj . Ín ?:iiil ii pnrsnance of th ;le and provlded, Ishal] th (':iy of 3 oo'clock in the f.fternoon of th: at the son!h doorof f':r.irt ( Ann A ■ onnty í v. lace ol ho!(! . Conrt within eaid Connty the 1 1 Hows.vlr.: S ■ in Brown & Fnller'B tddition to the vülagc ni .inn ren í-et ■ nlng thence northcrly ftloi the lino of ' . nty-two ■ ■ anawif. Cha pin and wife, on theStli Dat i, .. Maroli 1 t'; Había ba vyer. RlOB'KD Bkwias. ■ ':UOO. Attorney for Asíi jMorigage Sala. DEFAt andlllon o' mer. on the Itltbdayof June, A J) . wlthtl cin contajned. Id th Uoaol . nf '. nw, i. Jane, A. 1). 1 3 ;. nt T . o 'cío k P. M., in lil date the 2d dar ofjnly, A.D. . ! recorded in the office ofthi id, im the _(! day of Jiily, A. i ) I 5 o'clock P. M . in Ubcr '- l mort ■ A to be duo at the date ot'itiis i :inrt one doüarp aod Icn :e rato of ter pi : d Attorney fe oí . ■ my proceedfngs :Mt;,kíji . closesai sv.' ■ ''.?s at incbaDCeryt ■ I at by vlrti -'.ver rif Bale contalned in said m regase, i ' I, and in pni ofthe ■ ío made and provided. 1 . in the ■-"■.Uu door of the ' :iii Arbor, In the I State of Hl bcing th aalduonniy thepremisesdescrtbi as folio-. . el o!' land bi part of Deubell's mülpoad, tov.-n two south ol nd Stute oí' M at the :ier iï a ccit'ïin ei ihc uorthen D Í wifc tO Jnhn T. Swathel. thenca northerly along ihe lino of land now owned by iscob Beabolt, to land owned Smiili thence tolth's land to i . ■ ,ng tnn . Swathel. thence alonf; tne northerlj lydirecUonto to enter opon :! times at ; o gain nccr-?s with n team or he land w said Swathcl, and lytngisontherly fron rea. 18T0 MARTA BARBAR Riobahd Bsahax, of Attorney tur As-: i260 Mortgage Sale. DEPATJET bavlng ticen made h ■ ■ . . Burke, d.-ued i lio da v, A. I. ■ eds l'í.f Washon page 235, wbinh by thc safd Anthony Bttrke and John Burke, Ji , to d Edward Barke, )y ! t ü of ase the eleventh day of September, A Jj.' 1809, which assigumetat wasdaly recorded Id the RegiBtei ' ld, on the el lentsof raortgoges, on ; i opon uhich mongo Lmed to be cine thosiun of ftve Hod i ven dolían, dollars as an Attorney or Sollo Itor't fee provideé for in eaid mortgago; aud no suii or . havlng beeu insuiuted nt &w to recover thcsnra now due anásecured bysald niorttereof, now, therefore, bj virtae of tfae powcr of sale contained in said rah. and iv virtne of tlie statuíe In inch case m provided. noticeis hereby elven that cu Sai the twenty-flret day oí Hay next, ai t2 o'clocb Hoon, of that day, at the tonth door of tlifï Conrt Hooee, in the City of ADn Arbor, County ofWashtenaw, and State of Michigan, tbeing the place oí holding the Clrcmt Court wíthln sa4d Coootr), there U at public Muctinn. to the highest bidder, tgage, or aó muh reof as imy be neeessar . he amotint fine f id mortgage, with thelj :at and eosts, i ,,i Attorney fee of thirty dollar? as aíoreeatc!, wbichsbid preiniacs aredescribed as íollows: 'i'he sonthwe I the sonthwest qoarter ofsectlon No. twenty-eight, townsblp No. one sonth of range lx c?ir ; and :tlo a stnp oí land two roda In width, taken from the soathend of the northwest qharter f th? southwffrt Qnaiter of sectton No. twenty-eight towuhtp one Bontb of range ?ix eat. excepl of land tw