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A COUGH, COLI), OR SOKE THROAT #4VMbk Kerjulres immediate !tttention,aa nei6iflMA ilfct ofun resuits in an acuiable ujiBBtfBrown's Bronchial Troches For BbonositiSj Abthma, Catakrh, Con81'mpttve and Tuno at Discask% they have asoothing effect. SINGEBfl and PUBLIC SPEAKERS ude them to clearand streoa;then the voice. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of the Trochoe, many worthltsa and chtap imilatio?i$ are of. fered,wkicharegoodfornotking. He eure to oütain the true BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. 1244m6 soi.D evkbywhkrb. PHOGKERY! U GROGKERY ï IN FULL SETS OR PIECES, IN ANYVARIETY, AND OF THE NEWESÏ PATTERNS, AT The nnderslgned has luid in a ptock of the verj' f.r.t elaaa Ice, rad is rcarty to drllvcr to families, hotela .saloona, confectionera and nuy onc who may de lre tt, ny quantity they may wish, at ressonale Orde olielted, and il deposited in box in poatoffice they will be promntly attendcd to. Ann Arbor, April 1STO, 1286W4 JJICIIAEL ANDRÉS. BÖÜNTY TÖSÖLDiÏRS 0Fl86Ï All eolclicrs (r rhclr helre) who enlistcd bcforo the 22d day of Jüty, ISOl, for three years, aud were honorabl; dtocharged without cecdvlDg bountr hould Mnd tholr HfionargeB, or apply to us, at once. IIOWÁHL) & WKLCn, ü. S. Claim A;nts. Iífi5w4 145 Jeflcrson avenue, Detroit. Tho ubsci lier offera for sale a honsn ond 1 % acres Of landt with a nam, 60 tood apple trees, aud wll, near iheSt-cond Watd School Ilouse. Euquirc of MACK &, SOMII). AunArbor, April Sth, UTO. ÜCJif i Ë WASHTEHAWCOUNTY. NNÖWffTpUBUClj [ J fi _ ii ipg V I REAL ESTATCEXCHANGE ! ! Tbc understgiMd baring a perfeet Record Iiltrvof all of thf lï"ai Ei tata Titla in thi "ity, umi In the Countjr of Wa.shtcn tv( tnkea plensiire iu announcing to thp Diiblic 1 hal ne wlll twmniiu' tÍtl,ÍT ibntnotaol Kenl Fútate titU, in-vkc aaedii morgaj?eat contracta aii'l OtLar legal papers oa tli nhortet ni'tice: Will bIüo nmke MU of City proprtj an.ï farms, rent homs, aod fnrpelone mortirape-i Peroni wrtnting a hfatorj of Rea i EUtata titto, will ■ colli-el tlui nis Boolu take ta Tax Titlea and all colIfttcral niatteis whlch touob caeli particular description ; Hii'l all ni" r1 -rij es , moiftttt or modern, which uppear to be still .subsistïug of record ut ihe prtaent time. I oiïer the tollowiug Real Estáte for sale ; Ko.100 The Malony House and Lot on División Stret-t. Mo. 101. Houf e anti Lot in Iliscock'H addition. l'iice$á.00O. N'o. 102. Two Story Riick House on Spring ?trcct. Xo. 103. Two Story W'ood House on Spring Street. Xü. 104. Nice House. Lot aod Daru just -#f8t of Law Collece. N'o 105. Fine Honio, Out houpp, Brn and ü rxcrnn if 1-iind, Water Fuunt, &c.- VL-ry desirablc Property. No.106. House and 3 acres of Laiid inslde corpora tiou. No. 107. House and Lot just soulh oí tlieL'Lirersity builütng. No. 103. l.r,; acres of Land east of the University liiounds. No. 1C9, City Lot nearly onpositö Dr. Chase's Printing fistabluhnwat, No. 110. One Two Stoiy Wood Dwelling on State Street. Xo. 111. One elegant Two Story Erlck House noar Unirersity S'jüfiit-. No.112. 30 acres with buildings juai north of tho City. Xo.113. One TVo itory House jast north Cometry Grounds No. 11. Twq Brick Uourffes west side of University Square. Xo. 115. 6 acres, i uJ. west of the City. No. 116. 5 acres With buildiogi just west of the City. No. 1J7. lfiO acres wilh batkllagi and inroveraents & tntle nurth - good nituation. No. 118. 320 acres- fine farm iu Shiavasoe. No. 119. 2,000 acres of Wild IjuiAs in the Counties of Wayne, Munroc, Raglnaw and Shia wasaee. My Abitratt üooke are poated to date. No. 120. One elegant Three Story Building on Huron Street, west. Xo. 121 175 acres on tfidftb ltoad to YpsiUnïi. Xo. VJ2. 40 acros on Scuth lïoad with Buildings and iinprovtincnts , No. 123. 