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QOME AGAIN VIT II A PULL STOCK OF CABINET-WARE, TO BS SOLD CHE AP ER ÏUAN' ANTWUEHE EI.SE ÍN TUK 8TTE. AT II1S OI.D STORE, 1IAIX STB KT, AX.V AliBOll fpÜRNlTURE CUE .A.IF I The Largeit and Rest stock in the cftj, ofallvarictÍL's and stjrïes, at the c ld store of O. M. MARTIN. QSt. MARTIN IS AGAI IN BUSINESS, WTith a ful! line of Choico Firruiture, Parlor and Bedroom Sets, Mirrors, &o. Cali and see hhn. 1268 pOFlINS AND OASES 1 AFULL STOCK AT MAKTIN'S AI.L CAI.I.S ÏT.OMPI'I.Y ATTI xnr.D TO. ggARTIN'S Is t!ie place to gel anythlng you want in th FURiNITüRE LINE! UK WILL NOT BE UNIERSOI.D. NN ARBOR AGAINSr THE STATEIN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Maitin against Ann Arbor. Dou't Foiget lm Old Stand. A ua Arbor Agriculturul Co. IL ' FARMER'S A ITpNTÏOX. Rcari tlio follawing, which is of the greatest im. portanco to you : Ann Arbor, Sept. 1, Ig(ï9. JoTinsíon, Iluntly Iz Co : - Gents - I j.urcliased oue of your Keaptsrs of Finuean & Howard Iaat senson, a ml ha".' g v'ti lt ;i t Ixorougfa tiial, and can truly snv tliiit it woiks hke n tbing of Üfe,cattlDg lodged and tanglcl grUi an l'ickini? it up with tiiote aloèost human nno in much beteer nhape ilian couM b liati'i, letfving iidt a pear behind. I thtob its liphtness of" drafl , vidth of cut, (0 fee() BÍmpUcity hipI iulaijt:tbility to all kinds of gralo, combi peto Hinkelt th'bitt Hcipt-r extant. J,. M. LYON. We, tlic untlfrB'finf'i] , j.urchafr'J Jojiastoq Keapors, and fully coocur In the abo' e Btatemeot . John ti - Kooh, l'ilt.fieM. Timothej Fohe, Webster John Frwgol. ■ Joho Coyle, Datld VangöioD, " Bltsha Cranson, H.c Ihmtvi-.s.nith Lyon. Thotn&fcO'Brfea. HeoryCaoIiD, Nortbfleid. NeUon ' bora, Sclo. Jone Andrea Mead, Ann Arbor. Chirles S'oltfiíiicr, 8 i'. Lew1sFrtts;LteIo. These mvchine af e Improredi the ycar 1870, har a Dlndlng attachment . and re foi sale hy the Ann Arbw AuricniturAl CoiBpany, tueeesaori to L. ilooreti S ii ai dFlDDfoan Iloward. We al"heep a large #npply óf tBe follbwlng machines n i t li drop piun atuclum-iiK ai"l JoknstOn sit ra)tM. ThM0 mapklnes toay no eqaal In th markêi. 'Il:' H tbe prliesai Chedlffrnt trtaUlpthe th pa4t t o Torf, ant i n 110 case have thoy failed olT rlctoríoua : The World, The ExcolBir, The Champion, The ilubb&rdt The Rn 'iil1' l!-'11 ■ inmbiiie havpi nrvcr fnilel to give BatlsÜia ti. ui to puichaser, and uro lig liter d raí t :faan anj othcr michinca. We also eíJ tljc iotloffing Thiosh ing Maclünetí : aufoe l'itta, Tm Tornado, Bi i ' '1' Mnssilon, Cheeinn & Hall, Tfte Vfbrnlo, GKAlN DKILIjS - "p manufacture the eclebrated ii", -' (-lid Drill , w iiieih for ■Implícita a-ciirncy And ltii;ibility . bftje fo loperidr. We varxaai frill to - - üt6Ú '■■ bo bate. ■'■ ■ LOufBOturod bf (jtlier parÜM tod re ;,ri nared to furnishanj deairqd íliííoIb u the shortest notlee. Weareprpredto di all kinds of re.f tarín Piaciiipfi-v, uurh iis ReaparSi UOWsrs, ïhreaherB, Hoi e I'Wa keep'congtantly on ban eb of Agricultur&l impleOients, plowí , liariow, wheel cultivuton, feedewtterfl . coro sneller, coW ron kettleg, power jacks and riohineK.ftH otour ownmaiin!' ;..t the IowcbI po il6le fiui . Va WQuld ullv iavlta all partles.vidhlng i ó parchase ui r artloJo in Qrlté ftom plow iíoíbI t" ;t : inií" tooUnd seo us btforo purchaainj, for give t'he'ta b tl , beller Urms, au! Lowev prli m thÉn oau bt obtaii i eWawu! e, X.H- Remt üiliti1 we manufacture none bul cla.s gio(Ï8, and tl nndersell all cbmpwtöM. GaUand sm uíb aiut8rftjro( 5 to 10pe#cnt., and Ketgoodi thnt are virnnt d tobe up to the stand Ard A ful! stock rf ex trad ke]tcontantly on liand tjie Bèffalo pitt' Tbrher. IaTui: SCRÜW CUTTING of all kind dme od jtbort nutlce. and BRlourftrtnjJunction of Drtroïtaini Fourth Sts. Foundry and Michine "V, F4ftB Ward, nppoflite íincluir.