o 'rods Ín -width . taken Trom the ea of the firgf abóvedeecribed paveel ; Ml the &höcribed lamlí beint: i! the Biateoí Michigan, Datcd, Fcbruary 2d, 1S7O. EDWAUD BURKE, R. BVAHAK, Attorney for Mortragc-! . Mortgage Sale. DEPATJLThavingbccn madeiu the condltionsof a certain m ' by ( iiiedDavid Prledrlcfc, snd Jatcobtna PriediiCR, his wife, cf Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, ( to Traman Schram, of the same place, on the lTtn iry, A. I. 1868 aud recorded ín the Register's Oñice of Washtenaw County aibresaid, on íTay IPebrnary, A. D 18Ö5, at ñji otlock A. , M.. of aaid Oüv in líber 33 of mortgages, un pace -S4 ; nrhlchsald mortgage wae duly íisslgned by thesaid I Traman Schram lo B. H. Spanlding. byanasslgn ■( mum ui leu uic i-ui uay uj uut lm, .-v. l. i?i:,anu recordedlnthe i föceol safd ('.mny, on the lSth day of Mar eb. , A. I'. I o'dock A. M., . on pace 402; whichsaid mortgage wu again : k. ii. Spanldfng to Jamee F 1L aeaignment dated the Bth day of September, A. D 1808, and recorded in the Ele&ister's cflice of eaid Connty on theTtb day of Jannary, A. ). 1668, at 5 o'clock P. Moin libar 1 of Assiiiiimciits of Nortgages, on pa apon h accompañying toe same, there Is nowxlaimed to be ducat t. of thte notioOt the m of ion.r band red and sizty thrcu dollars, andseveuty-BlofiCentfl. bcsides au At■ 's fee of tweuty dollars providod for in eaid mortgage,ud no suit or prooeeding havio iostitutud at uw or in chancery to reco Bame or &nj part beroof : Now, therefore, by virttie of the power of sale contalued il eaid mor and by virtué of the statu:, provided. ik," '.■ that onSftl ■ k ín the v, al tbe south door of i!. ■ House, In the Cily ol Aan Avbor, County ol Wasb_ the place of holding thn Circuit :■ ■ Ion. to the pr :ii!sí desoribed n - o mucb thereof as may be necewary i due on ■ (tnd rx.:re dcI indsituatedin Ar.n Arbor,and ■..-. and State of Michigan, lui. irterof the n rtor, and the ■ quarCer of 1 1 wo soiiii of i , costaiuing of Jfiiul, siore or les. llth,1T0. imee. Bdwabs II. Slattöoh, Attorney. 1256 Drain Commissiouer's Notice. NOTICE ia hereby given tïir.t tl immtohou-e t '... I . on the th daj i o'clock l5. U., to artiefi I ■ i dffiln, with branch, to be ktiown as Pltteïe!d No. 4 I): i cctïon Na i-l, run soath id :i. 1 wlli ■ of Wm. GeiWes on the Sd day f Vay. P. M., at which Urn u ill xliït)it mapa [ e pioposed rain, faccordlng to i-nrvey), anil íveral parcela oflanddeen . ifited theray. and l oposed ■ ihv owner of caen d a if Plttseld to ■ Ighwaj ' . why . -riiouiüuu: ehoold hc reviewed aud corAiin Arbor, Ap;:' JAMES J. PAKSHALI, I26 y Drain Comnüsstoner. r IVE GrBESB FEATHERS Consta BAGEfr ABEL. - -- ■ ■■■ i , ■ ! Accuratchj and (Jarefully Preparo . W. ELL1S & t ê ribazo Sale. Din (he coTinitionof of A:m Arhor. - Michigan, ti Aaron It ofAprll, ■ Id be taken f ■ uaiv ti. ciiit O lie anci ■ and mortgage at iho data of tln i interlexpetsce provided for ín sai i andaltowed by law.that istomy: A!l thnt uiec or panel of 1 1 AnnA: maw Coanty, Michigan, described asfollow. to-wit: Being lots nr.rober ooe. I t, In li'ock tlvc in Rrown&I citv of Ann Arbor,accordini ■ int Dated, Ai);, 11 7th . 