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In threo cities of Illinois, Pekin, Bloornington, and Quincy. the charter elections have rccently been held, and all resnlted in Denioeratio victoriec, as against Radical victories a year flgo. In cí.cIi of thein was a large colored vote polled, and polled, as the Radicáis clairned, for their party. In Quiocy this vote was three hundred strong, yet tho Democratie majdiity was nearly four hundred, aad eight of the twelve aldermen fleetcd aro Democrats. Nearly the same state of fiicts is apparent in Bloouiinglon and Pekiu. Now, whyisit? Are the Radicáis to loso more white men by forcing colorcd suffrage upon the peoplo tban they will gain by the colored voto? The ii)dieatioi)3 are certainly all that way. The facts palpable in the cities alluded to in Illinois, have been equally so ia otlicr cities and towns in other States. Wheo the Fifteenth Amendment Jubileo was being held in this city one Radical said lo another, "Had they told us that this was what we were fightiug for in 1SG0, Abraham Lincoln would Dover have heen President." - l'robably not.-Irce Press. Speaker Blaine declines to be a oandidate for United States Senator. Tue Amnestird - Not loss than 360,000 atnnesty oaihs have been taken under the proclamations respectively of President Lincoln oud Johnson.


Old News
Michigan Argus