-' Mills. 1- ' pOLD AND THE CITY ARCADE! Ifl Icttlng -i vi i i.r l.oo perpouiwl, and a vi -i pdund Cali for il kmfof thut 8CPIBI0B Bosru.s BkiAï.v BKKAI - fresh I vry l):i. CLARK &CKOPSY. 1 !i 8 wï jTEAJi TUIS," CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AND EYE-GLASSES. ONE OF FIItM WILL IiF. AT THE STORK OF THEIH AÖENT, JACOB HALLER, JEWLER, ANX ARBOK, - MICHIGAN, ONE DA Y ONLY, TUESDAY, MAY 17th, 1870 HE ATTENDS FOR THE PURPOSE OP ASSIS TING, Jlr. .ÏACOU HA1LÏÏR, In Fitting the Eye in Difficult or Uimbual Cases. Those enffertng from impatred or iscased visión ure recomme nded to avall thenuelveg of Ihlt ojportimity. l'jr.-v. -2 Real Estáte for Sala. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, Oonnty of Washtesiaw,n 0 Intiie matter of the estáte "of Thomas Brlght. minor Nu:; ■ ■ porsnance of iin order 'ranied totiK nnderflignert , Qnardian of the of Mid minor, by tlic Ilon.Judjie ot Probate 1 ountj of H -::'''n:i',v. on thO elghteentb. day of April, A. D, I8T0, there wil] bo soldat pnbliCTendue, to ■ btdder, at the office of G. R. Palmer, in v ■ : the Connty of Washtenaw, ii: ald y. the twe'nty-tliin: linie A. J). i ,-. lock In the aftëi i , that day, (subjecl lo all encumbrance by mortgag or otberwïeeexlBtingatthetime olsale) the following describí e, vlx: Tbe tontbwest quartcr oj q'.uirter of secties thirty-two, in township fuiir south of ran i thre ioaet,ln said State. Dated Muy2d, A. I). : 12 RICHARD GREEN, Ooardlan. Chaticery Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN- Th Circuit Cotirt for tbe -7 Coanty of Washteuaw. in Chancery. Jacob Ormsbee, Complainant w. Vrilliam r:own, Jane Lewis, Ellphaiet I.. Lewi', James W.Luwis, and Robert Blsckwood, DefendantsIn pursuance and by virtne of a deerco of the Cir cuit Court lor the (■■■ . asbtenaw, Michigan, on the Chancery side of said Conrt, made on six teenth d.-iy ot Decexnbt r. A. D. eighteen hmidred auc slxty-nine in a certain cause there'D pending where in Jacob Ormsbf awasandlacomplalnant, and VVilüam ünura, Jane Lewis, Blipbalet L. LewUh Jame W. Lewia and Kobert Blackwood, defndaats. Ñotice tè hereby fftven that I BbaHiellat i)ub)ic auction to the biehest bidder, at l'i o'Clock noon ou Saturday the elghteenth day of June nezt, at tlie front 01 soiitti door of the Cour; llouso iu tlie City of Am Ariior, u th" Connty oi .. and State 01 Michigan, all tbat uece or purcel of land known ntl describcd as folioira, to wíl: The eqaal un;lividt( parts of all that certain parcel of lana knnwn snd deBCrlbed as the west tuil! of tbe southtarterof section uuraber onc Cll in towiuhlp number ottfi () Bonth of range namber eeven C7j east, in the Connty of and Kiate o' Michigan, containtag forty acn.' of lauc!, subject however to the tntere-'t tbereln which wae derised to Jaoe Lewtoby irr late huhaucl. Jokn Levi-i,deceaic(!, fór and andsa her Ufe or wiv.c mío sbould re niain a wiclow and unmarricd Anu rbor, Mav4th, ■■'. n '' SIBLEY G. TAYLOR, One of the Circuit Court Commlaeionen lor W'aiiri r, i w Coanty, MicbisftB. AT.ruiaó Ffi-cu, Solicitor aud of Couusel for Compl.inaut. 1268 Drain Comtuissiouer's Notico. TVTOTK;r. is hereby giren tbat the Drain Commis. i'n.rj'T uf Washtenaw Connty will bc ut the hote' o! li. Wiiitakdr, n ttie townehip of Augustu, ou ■ i'.i'.v of May, i-.'i. ut -i o'Clock l'. M„ to meet to contract Tor the excavation andconetruc uu of a drain, to be Jfnown as he North Uranch 01 Sw:i:i Creek, coxnmenciDg on the eouth section No 8, r.iuniiiL' tbence Houtherly on .ml liï to Swan Creek drain in Bftld Township. 