1370. IV.1 VAXATTA.Mortwew. Attoruey tor Mortjrapep. 1265 Mortgage Sale. Dmaáe in the condltlon of n certaln i i, ol the city ol Ann Arbor. Countyof V. . Jnly, A. D. 1806. to Philip Bacb.. oflhe and recorded, with tho power ol In contalned in the office of th Itg1stur oí Dcede for tho of Wasbtenaw, in I P.M.. in Hber 'JA of mi rl iü. oa ■ oote acoom; tice, the som hnndred aud i illara and t cents, pii , ; Aitorncy' feo oí ; .-.■. andnognltor part thereof. iré, notlcels b of thf Msrncxt. nt ti o'clock i:i thc afternoon of tíint day, fit thc eonih clo.-r yf the Arbor, Co Washl ,dg t!ic - ' holding tho Circnlt Coart withi Comuí .-, . . allowed bj law, wl I v (iefcribed parce! ofland buetonlng at ti: ■ Tlycornerof 1 ' ■ mnber two ■ of Ana nonliw thi nee northenstcr v alo ■ hains and twelve links to the northwi of shícI lot na 'i tlftv. rtk-í {o ilcipher, '■'l iïC4 . id Píilcipher' ■ ilnsaiid twenty-two linke b fnrtv flfty and one-half liuks alo ñfty-eight hnndredtlu iI an acre, be tho same inore !, Ann Arbor, Fc!i. ■ l'ini.ll' LACH, Mort?agee. KioniR Beahan, Attnr . u..i ' Real Estáte for Sale. S: OFMICniGAN, CountTof Washten e matter oftheesta A.Kuckman, !-. that In pn of un ortlcr rau cd fco tho nuíicrsiuc-.:. tlie estáte said dceased, by i: ilon. Jo on tho twenty -third day of March. A. D. 1S7, tbere will I at pnblic veBdtte, to ,-?t dwelU . ol Washtêi ■ of Jnne A P . - nck ín the afternoon of thal i"1 by i at the time oí iceaed, ami also eabject to t lie therein) the i ■ en, in íownshl - í t'::=t i,. . tie part : ikt-n from the ftorthast comer by the Clinton roí ■ atpartol the ■ he north-west quarter ef ■■ii of the lörty aerea ; also a i mcnclng ii tro scciion Une tí a i ' as enst Borth ■{■■'. córner i the east north-'.'. nal quarter of running menee soutn oïie averee easl tiïirty one iway north flfty-rix üeertea and thirty min ;B tu a stak,' ins and trth line of s tion e !y rour chaiüs - west hi lh;;t portion wïz : By d ■ is A. Iïnckm:iii and ■ ■ ■ 83 oí D leed from Wiilium RucVman, Lew Is Rackman and James Pcniman, to the Michigan Sonthern 'í til roa !, recordad In 11 of Deetts, pae 4' tï, and by doed of Lewis a Hackman f nel wife to Mnry Ë. Hackman, recorded ín liber tl of Deeds, on paffe . . WIU.IAU M.KEGORY. Krrcntor. Dated,March 23d, A. D. 18T0. 12 4 Estáte of Orauge C. West. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of W Ai ii sesslon of (ha Probate Conrt Por che C of Waphtenaw, holden at the Pi obntc Office, Ju the City of .iin Arbor, o ::hd;;y of April, in the year ojie thousand eighlh and ecvr.ty, Hreeent, ïlimm J. Bmkcg, Jude of Probate. IW the matter of the e-tatc of Orango C. Weet, ted. On reading andfilins ttic petltlon, doly verified, of 8. West, nraymg that Daniel Oaldwelltni spneotbersv D,maT be r:jpointed Admfnisitrator of the enlate of aald deoeaa i. Therenpoo ;.t Ia ordered, that onday, ihe pïxteenthdayoi .. I □ o' ck iñ the forenoo, be sasigai i for the hearing of said pt-lition. . and all oi her persons interested in raid estáte, are rcquiml to appear at a t-easton of g.