The Dominlon And Its Rebellion
In t ie ITousp o. (Jomnions last niglit Sir John Mardonald introducid a bilí fortín! govenmeit of the Northweseni Torritory. Tbey iai dcciücd to oall the ncw provinca Mauitobn, whicfa s'gniCoi tbe seaking God. Tlie provi ice i 1 contain 11,000 square inilea. - Kxcept as raspect8 the nppointment of Lieuten:int-(jriverüor the provincc ia to have the p-ivilege of mnendiiiK its own Co:isii!uiion. All public lauds not spccially nllotted ar to bts held to beloug to t e Di minion of Canada. Sir Ji hu Uien proceedcd to rofcr to the measures of iiecofsity to rectoro ordo" aníl secure peacu in tho new J?.o' - ince. The forco would consist of o e quarter regulara and threqtiarturs Caoi;dian militia, the expense being dividel between tho Imperial aud Canadian poverntnpiits io similar proportiuns. The regularn wilt be about 390 in nutnber. - As snon a peace and order are es'ablishcd, it will be deirable to reduce the foreo to the Bmallest possible proportions. The g'ivt'rnment had been asHiireil that such a forcé, commanded by Iiritish officers, vrould be roceived kindly audgiadly by tho iuhabitants of the Territory. Mcssrs MoDougall, MöKenzio nrd others o iticiscd tlie loading features of the mensure, when it was read a firet time. Toronto, May 3. The steamcr Algoma left Collingwood for Fort William, with military stores for Red River, this uiorning. The firsl detacliinent of troops now organizing for Ro.d River will he ready to start about the middle of thü present month. Arrivat.s at the Pkison. - During the month of April twenty-four convicta wero received at the priscu. The different couutits of tho State contributed of tlii immber rs follows : Allegan, 3; Hillsdale, 1 ; St. Joseph, 1 ; Wayne G; Calhoun, 1 ; Van Buren, 1; Ingliam, 2; Bay, 3; Oaklaod, 1 ; Branch, 1 ; - Berrien, 4. The crimes for wbioh these cenvicts were Bent up, were : - Burglary, 3 ; Larceny, 10 ; nobbery, 3 ; breaking into dwelling iu gay-time, 1 ; receiving btolen property, 2 ; ass u;lt wilh intent to oommit rape, 1 ; tearing off an ear, with inteut to maim aud disfigure, 1 ; obtaining goods under false preteni;ts, 1 ; munslatn;liter, 1 ; assault with inteut to kili and tnurdor, 1. Daring the month past, 24 were receivcd, 22 wero discharged by expiratiou of sentenco, 1 was pardoned, and 7 died; being in the aggregate a decrease of six during tlie month. Thero are now 655 coimots in the prisoD. Jackton Ciiizen.