1 will aUc beat the hopee of saidB. F. Whitakeroa il, iTth day ot May. 1870, at! o'Clock P. M.,at irhlcb time and .lace I will ftxhlbit ma]s of the above pioposed ' ilng to ftnrvey and level), and ie BCfipttonfl oi' the Beveral pareéis of land deemed by . thereby , asd the amorjnt and tlona by dlvllöna and Bübdtvieions of tbc above descrlbed drain bymeapporüozied to the cnruer OJ each d gcrlptlon to construct, aud to the t:vusibip of Angasta to conKtrncl on rach (irain bcn, Igbway, and i b i :: ny are offer' ed, why euch apportioniuuu; slio'.Lid be reviewer and corn i ted Anu Arbur, May 4, lTil JAVF.S J. PARSIIATX, ?HO Ct iu:ty lraiu Comiuissiouer. Dram GoHiiuisbiuiier'a Notico. TV'OTICE is hereby given that the Drain Commlfl il sioüur tif Wasbtenaw Connty wil! be at tho hoDseoi John B. Statk, iu th township of Au;ib ta, ou the -::d day or May. 1-70. at 'J o'clock i'. M., to uu-et partiea to contract ror the eïcavatlun and cou Ion of a drain known aa Weat liranch of Cen tral Drain commeiiclng on fouth line ofsection s rnnolng thenco east along line to Central Uram ii said Towuship. 1 will also be at the house of John B. Stark, iu said Townshij), on tUo l'.Uh ilay of May, 170, at 'i ovlork ;P. M. :;; whkb, time and placa] af the above propoaed drain (ac in s'irwvi and description of et-veral parcela of lai.d deèmcd by mi benefltedj tlnreby, and tlie amount and dBSCriptfon by dlvïslona anc sabdivisiona of the above descrlbed propoiod dvain by in: apporüoned to the owncr of each deacripttom to conBtrtfct, and io the Townthlp of Augusta to construct on account of such drain benefltlng bighwav, and to hear rcaaons. if any aru oiï'ered. why siu-b ipporlioument SnoolJ be rcviewcd and cor rected. Anu Arbor, May 4, 1SM. JAMKS J. PARSHALt, lüGS Couuty Drain Oommjaaloner. Estáte of A bsalom Traver. STATF.Oi1 MICmOAN, Ata sesion of the Probate Court for tlie Count of Wasbtenaw, bolden at tbe Probate Office in the ■ f A'in Arbor, on Wcdnesday, tbe fourtl diy of May, in the year oue tbousaud eigbt h;mdri'd and seventy. Present, llirañi J. Beakes, .ludpe of Probate In the matter of the esEate of Ab&aloru Traver, :-od. Amanda H. Traier, Adtalnlstratrlx wlth tbe Will : annezed, ol :úí: deci asi d, comes In to Court and rep■ resentfl ibat Bhé i npw prepared to render her üual i aooount Ra Bucb Adnilnistralriz. Tbereopon it Isordered, that Monday.the tbirüeth day of May Instant, "t ten O'Clock in the forenoo, ba aaaigned'for examlning and allowlng such account, and that the Iegatee8t deviaeea and heirsat law ofsaid ■ I, and all other persona lntérested in said estttte, are ceqolred to appearal :i sesslon of said Coart thi'ii to be holden at the Probate Office, iu tlie City ol Ann Arbor, in said Coanty. and show cause, if any there be . why tin: said account sbould uot be allowed : And it is forthei ordered, that said Administratirx glTO notice to the per ons Interested iu saldi of the pendency i rot, and tbc I thereof. by eausil a .;ojiy of this order to lisiu-d In tbe ■■ newspaper printed and clrcalatlng in said Connty. three sucecssive weeks previo: to said day of hearing. CA true copy.) UIHAM J. BEAI. 1288 Judc of Probate. Estáte of Anthony Ely. STATE or MICHIGAN, ConuTi o Wicniiw, ss - At a sesslon of the Probate Court fortheConnry of Washtenaw. holden al tbc ProbateOfflcein the City of Anu Arbor, ou .Monday, the second day of May. in tbc year one thonsand ei'bt hundred and seventy. ' Present, Hiram J. TSenlies. Judge of Probate. In tho matter of tho Estáte of Anthony Ely, defeased. On readins and Allng thepetlUoD, flnly verificd.ol Marirar' t l-'íy, prayir_r tbal Hiram Day, ornóme other Baitable pewon, may be appolnted Adminitítralor of ite of said dec Therenpon ii is Ordered, that Monday. the tbirtleth day of May instant, at iin o'Clock in the forenoon, be asstgned fOT the hearing of said jjeti tïon, and tbat the heire at law ol' aaid deceaieed, and all other persons [nterested in Bald estáte, are !