-tiil Court. thea holden, at the Probata Office, tn tiic City of Aun Arbor, and show canse, if any there bc. whv the i i tht' pet i Uon er ehonld rot be jrr!iiitL'il : A ml u is fiirt hei' o:(ïori-(U tbaftsaid petitioner ivenotice to tlic persono interested in eaid eetate, f the pendenfy of said potitioii, and the heariBJi th:reof. by a copy of thi order to bc published In the Michigan iwspaperprinted and circulating in ij.uti Connty, three weeks previo us to BÜd d.-.v of hearing e copy .j HrRAM J BKKES, littG Judge of Pp Estáte of John Watling. STATE OF !K1I1IO. Conatyof WahteDi At a Bession of the Probate vnirt for tin? Uonnty of Washtonaw, bolden ut the Probate Office. In the City of Ann Arbor. on Thorsday, the fourteenth :lay of April in thoyear one tho .,i'd and Beventy. Hiraiu J. Bcakf p. JndffB of Probate. ■ matter oí thc lístate of John W&tllog, :lece;ise(1 Alvah Pratt and Williarn Watlinr,Executorsof the I ast wil! and testament cf said deceased; come into Jourt and represent that thiyaie prepared to rëndcr theirflnal acconuti ators J hcronpon ir is onlereil. t! jit Mondar, the Bïxteemhriuy of Mar, next. at teno'clock ín fhefore be aasfened ior examlning and allovlng such be legaties, devlsees and I law-ofsftld HTi';i.-i-(t, and all ether persona ínter estad íi . are reoutred to appeax at aaesBÍon of satd Court, theu to he holttau at the Probate i the City of Aun Arbnr, in sfiitl Connty. and any here be. wrhy i he tald aceonnt shouUl put be alluwed : And it i? fnrther i that raía Execotors gi?e no tice to the pera na ínter ested i n saíd estafe, of the pendency of safd ncconnt, and the hearing thcroof, by c:mïnj; a copj of this order to be pubíisljed En tiic Michigan Argus, a newapaper prlnted aod chcnïatlng i-1 y, tliree succeasíve weeks previo us to s;iirl flay of hearing. (A true Copy.J IÍIKAM J. BKAKKS, 1998 Jttdge of Prob.itc. até of ïlenry Can field. OTATE ÍAN,Coaiityor'W-a8btenaw.a i of the Probate Conrtfor theConnty : thti Probate O fik-t, in the uu Arbor, on Mon day, the eleyeuth day ..i liunnly. ' tan ;Beake8,udg6 of Probate. Iu the matter of the KsUite ol Hoary Canfleld, OnreudiDLrand filintho net! t! on, dnly ver!fied,of OhesterH. E letrator, thal be .[ to iell certahi real estáte whereoí elxcd, [pon il ïsordered that Tucsday, the twentj-founh day of Hay, next, at ten odock in the i for the heariag o tlou, ai h ra at h i and al! are rcqnircil : Ion of aaid CoarL i be Probate Ofllce, iu the City ol Ann Art orbytbe A : ha peUtloi flted : - tft toner l'í-o DoUee to the pwaonB Intere istate, of the ia thereof, by cau&lng acopy of this order to be pnbffohect in the nted and circa! , four encceeslvewee to saJd HUW .;:s. Atrae Judcof l'robate. 1266td ite of Eooeh James. STAT!: ■ ■ onnty of Washtenaw, íi q of the Probate Conrt for the . holden at the Probate oöice I lity of Ann Arbor, on Mondáy, I of April, in the yftftr one thou-. andred tind sext ■ Present, 111 " of Probate. In the m&tfeerof the cL;ite of Ene eb Janies.deL, Jsmes and Lyman P. James, Execatora of the lna( wlll and testament of s-: . ■ nrt and n l ■ I torentier their tirst ucoouut ai . Thcrrupcn it i? OrcliTed, that Monday the ■ , and that the : ■ , and rji;ii( f] to appenr at a sewion of ei I - nllowed : Aiiil ti : ■ ■ ed In satd esfcRte, of i '■■■ :. nci ol a copy of tb -i the ■rprintedaudciroi ' ssive weeks