240 acres on Nortb Oextet Koad. 2 }{ miles out, iv Lh improemeutH. No. 124. And much other Resl Esiate not horein included. There are miny old inortjya;es in WashteilftW Coun ty nndicbarged of Record, and tho lajrs 'í" Limita tions aa to Mortgagos is düfcrent trom tbfet applieable to Ilt-al Estáte. TflrniB of Gommluioa on sals of Real Estale, onc prcnt. f sale made. Ratos for ,earch of lieal Es(ate Title 0 cents per yenr fur Doedi and six cents a yenr for Mortgages utitil chance of notice, No charges will be made for exannnatinn of Ilile, making paperflor reoording, tu partlea t?ndins? money iliruiiyli ui'. Uoaey wanted to loan on unincumbc red Reu) Sstat4 Rron ou to fivc jears, at 10 ier cent. intö net to the lQder. Aun Arbor , March 'J0, ld70. TKACY W. KOOT. Cyersus Bitter, yf ForYlic followiniï REASONS Sicccff Quininb obould rcplaco the old ibnior HÜter Quinine. I SvecAQuinine is WABK4NTSD mdicinally üleiXical ia cirect with Jiittcr Qiuüine.. Swect Buifiïiie hns none of tbc iiiitlse and perêmttent bSttemesê of coduhoh Qttiiiue. Swectï Uiiinine is made from Plmviaa Bai'v only, the SOUrcO of Jutter Qiliuiuo. In Swi-t Qulnlnc the biUorness Is Arfectly cyicculcri, but muy bo luatanty" le veloai'd if dcsirctl. I f1 Swoet uiiiiiie will nat sicken, aavory Mtféf sabstances uiten do. Svevtuin!ikp is ïvadily taken, aild wlthoul t hv least lu'silütion, by old amlyoung. SwcclWuiiilnc entirely obviates tmt unconYueruble dislike which childromhuvo to uVtcr QuLnine. I i &neot Quiuinc requíres no claborataproparatíon to take, ia ready for instar uso. Swect ulníne, !n its ftgrcoabilit and proipt eñicacy, (Hs&bwes tho 'publio mi fd of much prJodlce nfralnst Qtiinino, aml aids the ctTorts of the intcllcnt PlrLiciau ia ita admiuistratiou. Sireet iftuiiUnc costs no taore than thQ Quinina. Swect uiniiic can be had at the rug Storls In two forms, viz: fiuid, foi convexi'pnce of families aml tlMs genera. wW licjwnd vaader, for uso t Physiawia andnuJgyUta. X. StJfênms, Farr & &., yT MflWtf ACTURING CHEMISTy f ew vork. m V. For Sale by Eberbach & Co., druggiflts, 12fi4yl CHAS. A. LEITElt & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS, A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Ne. 1 Gregory Blocki No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar %S Sign of the Gilt Mnrtar 1" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "v j C3 Sign of the Gilt Mortar I HAVE JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPENED HAVE JUST OPEXED HAVE JUST OPKNED Mie ITinest Stook of Tho Finest Stock of The Fiixest Stook of The Wiaemt Stook of DRUGS AKD VEDICIKES DRUGS AND MEDICIXES DRUGS AND MEDICIMS DRUGS AND MEDICIENS IN THE CITY. IN TUE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN TUE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQU0RS Fnr Mediotaa] PurpoM. Th Popular Patent HedlslaeB of the Uay, and everjthing kepl In iii:c!ah.s Drog tore. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TEY THEM. Polo Afrenta in the City for Otto Í: Rej-ndcr's celebra ted SÜEGICAL AND JDEKTAL INSTRUMENTS. E FSPKCIA!, ATTKNTIOX GIVEN ÏO THE COMi'OL'XliINO OF PHYSICUN8' PRE8TIIPT1ONS aod PAMttT MEDICINES. ?2e Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by H.Jtf.'ffeft60,gfoggtoft ATONEr CAN NOT BUY IT. FOKSIGHT IPPRICELESS THE DTAMOND QLAB3K8, M n nuf act u red by J. E. : Spencer & Co. ? N . Y. , which ure now oJTered t; the I public, are prvnounccd by all the eelebrated Opti' IJ oUniof the World to be the Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are grounrt unaer their own bujc rvinioti , fron minute Crystal PebbleJ, melted together, and derive their nam e, " Dinmond'on ccontof their hanlnsi; and brllliancy The Sfiientitic Principie on wlncli they are conritructed biiugs tho mre or centra of he lnn directly in front of the eye, produciufc a clear and (Hstinct vinion, as in th nutural, healihy igllt1 and preventing alt unpleasant sfinsatíoDf, BUeh 8 gltffimering and wa vering of sight, tÜïinoBH, &c, peculiar toalï r.thors ia use. They are moaoted in tfae FINB8T mannk.R, In fíame s of the best quality, of all inalerials u.setï for [hut pur-pose. Theír finh ani tlurabjlity canimt bñ Piirpassed. CAUTION. - None genuioe uules beaiing their tradc mark stampcd on crery frame. J. C. WATTS & RRO., Jewflers and Opticians, are soleaireiits ír ANVAKHOR, MUII., frora whom they eau unly be obtained. These gooda are not upplied to Peillnrn at any price. Wffïyl $10,000 REWARÜ ! REAT BXCITBMB1 ! ! AMONG FARMERS. soio ivriXaXjiSJ WII.I. I'AY THE HIGIIKST CASH l'KICKS FOR COOD WHKAT. ALL FARMKIiS WII.I. I WEL TO CAI.L TUttRE UEFORK SfXLIKO KLiEWIIEIiU. DRING YOTR COOD WHEAT TO SCIO PIII.I.S. 160 N. W. BIUGGP, Scio.


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