■■;[ I of i Bid i "art, then to be holden í;1 i tu' Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and -huw o lusa, f any there l1, why the pray. er of the petltioner Bhonld uot bc granted : A :d íl is (artber ordered tliatsai.i netitionergivenotice to the e, ot the pende;. ry of twldpetltion, and the hearing thereof, byoaasinga copyofthls Order to bc pubUshedln tlie Michigan er printed and ctrctilating in saitl Connty.three snccesslTe week prevlons tosaidday f Atruiropy.J HIRAM.r. lUlAKTS. Jud;c ol Probate. Kstate of Susan Elizabeth Nestell. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Waehtenaw,ss. 'm a sí'sfíüu of the Probate Couit for tin; County tbe Probate office, in tho City or Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the thlrtieth April, iu the year oue lbousand cijjht huudred and eventy. Present, Hiram J. Hcaltos. Judge of Probstn 1 i the matter of the eatato of Elizabeth Nestell, minor. Obedl Guardian of said estáte, comea luto 6 ■ 'bat be la now prepared to render bis :inal account as sucb Guardián. Therenpon It is Ordered, that Monday, tbothlrtietbdav ol' Muy, era', al. ten o'clock iu tbe forenoon I ■ inolnlncr and Uowlng 8ueh that the uext of kin of said minor, and all other persona Intereeted " said estáte, are , to appear at a seeslon of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in Üw City of .Ann .rl,Ur. i ty, and show canae, ff any there be whv the Baid acoonnt shmtlil not bc allowed: ui'd iï is fm-.lier ordered r Blve notlce to i ■■■■'■ ■' f":í! estáte, of the pendency of saiil account, and the hearing tucieof acopyof this order to be pubi sewspaper and .liiu; in Baid County, thrue siiocoislve weeks pre lona to said dy of be.a, , .,- f A trnecopv.) HU'AM'. BBAKK8, ] ,., al Probate. POR ormiu Alli ollUMMi S. SONDHEIM HAH JUST IUTURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH A. LARGE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING BOYS' AND YOTJTHS" CLOTHING, ALSO TUE FINEd T STOCK OF CL O TH S, CASSlMEEESt FEST1NGS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS CLOTHS OF ALI, COLORS, SL'CH AS BLACK, BROWN, OLIVE, DAHLIA, AND OTI1ER COI.ORS TOO NTMEROCS TO MESTION. CLOTHING MADE TO OEDEE, ON SHORT NOTICE. IN THE BEST STYJLE, AND FIT WARRANTED. Cali and Examine for Yourself N. B.- CLOTHING FIFTY PER CENT. CIIEAPER TIIAN AT ANY OTHER HOUSE. AI.L PEIWONS lXtEUTEO TO LATE FIBM OF M. nUITERMAN'iCO., W1U. PI.EASK CALI. AND SETTI.E ANDSAVE COSTS. 1208 QRY COODS CHEAPI C. H. MILLEN lias just returned fiom New York, and is uow receivlog a OF SPEING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, Bought during the recent fall io prices, and will be sold Cheap. C. H. MIIEHST. rpHE STYLES OF LADIES' DRES8 GOODS, ARAB SHAWLS, LLAMA POINTS, GLOVES, TIES, IIOSIERY, PARASOLS, FANS, &o., &s, ARE BEAUTIFÏÏL AND CHEAPCALL AND SE E THEM at C. H. Millen's OPR1IVG PRIiYTS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, House Furnisliing Goods, Gent's Cloths & Casslmeres, AND EVERY VARIKTY OF SPRING DRY GOODS, FOR LADIES AND GENTS AT VERY LOW PRICES aT C. H. MlLLEi'3,


Old News
Michigan Argus