prevlous to of hearing. CA trnecopy.) HiRAM J. BEAKE8, L' ■".; .1 Judi:e of Frobat. ' Kstate of Bates C. West CTATV ' ■ N, Couaty of Washtenaw, M „?:' ■ ' for theCoonty at tha Probate Office, in the tnrday, the sisieenth J"y ' ■' yenr one thöusand eiulit lmnPresent, llirara J. Bcikes, 7ndge of Probate te ui Bates C West, _,Vn : dnly verifledof Caldwell or er miublu peraon raay be appoiuted Ad:or of the estáte of s;:iu deceaset] thal Mondar, thcflxnext, at ten o'riocic In the for the hearing of salet ol vnid dccaL ■ ■ . . eautë! ?"■"' dCoart . al the Probate Office, in the city of ny there 1 e.wby rctitioner shonld uot be gntotadt Anti it isfartherordKretl.tiiat sald petlüoner 'ive no. itateef the penItion, and the hearinp thereof; by fthls Order to be publlabed lnthó aperprlDted and circulating In said connty, threeuuccessivc weeks tirevlonst of hearing. CAtruccopy J IIIRAJ1 J. BEAKE8. l-tO:d Judgeof ProbaU. Estáte of Daniel B. Green. OTATE ('FVJCHIOAN.Coiiniyof Washtenaw, es ' At a nesglon of he Probate Conrt for the Countv of M Mhtenaw. Imldtfd atthe Probate Office, in thé City of Anu Arbor. on 8tnrday, tlie ninth day of o theyearoao thousacd clght huudred and sev.' ; i . niram J. Beate. Jndgé of Probate matter of tbc cnt.ite o'f Danie} B. cireen . - "il. On remito? trad ninjtho petltlon ni verifica of i'. Harpcr may bc appuiutcd Acimiuiatrator of the estáte cf said dou His Mondar, the nintii In tha f. renonn bu ■r the hearing of said petitlon, and that théheirsat law of said deceased, and all other persons nier. ■■ ;ülred to appear il.thin to bc holden at tne "O"1 'ihe City of Abn Ar:or, and ehow canse, if any there be, wfiy the pnijor of the petl■ be (trnnted : And it is fnriher orderer] that sal I petitroner pive cotice to tl-e persons of uld petition, nud the henring tl :, , of ■ ■ ihllsbed in the M . ■■ . Atpu, a ii ewspaper. printed and circulaünn in sald Cónnty ■ Jhree sncceBsive wetks previooa to auid day of hear,. l; .„■:-;.) HIflAMJ. BEAKKS, " Judgc of Probate. Estáte of John Whelan. ,CTATEoFMICHTGA!V,CotnTTOFWAiHT!r, ra. l7„'v Conrt fortheüonnri? {v-theProbateOfflceintheClty 01 Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eieren) h day of Apnl. in the year one thousand eieht liandreï [lllil 6' - " e .7. Beakes, Jndge of Probate In the matter of tnc Estáte of John Whelan, decea&ed. OnreodlnKandfiUngthepetiUon, duly veriiled.oí ' or'some other i appointed Admlnutratrix o tue estateof . Theren'poü' t is Ordered, that Honday, the mmli oay of, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be se'.gned for the hearing of said petltlon, and that the heli al law of said deccased; ''''■"' :l11 ''■ in raid estáte,' ■ ' : ' oart, then to De holden at thi . v of Ann Arbor, Ifany there be,why thepraycro' Lbegranteu: Anditis 'Drthcroraered that snid petiti. e to tbá eudencj of ■ald ; ' thorcof, by causing a eopyofthis Order to be pablishedln the Michigan iperprinted and eironlatins in itúí Connty, tbree succesaive weeks previous tosaid dny of heai AtrnccopyO 1IIIÏAMJ. BEAKIIS. lïSStd Judqc oi Probate. "te of 'Hirain Tuttle. STATF.OF MICHIGAN, Cotmty ol Waehtenaw, w.Ata sesslon of the Probate Ccrart for the Connty nf