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The Constitutional Amendments

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Articles bave appeared at sundry times of late, in the Democratie papirs, expressing opiuioos relativo to the future actiou of tho Democratie party on the recent amendmenta to tho Constitution. As to the marmer in which ihese amendmeuts to the Constitution hare beon brouglit about, democratie papers agree tliat tUo examplo whicli they afford is a most dungerous precedent. - 'l'ho main question, howover, 13 - YVhat will the Democratie party do with referenoe to them ? So i'ar as the abolition of lavery is concerued, now tbat that question is eettlcd, no oue even propones even to claim that it sliall be re-estabTishcd. It is effeotually wiped out, and letit gtny so. Wo have also repeatedly expreesed the opiuion that wo eutertained no particular fear in conssquenee of extensión of the right of suiïïage to the colored moo. It is to the manner in wLieh these nniendments have beon made that wo, wilh all other demócrata, have objected and will continue to cbjeet. object to the jurisdiction of Congress In all matters of our local concern, aud in a 1 respect where the Constituiion bas not expressly conferred jiowerg of legislation upon it. ïho doctrine that Cungress can compel the people Michigan to subtnit to its dictation o;i the question of ufFiae, is preposterous. CungreBS might as well pass laws relativo to mnrriages, or any olher local concern. Tbc people will not much longcr submit to these encroaehrnentsof a Congreso which has usurpèd not only the executiTc, bul even tho judicial power of the goverument, as far t;s it possibly eould dy so. And it can haraly bü supposed, with tho views which demoorats from tho beginniog of the goveniment have enterta'med, that ihey will heronfter considcr these amnduients, so called, as anythiug else tban outside of he Conatitutiou, and in reality void, bocaupe they ara not amendments to the Constitution nor withiu the scope of its oovenants, hut are nnünug more nor less than Congressional usuipations, con-ummated bjr fraud and foroe, for party purposes, and in open dpfiuce of all rule precedent and proceedings touching thu Conititution of tho Uuited State3 in all time past, The fact can never be got over, that Vher-fi amendments have never been submitted to the States, or adopted by tho States in tho m antier preseribed by the Oonstitulion. They were forced upon the States by a miütary dospotinm and by a corrupt and venal Cougress, and ought not clearly to be proel uimed ag the supreme law of the land till, at least they go througli the forms j)retscribed in the Constitution. Whatever Dtmocrats will consider best to bo done in the future, the principies of State rights and the rigbts of the peoplo of independent States can never bo surrentlereil to the principlus of consolidatjon, vrhlob are now and have been t work ever sinoe the formation of tbe ltepubliean party. Th is party claims to have clone wonder ful thinga on tho eore,.of progresión aüd humanity, bat not a ijuartcr of a century will elapso before the people will pronounce, from ono ond of Mie laiid to the oUier, that the frrratcKtdclriment, the American Kepuiilio and American liberties have roceived have b"tn doi;o by tho Ilepublitn paFty. - Marshall Etpounder. Tho warlike prfparatioas of tho Mormoon are crcaticg oousiderab!e uueasiness in tho West. ïhe junior and sof boroore e'asses oi Dickisbuji College, at Carlisle, PennsylYan(a, Uavc rebclled ogainst nn ordei ol the foulty anJ icfuge to altend recitations, and bave bceu suspended. Ou Monday, Ociieral Canby iasued orders relinquisling command of the Department .f Virgini, r.ud whh lli itaff lefi íur WsbÍDto