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What The West Thinks Of The Tariff

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Thoy underr-tund protty well what ihe tariff menns out West, if we fflay judge frota the taik of the St. Anthony's Falls Ikmocrat. The Dsmocrat Ilústrales the subject in the followiog siiupla but forciblo "If ten men were to forra a colony and settle ïn Colorado, irnl somo wcre rieh nml some werepoor; it' a tas waslovicd ou the property, then soch man would iay for tho support of ;lio governtnent acc.ordisg to tiis moans. Hut if ustead of lsiying a tax on the Droperty it vvero enacted that 6o many sents should bo paid on every pound of :obacco, so niany on every yard ofclftth, nd po many on every pound of sak, ;hcn the workingman who bad not a dolar in tho world would poy as tnucb as ihe mau worth ten thousaud." Thj os the pame paper fODcludeg, is jxactly the case witli tho tariff. It is i écheme to get out of workingraen more ihan tbeir ehare of tf;6 expenso. The wor must eat as well as the neb. They nust bo clotiied. By taxing articlca of oosumption, instead of propertj, the loor man s robbed without pereoiviog t. Uader the plea of protection to jorne industrj, the operativo paya for .he fiue road over which the manufacturer drives bis coach and four.