Wttslitraaw, holden at the Probate Oflice In the City ol Anu Arbor, on Monday, the eleventh' dsy of April, i:i ihe year ono thsiisand eight huudred :.: I kei, 'iul?e of Probate In the matter of t!ie estala of liirlhi Itutle, deceascd. Maren? Tuttle and John W. Tnttle, Administra, tors of said estáte, come into Conrt and represent th:t they ure now preparad lo render their flual acconnt as snch Adsuouirators. Therecpon it Is ordered, that Morday. ttö niüth day ol Ma . . : ■',: u tho' forenoon, ' or czantining aud allowiiisach account, and tbat the heira at lw of said de i otnerpersona iit:-r'f,ed in said estáte eqnired to appear at a session of paid Conrt' !rn at the Probate Oltice, in the City o Ann Arbor, . -;'-ty. and Bhow canso, if any therobe. wl Duntshonldnotbeallowed! ;t f:;rlher orrlered, that said Administiatorii givenoücetol ed in ald estáte, lency ofeatd account, and the iiearing ü copy of this order to be published En tbe .Vir . . n newsp'aper printecT and eiren' til ■ i!-ree successive üil!". CA trne copy.J HIBAM f. BEAKES, Jadj;e ot Probate. Estafe of Goorge P. Drury. CTATK OF MICHIGAN. CounU of Wasbtenaw.M, C At ? Pesslon of the Probate Conii for the Connty of V:: !..! il at the ! ■. in the ■ Arbor, on Th n red rêith day ', in tlut ycar ono thousat;d elght huudrcii . Present, HlramJ, TÍcíiTícf. Judeof Probate. In tm? matter of the Estáte of Georgfl P.Drury. . d. Oh re&dlng and filïnsr the petitïon, duly verifiVd, of Nary A Drm tt abe ua:iy be appoiutcd 'rairix 01 th tld deceneed. Thereapon it is ordered, that Monday, the nlnth dftj of at t'" O'clock iü iheforenooii, : for the hcarlug of said petisnd thai the helra at law of said deceaeed, and all oí her persons Interested ín paid estáte iircroqiüred Jo appca? at n tcsion of said Conrt, then to be noTdedp at the Probate Office, in the il Ann Arbor, and show cause it' any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitionor shonld uot be grauted : And it is furthcr ordered, that said peti..utice to the persona inierested in naiá estáte , of the pendency of said pelition. and the taefrrine thereof, by canfín a copy of thls order to ■■■ tehed In tho MitJvfaam Arjus a uewspaper, printcd and clrcnlatÍDg in aM County, three bucccfepivt' weck!1 prfcTioas to eaïd day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) IIIlïAM J. BKAKES, 1205 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Thomas Kane. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Waehtcnaw, 8 O At a seasion of the Probate Conrt for theCoumy itenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the twenty-ninth■U,n theyear one tUousaudeight huudred and sevi Prese nt, Iliram J. B cakes,. Tml ge of Probate. In thf matter Of the Estáte of Thomas Kane, sed. On readlngand fiHng ïhf petïtion, dnly verified.of Snsan Kane. Adiniui-tratrix, praylug that she may be d to Bell oertaln reul estáte whcreof said deJied eeizedr Th eren pon Itls Ordered, that TVcdnPscTay,the eleventh day of May, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the heariog of said petitlon. and thnt the heirs at law of mid decettsedi and nJl other pQrsQiifl interested in said estáte, are reqnired toappear ai ;i Bession ofoald Cburt, then tobe holden at the Probate Office,ïa the City of Ann Arbor anti show cause, if any thcre bc, why toe prayer ofths petttionershotild nol begr&ntetf: And itisfurtneror : I petltionergive noticc to the persons said te, ■ pendency of said perrinn, and the hearing tliereof, by caneing a copy cf this Order to be publtehed ín the Michigan Argus, e newspapei printcd and circnlatinp: in said Connty, four successive weeks previoua to said day of heat - :n-r. CAtraecoftr.) HTRAM J.BEAKES, Judseof Probate, Estáte of Sally A. Pray. STATE OT-' MICHIGAN, Connt.vof Washtetiaw.ssAt a session of the Probate Conrt for the Couiity ofWaahtanaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Priday, the the eijrhth il.iy ol AprH, 11 theyear one thonsand eight hundred and Beventy. Present, lliram J. Beakes, Jndge o f Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sally A. Pray, deceased. Ou readingand &V,ng the petition. dtily verificó, of Mary J. G praylng ttmt s?me snitable persoiï may b appointed Administratnr of the cBtate of eaia deceaaed. Theroupon it is Ordcred, ili.-it Monday, the niníh daj Oí May, next. at ten o'clock m the forenoon, be a&sirned for tfu1 hearing of saidpetitioD, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and :il! otiier persons interoïted in aüd e?tatK are required to appear at a st-sion of eaid Conrt then to be holden ai the l'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show canse, Ifanytheri be, whytheptaye oí the politiinier shotild not in ranted: Anti it is fsrtberordered, thatsaidpctitioner!;ivenotice to the Btedin saiï pstato, of thependem-yof .:] the hearing thereof, by cansinca ihis Order to be pnblished lntbe K i a newapaper printed and clrcnlatlng in saiti lireu aacceastre weeks prerious to saidday ol hearinfr. (Py.J HIRAM .T. BEAKES, Judtrc of Probate. Estáte of Margarette Taufkircb. CTATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of ÖA1 asession of the Probate ConrtforthcConnty nt Waahtonaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce iu the cily of Aiid Arbor, on Frlday, the nrst day of April, in the year one thouaand eight hiin1 Beventy, PrefcntHiram .T.Beakes, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of yargarette Toufkirch decea adlneand flliiürrhe pehtion.dnly vended, ol I Ing that he muy be ai))ointed AdminlBtrator of hu estáte ofsaid deceased. ipon it is Ordered, that Monday, the :;.v of May. next, at ten o'clock in ih; forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of :ii,)n. and ihat the heiraatlawof saidde. :(1 al lother persons i ntcresied in said estáte i ppear ata sesalo'n of said Conrt, the to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann !iy thoprayei of the petitioner shonld not be granted: Ai;ciitis derod, thal sald petitioner rlvenotlcetotli ■ f thr pendency ol ■ 'n. and the hearimr cansipga thia Order ld be palilished in theJiichiga Argüid i printed and cirrnla'inpin said Cotinty. threaaacoessiTe wet-kí previoustoisaiddaj ■ i ii ir , fAtrnecopy.l HIRAM J. BBAKB8, Jndeeof Probate. ALL AT THE Farmers' Store, and seö tlieir Goods and Learn theïr Priees. Everything in Bress Goode Harked Down.


Old News
Michigan Argus